(2011/05) May 2011

Morning mummies! Having Monday blues this morning coz not a smooth morning so far; my co name tag holder spoiled and then medical claims are not approved and I am appealing. Hope my claims can pass.

Mickey: maybe you boy still young? most 18mths+ toddlers have separation anxiety. Tell him you will pick him up later by xx time and maybe reward him (sweet or sticker) if he does not scream/fight? Or ask him if he dislikes teacher/classmates/anything in school? I feel like crying too previously when my boy cry too at school but now he’s 4, he has outgrown it already.

Jenny: Deon is right. It is tough being a SAHM. It is probably an adjustment period for you and hubby too coz having a baby is life changing event. It’s a learning process. Try to laugh together when bb is well and cheerful. It not easy so take a break if need be. It will be good for you. When you feel better, you can think more positively too and don’t neglect your hubby’s feelings. Stay away from your MIL if she’s meddling and not helpful.


Vicki: I will take the day off coz heart pain he got jab. Last 2 rounds he screamed through the roof. Are you left hander? maybe your gal is a left-hander?

Mimosa77: My bb put his whole hand into his mouth and chews until he chokes! Then my hubby tell him to put only 1or 2 fingers to chew. Haha.

Deon: My bb got teethers but he don’t like too. He prefers to suck his own fingers. Yes, he will get angry too if he can’t gum the teethers properly.

Haiz... my attempts to take bb out for family dinners etc. not v. successful. Took her to Pizza Hut after her feed n she threw up in stroller. Took her to Coffee Club 3 hours after her feed she still threw up!! Where did all that milk come from? Surely 3 hours enough to digest? At this rate, dun think I can go for the Halloween gathering... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

vaccinations: normally, i bring bb for jabs on Saturday. So if he develops fever, we will be the one who look after him instead of the nanny.

Littlefly: my boy already close to 3 yrs wor (he was born in Dec 08). Still young? last time when i try to give him some snacks, he will be happy to go sch le. but this trick doesnt work anymore! maybe i shd try stickers... he still doesnt know how to express himself well, but we always tell him the teachers and classmates like him and will miss him if he doenst gonna sch. aih, i wonder when he will outgrow this?

Jenny: yes, i think i must really say that sahm is the most difficult job in this world! and it is kinda "吃力不讨好", u work hard and tired at hm, but this doesnt mean that hb will appreciate it. he may still think that u r just relaxing at hm and how come the house chores still havent done yet? really pissed off sometimes.

actually i always quarrel w my hb too, and when it comes to MIL or SIL issues, i must say, this will make the situations even worse. and now that we have kids, arguments will increase too. but over the years, i learnt sth, sometimes its us being too defensive or stubborn. when hb or MIL raised a concern, sometimes we can just pretend we heard & noted, no need to give any comments de. then when the time comes, sometimes they themselves dun even rem what they have said? u see, so there is really no pt to argue when u heard the remarks, just "ee ee ah ah" to pretend u noted can le...! XD

Mickey: sometimes kids like us to fuss over them [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yar, got to keep thinking of new ways to appease them. Your boy seemed happy at school but he don't like being separated from his mummy. My boy will find his friends in school and chat with them over breakfast. I find it amusing coz they look like the coffeeshop lau ah peis! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sometimes mil or sil may pass some careless remarks over us or bbies and we get affected by it. Really have to learn to filter out such comments.

Good morning, mummies!! Heavy rain this moring!!

little fly & 2ww: do ur give e fever medicine for e bb after e jab? we will feed him e med after we get home to prevent him from getting fever, so far he nvr have fever after jab *touch wood* :p

Jenny, how is ur feng mo already? and how is ur baby's cough? better?

