(2011/06) June 2011

E'leen,I think bb will start to put on more weight after 20weeks right?so I guess ur bb should be fine since gyne said its ok.

But CNY coming leh..how to resist all the food..


clare, #1 DS was 380g, #2 is only 300g. Quite a big difference... Hopefully he will catch up soon! I'm controlling myself now to have some buffer for CNY. but the more i restrict, the more i crave for the forbidden food...

eleen, sob sob then i very likely will b affected. As my edd is 25 Jun unless bb reali decide to come out onli after edd [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] He book his trip liao?

the diff in ur bb weight might b due to diff weeks u r in for both test. I did my #1 DS at 20 weeks now 19 weeks so i will b expecting #2 to b lighter too. Congrats on getting a prince [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

rata, thanks! he kanna threatened by his wife! u check with him again on your next appt.

did your #1 pop b4 edd? mine was 2 weeks before edd, so i think this one shld be early. but if his weight still not like jiejie then going to ask him to stay inside abit longer! haha

Eleen, #1 pop 5 days b4 edd. Another choice is to induce b4 he go off if bb weight ok


thanks.. I tot i was really having MS coz i felt so faint! and I just had my breakfast and milk... wonder now that bb is moving and kicking, he's zapping more energy from me? looks like i can't move from place to place too fast else may have relapse again..


thanks... ya maybe unknowingly i'm feeling stressed. tried to look for Infant care coz heard need to book early, turns out the one i found very near my place only holds booking for 1 month. means if I need help in Nov, I can only start scouting in Sept/Oct? feels confusing coz others go on waiting list, and this (PCF) says it's too early to book. hmmmm.. plus sick and skin allergy, i can't help worry about the medication i eat will affect bb.. though GP and gynae say ok. haiya, i think too much =) maybe just need to rant a bit and hope it goes away =)

^5 Rata, we same edd! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

chilli_padi, u are most welcome. just relax lar.. for fainting after meal, maybe cos yr blood count low. after food, we need blood for digestion, so which will be make u faint. Regards childcare, maybe they mistood yr question. so far my enquiries is make a deposit / register / put yr name as waiting list. pcf i think is 2 hrs course not childcare, and yes, they only open in june or earlier for registration. sick n skin allergy are fine too due to the hormone thingy we hv during preg. doc say ok then should be fine. i was coughing like near to a mth + fainting during my #1. then end up she is born healthy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

just remember my gynae also ask me for PD name for #2. u gals should start looking ard one too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] for my case, the PD must be same in the hospital i delivering. so i probably chose Dr Ngam for GlenE. Mt A can chose Dr Chan Kit Yee, my #1 using her now cos they hv outlet (SBCC) near my house in amk [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Suzie, my cats are not showing me any tantrums yet, luckily! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I will be going for my detailed scan at the end of the month.. pretty sure all the weight is on me and not the baby!! 6KG!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I do not have any line though so I don't think the line is a tell tale sign of the gender of the baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

and I just had my 1st meal of the day!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] too busy to miss lunch time and then appointments back to back.. felt like throwing up in the cab earlier.. so I guess not to worry if you feel a little unwell.. just try to eat regular meals, should be fine..

Chilli_Padi, don't scare yourself [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Look forward to the little one's arrival.. I used to be thinking the same, so many uncertainties and don't know what to expect, but I guess, when the time comes, mummy's nature will be out to protect both mummy and baby! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Chil for the advice.. I don't think mine is a sinus.. but I am not sure.. never had it before.. I will monitor it and perhaps see a doctor if it doesn't go away.. I usually sneeze non-stop when I feel cold then the nose starts to run... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

E'leen,Congrates on knowing ur bb gender.a girl n a boy!good...A "good" word in chinese..

Eileen,my detailed scan is also the end of the month,on the 25th..was actually next week but my husband cant make it..

ok lah..I m coming 10kg liao.I m not looking forward to going to see my gyne.Everytime I go and see him,I will ask him if I m overweight anot..haha..haiz.. ^-^

I read somewhere that sinus might come or become more serious especially during pregnancy,so you might want to monitor.

