(2011/06) June 2011

tmr i'm gonna scan for gender eh..at 20wks..hw accurate is tat ah?? i heard scan said boy/gal..but few wks later become another gender..coz can get prepare for bb clothes also..


Yeah I think $120 is too far fetch too! Maybe their '$120' value includes the hi tea price. Lol


The angmoh speaker speaks in a monotone, so dull! When he's halfway thru I actually went supermarket to get a drink. Lol


Maybe u can sit down and hv a talk with your hubby, discuss what are your concerns and priorities etc, and if u really wanna move on to a new role. The only concern is, not sure how hard issit to get a job when we are preggy? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Whether we will be discriminated upon?

ting, the detail scan is really accurate. is like an exclusive photo session of your bb. on top of checking on gender, they also check on the vital organs, u can check the no. of fingers n toes too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my frenz abandon her brand new garco and get herself a 2nd hand combi eventually. they say too heavy to bring ard.

Hi Ting, I reckon the accuracy is very very high. If the gynae is not too sure in looking at the scan (maybe the baby is not in a favourable position, etc), the gynae will advise you base on the probability. But if it is a very clear scan, the gynae should be able to advise confidently.. UNLESS the baby's finger is at the misleading position! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I knew mine when I was 16 weeks so by 20 weeks, I reckon should be very accurate if your baby cooperates [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Good luck and have fun! My detailed scan is at the end of the month.. let's see if the baby decides to become a girl from a boy.. haha

Hi Ashley, it's precisely my concern on the discrimination.. I think the chance to get employed for a few months before going on maternity leave is extremely low... unless I am super lucky.. Too bad I am not earning good enough to survive at home without a job [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Now I just hope my boss doesn't go into his crazy moods and stress me unnecessarily.. First time I have a male boss who is more temperamental than a woman!!

By the way, I roughly have a good idea of the answer to my following question, but I would like to check if any mummies here might have any good advice for me. My boyfriend is an Italian (not local PR) and he was married before to an Italian. They had divorced in Singapore legally. They were supposed to "convert" this divorce in Italy to have a legal divorce in Italy too however after a year, the ex-wife decided to ask for more alimony (no kids) so she contested the divorce in Italy (she couldn't contest in Singapore anymore since the judgement was final).. thus, now my boyfriend is still going through the neverending divorce trial in Italy.. Unfortunately, the system in Italy is so slow that now they are still in a "separated" status and not yet final judgement (still fighting)..

So, under this circumstance, am I right to say that we can't get married?

Ting, I'm going for DS on Wed, can't wait!

Qiuen, thanks for the link! I am looking at a Graco travel cot/playpen, it's a lovely brown! So tempted..

It is slightly cheaper than the deal the guy at kaki bukit gave us..*shrugs* we shall see..hehe..

The breast pumps at the link are also cheaper than Mothercare...I guess, noone buys from Mothercare, why they still sell so ex? Hahaha...

Eileen, actually a close fren also strongly recommend Quinny buzz, but after trying it out, its way too heavy for me to handle..=)

Thanks Hanis.. I guess I have to look around for stroller that is easy to handle and with a car seat.. and not too pricey..


I saw thsi at Paragon and i quite like it! Am thinking since im getting a playpen, should i forgo the cot? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



I thot since the divorce is finalised in SG, should be legally ok to get married? Im not sure leh, maybe any mommies who are in law can help?

Hi Mummies,

I am new here! I am base out in Vietnam and is expecting my firstborn, EDD by June 19th for now. I should be delivering at the newly opened hospital here which is managed by TMC.

Any mummies getting numbness and dull pain in your arms and legs lately?

Ashley, it's pretty! The one I like is something like yours but in lovely shade of brown!!!!

I am definitely NOT getting a cot. Later, it will become like a white elephant in the room, at least with the travelling cot/playpen, there is a bassinet that you can remove when baby grows older, and the graco one can be folded for travelling purposes...My SIL swears by the cot/playpen. Actually MIL offered to get one that costs about $119 at kaki bukit, which is lovely too, but after seeing the graco, I'm thinking I dun mind topping up to get this one! Hehehehehe....

