(2011/07) July 2011

oic wendy,

so if course fee is 200++ i save at least 20 bucks

and for single ward i save 120

total i save 120 i pay 68

over all save 32

emmmm good deal


wooo very fast the threads again.. I can never catch up.....

Wanted to ask MTBs... always heard about this cheap shop in Chinatown that sells baby strollers and all that... does anyone know exactly where it is?

Hi crystal, yeah! And cos i stay near Mount A, thus in the past i always go to their 24hours clinic so got discount as well. hehe.. If you are looking for cord blood banking, they offer special packages to Mount A ladies card member.

crystals> hahahaha..u still soo kind...put on ear plug n let him snore ahhh...mine oso snore but if he snore b4 i sleep...i will pinch his nose, pinch his cheek, pull his ear to get him stop snoring...hahahhaa...if i sleep already n he snore...then i can't hear...then is ok lol...if in the mid of sleep n he turn into my face n he wakes mi...i will squeeze his face with my small chow chow n make him turn to the other side...hahahahaa....but if i snore...he do nothing to me!!! kekekekee becos i onli snore if i m sick or i very super tire!!!

wendy> u decide to keep ur own cord blood or donate? my col asking me to consider keep but i plan to donate leh....

crystal, one whole box ah??? think you better bring ear plugs to the hospital hee

hui, it's facing the road but not shop houses ... it's those normal height HDB ... but that shop is on the 2nd floor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wendy, if you stay near mt a then very worth it la..i din use their 24 hr clinic.i stay in west [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

feimei i cant prevent de..i tried kick him, push him, pinch his nose all no use..he stop few secs and regain the snoring..end up i go insomia! i cant sleep till 3-4am!!!!

i also push him to turn to other side once he faces me...so he everytime complains i disrupt his sleep lo..imagine lah i wear ear plugs til can hear abit!

im a very light sleeper..

think with bb around i will still wear ear plugs..im sure i can hear

think your hubby dont snore as loud as mine ba

cary..ya lah

i used to buy like 1 pair of orange ear plugs for 1 dollar or wat..from pharmacy.

then fed up, i went to google supplier for ear plugs and got hubby to drive there to buy..

1 box of 300 ear plugs for $45 bucks

very funny right? but i cant sleep without them

crystal> in that case...tink urs is bad...mine still manageable with kicks. pinch n slap...hahahahhaa.....

hahaha feimei your hubby kena tortured by you hahahaha

yes cary!! hahaha i ever recorded his snores and playback for him next day.he denied its his..hahahaha

XW i very scared liao

that time CL i din book early end up search hi and low..until panick

mine is 400...

my fren's one is 175, but nv massage head

crystal> hahah me too. I recorded a VIDEO and zoom in on his nose so he cant deny its his snore. Sometimes it gets so loud tat he wakes up in shock and ask me "Did i jus snore???"


crystal, oic... where to find one ar? me not resourceful so dunno where to find... urs is daily de? each time how long? how many sessions?

I used shalom massage n she's good. Also can advise on pre n post preg stuff.

No hard selling.

Massage not as urgent as c l cos they can do many sessions per day.

This lady has her own portable bed so no mess!

Some ppl take 5 sessions depends on the effect on u.

Hi Mummies,

Firstly I like to wish you all the best while waiting for your precious parcels to arrive.

I'm a SAHM trying to earn some extras for my family.

Please feel free to visit my blog for clothes for ur precious prince/princess. I'm also selling Diaper bag organizers which are very handy and convenient for all mummies.

Visit http://theflyingmummy.blogspot.com

(Like us on Facebook too!)

I'm having a CHINESE NEW YEAR Sale now with 15% off ALL ITEMS till 20Jan2011.

Wishing everyone a Prosperous New Year!

tiring!! juz got back from parkway parade..brought my son to see his PD there.. his left eye swollen till quite jialat. Either allergy to dust/dustmites or miso which he had in school today. Arggh..now gotta send him for allergy test again. he took twice alr! I tot as he grew older he will hv less allergic reaction but..

suying, go buy Gaviscon from pharmacy..can take that to prevent heartburn! I keep a bottle at home and at office cos i m prone to getting heartburn too.

crystal_cloud> my hb's snores also very loud, sometimes it sounds like out of breath. very scary..actually i dun mind till i got pregnant and become a light-sleeper. cannot tahan..

Hi Mummies, (sorry to interrupt)

I just gave birth in early Jan in KKH and have been seeing my gynae at KKH/The Private Suite (TPS).

I've 2 bottles BNIB Ganilia Calcium Soft Gel Multi-Vitamins for sale. These were the multi-vits she prescibed and recommended to me and her other patients.

For 10months of my pregnancy, I was taking 2 pills daily.

My baby boy was 4.08kg when he was born.

Letting go each bottle at $30.

It's a very good price, esp for those mummies who are currently buying from KKH/TPS.

Hurry. Pls PM/email me at [[email protected]] me. Self collect at AMK.

