(2011/06) June 2011

Hi Hanis, thank you & your friend for the kind help! Appreciate lots!

I still don't really have the hype to start the baby shopping..!! haha


Evvie, I find your post quite enlightening. I heard also about the fact to expose babies in wombs to sounds, music and parents' voices, but this the first time I heard that exposing light to the tummy to kick-start alertness! Will read up more about that! Thanks!

Hi all! Long time no post! Seems everybody is good and well!

Playpen vs cot,

I think if we get a good mattress for the playpen, it shouldn't be that much of a problem for the baby's back. But most playpen have a weight limit of 13kg and a size of 60 by 120cm.. so about an age limit of around 2 years? But why not a cot? I find it more stable and robust and dimensions are bigger. The babies learn not to hit their heads on the bars and the cots can be changed into toddler beds by removing the sides. My boy is still using his cot without problems. I guess it's a matter of choice.

Ewie, welcome! Wow, I didn't know that gynaes recommend such early exposure. I've heard about 'conditioning'... like you listen to a particular piece of music and relax and after time, the baby associates that with relaxtion. When the baby is born and is crying, we could try to relax it with the same piece of music. What are you listening to? Your gynae's advice is so interesting!

Hi Eileen, regarding your question about marriage. The ROM will need prove that your bf is either single or divorced in Italy, so he will need some certification from the ROM or city hall in Italy. So if the status is still separated, I think a marriage is then not possible. But if the ROM in Sg allows his status of being divorced in Sg as proof, then it's not a problem to be married in Sg. The problem would be then to get the marriage to be recognised in Italy (You can't just get married a second time in Italy), which would show that he got married in Sg when he was still officially not divorced. Anyway, the marital status of the parents do not influence the benefits your child will recieve in Italy. The problem then would be the baby bonus in Sg. My hub's German and I'm assuming the procedure is more or less the same in the EU. Best would be to check with the ROM about what proof they need and also with the Italian embassy. I'm sure they can give you a pretty concrete idea. Hope this helps!

Qiuen, for us Malays, we usually have. 2-week daily massage of one to one and a half hour of traditional massage, including bengkung (which is similar to slim wrap but involves a long and large piece of cloth wrapped tightly around stomach). And daily dosages of jamu and ubat periuk (loosely translated pot medicine-consists of traditional herbs). Jamu is Malay traditional med but best to get experts to buy for you, some are toxic in wrong dosages.

I would suggest getting someone to come over to do traditional Jamu confinement massage if u wan to try Malay ones. Those spa ones are not very effective. Those spa ones I think better for maintanence in the long run. Just my two cents worth.

Oh ya, I forgot. We do the massage 3 days after discharge usually for normal delivery. For caesarean, need to wait for wound to heal, can take up to 3 weeks before can do massage.

Hi Mummies,,,

Long time I didnt log in.. hope all mummies doing well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I went for my detailed scan tdy.. and confirm it's a boy n bb weight abt 335g.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]The scan take abt 30mins and was told everything is fine. BB is so cute, he is doing yoga inside.. he bend his leg n his foot is over his head.. v active boy as he keep moving b4, during n after the scan. I can feel his movements v well now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: cot vs playpen,

For my 1st bb, i decided for a cot but my boy stop using when he was abt 14 mths. So for me i think playpen is also a choice. Agree with delfine, if u r worry abt the playpen is too soft, maybe u can add in a mattress.. this will be good support [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Plus we can let bb play inside when they r abit older.

Re: breatpump

Last time i used Ameda, for me i feel not bad too but too bad I didnt invest in it during my 1st preg. One of my good friend borrow me during my breastfeeeding period. I was thinking to get one for this round.