Eileen, hmmm, i would think if sg recognises it as finalised, then it is legal to get married here. I dun think Italy marital laws has any jurisdiction here, right? I dunno, my opinion. I have a friend who is a lawyer, will ask him, hope he's not too busy to reply...Will update you..

Eileen, if you're looking for one that is not too pricey and light and easy to use, Combi has lots to choose from that meets your needs...

If you want to spend a little more, not that much more..hehe..I like the Peg Preggo...

Hi Ashley & Hanis, yes it seems that we can get married in Singapore but since his status in Italy is separated instead of divorced, I am not sure if my boyfriend can get into trouble with the law if we go ahead.. Will appreciate lots lots lots if your friend is able to advise me.. Thanks so much Hanis!

Thanks for the advice again! I will check out Combi and Peg Preggo.. I do agree the playpen that Ashley posted is nice! Seems very practical, probably a good idea to replace it completely with a cot.. Or maybe some experienced mummies here might have a better suggestion..??

Hi Evvie, welcome!! I personally do not feel any numbness and pain yet, but I think it should be normal to have cramps and numbness especially when the baby is big.. Need some massage and it will go away.. My aunty shared with me to push your toes towards you and the cramp should subside.. All the best!


I dont have numbness in my legs but i woke up at least 3-4 times past week with leg cramps at my calf! Once i even saw a blue black bruise! Scary! I googled and realised its due to blood circlation flow or something. So nowadays i prop my feet on a pillow when i sleep. i think it helps =)

Hanis, Eileen,

Yeah my mom says if bb is big, they will grow out of the cot. Once they start flipping they might hit their head on the wooden bars etc. Most prefer to sleep on mattresses etc after like 1 year? So yeah, think ill just get the playpen! Heh

Hanis & ashley. . I m thinking of getting a graco playpen too.

There's another site where u all can check prices for most items. Only thing is that I most likelywon't order from that site bcos it's a pure online store. Feel safer with brick stores for exp items. http://www.kiddysky.com/index.html

For stroller. There are cheaper strollers butrealised some r for smaller ages. So after averaging price by years, the difference will not b that big.


Welcome! We have the same EDD [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I had numbness in the arms and hands for a couple of days but it went off by itself. Leg cramps is common for us at this stage now apparently. In fact I just received a newsletter abt leg cramps in pregnancy today. U may wish to read it. Quite useful to subscribe to this newsletter.



What's this travel cot/playpen that you're talking about? Can I have the link to view it? Sound really interesting.


I finally felt baby's movements just now. It wasn't just a tap tap. Movements were really pronounced and lasted for about an hour or so. Some were really close together literally just a few seconds to a minute apart. Then they only subsided halfway through dinner. HUNGRY BABIES = KICKING BABIES! They certainly know how to demand for what they want now even in the womb!

Wow Syrah, that must be so exciting! I only felt it once and I never feel it again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] seems that I have to starve him! haha


Haha....sure u 'se de' to starve? Maybe u can try doing a little dancing or something fun and see if there's any movements first. Mine started while I was playing with my doggies. Think they wanted to join in the fun. But after the fun, they got hungry and so demanded for gratification instantly!


Thanks! Someone told me that it's not very good for babies to sleep in playpen as it's too soft for their backbone. Any idea about this? Also, if really sleeping in the playpen, how long can it support baby's weight? 6 months?

hi all,

haven't posted for some time, my dd and I took turns to be sick the whole of last week. nasty bug going around... all mummies do take care

re: playpen vs cot

IMO the bassinet in the playpen lasts till the moment the baby learns to flip. then the bassinet will have to be ditched and we'll have to bend down all the way to pick the baby up. for the cot there are a few levels that can be adjusted, and the side can be lowered... easier on our backs.

re: prams

do choose one that's easy to handle (preferably able to close or open easily with one hand... coz u don't want to end up struggling with the baby in one hand and the pram in the other). i didn't use my pram much, depended more on my sling [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] good for discreet breastfeeding on the go, and leaves both hands free to shop, haha

Syrah. My client let her child sleep till 3+ years. Till how old ah? Depends on the model. Some states weight n others state age 3. Backbone not so sure. Any mummies with experience?