I can email the photos if you need. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yes, your boy's eyes do look quite jialat. Is he better now? Understand that you send him to chilton house. How much is the fees like? Must have cost a bomb right?!

kimifin> yeah me staying wif my parents now. sibings all married and moved out. so i am happy!

J2010T> lucky my hb is ok wif 1 kid. i m getting old liao, too dangerous to hv kids. somemore we are not staying together, tough lor. i uses a lot of 'logical' excuses to persuade him. hehe...

anyway for our case, its no choice.

wendy> honestly speaking, its filial tat we shd stay and take care of our PIL. but conflict tends to occur after awhile. instead of a good r/s wif them initially may turn out to be quite uncomfortable. hb or kids may be sandwiched in between. i rather maintain a good r/s from e very beginning to end. this way, no1 will suffer.

Audrey> i jokingly tell my hb i wanted a car as baby bonus but his first and immediate word is he cant afford. "i will give you a gun and you go rob e bank", then i replied, " i will rob his bank". hahaha....

modisch> oh my gosh, poor gal, be strong ok. dun think so negatively now.

modisch> btw if choose 1 bedder in tmc, it can use medisave right??

wendy> me too. i expect my hb to pay most of e stuff. not sure how it is like if our hse is here. last time i used to go out with this guy who woos me. my gosh, he is so stingy. bread also eat half and save half for e pm.i immediately avoid him after tat. cannot tahan.

Px22> oh mine, really?? but i cant reject my hb totally since he grew up w/o a dad. i stay ard 15mins walks to my parents, so i m happy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] regarding e walk-in wardrobe, i tot can make it so obvious tat there is no extra room for my MIL. sigh sigh! gambling is e worst thing tat can happen. better not let this affect your family.

cary / wendy> if i drink soda or cold drinks (which i m used to it before pregnant), my mum will nag me from day to night. so sometimes i hv to do it secretly.

suying> i hv e same pain as you..like gastric pain yesterday night. it lasted for hours. i m so scared tat i just lie on bed unmoved.

hi mummies... im feeling better nt so pain. hope the pains gets away fast. im seeing my gyne fri. hopes everything goes well for mi. DH fall a sick... & mi too sore throat is back again with the gastric pain. arghh......

suying> maybe on fri checkup, let ur gynae noe tat u had sore throat very often, c wat he can advice u...if gg to hv sore throat quite freq...realli terrible leh....

Jan - haha. ur hubby so funny... ask u rob a bank.. I think its the heart that counts.. as long as he teng me.. serious.. i m willing to do anything for him de =D my friend who gave his wife the 1kg gold hor.. was very least involved with the caring of the baby and her leh.. i dun wan my hubby to do that =(

px/feimei/crystal/snoring-affected-MTBs -

Snorning! I used to take video.. like u do.. zoom at the nose.. when hubby snores..

he has the habit of grinding teeth when he is stressed up too.. i took video and we laugh it off..

the problem came when i m pregnant..

it was my turn to snore...

i read about it.. and it was due to the increasing mucus production, further more, i m affected by sinus.. hahaa..

its pay back time!!

but at times.. he cant sleep.. =p and it is affecting his work

and he she bu de wake me up..

so he bear with it the whole night lor..

last nite he wasnt home.. cos on duty in camp..

he told me to snore all i wan =p

Was working till now n feel so good to lie down flat! Finally can catch up on posts again.

Suying- sharp pains at the side may not necessarily be gastric. It could be your ligaments stretching to accommodate the baby which is perfectly normal. Have a gd rest though esp since your throat is acting up again. R u n your dh passing the germs to each other?

Re: snoring issues

I'm even more sensitive to my dh's snoring nowadays than before. In fact previously I can fall asleep even with him still watching tv. Now I need total silence to sleep. It was really extreme in first tri. Couldn't even sleep in my own master bedroom as I felt suffocated there. Ended up sleeping on guest bed on my own. Till now I still occasionally sleep in a separate room on my own to ensure a really good night's sleep.

Re: sleeping pillow

Anyone know where to get the pregnancy sleeping beanie/wedge? It's not the full body support pillow. Just two cushion at the sides held tog by a piece of cloth in the middle. My belly is starting to ache n I can't really sleep on my sides anymore.

haha... i try to rem & get it from gyne. i doubt gyne will gv ;(

syrah... dunno wat pain... nw the pain is better. hoping the pain go away nw.... Germs.... think virus spread in my family. ;( i fear to fall sick cos woli will affect our little ones ;( pray hard we r sick free for the other 6mths ;)


thx for the info... u have her contact?


same same... i m oso snoring since preggy... esp after i came back from genting... affected by sinus oso... nose blocked the whole day... worse if weather cold or in aircon room... wonder when will it stop...

Faint... Nw with MS back in full force this week... Nw feeling that going to be down with flu... Faint...

Got to rest more... Still have to go office tomorrow even when I'm on mc.. Dun know hw I'm going to cope...

gd morning gals!

hv u all bought ur CNY clothes? Fyi, i juz bought mine from Suntec's Perfect Mum... The clothes look not too bad, but not a big shop... The girl there is quite nice, dun hard sell... taught me how to choose clothes/materials dat can last for 9 mths, save $$... If u hvn buy clothes yet, can consider taking a look... hehe...