Jay, ^5 me & ann is Ameda pump supporter too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

just back frm scanning yesterday..doc scanned frm below..cannot see anything in between the legs..then said its gal gal..but she said cant be 100% sure also..only until birth..we were like...so take it as gal gal..

yesterday went to see Baby Kingdom at Kakit Bukit..the price like sama to kiddy palace eh..we saw a pram with rocking function Good Baby..both places selling $119..

managed to KIV a korea brand pram at $299..very easy to fold..

as for car seat..the cheapest there is $169...

and their cots ard $300+


so mani mummies aldy went for detail scanning..

mine is on 1st feb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] still so long and im anxious to noe the gender cuz i wanna buy bb stuff..haha..bt last scanning, doc say bb below very crowded..if nt bb hands means is bb bird bird..my fren jokingly tell me my bb so fast touch own bird liao..haha..

BTW any of u staying in punggol area, aldy found any muslim massage?? i duno when is the rite time to find one

Good Morning!


u have any the traditional Jamu confinement massage lady to recommend?

Qiuen, can help to update:

Gender: Boy

Location: Jurong West

Hospital: TMC


Hi Delfine, thank you so much for the information. I have checked with ROM before but they reverted that they only do the registration and do not handle law related issues so back to square 1. Anyhow, appreciate lots for the information.. I guess I might have to do more research on the Italian side..

Ciao all mummies, would like to have suggestions on the Jamu massage, if we should get 5 days or 7 days or 10 days. I found this website, seems good.. anyone tried before?


FYI, the same centre has a promotion in the following website:


Ting & Ashley > I went to restroom during angmoh guy talk lol

Christy > I'm going to shower after perhaps 1-2 days waiting (depends whether I can stand properly or not). Personally I think mother should shower because most of us are breastfeeding and in constant contact to the baby - hence hygiene level must be very high. I think this practice of not showering make more sense in the older days China when there is no hot water etc.

BTW I never take any maid before and intend to take one due to baby. Anyone can advise me how much to budget for Indonesian maid for 2 years? (her wage + agent fee etc)

My next visit to gynae is still next month... long way to go before knowing 99% baby gender [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Ting: i dragged hub to kiddy palace last night too. He was shocked to see the prices of the breast pumps. haha. And that a simple sterilizer costs abt $100, he was like. throw the bottles into a pot of boiling water lor...

Regarding Jamu: Duno what my CL will tink of Jamu. haha One is totally chinese, and the other Malay tradiation.

Joyce: my DS is after CNY, later than yours. And ya...we all anxious to see our little ones [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Claire> You have to includ the maid's monthly levy too. Different family have different levy. Like take care of old aged parent, levy is different fm a family with a couple + 2 kids.

Eileen,I also do think Rom n singapore side doesn't really the law issues especially when your bf has signed the papers in Singapore already.

When my husband and I got married coz he is a Taiwanese,they didn't ask for proof of single hood in Taiwan.

I think your bf has to enquire back home about his status.

In the meantime,cheer up,I m sure u can find another job.for ur sake of ur bb,must stay happy..

Was really emo a few days ago coz my mum was kinda of like sick n was so worried n I cannot fly home.when I was crying,bb started to kick me to tell me to stop!was quite shock coz he doesn't move in the day but only at nights..from then on,decided to try to stay as positive as possible ^_^

Thanks Hanis n the rest of the mummies for the cot/playpen info!was also discussing which to get with my husband.. ^_^

Hi Delfine, I hv not started tuning into any classical music! haha.. and I do not have any to begin with. Planning to buy some CDs when I come home for CNY. Yah my gynae's advice is interesting, his medical background is from France..

Wow interesting information about playpens and baby cots! Will drag my hubby to shop for baby stuffs when we are back for the CNY. Btw, any mummies has a checklist of the items to buy and prepare for the baby arrival? I am planning to buy a truck load of stuffs back to Vietnam this trip as selection here are costly and limited. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Qiuen,must tell ur hubby still have to wait for the water to boil leh...take a long time eh...lol...

My hubby was also looking at the list of the things to get then he said,the govt give us baby bonus etc etc also not enough!wahahaha....