Eleen, no choice also...

Chil, hi 5. I delivering in Mt A will choose Terence Tan. Same as my #1

Hi Clare.. Must be so excited for the scan!! I also ask my doctor but he always gives a very vague answer.. but sometimes hint to me I must be eating very well..!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] haha hopefully the weight will go away after the little monster is out!

Hi Mummies, I just went for my checkup yesterday and managed to spot the 'thing' between the legs haa! So mine will be boy! My hubby is very happy and as for me, I'm ok la...happy cos my instinct came true haha! Someone told me the mummy's instinct is very accurate...perhaps why from the start I had this feeling it's gg to be boy...and hence dare not say out that I prefer girl. :p

I caught a cold in the clinic yesterday after waiting for 2 hrs! Nose still v red now...I think what clare said was correct...those with sinus will get worse during pregnancy...just like my case...sneeze very easily and nose gets blocked very often! Sigh...

Anyone has developed sudden strange headache? I started to develop headache since last week and it can get very bad...b4 pregnancy I've never experienced such persistent bad headaches...wonder if it's a symptom too...

Counting down to June...5 more months to go for most of us...Jiayou!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congratulations captain_piglet! I sometimes envy mothers with instinct.. I never had any of them and instead, my mum & friends were the ones who came to tell me they had a strong instinct that my baby would be a boy, and they were right! I don't feel nothing at all!

I do not experience headache but probably if I get too weary, I do feel a little unwell up in my head, a little dizzy and perhaps a little pain? Are you worn out? Have to rest more and perhaps take more tonic to increase blood circulation? I am not too sure, will be a nice question for the doctor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i also vomit in second tri. first tri was fine though. but i dun think it's ms. could be reflux/ indigestion.

do any of u exp legs ache? my legs always start to get v suan at night. my hubby said could be cos i put on weight. but onli 5kg. and 5 more months to go. wonder if it will get worse..

Thanks Eileen! Funny thing is I'm at my most relaxed two weeks at work..so really can't explain the headache! And I was so forgetful that I did not ask my gynae abt it..think I sneezed till I just wanna quickly get home!

Been relying on the axe oil..hope it's safe for pregnant women!!

clare, thanks! intend to try for another 好 in 2 years time... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

chil, i'm getting Dr Ong (ICAC) since delivering in Mt A. He is the PD for #1, good PD but to q for him takes at least 2hours...

Mel, my aches are around the calf area, cause i tend to walk alot... get hubby to massage for you! I'm counting down to the day ML to come for pre-natal massage!

Mel> I have leg cramp during early stage of preggy its not often but once in a while.

Trick is not to eat salty food (eg) salty egg, salty veg, kang kong (a killer to the leg cramp) preserved salty food try avoid. Try not to rub your leg when its cramp cause it will cause big thick vains appear faster. My hub I dun know how he do it but just press my legs than cramp will go away quite fast. I also sleep on the side which the air con is not blowing at me... just to keep my legs warm... I also wear bedroom slippers too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Keep your leg up at night with a pillow under it. I even buy a flight sock to improve blood circulation... which will help and keep warm the legs but its very tight and at night will be a bit hot sometimes I just have to take out the socks at night... LOL

Captain piglet> I read in a thread saying that axe oil is not very good... If can try to endure and keep out of it. I used to have a habit to sniff my axe oil now and than every early weeks of preggy... until I read no good than I decided to kick the habit. Its a bit hard some times but I manage to kick the habit during this preggy. can sniff once in a while but not every day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning everyone!

Havent been in here for a while...how's everyone doing?

I do get some leg cramps on and off too. Even numbness in the arms. But i figured the latter was more due to the cold weather those past few days. Felt more like rheumatism!


