(2011/06) June 2011

Altáriël,cool!!!I was praying hard I will get a virgo or a taurus bb...lol..

coz' my parents and sister are taurus and my dh n I are virgos..lol

I think taurus are very down to earth people..

But at the end of the day,not every one in the same horoscope sign has the same character.. ^-^


Got information that my hub will not be in town for the Abbott Talk this Sunday. Any mummy want to join me this Sunday, only have 1 sit. PM me those interested with your mobile no. First come first serve.


I am Jan 2011 mother. Due to medical condition, I am not able to breastfeed or give breast milk to my baby so I would like to sell these items :

1. Medela Freestyle (US model) – used less than 5 times – selling at $420 with universal travel adapter

2. My Brest Friend Pillow – selling at $70 – the cover design is jaipur paisley http://www.mybrestfriend.com/products/slipcovers

If interested, please PM me.

Dear mummies.. I wonder if anyone might have an idea where might be keen to hire me if I wish to switch job... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I know it is extremely tough especially when baby will be out in June.. Which company is willing to hire me... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


What happened? Why suddenly want to switch jobs? If u can 'dong' afew more months, u get to enjoy your full maternity benefits!

Eileen,might wan to try govt sector.I had a friend who found a job during her 5th month of pregnancy.She found a job as librarian in a govt sector..maybe can try to look around..

wa. the new horoscope chart seems to be interesting. nv seen that before!

ooh. mummies, i went down to taka sales yst. most brands having around 20% off. bought some nb clothes. ha

i think i felt baby moved this morning. v slight movement. and that was when i was lying still in bed. so excited.

Hey Christy,

thank u.... i so much wanted to attend the seminar , but somehow registration was closed earlier...

looking forward for tomm.


even i have severe leg cramps .. in the calf muscles..especially in the morning.

fancy: just had my first bout of leg cramp this morning, in the calf too. Turned over to reach for my phone. and OUCH!

qiuen & fancy > eh... i have leg cramp in the calf too! Happen 3 times already at the middle of the night out of nothing.

Hi quinen, clare and fancy,

Used to get leg cramps too. Once u get the cramp, put ur feet flat on the floor and push down slowly and it should ease the cramp. Dont massage during cramp cos it'll cause varicose veins.

I also bought the Cocoa butter leg relief which is really amazing cos it is cool and lasts almost the whole day.

Good morning everyone!

Yesterday went looking around at the Baby Hyperstore, Hypermart and Baby's kingdom at Kaki Bukit for strollers and car seats...So overwhelmed! Now doing lots of research on strollers..

We are leaning towards Preg Preggo, because:

- I can handle it on my own (open, close, transfer to car boot)

- easy to maneuver

- Durable

- From infant to 4 yrs old

The Maclaren (cannot remember which model)meets all our needs too, but both hubby and I dun like the fact that we needed to bend down to close it.

I feel Quinny is waaay too heavy and Combi looks quite fragile and flimsy.

What do you all think? Have you thought of which brands of strollers to buy?

Spoke to all my friends, some bought Quinny because it can fit into a Suzuki swift. Some swear by Maclaren cos of its durability (though some models are bulky, ditto for Preg Preggo).

But this Preg Preggo model that we like is quite like and bedding is cooling for baby.

Hmmm, choices!

Hi fancy. U can buy it at any mummy store. U can try kiddy palace, mums & babes etc ... Look for the cocoa butter series.

Wow, some mummies doing their research already. I've been looking around but haven't really decided. Will prob make purchases in the seventh or eighth mth. What have u guys bought already?

Hanis,was looking at the Peg Perego website..the one u tried is a 3 wheeler or a 4wheeler?

I went to kaki bukit before,was shopping for my godson's stuff.I m so amazed at the stuff over there..lol


We also went to do a walkround for strollers.We have a 2nd hand car seat from my dh's colleague which looks so new,so guess we will get the same model of stroller to fit the bb car seat/basket in..

We are now waiting patiently for friends' bb to "outgrow" their bb beds,coz' we are getting hints from them that they might give it to us so I guess we will get the stroller next mth then cot(if we still cant get any hand-me down ones) during 7th/8th mth.. lol

Hanis. Are the baby stores in kaki bucket offering good prices? I have neverbeem there before other than sofa searching years ago.

Taka BB fair? What items should I look out for? Better buys at fair or the kaki bucket stores?

Thinking of getting a playpen instead of cot.

Seems like lots of research to b done. N I have hardly started. Opps. Haha

I need to buy playpen mattress, steriliser, bottles, breast pump & lotsa daily stuff. buy now is definitely too early, will start buying in april

Hi ladies

Clare and Qiuen,

The one that we like is http://global.pegperego.com/babyproducts-catalog/2010/Si+Classico - the Si Classico. We tried this and Si Completo.

