(2011/07) July 2011

audrey, i used to have that same perception, like bringing a dog out but i guess if it is at the right place, there is no wrong to it. if used in SG, e.g. Vivo where it is relatively safe and ample space for kids to run, i never will use. I always let Zach run n run while i run behind him asking him to slow down..

syrah, how do maternity undies look? is it those grandma type ah? hehehe... :p haha, so ur mum noes it's confirmed twins now?

wow, strollers are so ex... but i dun mind paying if it can last & bb will be comfortable in it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pai seh, i'm a mountain tortoise... do we need to compare many places or usually one place will hv many brands for us to see?

suying: so farnie... my dh told MIL dat if she dun believe, see my tummy this weekend! haha, after we hang up, my MIL tot over wat we said over the phone n realised we shld b telling e truth... she called abt half an hr later to ask my dh abt some food stuff n sleepy me heard him mentioning some food dat i dun take... hahaha...

crayon, up to u if u wanna compare price. They dun vary that much anyway.. i onie compare mabbe shops ard the same area. no point driving here n there n end up saving < $50, not worth the petrol n time. :p

toking abt leash, initially i oso feel find dat e kids r poor thing to be put on leash... i will try not to use on my kid too, but see 1st... if my kid is super active, i might consider... My ex-coll has a v active boy who runs v fast at 1yr+... It's so scary so he would just run towards glass panels n racks... The leash helps her alot in controlling e kid...

Jabet: Some food smells er xin to me too. Sometimes if i dun like certain poultry, i'll tell dh dat "chicken/pig nvr bathe, got smell, give u"... my poor dh will hv to eat it.. haha... :p

crayon... they r too overjoy le. gdgd... is a gd news to share around nw ;)

yest. i went back my mum hm. N my little cousin 8yrs old was back to hav dinner too. see the conversation between mi & him:-

Mi: Hello haohao....

Hao: Hello Jiejie..., where's baby?? Baby inside stomach??

Mi: Yes, still in stomach. come sayang...

Hao: 1hand on my stomach & say jiejie big already...

Mi: lolzzz.... dat day u told jiejie u wan didi or meimei???

Hao: i wan didi ya.... he smile & enjoy his yoghurt..

**i feel so hapi.... i wish my little precious is like him so guai & yet sometimes r cheeky ;)

crayon mami,

b4 i had my kid, i find the leash very "cruel" but hor, for the kid's safety, could be useful.

now, i can only hold my son's hand tight to prevent him from running ard.

he can be really rough and purposely sit on the floor n i need to pull him at the wrist. may injure him but this is the only way i know.

Hi all, finally today more free to type smtg. Ytd whole day is spent reading every few hrs and still cant catch up. phew...

re snoring: it is so funny reading all the tactics the mummies used to the dads.. kick, slap, pinch and so on... my dh snores too.and at times he got awaken by his own snores. and asked me he snores very loud ah? i told him u can hear ah? sometimes i wonder whether they can hear their own snores. i am a very deep sleeper. when we fisrt got together, i still can sleep. no effect. i even record and let him hear... haha.. now preg, even better. i can fal asleep very fast.but he says i know also breathe very loud, but not the snore type.

re MIL, modisch do u know i got so angry over ur dh that i told my dh abt it? sorry ah, just gotta get it out. my dh oso shocked how come can treat his own wife and kid like tat. the best part is the steering wheels... he laughs like mad when i told him how ur dh whine, throw keys at u and how u managed to get it settled by few secs... and he rreally 'pei fu' you as a woman... kudos to modisch!


yea it's huge that can go all the way up to almost waist level (assuming we still have a waist! hahaha!) Very grandma looking for sure.

Yup, now she knows it's twins definitely. Keep asking me not to walk too much.

gd morn everyone!!

im aiming for Maclaren stroller too..i dont like the big wheel for quinny..too bulky

side track abit..do you bao angbao for those cousins already romed n not yet go thru cystomary??

re leash: i will prob get a leash next time cos i am very careless de. scared i forgot that i actually got a kid when i shop.. when i shop i forget abt everything one. but of course i will get those nicer ones that hv cartoons and makes it dun look like dog leash. haha.. i even surveyed liao

jabet n syrah,

my ms is worse lo!

i forbid my husband from using perfume even until now im in my 12 weeks..very smelly and the smell makes me wana puke..which on contrary, this perfume was chosen by me last time!

my boss's one lagi worse..i smell his old man perfume i immediately made that puke sound..cannot control! whole day i use mouth to breathe..