He said just to give bb a sarong to wear,don't buy clothes..lol

Evvie, I will also shop for stuff when I go back to singapore in feb! Lol I think I m more used to the stuff in Singapore...will cargo everything back.

Only the bm pump n electrical stuff coz voltage different so I will get my dh to buy the electrical stuff from US,which is more practical.

clare: hub says last time when we are baby where got so many high tech stuffs one. And we all grew up fine. Faint

oh. and my ears are getting blocked more frequently. Anyone experiencing the same problem?

Clare, yah and I am so looking forward to coming home this trip! Time for big hawker food feasting and shopping! I have only gained 1 kg so far in my 4.5 months.. sometimes I wonder if its a good thing or bad thing.. but I guess more good as doc said dun worry, baby is healthy and I hv not turned into a hippo yet! Lol

Qiuen,same!that's what my hubby say.when we were shopping for prams,the sales lady introduced the features of the pram,after all the intro.my dh asked:"wah!so high tech!so where is the tv?" I think the auntie was dumbfounded for that moment.



I'm feeling a little bad towards my babies. Always want to give the best to my children. But now suddenly with twins, it's like everything must budget and be more careful. If it's just one baby, I'll probably be spending more and giving more to that 1 baby. There's just so many things out there in the market now that it's mind boggling and how i wish i could just buy those for them. But then common sense takes over and I tell myself just go for lower end will do. Functionality is most important now. At times like this, I really feel like a bad mummy to them even before they are born.

hi Clare, thanks for the encouragement.. I certainly feel much better!

hi Syrah, do you know how many parents want twin yet they can't get? My uncle is one of them.. he has been trying 3 times, but each time is a single baby.. in fact my boyfriend wanted a twin too.. be happy.. will be so fun to have a twin going around sharing the same dress (a higher expense) but so nice to have twins! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Don't feel bad.. buy within our means and this will make sure the little babies get to dress up and live well instead of scrimping after they are out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] You are wise, not bad [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Oh I'm definitely overjoyed to be blessed with not one but two babies. I know it's just a silly mentality that creeps up on me once in a while especially when I free like going on shopping spree! Thanks for your words of encouragement! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi joyce, no worries on the late detail scan. mine is scheduled on 11 feb. really got to wait! also anxiously wanna noe the gender too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

syrah, agreed w Eileen. really dont feel bad on the budget stuff, cos they 101 things they need is u! the caring mother, the rest is good to hv but not essential. they no cast a single memory on wat bed they slept , the brand of pram or the clothes whether is 100% cotton [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i have frenz hv twins and the kids grown up normally w the parents love.. no single complain [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

qiuen, yup blame to hormone that cause u block nose. i normally put an extra pillow to lift up my head [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

actually abt spending on our 1st babies..i also tot all the best must be on them..

my colleague who earned so much but so niao to her daughter i bui tahan also eh...

until the daughter grows up to be a very nice gal..abit of small gift she be super happy..she dont really throw tantrums or hv to buy this and tat when outside..

they learn to appreaciate more watever things u gave them coz they knw is precious..hehe..

syrah: i would love to have twins, but i/hub dont have the lucky genes.

Dont worry, Parents Love Conquers all. BB wont know the difference between expensive/cheap items. They will only know Mummy/daddy loves them.


Syrah,ur unconditional love for ur babies are the best thing in the world to them,the rest are just material stuff.everything u are doing now is the best gift to them,that's the real act of love to ur babies.^_^

Hi Mummies,

Firstly I like to wish you all the best while waiting for your precious parcels to arrive.

I'm a SAHM trying to earn some extras for my family.

Please feel free to visit my blog for clothes for ur precious prince/princess. I'm also selling Diaper bag organizers which are very handy and convenient for all mummies.

Visit http://theflyingmummy.blogspot.com

(Like us on Facebook too!)

I'm having a CHINESE NEW YEAR Sale now with 15% off ALL ITEMS till 20Jan2011.

