(2011/06) June 2011

morning mummies. my last day idling at home for childcare leave as my #1 started her childcare tis monday onwards. was there to support abit [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh Rata, taka hving sale? public sale no start yet right ? else i can go shopping with my vouchers during my off days.

mel, when will tat be? will our tummy still can rush for these last mins shopping?


Syrah, yes already registered for the Abbott's congress. I join the Abbott member so its cheaper but register is at Abboott's website after u become their member.

hello mummies..yesterday i rest my whole body on my hubby at the bed to peep wat's he's with his phone..my stomach completely pressed against his back..for abt 2-3mins..i 4got i was pregnant..

my hubby scolded me tat it will hurt the bb..im nw at 19wks..

so scare nw eh..but i can still feel bb kicks..i wonder if i got hurt my bb a nt...

Mel: nope. kindergarten and pri are not affiliated.

chil: lucky for me, most close relatives are not in sg. Then both parents and PIL are going for holiday during CNY, that means i wont see other relatives. woohoo. heee

chil> not sure exactly when. onli read somewhere that first quarter of the yr. rata, if u're heading down, maybe can help ask ard?

qiuen> u can save AP lei! i was thinking of skipping that this yr since first yr after customary wedding. heard fr grandma that not really compulsory to give AP. not sure if ppl will say or not..

ting> i'm 19 wks too! think our edd shd be quite close. mine's 9 june. when's urs?

even though we are halfway thru the pregnancy and almost there, cant help looking forward to baby's arrival!

been down with a fever since yesterday. almost cant walk due to whole body aching. hope baby is ok as i still feel bb's movement every now and then. I didnt get a 3D scan of my bb last scan as bb was facing downwards so cant see the face at all =(

Actually the article made me think about primary sch registration oso [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] My primary sch is overseas and hubby primary sch at Woodland (we are staying at Bedok now) so we are more or less need to find another sch. Most likely i psycho hubby to volunteer :p

I registered for Abbot event also (me + hubby) - we also joining the membership to get better rate :D

BTW, I have very, very bad neck pain almost everyday. Anyone else feeling the same? And I have not feel my baby kicking [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] gynae said no worries, first baby usually not very sensitive hence can't recognize the movement. But a bit jealous when reading other mummies already feel the movements... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Oh ya I'm attending Mount Alvernia class instead because AMK ones already full for February intake. My husband kana reservist from end March to mid April - if wait until his reservist done will be too late for us.

Hi Ting, I am sure your baby is fine. I am always paranoid too, when my cats jump onto my tummy while I was laying in my bed at night.. When the cats fight, one of them will jump to the bed for protection and it always aim to land on my tummy..!! Now I am only in my 17th week.. I am always worried when I become a whale, if the hard jump of the cat will injure the little one inside..!!

Anyway I would like to seek advice from all mummies.. as I have a tight schedule at work.. Is it highly recommended to go for pre-natal classes? I am thinking of skipping it.. but this will be my first baby so I am in a dilemma if I should forgo the class or if I should join the class...


I m baack

long time didnt post .. haha

today went for my second interview n is like casual talk with the ppl there

n i hv new haircut oso .. hahaha perm my hair then my fringe like gong gong

Hi Eileen..lucky is cat..imagine if its those bigger size dogs..

my colleague told me he never attend any class from starting to end when he was 1st time parent..he said manageable but maybe coz got parents or maid..so its up to individual..

for me i will be going for the talks this Sun by Abbott..see see look look..keke

i was thinking taking those class got use a nt..wait all overtaken by MIL..

if i told her class said must like tat feed the bb..she sure got her own say also..haha..

then ah i feel tat hving bb is btw u and ur hubby..dont knw why it has involve MIL..coz my hubby only son..of coz i knw she aiming for grandson..she already told others and my hubby confirm is son..when hubby asked her to say infront of me..she said aiyah doesnt matter boy or gal..


Hmm.. Seems that you are in a very tricky situation.. I already told my mum that I wanna breastfeed and no bottles (some babies after using bottles, they refuse breastfeed) until I am back to work so after that I will pump.. When I told my mum no formulas, no bottles, she was a little skeptical but luckily she understood that a mum should decide for her own baby, she didn't give me any hard time...