and i myself stopped wearing perfume even until now but the nose gets better already..i dont feel like i have a dog's nose anymore..hehehe

i recalled then i even bath with breathing from mouth coz i suddenly felt the scent of shampoo very strong!

oh ya, like syrah,

i went into a foodcourt feeling hungry but once i sat down, smelt the food-mix-with- aircon smell i puked and lost all appetite! the stench is terrible!

kimifin, my son dun want us to hold him..that day he nearly fell off the stairs cos he suddenly wrestled his hands off my grip. I tink i shouted so loud till he got a shock! Imagine if he roll off the concrete stairs at carpark..head will crack man..tat boy still dunno what is danger n i m always worrying abt him.

pillow > ya boy..my hb is like that one. no point telling him off. i told him on sunday, u r coughing and having flu, dun keep kissing Zach. He dun wanna listen..say that when i hv ulcer in my mouth, i oso kiss wat if i hv hfmd? then next day, my son alr coughin n got runny nose, my hb still say he pretend to cough. Lazy to reason wif him liao..tell him 1 thing, he got 101 excuses. must salute his brain for twisting fast enuf for the 101 reasons. Haha

crystal > rom liao still need ang pow? to govt alr married lor..thhey shuld gv ang pow instead..haha

oh yes, and i bought the doppler fr mustafa ytd. last set. hopefully can be used cos haven tried. too tired and went to sleep. but the gel they give to applp so small bottle le. anyone knows where got sell those gel?

i also tried the ring test twice. its a gal! but my nose is round n red and some of my frens said it may be boy. so i shall see which one is right... if it is really gal, i cham. gal, nose oredi like that. if boy i die liao. bigger than jackie chan... regrets laughing at jackie chan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

suying: ur lil cousin is so cute! btw, u noe gender liao?

syrah: hehe, i'll go take a look one day... nvm lah, we wear inside, no one will see... hehe!

hvg twins will be fun! I'm sure your mum is looking forward to it... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

modisch: agree w u... if drive to many places to compare price, bo hua on the petrol n time... hehe... maybe one day i'll go kaki bukit to take a look... hope i can get one suitable one there... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw do u gals always feel thirsty? I drink more than 2ltrs of water a day, but still super thirsty...

morning mummies!

Crayon: hahah the never bath part is funny. I shall try it tonight.

Modisch: Great.. last week was tips on buying baby cot.. This week is stroller.. Why do pple choose 3 wheels over 4 wheels? any differences? and wat do we have to take note for strollers eg. safety features, angle of plank for baby to sleep on.. wat kind of strollers are suitable to use from baby to 3yr old kind? Strollers are so ex I dont want to keep changing... And my fren told me Traveller Plus is good, comes with detachable car seat.. Worth buying?

And the other time some mummies mentioned popcorn/bubble bursting = bb hiccup, then fluttering sensation = butterfly/bees flapping the wings very fast? I felt it for the past 2 days but I dunno if I am jus cramping or wat hahaha


YES! I can't stand my hb's perfume too! Really can puke. To think i like it previously too. Now it's slightly better but if it's too strong, i'll still gag. My neighbour uses particular brand of detergent for washing clothes too that I cant stand. So whenever it's laundry time, I'll hide elsewhere in the house far away from the kitchen area. I had to change the brand of handsoap in my house too as I couldn't stand lifebuoy. So funny...all these nice smells and we find it disgusting!

modisch, ask him to use his 101 excuses for his mom la. btw, rom shld be considered married right? i oso dunno whether still must give ang pow. i was packing ang pow for my side 2 days ago.. faint. luckily it is in RM. haha..

pillow4, u how many months har?

so fast nose swell and red ah? if its that case will be boy!

my face normal leh..except suddenly rounded and got double chin!!!

my husband look at me and said "mayb you have a girl leh..your face normal leh"

i whole body put on weight leh how!!!!! but i din eat snacks or watever!! normal breakfast of 2 miserable crackers biscuits and lunch dinner normal rice portion!

modisch.bebe (zachmommy)

dont scare me!

then how long can i regain my shoping trips?!

will geting a maid helps?

how long do i have to stay at home until the baby is manageable to bring out???

modisch.bebe (zachmommy)

did you share tips on cots?

can you list down in brief again??? very intersted to find out.should i get from spring maternity? think they having promo...or any better place or affordable brands to buy?

crystal, i am coming to 16 weeks this sun. not really swell a lot. just rounder and redder. and face rounder too. but i do the string test it is circling le. so it meant gal.