Wishing everyone a Prosperous New Year!

chil, my detail scan also 11 feb! i changed my gynae to Dr Douglas so my initial detail scan suppose to 1 feb i cancelled and follow under current gynae.

qiuen, clare chil,

Thanks for the words of wisdom. Next time such thoughts invade my mind again, I'll recall what all of u have said. I agree parents' love is the most impt. We are really lucky to also have my parents and in-laws support. Everyone is just so supportive during this period especially.

Actually just buy the essential la [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] dun spend so much, your baby will outgrow very fast and trust me he / she won't complain why all the baby clothes cheapskate from pasar malam kind when they grow up hahahaha

Most important is the family gave their love and care to the newborn [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Actually as a first time mum I'm feeling overwhelmed also. Calculate calculate everything so expensive. Every time I go visit those baby shops, I felt overwhelmed by the options and of course the price - end up never buy anything lol So far only bought one book for my baby.

But I keep telling myself the most important is love and care - keeping baby healthy and happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] no need to be so worried. Just get the best within our means [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies, (sorry to interrupt)

I just gave birth in early Jan in KKH and have been seeing my gynae at KKH/The Private Suite (TPS).

I've 2 bottles BNIB Ganilia Calcium Soft Gel Multi-Vitamins for sale. These were the multi-vits she prescibed and recommended to me and her other patients.

For 10months of my pregnancy, I was taking 2 pills daily.

My baby boy was 4.08kg when he was born.

Letting go each bottle at $30.

It's a very good price, esp for those mummies who are currently buying from KKH/TPS.

Hurry. Pls PM/email me at [[email protected]] me. Self collect at AMK.

I can email the photos if you need. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all, I'm new to this thread and my EDD is 23 June 2011.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

can anyone advise when should we go for pre-natal class and where do you recommend? Thanks!

Hi Tigger,

Welcome! There are pre natal classes at TMC, Mt A and KK. Which hospital r u with? Generally TMC Mrs Wong's class is very popular. She conducts classes at AMK hub. U can call the parentcraft center to find out the exact dates. Most pre natal starts from 20 weeks onwards.


I know! Everything is so expensive!!! I also keep calculating n noting figures without actually buying anything. I'm still waiting to see what hand-me-downs that we can get then will know better as to what's needed. But time's running short! Really must start buying soon.

morning mummies. came early for conf. call. yawnz..

^ createjoy, relly a long wait right!

syrah, u'r most welcome. during my #1 time, my hubby used to say "u buy so gd so cute only u can c, the bb no feel anything"

hi claire, wat we did last time was to get a few essential stuff for newborn. like the bathtub, a few pcs of clothes, then the rest c can get frm relative / frenz. actually if u noe anyone close that hv kids, no mind asking, they are most willing to lent / give u for free [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mummies delivering in Mt A. my sis use to get free bathtub when they checkout that time!

thanks E'lee, this is gd but not all hosp practice it!

wonder do we hv time to wait till the motherhood fair for cheaper diapers offer etc [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mothercare> Anyone know if mothercare have their own discount card? If so, anyone have it can I borrow the card no. to do purchase?

chil and quien, my ds is also on 11 feb, ^5!

chil, actually, u can order diapers/fm online from this shop, the prices are cheaper than outside. their website is http://luvbabies.kimsang.com.sg/

christy, mothercare have their own discount card, mine is 10% wor, just pm u my card#. btw discount only applies to regular priced items, those promo or nett priced items don't have discount but can only add points to the mothercare card.

eleen, i remember u told me u do ve some giant stamps rite? how many u ve?

JJ> Oh thank you LOL cause I want to buy the romper set (got lots of unisex design) and in a pack of 7 romper easy for me just grab and go... no need to choose...

So just give the card no. no problem hor... cause I know some shop need the actual card for discount.

Any recomendation for other stuff in Mothercare?

JJ thanks. i prefer cindy more than her. cos this person need >$200 for free delivery. any AMK mummies wanna share the huggies new born diapers with me?

