(2011/07) July 2011

suying > ya, very ex.. I think it comes with motor..

maelyn > ok, noted. thanks. I also dont like idea of yao lan but hubby wants it.. next time can bomb Mrs Wong with this yao lan, see what she says about it.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


kimifin> i oso like this car seat from ur 1st posted link...the warehouse sales that link...i aim at the one u hving now...is it durable? can sit till how old?


can get 50% birthday mth of 1 YOs.

Feimei, the fabric feels better than britax lor. But b4 i installed in, last time, i saw this "expiry date" in the car seat. I cant rem if 5-10yrs from date of manufacture.

I supposed that the plastic parts would degrade and hence the mfgr just want to play safe since it needs to meet certain safety standards.

That's y have to buy brand new ones n not 2nd hands.

crayon mami, i am going back to jb to do confinement. so after ML, i will prob gotta drive in n out of jb every night to give bb BM. Cos i really wanna try to BF till 6mths. I also dunno leh.. hai.. headache. so stress gotta think of it. my mum of course wont mind but we will not be able to see bb everyday wor. and i cant ask her to come in to spore cos my dad is there and my SIL is giving birth soon. she oso gotta take care.

xinyue, very nice le the yao lan. but so ex. rather buy cot. haha.

wow, the yao lan really no good for spine ah? cham... i thought i can save money and just buy movable swing...

Yao lan

For my boy, he slept in the yao lan from birth until about 14 mths, then he decided he didn't like it anymore and slept with us on the bed, so we moved our mattress to the floor and removed the bed divan. I used the traditional type of yao lan with an anchor drilled into the ceiling. The yao lan spring is $25, can buy from Jln Besar. This spring can hold up to 14kg with no problems. This type of yao lan is the up and down type, you don't really swing it back and forth. Some things to note if you want to use a yao lan:

- Movable yao lan: be careful when your baby gets heavier as the stand may not be able to accomodate the weight if they move in the yao lan

- Do not place the yao lan too near a wall. Might hit baby against the wall if not careful

- Place those thin mattress below the yao lan as a cushion just in case the baby falls out. I rolled out of my sarong many times when I was a baby, luckily no concussion!

I don't really understand why they say the yaolan is bad for the spine. My brother and I both used it and we are ok :D You would only put the baby in there when they sleep. It's important to use a large enough cloth to sew the sarong for the yao lan so that your baby does not have to "curl" up. My mother went to buy cloth to join together, i.e. the width of the normal roll of cloth is not big enough to accomodate the length of the baby.

Blueskies > Thanks for pointing these out. I wonder is it because there is no proper support for the baby's spine or because the yao lan causes the baby to curl up?

But then, I believe some of us here used to sleep in the yao lan when we were babies.

px22 > wow.. very daring

i wanna do that!!

found a professional photographer friend to do that for me.. but i guess i'll wear a tube on top bah..

sunshine bb,

go ocbc for wat?? so fast can open account ah??


you have the confinement nanny agency website?

im curious to see.


how much is your quinny?


i got flabby thighs and arms leh..and with that big tummy i think i will look like a pc of FAT

Re: Confinement nannies

I'm not sure whether you guys discussed this before...but does anyone have any prior experience with hiring confinement ladies through confinement companies like GPLS, PEM etc?

Is it reliable? Are the nannies through them acceptable? Since most of the popular nannies are all snapped up, i was thinking maybe it will be easier for me to hire a nanny through them. Would be great if anyone can advise. TIA [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: Warning on Foam Mats (those zig-zaw puzzle type)

Time to toss mine in the bin!!!

I just saw an article in today's "Mind your Body"; it says that the colorful foam mats from China contains a chemical call Formamide which will slow down children's growth and that France and Belgium has banned it last Dec. Apparantly, Toys r us is claiming that theirs do not contain the chemical.

px22, me me... i've been toying with this idea for the longest time even before i am preg. but cant find a female photographer le. u hv lobang?

audrey: really ah? show us ur pics if nice I also wanna do.. the black n white arty kind of pregnant pics.. maybe wear bikini la. I still not so daring to "show it all" haha

pillow: no lobang.. maybe audrey one can help us!

crystal: there is something call photoshop! n i believe all of us would have ballooned by week 30+

audrey> if u gg to wear tube...no need to find female photographer bahhh...becos impt part already covered!!!