yaya, its 39 bucks.

wah syrah, i luff abit when i saw your post!

you mean your neighbour's detergent smell so strong!!! i wonder wat brand she uses! when she wears the clothes i think probbaly dont need perfume liao! lol

try to bear with it..it gradually gets better when im in my 10-11 weeks...

i dont let my hubby wear perfume and he took his perfume bottle to his car..and he sprayed when i wasnt around...end up after work i stil smell it and told him off lo...he cant believe it that the smell is so strong i have to keep complaining

pillow 4, heng ah your angbao in RM.

mummies all your angbaos mkt rate is how much har?

last year i bao $4..this year i bao $6..coz 2nd year ma.. parents i bao $80 each

siblings $10 each

close nieces $12 each.

crayon... yes he is cute & guai at times. nope... my detail scan is 26 feb. tomolo gt to see gyne. hopefully tomolo gt the chance to knw gender. so excited ;)

he was even cute... when i was married 2 yrs ago. he rem my rest. deco. have those flying ballons. N he took the dog inflame ballons. who knws the ballon flys & my mum help him chase back in time. during my bro. wedding last sat. he ask mi y korkor no ballon like yrs. lolzzz... dunno wat to ans him.

he even rem he come my house & jump my bed N open car door during my wedding day cos gt angbao. N on last sat he reminds mi abt my wedding. so sweet lo. last sat was my bro. wedding. he went to jump bed & open car door for my bro. u knw wat he say to mi... b4 he go open car door for my bro. he say... jiejie... i like to jump bed & open car door can earn a lot angbao. dan my xiaogu told him post in FB or advertise & say virgin boy is willingly n free for anytime anywhere to open car door & jump bed. see hw bad is my gugu disturb him. lucky he dun understand the words "virgin" lollzz...

pillow, quick try and let me know if its good! hehehe..then i will go and buy also. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

which level ah?

kimifin, my tummy also ballooned alot!

everyday stress duno wat to wear liaio!

i bought some maternity dresses but seems like for those bigger tummy de..

so keep them first..right now nothing to wear liao..gota buy again

ladies, i am damn sianz.. yesterdae quarrel with my hubby. in the end, i tear abit n was quite pissed off. never speak to him since yesterdae.

i told him i dun want to go back to MIL place for dinner. told him i dun like the phomfet fish. he said i should think for baby and eat nutritious food rather than going outside to eat everyday. no doubt he was right, but then i really dun like whatever my MIL cooks..maybe my MIL didnt cook the right dish at times.. how? really v pissed off.

crystal, i also brought some maternity wear online..waiting for them to arrive. and i cant wear my current clothes and at least half cannot wear! jaialat or not.. i will be shopping for bigger size wear this weekend or next and also go see if got any nice babydoll tops which i can wear for CNY..

pillow4 those are myths lah! dont believe it! until the doc says so..hehehe

my face also rounder but nose never red leh..

they say conceive girl mummy will look prettier

boy then the mummy look uglier.

i see myself i turned uglier coz i fatter but not that ugly only for those fats and round face...so i duno which ..hahaha very curious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yaya, everyone quarels with hubby at times.

think yours is small quarel..he meant well at heart and your mil is nice to cook you fish which is good for baby..now approaching CNY, fishes price have increased..means she still thought of you and bought them!

think of the happy side..if you dont like..just skip it..surely there must be 1 dish you can eat ba?

i also dont like going to meet my mil but no choice lah..they are mil then how? if say dont go surely is our wrong..

unless u last min say you headache, no appetite.gota rest at home, wana faint etc..hahaha

but not now! if you say now very fake already..

yaya i going to osmose..see if they have bb doll dresses..i bought some denim skirts, shorts, 3.4 jeans from spring maternity! cost me a bomb..but they are essentials to me!

need some office wear....whr you bought the clothes online from? i order from ASOS..but some dont fit now..i only in begining of 2nd trim

yaya, i will try tonight if can. and will update here...

crystal, tat is y cant wait to see gynae on 1st feb. they say 2nd tri onwards will be prettier. how come i am uglier and fatter? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi crystal, i brought my office wear from Suntec Level 4. There are a few shops that sells maternity wear. =) Some are from Spring.