But it's always good to have a senior around to give some advise at times when we are lost [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Don't worry, I am sure your MIL and hubby will be there supporting you along [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Good luck!

Hi Eileen, i understand about the cat thing. my cat likes to run around at night and sometimes jump onto us. she landed on my lower belly one night and i was so scared that my bb will be injured. now i try to sleep on the side or will put a pillow on my belly.

Hi Suzie, putting a pillow sounds like an idea! I have always been sleeping on my back and now I am slowly adjusting to sleep on my side... but since my tummy is still not too big for me, I prefer to sleep on my back for more comfort...

When the cats either jump onto the bed to land on my tummy as a jumping board, before jumping off to the other side... or when the cats simply show no respect and walk over my tummy as though I am the bed.. I don't know to laugh at how snobbish they can be.. or cry for my little one being stepped on..

Maybe if I sense the danger too much when the baby grows, I might kick the cats out of the room at night.. That is the plan when the baby comes out.. the plan might be pushed forward though.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi everyone...

Nice weather nowadays, but please take care, flu bug going around.

Eileen, actually at first I also think it's quite good for first time mums to go for such classes, but after thinking about my situation, I think I'd rather save the money. Cos if you have a great support network at home, like my mum stays with me, and a wonderful mum-in-law who disposes great advice, then I suggest no need to go.

But I do want to breastfeed my baby so I think I'll go for the mumsfairy workshop. That's probably the only one that I'll go. And it's quite reasonable price. Also, like what Syrah says, there is a book about BF that might be informative that I want to buy.

Also, read up a lot also on infant care too. Outside there are wonderful books on infant care, not just on pregnancy. My mum has Dr Spock's book, which has been passed down generations in my family. But I might get other books in case there is new updated information. Will let you ladies know if I discover some great titles when I go shopping this weekend.

Have a great mid-week ahead!

mel> me and hubby originally didnt plan to give AP first year after customary also cos we heard before that no need to give.. then in the end got a couple of aunts say how can dun give so in the end we juz guai guai give lor.. else later kena say all the time even after CNY then super sianz lor

any mummies here experience darkening of pigmentation? especially in the armpits area? my armpits now very unsightly with dark patch lor.. wat can i do to rectify or to stop it from worsening?

claire, hope ur neck is getting better. not to worry some feel bb qt late i think even 19wk is qt normal esp 1st bb.

Eileen, i think its gd to go for the class esp w hb.. it does help u to prep mentally though well the real thing is much on ur experience. it also reminds hb to masg for u & hw to support u during labour.

sigh, talk about BF i very dilema.. my boy i fed till 9mths as i not wking since preg till i start work.. this time i'm a wking mother. + having to tk care of my biy, fetch him after sch, pat him slp.. i really thinking of BF 3mths only.. i know it's very beneficial to bb.. but wha my sis said is also qt true.. she said it's no doubt a good start for bb. but then again if for that u tire urself out, u have no time for urself & elder child may be even more left out wn u tired u no energy to play..

Hanis i have the Dr Spock book too. but it's from a frd. wow i cant believe it has been ard for decades. I heard baby whisper is good.

Confinement catering, i saw chilli padi provide it so tempted but that dun send to west area sianz!!! can other recommendation other than new baby & natal essential? different ppl say diff thing leh.. i really dunno which to tk.

Eileen & Suzie > my case is a happy JRT lol I have a dog that looks almost identical with Starhub dog (Sparky) - actually he's a broken coated JRT but people usually called him "Starhub dog" [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] he loves to jump on me but nowadays we try to tell him not to do that, but habit a bit hard to break i guess :p

Ting > Try to discuss wif your hubby how you are going to handle it? At the end of the day, you two are the parents and therefore in charge of the upbringing. MIL or FIL can suggest their inputs, but parents still call the shoot.

Eileen > I also still sleep on my back due to habit, but same here my tummy is still not visible [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I decided to go for prenatal course cuz first time mum with not much help [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] also bonding time with my hubby la. My auntie attended before at Mt A and she said it was very useful.

