(2011/06) June 2011

oceanicgal, actually i was looking at breastfeeding pillow cos my friends all highly recommend to get (instead of using many cushions) and it was my first preggy so had the time to go shop shop around... a normal bf pillow already cost $79, so hubby said just upgrade to this one as it can serve many purposes lor... i think there are some which support upper body only probably like $20 cheaper...

wah, i really like the 4D ultrasound thingy leh,... but #1 dun have, #2 have, next time will #1 will get jealous of #2 or not ? ...


thanks for the info on pre & post natal massage.

luckily my massage lady when do pre natal massage for me she will not massage my tummy wan, she only massage my back, hands & legs only. She is quite experienced so mayb she know cannot massage tummy wan. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi everyone...

Thanks for the info and tips on the bloatedness. I know must take small, light meals, but sometimes, I'm too hungry, end up eating a huge meal! At times, there is no chance to constantly eat small meals..

JuniorRain, I think I will check with gynae first about the massage. I have this strain/sprain on my left shoulder and neck. Usually I put Salonpas and it will go away, but I read online that cannot put Salonpas while pregnant, so I dared not do this time.

Maybe I should invest in the S-pillow too, cos the neck/shoulder ache was a result of weird/awkward sleeping positions for me at night. Sounds tempting..I value my sleep at nights!!! Who wouldn't right? Somemore interrupted by peeing sessions, I wouldn't want to be interrupted by backache sessions!!

Ann I think you're right, prevention is better than cure. Some more got history of backaches in the women in my family...

Chilli_padi, I'm also anxious to feel movement. So far, just soft bubble-like sensations..Can't wait for next wed..

Qiuen > Oh my details were missed out.

Gender of bb: Boy, Hospital: TMC


Thks to all who gave their assurance. Am really hoping the placenta would move up soon.

For those who are keen on the 3D & 4D scans, here's some info. Picked up a brochure at TMC and checked on the prices for the following.

3D scan: $189 + GST

4D scan: $279 + GST

createjoy > That's nice, even better if our EDD are the same. Wahahaha.. How come u wanna change ur gynae? The previous one not good?

After joining this forum, I realised the gynae that I'm with is much more expensive that other mummies. To date, I've calculated, every checkup costs me about 200+, and the maternity package $600 only starts at week 20 which includes only consultations and normal ultrasound scans, without medications and blood tests. In addition, delivery charges by my gynae also seem to be on the high side $1800.

Ahhhh.. before my little one comes to this world, i think the damage is already 4-5k cash. =S


Dun worry, mine is like that also. I dunno bout my maternity package yet, will know about it next Wed and update you. But normal consultation, scan and maybe one box of supplements is 200+. Last time must eat progesterone, that one each dosage of 1 mth is like $90! Now no need, but sometimes got blood test la...etc.

Next week detailed scan, I think sure will hit $300++. Sigh..Poor hubby.

Ladies, I am in love with FnN Alive yoghurt range, esp their luscious flavour. I used to hate eating yoghurt, but must since cos it helps with my digestive system. So far yummy, and lesser smelly gas!

*Although I did let out a smelly fart in class today, lucky classroom was well-ventilated and got wind coming in from windows. Kids did not suspect anything. Teehee...*

Hi gals,

Maternity package: My gynae package is $550 for unlimited u/s and checkups. Vitamins and folic acid inclusive. Just need to pay for extra like fish oil and duphaston. Other extras like detailed scan not included so considered quite cheap leh. But my gynae super chop2.

Just wanna share that I bought a fetal Doppler at mustafa centre yesterday and it works! Heard my baby's heartbeat so was rest assured cos I was worrying since I haven't felt his kicks for quite some time since I stupidly tried to rearrange some furniture and carried a monitor and CPU. Now with the fetal Doppler I can quickly check and it's such a beautiful sound. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Uziela, how much does the dppler scan cost? So interesting!

I just have my FA scan today and it's a boy! Really happy to see my baby active and normal.

As for the costing, after you sign the package with the gynae, they will usually calculate the money you have been paying for all previous visits eg. consultation, ultrasound and vitamins (excludes the fish cod oil). From there, they will subtract the money from the package price and you just need to pay the rest that's all. The FA scan today cost me $113.63 ater a 10% discount from being the First Born Incentive member.

The membership cost about $148 for the 2yrs but with all the goodies provided, discount to the prenatal course and discount to hospital stay charges depending on room type. It's pretty useful. I decided that I will be giving birth at TMC.

Qiuen can you please update my status:

Baby Gender: Boy

Hospital: TMC

Eleen, thanks but I thot no one reply so I bought stamps fr people as I juz need 4 to complete [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] btw all the best to ur ds tomolo.

Ann, is near ur work place?

Want To Sell: My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow (Used)

Dear All,

I am looking to sell My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow. Used less than 10 times only. Item still in original packaging as per the picture below


Bought at $81.40 as per the picture with the price tag on packaging


Selling at $50 only.