I registered for the congress too late. All full. Wonder if there's any other similar talk coming up soon.

As for the dark line, recently a faint line appeared all the way to the chest. I used to already have one from the belly button down. The shade is still looking the same though. Dunno how true abt the boy vs girl thing in my case since we're hoping for 1 boy 1 girl.

PD in Mt A.

After reading here... there are 2 PD in Mt A...

1) Dr Ong (ICAC)- Que takes 2 hours

2) Terence Tan

Rat> For Terence Tan how long do we have to wait?

All> PD after delivery... do you mean that the PD will come to your room and check on your NB?

After delivery still need to go back to the same PD for check up?

After how long we can than change to another PD?

Hi Chil,

May I know whether there's any special reason that the PD needs to be in the same hospital that you're delivering? My #1's PD left my hospital, and my son is now seeing another PD whose clinic is not at the hospital. At a dilemma whether to get the current PD or find someone from the hospital's clinic? Thanks

christy, for Dr Ong, there is priority for newborn, can jump que. For #1, 5th & 6th month check-up, we wait for about 2 hours each time...

christy, PD will go to the nursery to check bb after birth & each morning. after delivery, pd will advise if need any follow up for existing conditions (if any). then bb is ok, can change PD if you want for subsequent vaccines.

christy, heard long waiting hrs too. But I onli went back to him for 1 follow up & seq jabs i go to polyclinic nearby. For the 1 & onli follow up appt we book the eariest, therefore waiting time was not too long.

My dog seems fine. I don't think he notice anything yet lol but he's closer to my hubby especially since nowadays I sleep very, very early (around 9 or 10PM vs the usual 1 or 2AM lol)

I'm going to Abbot event wib my hubby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

TGIF Mommies!

We remains open till 9pm today and mommies who have yet to collect their free bibs may take this opportunity to pick them up, as the redemption expires tomorrow.

Daddies accompanying mommies, fret not, we have interesting neighbors dealing with sports car, car detailing and even indoor golf just one level below us. So daddies can take this opportunity to look at 'men's stuff' while the mommies spending a cozy moment at JLC : )


Lots of reading to do [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Did really something 'gong' this morning, heard my hp ringing while i was in the shower and got distracted. When i am done then i realized that i have conditioned my hair without shampooing it first. haha. Pea brain of mine.

Mel: For the past 4 years, i go for CNY holiday overseas with my family, and thus i didnt give AP at all. haha. But this year, they going Guangzhou so i opt to stay in sg instead. Friends hinting me to give AP liao.

PD: ah. we have to look for one ah??? Think i will be lazy and just ask friend who recommended me her gynae. heee

Breastfeeding: i am still thinking to breastfeed or pump and feed. Was watching a taiwan variety show last night, the mummies were commenting that if pump, the milk volume will be lower compared to BF, dunno how true it is.

Weight Gain: i have only gained 2kg. Think that is a bit too little? Appetite has not improved but at least i can taste food better. Still dislike the taste of pork.

Belly line: mine runs from belly all the way to chest. By myth should be a boy, but gynae said probably a girl. we shall see [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

E'leen Lau & Rat> Oh like that ah.. maybe I see which PD my gyne will recommend than I follow. After PD say ok than I can PD lor.. cause waiting so long I think I will faint sia :S

I saw only PD clinic next to my gyne clinic at Bt Timah Shopping Ctr... but they open office hour nia.

