(2011/06) June 2011


My 25th scan is detailed scan. Thought DS=down syndrome test? Isn't that done much earlier on?


Does the bottles have to match the brand of teats? Can we use a brand of bottle with a different brand of teats? Will they match and be able to fit on?

syrah, this is what i gathered after testing diff brands of teats (was using avent, bfree, pigeon and nuk tat time):

AVENT TEATS: can fit bottles like avent, pigeon, bfree and nuk

PIGEON TEATS: can fit bottles like avent, bfree but nt sure abt nuk

NUK TEATS (wide neck ones): can fit bottles like avent, bfree, pigeon

just to let u all know, the cap may not close tightly for pigeon bottles which use other brands of teats.

Thanks JJ! That's extremely helpful!

I was at Momcare and saw the NUK teats. They r really specially designed and flattend at an angle. Something interesting. So many different ones for different ages too. I'm keen to purchase NUK bottles and teats. Any idea where's the cheapest place to buy them?

syrah, isetan and bhg is having 20% off for bb pdts, u may want to check it out. u shld see my fb, i just grab a set of nuk (2 small and 2 big) with fm container at $52. Kiddy palace is selling the set of 2 small and 2 big at $49.

I'm planning to get pigeon wide neck bottles as I find avent teats too hard. waiting for taka baby fair & hope they have 50% trade-in offer

haiz. just now my col popby n say "hmm look like u gonna have another gal" i was like "aiya.. again ah" [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi everyone!

Clare68, ya, lucky she active!! If not, will spend a looong time at gynae..

Syrah, thanks for setting up the fb page! I've sent a request to join the thread...

Chil, thanks for the heads up on the warehouse sale...If not too tired, will check it out later.

I can't help shopping! I have frens giving me cute baby clothes, and I bought several baby dresses and rompers..hehe..

Some fb pages I like are:

1) Little Precious (ordered from here, a 10-piece set including rompers, bibs, long pants, etc from Japan 100% cotton - only at $45.90 for 10 pieces)

2) Buzzy Tots (ordered 3 cute dresses here..hehe..)

3) Baby wiki stuff (same, ordered dresses, quite reasonable..)

4) My Vanila Shop

5) Star Bebe couture (REALLY cute dresses, but quite ex!)

5) Mummies darlings

Think got a lot more, just go to my fb (Hanis Anwar) and check out my friends page..

Anyway, on a side note, left work promptly today. I had pain all over my pelvic region, near rib cage, abdominal area...bad case of round ligament pain..every muscle stretching out..my friend says sometimes that happens when baby is undergoing a growth spurt inside..

Now resting in bed, feel much much better.

Thanks for the discussion on bottles! A friend bought me a starter kit for newborns, not sure the brand, think is avent..


Oh... there's this page i like too.

Mischa's Lil Secrets - simply love their girly dresses!

Do have a good rest. Hope you'll feel better soon.

i was aching badly yesterday also. must be another growth spurt i tot since mine is very regular on every thursday. back ache, abdominal ache, distention. i had round ligaments cramps in the night when i coughed. ow ow ow.

so far i've been forbidden to shop till we get to find out the sex of bb.

i'll join the FB grp when i feel more comfortable anoucing to everyone about my pregnany. :p

Hi Winnie, time flies.. I am going for mine on 31 Jan.. soon will be yours.. Now I am counting down to weekends to get away from work! haha

jj thanks for the precious info! I have so far bought 2x125ml and 2x260ml avent bottles. However, I was thinking about the teats and was pretty attracted to those NUK designs. So glad that the NUK will be able to fit the Avent bottles nicely! Yay can start looking around for NUK teats now.


Just woke up from a nap, feels slightly better. =) and thanks for the link...

I already have a bad back, so sleep is getting a little uncomfortable.

Suzie, how many weeks are you? I'm into my 21 weeks. You mean your round ligament pain comes every Thurs? so convenient...hehe...

I had a little pain, on off, in my 17 week (if i remember correctly) but it went away. I think it's coming back..

oh mummies... can I be a little thick-skinned and ask for your assistance (maybe your friends and family too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]) to vote in world gourmet summit please?

Under Citibank Restaurant Manager of the Year, please vote for my boyfriend, Paolo Colzani [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Please go to the link http://vote.wgsawards.com/aoe2011/PUBLIC/ (Only for Singaporean citizens) between 3 January to 18 February 2011.

For the rest of the awards, below are some recommendations:

1) S. Pelligrino Chef of the Year

a. Gunther Hubrechsen

2) Indoguna Restaurant of the Year

a. Garibaldi


b. Gunther’s

4) Steward’s Solution Outstanding Caterer of the Year

a. Garibaldi

Thank you mummies!!