But mum that decided not to go - no need to worry oso la. Our mother's time also never got such class, but all successfully giving birth & BF [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For me, I gave angbao since first year - but not a lot la, token only.

Actually I start to feel worried about how are we going to brought up a child. Initially I was hoping for a boy so I don't need to be so strict. But gynae said looks like a girl. Now I'm still not sure how are we going to do it lol but I believe this kind of thing we will learn as we go? Maybe I worried too much lol

Altariel, I also have this dark patch on my armpits. Previously I used this cream from Avon, it acts as a deodorant too and it has a nice powdery smell. I just ordered two tubes. It works for me, so you might want to try.

Createjoy, omg, ya man, I remembered reading the book when I was only like 9yrs old! Cos my mum had it lying around..It's with my cousin now, so gonna get it back to read it..hehe..

Omg ladies, my gas is really awfully smelly. I am sooo embarrassed and pity my poor husband. No matter what I eat, sure come out smelly. Even after I poo poo, once I eat a meal, that's it. I will stink up whole room. sigh...hope you ladies dun have this embarrassing symptom!

hi mummies, i have a 1 bottle of NeuroGain (purple colour) available for sale at only $35, DHA320mg. its totally brand new and unopened. Expiry date April 2012. please do PM me if you are interested. thanks!

hanis> do u have the exact name of your Avon product? I went to the Avon website to take a look and there were so many products that i wasnt sure which one is the one you were referring to.. i didnt actually see a deodorant that can help whiten though..

i am also having this armpit darkening syndrome. glad. m not the only one. i also realise dat when i see pics of preg tummies, there's always a black line going down the whole tummy. wondering if it happens for all mummies too?

all, pigmentation should be normal during pregnancy. my belly button area and downwards are getting a lil' hairer and darker. hmm didn't realise the armpit. maybe check later. hahaa..

was down with flu, MC two days, back at work today.. so many med can't eat.. so just keep sleeping. ate alot of fruits and drank loads of water. feeling better today. but just now in a meeting suddenly my face flush white. my lips went white. lucky meeting ended and i returned to my desk. then my colleague asked me if i was ok, coz i looked like i came out of a very 'shiong' meeting... haven't been sleeping well these days. got a lot of dreams and nightmares.. =(

oh 2 days ago I *think* I felt bb movement.. I can't really tell leh. coz on MC, always lying down, resting, watching TV, then suddenly at night ~10pm, I felt like 2 taps on my lower left abdomen.. i read somewhere in the thread that one of mummmies here shared that we can train bb to respond (can't remember who, haha pea brain).. so i tap twice and call bb's name.. then I felt it tap again!! i really wonder is it my imagination.. but i always feel 'tap-tap' in my belly now and then after that incident 2 days ago.. is that bb?? i dunno how does 'butterfly in stomach' feels like .. .aahahha

Dark line..so far my line is getting darker all the way up to chest...n it is hairy..

I hear that we have try to avoid the sun to get as less dark pigmentation..maybe because of the sleeveless clothes we wear?

I use clarins face sun screen when there is sun coz the face will get it also..mummies maybe can wear hats also..we gotta be careful..

Chilli padi,hope u get well soon...take more vit c.I have been taking lots since my dh is sick at hm.so scared he pass the cold to me.

Yah..my dh read in a book,we can train bb this way by tapping back.ur bb is smart leh!can respond..my bb only kicks at 4/5am in the morning when I go to the toilet,so I m too sleepy to train him lah..haha

Christine > The black line is the stretch mark right?

How come will have the armpit darkening syndrome? Cos of our hormones or body changes?

mel - I intend to wait for baby fair, more worth the trip. if pigeon has the trade in old bottles offer, I would buy a lot & keep cos my niece off bottle feeding liao can trade in her old bottles

i feel tat by lying on my back can feel the bb kicks more obvious eh..dont knw becoz of the position bo..keke..coz i will rest on my back for 5-10mins b4 waking up for work..

I have the darkening armpits too. and the line down from my chest to belly button.