Si Classico is single-wheeler but it is very light, easy to navigate (real easy!), Italian made (so very durable), easy for us Mums to open, close and even transport to boot of car alone.

The Si Completo is double-wheeler , more stable and steady..but also more bulky.

Both are from 0 to 4 years old.

Combi ones are also economical and good, but I think not that durable. Just my opinion. Quinny way to heavy for me. Hubby also dun like.

They say Britex car seats (made from Australia) is the only one that has booster protection. Good brand. The other one is Inglesina. (about $400 plus, now got 15% discount). Britex price, I forgot.

So far, noone to hand me down stuff, except my MIL is buying my cot/playpen for me and I can get most baby basic clothes from an aunt. (who has 5 teenaged kids). So, my purchases so far are breast pump, stroller, car seat.

Friends say better go Taka Baby Fair, supposedly out in Feb or March. Better than Spore Expo fair, because from experience, they say Spore expo fair, messy, a lot of people and sometimes the stuff they sell is old stuff, clear stock one.

Ok, this is what I think.

I would buy stroller and car seat from Kaki Bukit, it's cheaper, and more variety.

Cot/playpen also from Kaki Bukit. I saw one that is $119, all included. Except must buy bedding. They deliver free. Actually, all the shops we saw at Kaki Bukit, they deliver our stuff for free.

Actually, can purchase now, they deliver closer to our due date. And the warranty starts from when we show them baby's birth cert.

I bought breast pump already.

I am planning to buy, wash and prepare everything by April, so I can relax by May. So, Feb and March will be my purchasing months.

Oh yes, if you plan to buy maxi cosi car seats (the ones that can be used together with the stroller), those are only from 0 to 1 yr.

Those separate car seats are from 0 to 4 years. Can last longer.

Hanis,Wow!!it looks really convenient especially when u are out alone with bb.it's easy to handle,I m impressed.

Which brand of breast pump did you buy?

Clare, I bought the Phillip Avent breast pump. My colleagues and SIL gave good reviews for it..Both manual and electric ones got good reviews. I think 3 of my colleagues who pump in school use the Phillip Avent.

Yup, I am doing more research on strollers before I purchase so will update you ladies. The website buzzillions that I gave above has reviews for other strollers too...

Hi Hanis,

How much is the Philips breast pump? I was wondering if i should join those sprees and buy the Medele Frestyle at around S$450, a good half of the price selling at shops. but then im unsure if i even have breast milk! Should i get a manual one first to try? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

For strollers, we pretty much decide on the Stokke Xplory. Will prob buy nearer baby's due date so hopefully prices go down alittle then!Heh

Just came from the Abbott seminar...

Good :

- first talk by the doctor about nutrition and tests (OSCAR n detailed test) are good though I believe must mum already super familiar wif, so do the talk about breastfeeding by Mrs Bong (yes, the AMK Hub TMC trainer)

- no complain about the food either :p

- celebrity talk was quite funny cuz Mark Lee cracked a lot of jokes

Bad :

- second talk blardy boring (about nutrition needed for baby but seriously most people won't remember that)

- it stated that the event is 12 to 5PM but actually the actual event started at 1PM (so we gotta wait for an hour?!?!)

- the timing was stretched and rushed, better time planning next time


- It's interesting to see soooooooo many preggy mum at the same room lol

- Actually, I'm not sure how they derived that the goodie bag worth 120 bucks. Yes, I'm sure a can of milk worth something - but it can't be THAT expensive. Then, the mini samples and tons of brochures? :p They also give a feeding bowl, abbott magnet, abbott baby shirt, abbott vouchers, abbott bag (or something like that, I have not really open it) - but all those cheapo "corporate gift" type la. Also got 2 CDs, I think one about songs another one I'm not so sure. Definitely a nice goodie bag BUT saying it worth 120 bucks is a bit "pushing the limit".

Looks similar to this photo though : http://www.abbott.com.sg/family/images/1st_mums_dads_congress/fmdc_2011_goodie_bag_new.jpg but with moreeeeeeee brochures and other samples not pictured.

Overall I find the event pretty informative especially for first timer like me, but experienced parents might find it too basic.

Hi Ashley,

I went to Mothercare today and saw the Twin Electric Pump from PHillips Avent selling at $899. I bought mine for $480 from E'leen (this thread also!) Great deal!

Actually, she posted in another thread dated last Dec, I happen to PM her and turns out, she's here too! Hehe..

She has one set left, so I purchased that...I have a Medela Freestyle single manual pump, handed to me by a good friend. She say can try that one so will try out both..