Interested parties, please sms me at 97421248 or email me at [email protected]

Self collection at Suntec during work hours or Jurong West or Bukit Panjang after work hours.

Dear All,

I want to sell my 5 months old Medela Freestyle Breastpump. Item is a US set, not a local set. Information about the set is as follows as its bought from the same seller in Ebay.


I still have the box packaging and I will provide all the items listed in the ad. Will throw in 2 X Medela SoftFit Breastshield (Brand new) as that has direct contact with my body and therefore its not hygenic to provide my used ones. The SoftFit Breastshield looks like the item below:


Item still in great condition and battery life is as good as new. Used for 3 months only and then keep in storage.. Selling for only $300.

Interested parties, please sms me at 97421248 or email me at [email protected]

Self collection at Suntec during work hours or Jurong West or Bukit Panjang after work hours.


I have the following to let go, almost brand new as seldom used . Pls PM me if interested

1. Ameda Lactaline Dual Pump at $300 (retail $388)

2. Baby Bjorn Synergy (Air Mesh Material) in Dark Blue at $200 (retail $289)

3. Capella S705 stroller (2010 model, Blue color) at $250 (retail $329)

4. My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow at $50 (retail $81)

5. Bumbo (yellow color) with play tray at $45 (retail $79.90)

Sorry forgot to add the price. It's only $39!!! I saw one at a maternity store that sold for $100++ so was so shocked it was so cheap at mustafa. U just need to buy a 9v batt and u can use already. My hubby didn't use the earphones and plugged it into the speakers instead so we could both hear at same time. U need to search2 for the baby heartbeat first but when found, it's worth it. So faint yet so powerful.

The fetal Doppler comes in a pink box and comes with the Doppler, headphones, a transmitter (to place into any recording device) and gel to put on the Doppler.

Uzeila. Oh. Thats really affordable! But when I told hub he was like. Y u need that for. Bleh.

Did u gals see the newspaper article this morning? Parents queuing overnight for a slot in nanyang kindergarten! And that's for 2013's intake if I m not mistaken.

Thanks mummies for sharing ur maternity packages.

qiuen > Omg, that's very scary! It's only kindergarten level. But as parents, we hope to give the best to our children if it's within our abilities. Hopefully, it doesn't bring more stress to the little one.

Uziela > The fetal Doppler is so fun, and the price is affordable. Can ease our worries, no need to always wait for checkup to be assure that bb is doing well. I remember for the past weeks, i keep worrying that wat if during checkup cannot detect bb's heartbeat anymore.

Today I keep having bubbling feeling in my tummy. Is that my princess's movement? Or am I oversensitive? Cos i read in babycenter, most mummies can feel the bb's movement from week 16-20.

Ratatouille, oceanicgal: Yes, Nanyang kindergarten is really popular. The overnight q doesnt secure a place in the school, its just to get the name on the waiting list! They take in kid starting from 3 years old (pre nursary?).

Well, i will be most likely sending my child to my former primary school. But for kindergarten? I think i want him/her to just enjoy life first, and choose a kindergarten near hm.

qiuen, same as u i should be sending them to my old sch since even neighbour pri sch of walking dist require balloting & I do not want to do PV.

Claire & Christy,

Have u registered for the Abbott's congress? I tried to book just now but their ticketing system is down. Cant be fully booked already rt? Today is the last day of registration.

rata,quien> send to your old pri sch then got priority?

does anyone know if doppler works like u/s in that it emits frequency of some sort? if so, then does too much harm the baby?

Ratatouille/qiuen > Do u mean if send them to our old school, no need balloting or PV? Cos my old school already closed down, only hope left will be DH's old school. =S

rata, quien, crazy la those parents! i also prefer to choose a school that near our place, don want my kids to grow up and complain how come they don't have a happy childhood, :p

btw, anyone want 0-6mths gal clothings? include some 6-12mths and 12-18mths, most of them are passed over from my sis or frds, was packing some boy clothings for a frd whose frd is an unwed mother, so soon pian packed my gal's clothings as well. but not for fussies one hor, cos some got bit of stains and most of them are not new de... let me know if anyone interested.

oceanicgal> same as u! my old primary school close down liao.. then hubby pri sch is in pasir ris! i live jurong lor! >.<

JJ> im interested! im so broke lor.. everything so far also have to get new one.. not a single person can pass to me.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

alamak.. since sch close down then mayb become 2B be PV liao... bleh

thanks for sharing rata! hopefully policy would have changed for the better 7 yrs down the road haha

oceanicgal,yah..I think ur gyne is correct..I exercise alot before pregnancy,didn't have a tummy before with all that surfing n gym workouts..haha..haiz...