As for the face, my beautician mentioned that for oily/combination skin, we have lesser chances of pigmentation. Important to keep it moisturized.

I have not been to the taka fair either, but i always hear pple going. Lots of good buys? Need to be taka member to get better rates?


oh so it was u! haha see la, me pea brain can't remember.. only worked once leh.. after that bb boh chap me already. must be thinking mummy very free/naggy keep disturbing =) but ya lo, i can't really differentiate if it's really bb or my own imagination... so will monitor lo.. somehow it's around the same time in the day for reaction.. just now just felt some too. maybe day time also have but we busy at work, walking around so can't feel..

was feeling abit horrid just now.. think i'm those that may have MS in 2nd tri instead.. i was ok in 1st.. jialat.. now waiting for colleagues to buy back porridge =(

wah so fast so many talking about pre-sch/pri-sch?? =) i'm still looking for CL and infant care.. the forum scared me alil' leh. i tot still got time to get infant care but looks like it's already all snapped up? feeling a lil' stressed with so many things to think about.. hubby tell me dun worry but i find it hard leh. end up losing sleep at times..

like most, crossing into 2011 is like "BB is here THIS year!!".. no longer next year.. really excited for bb's arrival though with my deteorating health, i feel worried i can't cope in future.. but that's just causing more stress to me than anything else right? *breathe breathe* let's all jiayou... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

clare > thanks for the link.

chilli_padi > I dun think u are having MS in 2nd tri, i believe cos u're too hungry which resulted in the vomiting sensation. Sometimes I will get it too.

Hi Hanis, I reckon no matter how tiring it is to BF, since it is beneficial to the baby especially it is only period the baby is able to enjoy BF with good nutrition values, we should BF.. Think on the bright side, its a lot of savings instead of buying formulas [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But of course, it's easy to say then do.. and that is why, mummies are noble!! haha

Hi Clair and Createjoy, thanks for the feedback.. I did think about joining the classes but taking into consideration of my working schedule, worse for my boyfriend, I really don't foresee he has much time to attend the classes with me.. Already when he goes with me to my gynae checks, I am very contented already.. he practically works from 10am to midnight everyday in the F&B line.. the only time he is free is 3pm to 5pm when I have to work.. so it's very difficult for me to organize.. sigh.. I was just complaining to myself that it is so hard to get him to give me a massage when he himself is already so tired from work everyday... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Altariel, no worries about the darkening of the pigmentation.. it's because of hormones change.. In fact, some mtb have extra nipples (in the form of a slight brown bump) near the armpits as it is along the nipple line.. they will disappear after the baby is out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I was very surprised to know of this when I first heard my sister mention about her friend's experience.. Come to think of it, human body is so amazing! It is able to self adjust to protect the baby..

and yes, mummies, please share if you come across some helpful workshops or books or good buys.. I am sure it will certainly be very helpful, especially for me the first time mum.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

To all mums, please take lots of vitamin C! I have been having this bad flu for 4 months.. went to the doctor recently and was given all drowsy medication with antibiotics, not sure if the doctor subscribed too mild medications due to the pregnancy, I finished the dosage and my flu is still persistent.. I give up..

had a good meal, mummies? i just thad my roasted meat char siew rice over lunch, yum yum!

pigmentation during preg, yup. is our hormone problem. on top of pigmentation, if u hv freckles, they will get worsen too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but they will gone after delivery ah.. freckles part i'm not quite sure, cos i hv b4 preg, and i lost count of them :p

chilli_padi, u overstressed, must relax abit. they say if mummies stress, bb will hv lesser oxgen pass through the cord! things will follow naturally when come.. dont worried much k. for infant care, u can start looking ard for location / price that near to yr area. for nanny, maybe u can start asking ard yr neighbour / approach nanny agency for price etc. we been through that for #1, eventually managed to get a really gd nanny by neighbours recommendation. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

eileen, if u hv great family support at home then i think is fine wo taking the course. but if not, then is better u start embrace yrself w some knowledge through course / bks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] flu for 4 mths, it sound like sinus than normal flu. better consult / change GP for 2nd opinion. some ppl sinus will get worse when preg..

new mummies, on top on knowledge on delivery/ childcare. start to read abt raising baby / toodler too cos we will be very busy when bb arrived. by then u hv time, bb might be already 6mths [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Regarding the pre-natal course. Both my parents and PILs are working, so i have to take of kiddo matters myself. Decided to drag hub to the course, as it will be good for him to be mentally prepared of whats to come. If not, he think its so easy to have a kid. haha

Eileen, i always fall asleep on the side but will end up on my back. my tummy also not very big yet. cats are so snobbish hor. my DH also worries that she will squash the bb next time. or worse, scratch bb!