Pillow4, i recieved my orders from babytoh, the size is really big.. guess i can only wear in third trimester. haha

Crystal, ya..the only thing that has change is i dun like my Inlaw cooking.dunno y? n he said my mum cooking is bad ( i admit is not as good as my inlaw) but somehw, i like to eat my mum cooking now. he said those are rubbish. u know, so guo fen! i am damn angry lo.

n seems to me that everyone wants to control my baby when born. felt so threatened!


yeah...u will slowly be able to tolerate the smells. Still don't like it but able to tolerate pretty much. My hb also like your hb. Will spray his perfume when I'm not around but I can def still smell it on him when he returns. There's no way to conceal that. I can't even stand his alcohol breath if he goes out for a drink with his friends. So will end up sleeping in separate room. He says I very drama and those my nose is worse than a dog's. :p

All those ladies hitting 16 weeks, get ready for the ballooning. That's when it happened to me. Not just belly but bust and bustline. It's like one second ok, the next i couldnt breathe in my bra.

didn't have time to post yesterday and looks like the DH/ MIL storm has passed (for now). hope everyone will get their problems sorted out soon! on to happier things...

re strollers, Audrey: DH and i LOVE the stokke xplory too (and in fact ALL stokke things)...very tempted to buy but the big minus (other than the price) is the size, even when folded up it's super huge and will take up alot of space in the car boot. and the salesgirl said cannot take escalator, must go into lift. DH is still in love with it but i really don't think I will be able to manage it when i'm on my own. also, my friend said the reviews are not that great so i'm trying to comfort myself that it'd be a lousy buy anyway, esp for the ridiculous price.

my friends have recommended the bugaboo bee plus, bugaboo cameleon, combi and any maclaren generally.

btw there are apparently studies that show it's good for babies to face the mother when in the stroller, and not outside, so u gals may wanna consider that too when shopping. i'm looking out for a reversible one so baby can face the outside world once in awhile too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wendy, i miss the order from babytoh. so no nice clothes for me till after cny [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

re clothes: i just emptied half of my hanged clothes on tue. and filled up with 20 over maternity clothes... haha..

hihi morning all mtbs

so angry with hubby, yesterday he went to my IL house to tell every single soul that im pregg....then his sis offer to give me her maternity clothes...then when hubby take home and show me....i nearly faint...so flowery n auntie (sorry to say but is the truth)...then i give him a face n he say if u dun wnt shld tell him b4 he take back...

he shld know my taste...his elder sis nearly 15yr older than me lah...come on...OMG


i had a very productive time shopping at marina square last night [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] bought some dresses and a tanktop from Maternity House (buy 2 get 1 free), a blouse from Bloomingtons (or sthing like that) and rented a pair of jeans from maternityexchange--they have a rental package, $132 for 4 items, can rent for 4 weeks each time. They also sell their clothes but I didn't wanna buy jeans yet cos dunno how big I'll be in future, and their jeans were not cheap. Just needed a pair urgently cos going to HK tomorrow and it's cold and none of my current jeans fit :p

Also found out that Topshop Ion and Vivocity has a maternity section, think the Ion one shld be bigger, apparently have jeans on sale.

Those going HK as well: I googled on HK maternity clothes and very excited cos H&M there has a maternity section, supposed to be cheap and nice!!! And the shops look very good too, so am aiming to buy as much maternity stuff as I can there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning mummies!

Hubby snoring

I'm used to it, can sleep through it already. Sometimes it gets too loud and I'll ask him to turn the other side. Haha. He doesn't believe he snores like a washing machine that's spinning [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I also banned hubby from using perfume if he's going to be in the car with me. I get sick even until now.

Toddler leash

I also asked my helper to put a leash on my boy for a short while because at one point, he kept dashing (not running) and we were so afraid that he would accidentally run out onto the road. He didn't like the leash and we told him that we would keep it on as long as he kept dashing. Eventually about after a month, he learnt that running is only allowed at the playground and not along the road pavements. It was then that we took it off. But even then, got to always hold his hand and keep an eagle eye on him.

crystal: All kids are different, some are easier to handle than others, some are very stubborn (like my boy). Getting a maid to help with housework means you'll probably be less tired especially if you are working. I guess shopping is probably more enjoyable without having to worry about the baby. I remember when I was on my 2nd mth of maternity leave, I used to have my mum to help me for a couple of hours in the evening so that I can go for dinner and shopping with my hubby. But when I was back at work full time, I would take half day leave once a mth to go for facial, massage and quick shopping [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Need to relax also otherwise sure peng san.

haha pillow 4, i laugh out again..today abit cranky and no mood swing..little things i find it amusing!

i also getting UGLIER AND FATTER!! and im asking the whole world y!!!!