Oh. Client also mentioned there are models with adjustable heights. Good for adjusting so we don't strain our back.

hmm. i'm planning of letting baby stay in the playpen during the day. so then at night when it's time to sleep, put him in the playpen, he just sleep.

sort of help to teach him how to diff b/w day and night..


You can see your own family doctor but make sure u inform him/her that you are pregnant so that they can prescribe medication safe for pregnancy.


My #1 slept in a playpen until he's 1+ when he was starting to climb out of it. We shifted him to a mattress after that. Not sure whether it's bad for back cos so far I have only heard that a sarong is bad for the back. He is around 90th percentile for his height+weight but the playpen held well. You can check out the playpens for stability before you buy. Some are better made than others. I didn't buy an expensive one but it served us pretty well.

qiuen and tsukushi,

Thanks for the feedback. I'm inheriting one from a friend so I'm not too sure how it looks like as yet. However I'll most likely have to have 1 baby sleep in the playpen ultimately since I cant place both in the same cot for long.

morning mummies. my #1 was a sarong addictive! she only fall asleep when inside sarong. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so ya, my cot is a white elephant. already stored in storerm. but she gave up Sarong when turning to 2yo. and co sleep w me on the same bed now. plyapen i no exp. on that, find them abit unstable.

Like to check and ask around, who is not going to shower during your confinement period?

Or is there any mums intend to endure till a few days than shower.

I think I will most likely to shower cause I super duper clean freak plus how can dun shower... later carry bb maybe bb will reject me hahaha :p

hello all..

besides going to kaki bukit to get the baby stuffs, you might want to check out this store - Cheong CHoon Store at blk 34 upper cross street, #03-132. Tel : 6532 3855. Heard their prices also quite competitive and they do free delivery for purchases above $200.

Hi Christy, I guess it all depends on who is doing the confinement for you. If it will be someone who is very traditional, it might be tough to go against their wishes.. but actually it is perfectly to take a shower, but very crucial not to catch a cold.. so make sure you are all warm and dressed before stepping out of the bathroom. Will be good to use some ginger to help the "wind" [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I will take a shower but I have to convince my mum first [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eileen> Haha I talk and ask my mom on the shower issue she say of coz shower la so dirty le... My mom after delivering me went shower and she say no issue la..

She even after deliver me as her dr if she can shower still... cause she find it dirty LOL

i tink in the past its more difficult to shower as they do not have hot water readily. I am intending to shower. provided CL dont stop me. haha

nice mummy you have, Christy..!! My mum and grandma and aunty.. are all so against showering! The old granny's tales really scared them..!! haha

Syrah, the playpen/cot that we're talking about comes with a bassinet for infants. Once they are older, you remove the bassinet and it becomes a playpen. The graco one is good (look at links above) cos it can be folded with one click of a button.

Most of these playpens/cots come with two wheels and two stands. You can lift it up and move it around.That's why some websites/brands call them travelling cots.

Uziela, if we are sick, normal gp is ok for common ailments. Just tell them how far along you are or bring your latest scan.

Flu medicine, paracetemol is safe for preggies.

For newborns, doesn't matter cots or playpens or travelling cots, its best to not put pillows or thick, heavy blankets. Just a bedding and a swaddle (that is tucked under them neatly) will do. Cos it will help to prevent SIDs. My mum says only when they learn how to flip, then can put pillows or bolsters...

E'leen, ^5.

regards shower, i been taking bath, washing my hairs during confinement w those herbal package bot from chinese medical hall. my confinement aunty will boil it in a big pot of water, then mix w normal water.

and i made a joke on taking bath. i accidentally took a bath with a wound dressing that is not waterproof. end up kena from my gynae :p

Thanks Eileen, Ashley & Syrah!