Movable Yao Lan: I've a movable yao lan at home which my sis got from her colleague 3 years ago when i had my son. We din use it at all coz my boy slept in his cot. Was clearing the store room and intending to sell it at WTS thread. But if any of the July mummies here are keen, i'll just pass it to you FOC. The condition of the stand is still very gd. But not sure if i can still find the net thingy. Pls PM me to arrange for collection ya. Only for July 2011 mummies.

crystal> i also wor. week 10 - 12 i was horribly bloated.. put on alot of weight. But then the subsequent weeks the bloatness was gone. Now jus tummy + boobs fat only


Yao lan > my boy sleep on one till abt 5mths old. I never swing him to sleep. I juz place him inside and let him sleep on his own. When he wakes up, will carry him out and let him sit on his bumbo chair. Actually not whole day on yao lan is ok. but if u let nanny take care, confirm they put yao lan most of the time. easier for them..

reason y i give yao lan cos after my CL left, my son kept crying (she was carrying him to sleep n rocking him daily) so my son expect the same but i will not succumb to it...haha. so hb cant stand it went ahead n bought one home. but hor, it helps to retain bb's head shape to be round leh instead of 'bian bian' like my one

px22, how u make the bloatedness disappear? teach us le... now i look like 5 months preg lor... so sad when few of my frens asked me whether am i 5 mth?

haha crystal...go OCBC to chg new notes for CNY, but the q was super long....it too early to open A/C

can i check average how much ang pao u gals give out every year???


i just called dr tan's clinic, asked the nurse to help me check with dr.

she said can do chemicals, just don't touch the scalp.

hehe... so i'm going to perm my hair tom!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pillow: I'll going Batam this weekend, will be bk on Sunday evening if u're free to collect in the evening/any weekday evening. But hor, the famous lor mee store will be closed by 1pm lei. Hee...but there's lotsa other nice food there also. Yup, trying to clear it before CNY coz we already took it out from store room. U dun accept PM, or u want to PM me instead and we take this offline?

Hi all,

Saw some interesting posts and decided to join in.


Can get after baby's born. I love Maclaren as it's light and sturdy. I bought the Maclaren Quest which fits baby 3 months and above. Bought that because for 1st 2months baby are mostly home, when out, baby's very light to carry around. A 3months and above one is a few hundreds cheaper than one that's for newborn onwards.

A recent study did mention that it's better to let baby face the mummy as it promotes more bonding. When mummy and baby faces each other they 'talk' more so it's better. However, the research also mentioned that it's the same for mummy and baby who talks as much when baby sits in a forward facing stroller.


I leash my 27mths old boy when we go overseas. All for the sake of safety reason. I want to give him the freedom to walk around but not risk losing him. Hence, I rather have people staring, laughing at us for treating him like a doggy than to risk losing him.

Head Shape:

My boy sleeps in a cot since newborn then on a Seahorse mattress at 4months. He's got a nice round head! No need yaolan!

xinyue: hee, gd idea hor... i've been drooling at the ikea swing each time i go there... will consider! :p

pillow: it's a hard decision to make... can understand how much u would wan to see lil bunny everyday... hope ur dh n u can come out w a decision soon, den u wun feel so stress whenever u think abt it... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

crystal cloud: e agency I'm considering is GPLS. U can check out this link --> http://www.gplsconfinementnanny.com.sg

U can email them for a quote. To me, it's reasonable, considering the list of tasks dat the CL will be doing... I hv yet to cfm w them yet... Will wait till later... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pillow> dunno if its jus me or my diet.. but since 2nd tri I love to drink alot of water.. always feeling thirsty. Eat less salty food, then eat small meals but many meals.. So I use to take 2 bowls of rice, now i take only one bowl (which hardly fill up my stomach) then i take tea break lor. Only my tummy bloats la. And now almost week 17 still alot of pple dunno i preggy haha