Aiyoo, i think i really nid to switch to maternity pants soon... last nite 2 orr chehs appeared at my lower waist area... din noe pants will cause orr cheh.. haha...

last nite my Dh n i finally called up his mum n told him our bb news... I gek kid's voice n said 'Nai Nai (grandma)!' over the phone, she laff so loud n happily, said "So Cute! Want to drink my nai nai ah?". In e end, we said got a bb calling her, she din believe, kept saying we bluff her. N Dh insists it's real, she still said bluff... After we hang up phone, we were still clueless whether she really got it... Hahaha... So farnie...

gals, do u intend to get 3 or 4-wheeled strollers? Does the extra wheel make any diff on the stability? Dh says the 3-wheel type looks quite stable, but i dunno which is better... Dunno if taka fair will hv gd discounts... hehe...

Janice, after I got married n incidents wif pil while living over then really treasure own family more.


Jus google shalom massage.

I got a bit of snuffy nose. Dun cos flu or preg? Normally use vicks to relieve it...

I find my jackets n cardigans not able to button.

Any one buy those magic cardis? Seems v bulky.

Intend to use shawl in air con areas.

Re: massage

Are massages all conducted at our homes? Are there those that we go over to the shop instead? Will that be cheaper? Hmm... We must start booking that so early too?


I bought a pack of 3 maternity undies n they r still sitting like white elephants in my drawer. Dh & I kept laughing while I was picking it out. Really so ugly! Well.., I decided to just buy n standby first in case really need it one day.

My mum was somewhat like your mum. The message that I'm preggie got thru but not the twins part. She kept asking: when's your next check up? If really twins ah .... Kept using the IF word when I kept telling her scan already showed twins n showing her the scan pic. She still went IF ... for a few more months!

Daph, he's with Chiltern Hse at mountbatten..err, after subsidy is abt $850 a mth..dunno if consider expensive or not cos other school charges per term of 10weeks so when i work it out, it is abt the same wor.. :p

snoring > pregnant women usually snore but that dont happen till 3rd tri? last time i snore till my hb woke me up n said he cant sleep..:p we both dun snore so when he suddenly snore or vice versa, we wake each other up or kick each other at the leg..haha

jan > any bedder form u choose oso can use medisave, not mistaken shuld be up to $2.5K??

crayon > the trend now is more ppl buying 3-wheel stroller but i find it very bulky esp the big big wheel in front...haha. Few of my preggy frens wanna buy Quinny cost abt a thousand but can be used quite long

Modisch - Quinny is versatile.. And in fact, compact when u fold it up... If put into the car, there are ample space left.. It's more comfortable for the kiddo too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I m in love with Stokke, but it retails at $2.2k... Hubby is going to kill me if I were to get that.. Most prob a Quinny.. Got places sell less than 1k de [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mummies who having #2 or #3..

do we need 2 strollers?

For peg perego, there's a step for infant to step on and stay on the stroller as u push.

I even tot of buying a leash for my son so he can walk while we push the stroller for the younger one.

Modisch -

Yah, saw prego.. Very bulky.. But look super comfortable..

Talk about Maclaren... My friend.. That 1kg gold de.. She got a very pretty Juicy Couture Maclaren for her dotter.. Retail 790... We bargain till 600.. Hehe.. The place is in kaki Bukit..

Leash ?!?!


I am sorry..

I saw parents leashing their kids and I told myself not to do that to mine..

That's my personal opinion...

Morn gals, wondering any of u have the same experience - my nose seems 2 b super sensitive 2 certain smells eg. Coffee, fried n oily food, etc. Making me feel like puking as if I haven't had enough. Sigh ....any cure 4 this beside putting a peg on my nose? Hehe


Sensitivity to smell is usually part of the morning sickness. They tend to go hand in hand. Once your MS clears, it shld get better. Try carrying a cut lemon/orange in a wrapped handkerchief or simply bring out the skin of citrus fruits with you.

Having said that, although my MS passed already, till now I cant step into any KOPITIAM foodcourt. That's really the ultimate for me!

audrey, usually leash is used for kids that are super active. i oso bought one fr mothercare and it proves useful when i brought my son to Genting alone.. it was my 8th week into pregnancy and he's really active. I let him wear it so that i can hold on to him. in SG, i never let him wear it cos it is not that crowded compared to Genting.

Decided on the leash cos my son actually ran off and was lost! imagine my heart dropped when i can find my son for 5 long minutes..if anything untowards happened to him then, i will juz jump off the building! to me, safety comes first!


Hi mummies... im fine. a new day for mi. so sleepy nw. nv get to sleep well last leg. my leg have a sudden crump & DH was having fever. Nw leg was pain while walking & woli for DH cos still went back to wrk ;(

Eeee.... crayon.... so sweet & i feel so warm & touching. I think yr MIL was hapi & blur. whahaha.. next time round show her yr bb scan ;)