My numbness in legs and hands seems to go away slightly last night.

Went to see my Gynae this morning as I have been coughing badly for the past one and half weeks, so worried baby was bouncing up and down so much in my tummy everytime I cough. My Gynae told me no worries, baby is protected with all that liquid and membrane from all sorts of impact and gave me antibiotics and cough medication which are child safe. Had a scan and gynae said 93% girl! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Something interesting to share, gynae said now in my 18th weeks, I should start to expose my baby to classical music, daddy and mummy should also start to tell some stories to the baby. He said no rock and pop music pls! Haha.. Also he said we can shine a torch light at the tummy and move it around the tummy so as to encourage the baby to react to the light being shone at through the tummy. Gynae said this is to promote alertness to the surrounding, however this is to be done at a short period each time as prolong exposure could irritate baby's eyes. I wonder if the gynaes back home in Spore promote such early childhood learnings?

Hi mummies,

how is everyone? Hv not log in for afew days. My no1 kena HFMD last fri. So tired cos he is super cranky n sticky over the wkend. He is recovering now, hope he is fully ok by this thurs for our HK trip.

Eileen, my friend says it seems okay if sg court has finalised the divorce. But you should check other issues. If he is work permit holder or ex permit holder may require approval of authorities to marry. Check rom and romm websites. Other than that, under spore law, he is divorced and free to re-marry. Hope this helps...

Am at the lib now, having a plate of cream pasta, ice honey lemon tea and reading Dr Miriam Stoppard's Complete Baby Childcare. I like this book, clearly written, clear bite-sized paragraphs and lots of pictures. I also borrowed Jo Frost's Confident Baby care (the supernanny lady) and craig Baird's I'm going to be a dad: now what?- for my hubby. A fren says another dad book called sthg like 'My boys can swim' is also good, so she will lend me her copy.

hi all, haven log on for awhile and the thread move so fast..been so busy at work lately till wanna go toilet also need to wait..sigh ever since pregnant my bosses like know i cant go anywhere le become superb demanding and unreasonable till i everytime think of coming to work also very sian

hanis: after you mentioned kaki bukit pricing is pretty close to firstfewyears. Wondering if worth making a trip there anot. Maybe drag hub to Paragon first since my checkup is at Mt E.

Was telling hub that some stores allow goods to be delivered later closer to EDD and warranty starts for child's birth. And his answer is. 'Then buy so early for what...?'


JuniorRain. Oh no. hope your son recovers soon. And then enjoy ur HK trip [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Evvie: had slight numbness in hands at times. After forcing myself to sleep on my left side, it seems to improved. Opps. i am listening to pop and RnB songs on my iphone. Better start finding some classical music. haha


Yeah I think by 18 weeks bb can detect some sort of light and will shy away from it if u shine a torch! Heh. Playing classical music etc is good because it helps in the mom-baby bond and their hearing senses are developed by then I think.


Yeah the cots now are pretty cute! Comes with musical function and night light and everything. I'll get a Graco becos their colors are so nice! Heh.

I'm gonna booked my jamu massage thingy this week [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Heard we must book at least 3 months in advance if we want a 'preferred' massage lady. Anyone has comments on Origins Jamu Massage? I think abt $545 for 7 days including the wrap, etc

Regarding Postnatal Jamu massage? When should we do it? After 1 mth of confinement or during?

Ashley: oh. who knows we might have bump into each other b4. Next time i am going to look out for a mum with a Stokke. haha



Yeah havnt seen many preggies at tpy. Will look out next time and try to make eye contact! Lol. Oh the massage can start 5 days after giving birth if it's normal delivery, 3 weeks after if its c-section (I think). Both my older sisters went for the traditional jamu massages and they have totally flat tummies after a month. Some frens went for spa massages etc after that but still complain bloated and water retention. So I think the jamu massages are better? Def more painful but more effective.