Eileen, Claire, have you mummies noticed any difference in behavior in your pets? my cat is now following me like a dog. everytime stare and stare at me. haiz. i very stressed! i just keep cuddling her for as long as she allows. but luckily my pillow tricks helps in keeping her off my chest when i sleep. maybe she feels threatened.

Hanis, my pffts have no smell but very loud and long but lucky only when i'm in toilet. otherwise it's stuck in my intestines and making me uncomfortable the whole day. my poo poo has been super stinky though.

i will be going to pre-natal course but haven't booked yet. i guess i'm really taking it easy. i read that if you are calm and relaxed during your pregnancy then your bb will be calm and easier to take care off. whether you choose to go or not, i think it's a nice way to bond with the DH, cos when bb born, i don't think our state of mind will be so calm and to work nicely together and will take turns to rest as well. it's also good to expose yourself to different ways of caring for bb cos who's to say that your mum or MIL or teacher's method is the best for you?

my underarms aren't really getting dark yet, just the wrinkles a bit brownish. but i have seen very dark patches on my pregnant relatives.

regarding the third nipple. it's really true, cos i have it. it used to be a little colourless mole near armpit but got as dark and my nipples after got pregnant. confirm it's a nipple lor.

actually i have stopped using deodorant/anti-pespirant ever since we started TTC. cos the aluminium cpd that helps us keeps clean and dry actually works by blocking our pores, preventing toxins from being excreted in the sweat. since the armpits are near the breasts, might have side effects. since i'm considering BF, i just want to be more kiasu. also the aluminium will cause armpit darkening. you can see the link for more info. i'm currently using a simple crystal deodorant i got from SASA. you can also buy from chinese medical hall.


to deviate a bit, are any of you considering using non disposable diapers? i'm thinking of using those instead of the dispoable ones. i know it's more work but maybe better for bb's skin.

Hi ladies,

The dark line is called the pregnancy marker I think. For me, it stops till belly button. For my friend, it goes all the way to her chest!

Altariel, it is actually a cream that will help to whiten and acts as a deodorant also. I think it's called Avon Feelin’ Fresh Whitening and Anti-Perspirant Deodorant Cream. You can view it at Avon malaysia's website. (I think the brand is Feeling Fresh, Qiuen).

You can view a pic of it here..http://philshopping.com/product_info.php?id=126

I will double check the brand this weekend when I go over.

I did not join any spree. My SIL gets a catalogue every month, so I order through her. If you ladies want, then I can order for you too. Just leave me a pm, cos I'm scared that I will miss your posting. =)

Hello mummies! Good Afternoon

Oh my, i have developed a cough and i can hear loads of phlegm! Is there something I need to be worried about?

Anyway, about dark line! i have too! Mine runs from the belly button down! According to old wives' tales, if yours run from chest onwards, its a boy, and if yours run from the belly button onwards, its a girl! How true is this? I am not too sure! It will be interesting to find out since we can tell the gender soon!

oh my belly line goes up to my chest. someone mentioned that if your line ends at belly button you will have girl girl and up to chest is boy boy? has anyone confirmed this myth yet?

I went for my DS on Tue. Bb is smaller than #1, although doc said its still ok, hovering around 50 percentile. #1 was 75-90 percentile... I put on quite abit of weight but little went to bb. Gotta cut down on sugar if not gotta go for test after CNY... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

so far mine runs to the chest,n gyne says my bb is a boy...

But I think some experienced mummies say not this case for their 1st pregnancies,so maybe its not true after all.

How about other mummies? ^-^