Glad u r feeling much better. These few days I can't lie my left cos it hurts too. I'm thinking it's becoz one of the babies' position is rt there. But maybe it's ligament pain too. Not too sure. Usually will feel better aft sleep too.

Eileen, diff timing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Today I was puking at office after lunch time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] my boss let me get back early, but I felt bad to the cleaner cuz I made quite a huge mess at the toilet lol

Actually I think I eat lesser and lesser, if I ate too much will end up throwing up. So far only gained 3kg. Really hate the feeling of throwing up and somehow I feel scared of eating [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My neck pain is not disappearing, still there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] *sob sob sob*

My ex colleague advise me against stocking up diaper actually cuz ur baby might not be 'compatible' with it (e.g. sizing, fits, etc) n develop rashes.

anyone been to Playtex? Quite near my place so I'm thinking of going there :p

hey claire, dun worry so much abt the weight ba.. im still -1kg from pre-preg but baby is so actively kicking whole day long lor haha

Hanis n syrah,have u tried wearing the support belt?

It works for me,especially at times we have to be in a position for a long time like walking,sitting down.

I felt pain n a slight pull at the lower right tummy but once I wear the belt,it seems to be gone right away.I always use it when I go to the gym.

Can try.

hi claire

im the same like u..still having vomitting ms..terrible feeling rite..last nite vomitted 2 times..bt hor, i still gain few kgs leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i always thot ppl who vomit will lose weight or gain little.

Claire & Joyce,

Hope your ms will pass soon! I heard of pp who have ms all the way. Can't imagine that.

Btw, what's there at Playtex?


Nope I dIdnt get that yet. I bought the belly band earlier on only as the belt was still way too big. Perhaps shld go get it soon.

syrah,yah!my belt is also very long..the ends can almost touch each other..lol..but I think its useful.hope it helps for u and Hanis.

Joyce and Claire,Jia you!!at least u know that bb is growing well.

Clare68, a support belt? It will help? First time I hear about it...

Went to doc today, and he confirmed it is round ligament pain. He says baby's head sometimes will be resting on our bones at the spine or lower back (this is the case for me), and there is nothing I can do about it. I thought it might be bladder infection or what, but no.

Clare68, where to buy the support belt? I only noe those slimming tummy belts that you wear after you give birth..hehe...

Hi Mummy-to-be!

I have 6 packs of Similac Mum to let go at $10.

Will be giving away the below as free gift:

- 2 pc $3 voucher for purchasing similac mum

- Soothing music for baby in your stomach

- ABC learning CD for your toddler next time

- Sample size nipple cream, stretch mark cream, etc

Take away the above in a nice purple fabric bag!

Contact [email protected]


Hi mummies,

sorry to disturb your thread but I have a used Quinny Zapp 3 wheeler stroller(red colour) and a Maxi-cosi Cabrio Fix Infant carrier(red colour) to let go at a lower price either as a set or seperately.

Please PM me if you are interested.

Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hanis, i'm about 20+ weeks. my pains and aches all very regular. every thursday until weekend. then stop for a few days.

i bought some support underpants from BONDS when i was in aussie. something like this http://www.zodee.com.au/womens/triumph/soft-mama/10088260/?partner=dgm&member=aufeed&utm_source=dgm&utm_medium=xml&utm_campaign=dgm_AU

it has a band to support the lower abs.

i started getting the cramps very early in week 13. so scary, i woke up at night and cough and my goodness the pain was so surprising. but it goes away quickly also.

reading about everyone's shopping experience makes me envious. haha. my DH won't let me buy anything until we know the bb gender. and he doesn't want to have the extra mess until we put in some storage space.

till now i've been reading up on baby weaning and early childhood education. my DH is definately not going to be kiasu type but we agreed that some form of interaction with other children at early age is good.

i'm also planning on fulltime latch feeding so i guess there's still some time to think about bottles, and until i go back to work. i'm partial to tommee tippee. my cousin uses this. i don't see much reviews on the discussion board regarding this brand though.

have decided to confirm get a playpen/bed, until grow out of it then get a cot that can convert into bed next time. cos the playpen we can roll out into the living room or shuttle between rooms. my mum recommended that we get a maid so it'll be easier for her also, can watch bb and do some house chores.

have decided on cloth diapers, so as to reduce risk of nappy rash. http://www.happyheinys.com/ i used to get hives as a kid so i hope that my bb won't have to suffer this.

we will get the stroller when bb pops out. this way we can bring bb out and test drive the strollers. we will get a bb carrier/sling in the meantime. my DH loves to see bb's being carried this way, with their arms and legs hanging out and looking at the world from adult's point of view.