Wah, Stokke Xplory...I saw the demo...But very ex for me! Hehehe...

Actually, I also thought like you, Ashley. What if I have no breast milk?

But, after thinking about it, and I am adamant to breast-feed, I will try my very best to get there.. And it is a question of demand-supply and most experienced mummies I know say to keep pumping.

So, that's why I grabbed the deal at half price..

Hanis. Thanks for the link n ur reviews. Will read up more on the products tomorrow. iPhone screen too small. But for now I can't imagine how a baby fits into a stroller when stroller is in a sitting position. Hee

Qiuen, i was like that too before the demo! Most strollers that cater for 0 to 4 yrs will have recliner positions that you can adjust from sitting position to totally flat.

Alright, enough of research. Goodnight! Hehehe...


I was at the fair today & yeah, i think the goodie bag has half filled rubbish. Went home, emptied it and in the end only kept the small bottle of baby milk and the baby tee and the Mustele samples. Heh. The rest of the brochures were about the same as the ones i got when i signed up for the Thomson FBI card! And i dont like the Similac Mum milk! Tastes weird!


Yeah thats why my galfren say too..if u persevere SURE got milk! Im deciding between Medele Freestyle or Philips now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Medele's spree is about $448 direct from states. U have the manual pump as well? Thats goood! Can alternate-use!

Morning! This thread progresses fast!

Combi strollers- There is a 8-year-old combi at my mum's place which is still good, but now it is mainly to bring my girl to tabao food on weekends... Its very light so don't try to hang your shopping bags on the back...

3-wheeler vs 4-wheeler - I have frds who sweared by 3-wheelers for its stability, but also heard from others that its difficult to move around. Hubby & I love the Phil & Teds Vibe (3-wheeler) but its way too exp for a stroller...

Breast-feeding - As long as you are determine to BF, your motherly instinct will kick in! Its not easy in the beginning but you will be rewarded if you persevere. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

B4 it slips my mind. There is an article on childrens poop in yesterday's paper. Think it will be useful in future. I didn't know there are so many kinds till I saw the photos! Haha

morning mummies!

regards stroller, i use a no branded one, lent from my frenz. light weight and easy to move ard. it been to several oversea trip with us cos is small after fold up.

regards brestfeeding. yup so long u preserve, u will hv it. maybe not alot but it do contribute much to your bb health & yr wallet cos lesser milk powder need to buy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i stop mine at 2 yrs old, cos my gal got nipple confusion, basically is direct latch from me and nothing else. the rest of the time, is by spoon. my poor nanny..

baby movement, yes, i feel it! (finally) 17 wks for 2nd mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] quite lousy ah.. mostly is lying flat & middle of night. got diff types, sometime is sudden popup, sometime is a short period of fix spot movement. next on the wait list is gender! but only will know when doing the DS after CNY

good week ahead, mummies!

I was at the Abbott Seminar with Fancy LOL cause hub not around [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] had a great time talking to Fancy when the Abbott Ang Moh guy is talking LOL...

I did also talk to Mdm Wong she is really friendly and ask her some question too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ciao mummies.. due to work (too much computer Mondays to Fridays), I usually do not use the computer during weekends.. and now I am [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Ashley & Clare, I am not happy at work and actually wanted to leave before but because of the baby, I decided to stay.. Now since I should still be in time to move (by March), I will still be able to enjoy the maternity.. I would like to move.. otherwise when I am back from maternity.. I have to stay longer.. not nice to resign right after maternity leave... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] But I prefer some challenging work, so maybe government sector not suitable for me.. hehe.. still try to be fussy..

Hi Hanis, my client actually strongly recommended Quinny Buzz to me.. I went to check the price and 2nd hand costs about $500.. a little too pricey but she mentioned it to be extremely friendly and useful.. with the maxi cosy car seat too.. So now I have to try to look around for a lower price 2nd hand...

Oh. Btw hub and I were at Great world basement on Saturday eating a cup of yogurt. While sitting here, i go boliao and started noticing all the baby prams. Realised that all the parents were using 4 wheelers.

Seems like that is the more popular choice.

Friend did mention that, 3wheelers are difficult to balance on the escalator. (Think no matter 3 or 4 wheeler, its still safer to take the lift).

Christy ,

hehe thanks i enjoyed ur company..


very true .. the nutrients talk was so boring.. he was sounding so dull and weak...



so now everyone is shopping spree.. i have not even listed down the things i need to buy..

just remember something, for strollers, good for have all wheels to rotate 360 degree & bigger wheels are good... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my sis is passing me a graco stroller & capella. I'll make do with these 2 for now. I'll put capella with my pils cos graco is way too heavy for them