and imagine im having a girl then really not fair liao..coz having a girl should be a pretty mum!! like lee jing mei [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wendy, sorry suntec level 4 which wing?

who is babytoh? mind sharing contact ? :D

yaya, if it's only a weekly thing, just close eyes grit teeth and go bah..if in anycase you dont feel like and is in a cranky mood, just last min say u headache like wana faint! hahahaha im sure he wont force you to go..but cannot use too often..

so far my mil hasnt commented about wat baby should do shoulnt.only keep saying my sis in law always nv let bb wear long rompers to go out to aircon malls she very angry..ask me remember let bb keep warm but wearing layers..that one ok for me..other than that never leh..think she also sian liao..got 3 grandchildren..no more excitement unless mine is boy

atcually yaya, for me, if i go inlaw's place for dinner, (my MIL seldom cook, we always eat out), i will eat more..not because she is a good cook but to show i give her face...mayb my mil is empress dowager, so in a way i dont dare to be rude also...her dish only the veg is nice..the brocoli..but her soup is nice lah, but very blend coz she inisst she dont add salt to it..

my hubby also dont go for extra bowl of rice whenever she cooks..he just finish his bowl and leave the table..but when he comes over to my mom's hse, he will have extra serving..

wow coopie.

i didnt know strollers can be reversible..wonder if maclaren has that

do we have to get the stroller so soon? or we can get it after bb is born?

i wana buy baby journe (pardon my spelling mistake) baby carrier....

hahaha sunshine bb..

forget about them! use them as rugs..opps sorry but preg already very ugly stil wear flowery aunty clothes ..can faint liao

blueskies! hahahahah snore like washing machine! m going to use this term to tell my hubby!!!

will heed your advice in taking leave to unwind before knocking off time! if not i will go bonkers!!!

most prob going to try out myself after birth..if realli realli cannot then get maid... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hoope by then i wouldnt be already quareling a storm with hubby


Just to share - I have a Combi reversible stroller that my boy used from newborn until he was about 12+kg. Very easy to handle and also light, can fold nicely and stand in a corner. It's a bit pricey, about $600 when I bought it 3 yrs ago. It starts to creak once you go beyond 10+kg actually. Later on I bought this brand - Silver Cross, from ToysRUs and I must say it is very sturdy! Using it until now and my boy is about 19kg. The wheels can still move with no problems. However this stroller is heavier in weight too.

syrah> thks for yr advice ... dr said ms shld b better this wk ... but seems to b getting worse .. ah ...

crayon_mami> i also do the same to my dh ... then he will comment that he is growing sideways as well.. hehe

crystal_cloud> knows what u mean .. that y i have been avoiding foodcourts as well ...

btw .. showed my mil a 12wk scan n she said the bb head is big like my son ... dh immediately say dont look like at all .. cos he wants a gal .. so have to wait till 15 Feb then can see.. hehe =)

i will slowly go read all the interesting stories later but in the meantime, re COTS (sorry can't remember who asked):

I went to Mothercare Harbourfront that day to check out their cots (most Mothercares don't have I think except for the bigger ones). They had about 8-10 cots I think.

I also googled and found these 2 websites that sell cots, strollers etc:



Gd morning all..hehe its been a while since i las log in..hope u all doing fine..still rem mi? Keke oh ya, i finally passed my 1st trim now in 13weeks..went for oscar on monday glad tat everythings fine..tues i start to tell my frens le..so happi they share the joy with me..hehe...

Crystal>i laugh at ur post abt ur old boss perfume..haha so funny i can imagine tat...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh yah..wats the FB address i am join? Hehe

kimifin> same here, most of my weight goes to my stomach.although its not ballooned like a lot but at least it looks bigger in e morning.

suying> i also give $4 ang bow for those not so close. close relatives or frens' kids give $10 or $6 or $8. siblings we dun give coz all grown up and married too. Parents and MIL will give alot more too but every year changes.

crystal> yeah i agree with you on those old wives tale. tat gal, mummy's face will be rounder and boy, mummy's face will be sharper. also leg will be bigger and hairs will grow out alot much faster. so everyday i observe my features.


crystal: I think most pple buy the stroller before baby's born as may not have time/ energy to buy after giving birth...plus in case you want to bring the baby out in the meantime [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

make sure the stroller is suitable for an infant ie must have neck support--I think they have to lie flat at that age, and the stroller seat changes in inclination as the baby grows older.

baby carrier: u referring to the baby bjorn i think? the other good brand is supposed to be ergo, if not wrong.