Clare68, thanks for the link for the support belt. Will consider getting. I might also get the S pillow for night. Usually, I'll prop a pillow under one butt cheek for support, but last night, even that didn't work.

Today was much better. Walked around leisurely a lot, so I guess that kinda helped.

I've been exercising a lot of my leg and thigh muscles to lift things from the ground and of course to climb stairs (my classroom is on the 4th floor!). I guess the first few weeks, my muscles ache, like the feeling you never exercise for very long, then you run, those kind of aches.

Now I climb stairs and use my knees and thigh muscles with some sort of ease. Dun wan to aggravate my poor lower back.

Suzie, yours so regular, so good. haha...I dunno bout mine yet, so far, yesterday and last night was the worse. I hope it doesn't get any worse than that.

But you are sorta right Suzie, it'll be good to test drive the strollers but I also dun wanna bring the baby out too early..hubby just say go with the flow. hahaha...

BTW, is Playtex like Kaki Bukit? Can get baby stuff there too?

Just wondering. Surfing nuk's website. There are latex n silicon teats? Any difference to BB? Hmm. Or they only sell 1 type in sg?

Hanis,I think exercise helps.ever since I hit the gym,my back doesn't hurt that must even if I dont wear the belt.

Tigger,it doesn't matter.I have friends that even wear during 1st trimester.can use whenever you feel u need it.

I bought a support belt from Mothercare recently, after the detailed scan revealed a low-lying placenta. Not sure if it really helps though, but tummy does feel more "supported" with the belt.

Oh, looking high & low for a S-pillow too. Saw a Dentons selling in Robinsons, but it's not longish, looped type I'm looking for. Anyone knows where to get it locally?


Qiuen > I bought NUK bottles with latex teats, as recommended by a friend. Latex is made a natural material, while silicone is from a synthetic material. There are other considerations too. You can read them here.


hi gals,

Long time didnt online.. Jus an update. I had jus signed up for Mrs WOng class at AMK hub on sat from 2-4pm, starting from 19 Mar! ANyone signing that up too?

Oh, n my gynae Douglas Ong had confirmed that I am having a bb boy! heheh..

I have been feeling v tired lately.. n i cant even shop for too long.. if not, i will have leg cramps and aches all over my body.. haiz.. so diff from last time!

Clare68, yup, I was just about to ask you about gymming while preggie.

What kind of exercises do you do at the gym? I know a lot of gynaes recommend lots of stretching and low-cardio ones..As of now, I'm doing lots of walking in school, from one class to another and lots of stair climbing! That already gets me panting so hard..!

Last night was a breeze! Slept like a baby..I think my muscles just needed time to heal and get used to being worked!

I am feeling her movements more and more now...her kicks and moving about are more pronounced...so exciting...

Hanis,yeapz..I do one hour of walking on the threadmill almost everyday..I think ur walking around the school is good enough(especially the stair climbing)...lol

I read from babycenter or another preggy website,3km a day of cont walking will be good if ur gyne gives u the green light.

You can try swimming(less weight and impact on ur knees).I saw a documentary on TLC that you can dont swim in the pool,but walk around and do simple stretches in the pool,you will breathe better and give bb even more oxygen during the simple workout, but I have stopped for this 2 weeks because my dh and mil caught the flu bug from the pool so I m banned from it for now.Cycling is not recommended for preggies though,thats what I read.

you can also try pelvic exercises at home.

I don't think I will try yoga,because a few of my gf felt that it doesn't help during preganancy,but it helps after pregnancy.

I think its all the hard work in school that gave u a good night's sleep.. "p

My bb was very excited about Mahjong..*bad influence* by daddy..was playing MJ last night,and bb got so active,after that he didn't move at all even at night(which was his usual moving timing)hahaha..too tired I guess..

Congrates Bless in knowing ur bb's gender.^-^

Moon. Spring maternity have it. Staff mentioned part cushion part nean bag $129 . Was at amk but they out of stock. I decided to get a nursing pillow instead. Easier to store in future. Try Mothercare and firstfewyears. I have posted a link b4 for firstfewyears.

Just want to grumble. Trying to clear the spare room. N hub says Sunday should b r&r. Buy mon to fri is workday. Also impossible for him to clean up. I have packed up what I can. And the rest are all his stuffs! Not to mention bulky too. Argh


Claire, wow ur boss so gd so understanding let u hm early.

Qiuen me too.. hb lazy to pack n i alone tend boy n preg v tired n lazy to pack too. so i still haven pack till now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] tons of things lying ard the hse n frds giving new / pass dwn bb clthes for meimei..