Any one can recommend PD? (I stay at Bt Panjang)

Christy, Bt Timah Shopping Centre -> Chang Clinic? I went once, #1 dun like the "aura" there, keep crying, so went back to Dr. Ong & continue to que...


tks for the update. can u change my EDD to 4 jun pls? tks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

amtail> PD = pediatrician

eh i dun think we should have the mentality that preganant means must gain weight! if think like that then that's when u eat with no restraint thinking its ok to get fat.. and that's why ur figure goes to hell haha.. i'm 5 months this week and still -1kg from pre-pregnancy weight and doc said its perfectly fine cos baby is even slightly fat haha.. all the nutrients is going directly to baby and bypassing me altogether. i think it is more impt that baby is gaining weight healthily and not the mummy gaining weight or not la

anyway, in case there are any mummies who are interested, there is apparently a new 13th astrology sign and new dates for all the other signs and this new chart only applies to pple born after 2009 cos of the planet's alignment with reference to the sun etc etc.. if born before planet alignment shifted in 2009 then ur sign doesnt change.. u can read abt it here:















damn my baby girl is not gonna be a gemini like me anymore! i dowan a stubborn little taurus!

Altáriël> Oh thought that preggy must gain weight :p wah that means I am super duper fat lor....

new 13th astrology sign you mention very interestiing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

E'leen> Saw the PD name is Dr Dorothy Ong. Aiya I mix up my gyne clinic la.. always thought is at Bukit Timah Shopping Ctr... its actually at Bt Timah Plaza... LOL

hi mummies. wat a big rain now..

tsukushi, the main reason for PD working in the same hosp is bcos when yr bb delivered. they will be there in the delivery ward to hv the 1st assesment of the bb, extract the phlegm etc.. yr gynae main objective is to deliver the bb then pass he/she to PD. then yr gynae can put their focus back on you again.

wah altariel, this is new! phew.. my #1 born in year 2008, skipped it! so my #2 will be Gemini? hmm, i still prefer the crabby Cancer though. haha, i'm still fall under LEO even i born 30yrs later. lol~

btw, one research found out that pretty women are more prompt to hv daugthers as kids! they say maybe cos they wan the beautiful genes to pass down [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] *ahem no offense on those mummies who hv more sons than daug ya, cos i do have pretty frenz who hv sons iso daug. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wait a min, i'm no longer a libra?? but i've been one for so many years??? hahaa... lol after 2009? hmmm cute. i didn't know... ;)

regards PD. some mummies prefer to stick to the 101 PD since their bb born regards where is their clinic location. some gave in for convenient, get someone near their house instead. me fall under the later case. my #1 PD is a diff person than the PD who checked on her during delivery.


I see, thanks. I wasn't aware when the PD checked up on my #1 after delivery cos I only got to see the PD 1 day later.

tsukushi, same here. i only meet my #1 PD on the next day after i delivered. he is recommended by my gynae. as my room was dark with curtain on, and is really early like near to 8am, my 1st impression of him was a mashmellow man standing there! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Christy, Dr Dorthoy Ong is the PD i using for #1 after 1 follow up check up with Terence Tan. She is good but she dun go to hospital so cant choose her as PD during hospital stay

chilli_padi> u're still a libra la.. cos when u were born the stars/planets etc were aligned such that u are libra so u'll remain libra la.. juz that those ppl born after 2009, the starts have re-aligned so they are under different astro signs liao..

chilladi> haha i know someone who didnt realise this only applies to ppl born after 2009 and was super agitated to find out that he, quote, "changed from a roaring lion to a diseased crab that kills hundreds of thousands of people each year", unquote. Haha so crabby cancer mayb not that good lol

hope the rain stops juz before we knock off work! dun fancy travelling in the rain.. so dangerous and slippery!

haha ateriel, frankly i was quite glad my #2 will be a cancer. as i do get along well with Cancer. but Gemini.. hardly hv frenz [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

haha gemini hardly have frenz ar? now i know why my circle of close frenz is so small lol

anyway most sites didnt mention that this new astro chart only applies to those born after 2009.. so im also not 100% sure abt that info.. and in fact lots of pple who believe in horoscope are very unset cos they think they have changed signs haha. quite amusing to see their reactions and comments actually. however, it wouldnt make sense to say that u're no longer a certain sign that u've always believed urself to be under right and now ur personality is all out of whack? how can juz happy happy change like that right haha


christy, Dr Ong is good & her charges are reasonable. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