Christy,Ooooo..no wonder I m getting the bloated feeling again because I eat alot of cabbage just now for lunch.Everyday I have lotsa of cabbage at least for one meal for fibre..I think I better try to avoid..

congrates to the mummies who got to know their little ones gender..Shopping!!shopping shopping starts!!Yohoo.. lol

I was trying to save some $ for my dh,just get buy maternity clothes online,but because we received alot of fraud calls after buying some (in taiwan alot lah..alot of rubbish calls,even pple posing as my dh n ask for my mil for help n $)

anyway,my dh was really angry with the calls,so he said to get it from dept stores..but when he saw the prices when we got there,he said to me:Its ok..I think I can still handle those calls..u go buy online tonight..haha..funny lah..

Ratatouille: Thought of sending kid to school opposite current address, but its a branded school. So instead of taking the risk of not knowing whether my kid will be able to get in, I will most likely send kid to my primary school. My Pri school in quite high demand as well, so i will choose to pay to join alumni so that kid will stand a better chance of securing a slot.

But will only do the registration years later, very hard to say if the priority rules will change by the time our kids grow up.

hello mummies. wow i ponteng for few days and so many discussion ah! haha.. u gals start talking abt primary school?! my kids will die cos we both pr + there is only 101 pri school within 1km. the rest >1 km all branded hot potatoes type. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

just did my usual scan + triple blood test. as expected, mysterty bb is showing the big round head than anything else.. sigh. the next scan fall after cny. wat a long wait!! but it will have DS too, so by then should noe the bb gender! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] now all i can do is wait & pray for gd result for my triple blood test. i failed for my #1 *finger cross.

just saw ntuc have huggies Newborn n S size diapers hving promotion. mummies, which brand of diapers u gals wanna buy for yr bb? pampers/ huggies/ drypers?

chil: the conversation was started due to the newspaper article this morning regarding parents q-ing overnight to get their names on the waiting list for nanyang kindergarten's 2013 intake.

My next DS is after the CNY too, and only then gynae will tell me the cfm gender [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ciao all mummies!

I was surprised to see how much I missed in a few days! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks to E'leen and Junior Rain on the advice on the water birth. I have to remember to ask Dr Tham on that when I see him end of the month. heard that there should be e package at TMC for delivery as well as hospital stay, so should be cheaper than booking it separately...

Not sure why after the year ticks to 2011, I feel that time is going to fly and soon the little one will be out.. and so many uncertainties going to fly out... a complete mixed feelings...!!

Oh, to add something to bloated tummy.. I do have it when I eat too much chilli and perhaps my kid got "burnt" so I will be very bloated.. I reckon less chilli and lime would help to reduce bloatedness..

anyway hope all mummies are doing very well.. Take care!!

Quien .here are my details:

Nick Suzieduck

Name Suzie

EDD 16 june

Gynae Tan hak koon

Hospital SGH

BB# 1

Boy/Girl can't decide. both good

Location Eunos

i went for my 17+ week today. even before i say anything the dr. says still too young to see gender. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so disappointing. he just did a quick scan to check that everything is fine. arranged for a detailed scan at 22wks, right after CNY.

shucks. the DH was disappointed at not being able to shop for bb things. he's going to korea tomorrow and wanted to get cute girly things LOL. why i feel that men all want to have bb girls.

anyway i'm relieved that all my tests came out ok and the prob for ds is 1:6044. no need for ammio.

you guys talked about pri sch so fast. hehehe. i've been thinking about this problem even before when we started to plan for kids. DH is from kampong school and i've been told that my ex school standard is slacking cos of old teaching methods. haiz. will think about this problem when the time comes bah. take one step at a time.

i've got an colleague going to Mustafa tonight, so i asked him to look for the infant doppler for me. DH wasn't very interested in it but since i still can't really discern any bb mvts, i want to listen to the heart, just to ease my worries. so i told the DH that i shan't let him listen to the heartbeat when i have the doppler and he sulked at me. haha so cute.

i've been warned by colleagues that they have pregnant relatives who walked too fast and experience bleeding so a word of caution to mummies who live on the fast lane. and also get lots of rest too. many years ago i had a friend who had a mc at 6mths. so sad. she's a teacher and was very overworked.

Qiuen, no wonder u notice nayang news. My old sch not dat hotcake so no need alumin.

Ratatouille. Reason I noticed was bcos the photo was on the cover of todays straits time. Difficult to miss it. Not so much bcos I was from the primary sch ba.

Quien, long wait right? after cny. If got kaypo relative wanna Noe d gender all I say is 'i dunno' kekeke. Mayb by then can catch d last train of 'post cny sale' for bb clothes.

Btw anyone registered themselves for d mum n fairy workshop in mar/apr? Wanna c got accompany bor..

Morning mummies, Taka member sales start tomolo. Will last for 4 days. additional 10%


quien> nanyang kindergarten and pri not affiliated right?

i heard taka having baby fair early this year. waiting for that to get baby stuff. hope will hv good deals..