But avoid drinking water too late at night.. will have water retention plus keep going toilet

px i must drink horlicks at night. if not i will be hungry le. envy u, dun look preg at all

cactusnah, i dunno ho to activate pm le. let me try.

jas: thanks for calling the doc, i was about to do so myself [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yay, happy perming!

gals, i hv a problem here... i dun mean to be mean or offend my colleague... but since the last few wks, i start to find one particular colleague's smell v yucky. Each time she walks past or she comes to my desk to talk, her body smell is so strong dat it makes me wan to vomit. My appetite is oredi bad, but what makes it worse is dat she will ask me to take lunch tog... Then she'll always sit beside me... I can't say no to taking lunch tog, but i can't stand e smell too... I've oredi tried buying food dat has strong smell, so dat it can 'cover up' her smell, but still can't work... I can't possibly cover my nose cos it'll be rude... I just ren.... how ah? i can't think of any other ways to solve this...

pillow> no la i hiding ma.. cos i intending to tell boss only after Bonus letter.. so hide in baggy clothes n shawl or jacket everyday. I put on 7kg since preggy, getting very hard to hide le.. Esp after week 16 it really grows.. And now almost can feel baby's movement everyday..the little bubbles..

crayon, y cannot say no to lunch? say u got appt, got errands to run etc..is it her clothes not dry completely so have that type of musky smell?

hi mummies, i also tot of letting my baby sleep in e yaolan since my MIL's place got e hook too. but i worried e baby will get accustomed to e rocking tat if e baby comes back to my parents place, e baby wont be used to it. will this happens?

crayon_mami - I'm also thinking of hiring the nanny thru GLPS; do update me on the quality of their services/nanny once you have contact with them. I'm currently shortlisting; but haven't call yet. I find hiring nannies a big headache cos i'm afraid that i will get a nasty one!

Crayon - I nearly puke infront of my classmate due to the strong musky smell, which could be due to what modisch mentioned, improper drying cos that classmate stays in the hostel de..

crayon_mami> that is really interesting.. when i showed dh that link u gave, he was quite excited abt it. if u getting, i dont mind sharing with you since buy 2 got some discount right? :p

Re: strollers

I've always love the Quinny designs..esp the 3 big big wheels kind..love the rugged steady look! but very xin tong to spend >1k on strollers..shall see how ba. If not, i've always liked Mcclaren ones too.. Havent exactly observed other brands yet.

Lizzie> mind showing us a pic of your Quinny stroller for us to envy? hee

Re: yao lan

I believe all the kids in my family/extended family grew up sleeping in yao lans.. i rem how i always look fwd to slpg in it even after i learn how to walk.. I'll prob let my bb sleep in 1 too..

Crayon> i guess to make yrself feel less nauseous, u just got to politely reject her lunch request and make appt w other ppl.. say other ppl jio u to go first..

Audrey> not trying to be mean..but is that classmate of yrs from CH? last time when i stay in uni hall, we always cannot stand walking past their rooms.. the smell is really unbearable..and no one's preg then! :X

modisch: I can't say I go run errands cos I lunch in everyday now... We onli hv one pantry... Even if I take my lunch later, her smell will still stay in pantry for some time... Hai...

Audrey: it's not dat kind of musky smell... It's a kind of body smell dat a certain type of pple will hv... I dun dare to say in details cos I dun wan to offend anyone... Juz in case... Juz wan to try my luck whether I can get creative ideas to solve this... Haha...

wildchillies: If we get from agency, I guess we can onli cross our fingers to get e gd ones... GPLS is prompt in replying my 1st email, but I hvn replied them... Can't think of wat qns to ask them... Haha... So far hv u managed to get more CL contacts? I think those gd ones in Wendy's list shld be taken... Hv to depend on frens' recommendation, if any...

lizzie: re staring at the quinny, ur DH so cute!! but i must say the shape is really quite nice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] though i think for the men, they are probably looking at the mechanical aspects of it (as they would a car)?

audrey: if you have it, flaunt it! go all out and do a "tasteful" nude shot! ;)


crayon - i know what u talking about lah..

the smell comes from the daily habit of that personal eg applying some special oil on the hair.. and stuff like that =D