It is my MIL who was at e clinic that day, we went to get her social visit pass on that same day. My baby is at e same height as yours, 64cm but 8kg, very heavy :p ur baby is at 'heavy' side wor.. hehe..

we took quite long inside ah? really dun notice leh :p cos bb nid to take both e injection and e rotavirus vaccination together. And we also talk abt starting solid, but she is like rushing through when i try to ask her abt it... ya, she quite exp, consultation fee is $80, but last time e PD assigned to my bb in Mt A hospital is even more exp, $90 for consultaion! so we tot more or less e same for PD, haha... what is average rate for PD? :p

And i agree with Deon n e rest, it is really not easy to be a SAHM, and life is so different with a bb! me and hb also have alot more friction n argument bcos of my mil and bb, try to communicate so that u can see things in each other's point of view. if really cant come to an agreement regarding things abt bb, then just say 'lets call e doctor and check' loh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] And practise 1 ear in 1 ear out technic too! hehe...

Starfruit: thanks starfruit! can i ask u regarding making puree, if we use double boiled method, do we nid to put some water into e porcelain bowl together with e fruit/vegi?

Little fly: oh ya! my boy also put his finger so deep that making him wanna puke! so funny... haha..

Mickeyboy, urs dec08? mine #1 too. mine also took 6mths to adapt to cc life. & have to catch his pattern. we must carry him all d way fr hm to cc & handover to teacher carrying him. cannot let him walk in by himself else oso cry, even now. so dont tink is d cc prob. wic cc is he in? mine in 626, scully is classmates. hahaha

lil fly, both hb & me is right handed so dunno y both my kids start with left hand. tho i tink certain thinz i do, i do it better with left hand.

alot of pple also tell me give d fever med b4 d fever develop during jabs. but i prefer to monitor d first jab, c if they catch d fever b4 i give in to med. now nanny naggin me to separate all d jabs cos super cranky. cos i usually jab all together (ie: pneumoccocal + 6in1 etc).

jenny, like wat d mommies say, got logic listen, no logic, 1 ear in 1 ear out.

sunflower, best to wait til after 6mths. cos i notice tho papaya is gd in providin folic, but they dont really digest well. even if give, also give in moderation.

mickey: i hv a 07 mommy also same prob when send his boy to sch last time. every morning cry. i think it took her a yr or something and must hv his fav teacher.

y'day my boy ask me when will can i not work for a long time b4 working again (as in maternity leave). told him if i can hv a mei mei next lor. hahahah!!!

mummies, talking about weight, my girl is approaching 6 mths in 2 weeks time...she is only 6kg now. She's a premmie, birth weight only 2.75kg. Although following guide books, she is double her birth weight le, but still a cause for worry. Have not seen PD yet for review. How to increase?? Haiz...she hate FM and intake reduce again...

Thanks mummies for the encouragement. Actually I'm glad to be a SAHM esp after seeing how my mil takes care of the baby. Yah its true my husband doesn't appreciate anything I do and all he will say is mummy is the most wei da one, that's it. But what to do? We give birth to our babies and have a responsibility to take care of him.

Mimosa: My feng mo is getting better, but still not fully recovered. Went to see doc but he gave only flu medicine and calamine lotion, but now once the rash starts, I will take the medicine to stop the spread of the rashes.

I find the PD quite good coz u can ask her and she will answer. I've been to other PDs who are so lousy and dare to charge a lot. I've been to a PD at bishan and hers ir really rush! She has two rooms and she run here and there and we even have to talk to nurse abt our baby's prob, not the doc!

I think the extra 600g comes frmo ur baby's hair. LOL.

Just now I was latching my baby and he fall asleep, I Wanted to see if still have any milk left coz he has already spit out my breast so I squeeze and the milk spray all over his face and head. Oops.

Minosa: Baby cough is not ok yet. He still wakes up at nite coughing and crying. So poor thing, he has lotsa phelgm inside his throat.

xuanmin, if she is growing well..don't worry so much on her weight. It will make u very stressful to keep worrying about the weight gain. Some bb is petite size. As for FM, is your ebm or frozen ebm still sufficient to last her till 6 months? Can intro stage 2 slowly when she touches 6 months and beyond.

xuanmin: oh.. Maybe ask e PD whether can start solid??

Jenny: wah, really got such kind of PD ah, then Doc Chan is really not bad liao, haha...

hahaha... possible!! Maybe once he cut hair, his weight will drop! hahaha...

U ever try giving bb 'bao ying dan' from Eu Yan Sang for his cough? Last time i research abt it online, seems like some mummies think that it is good when bb has cough.

vicki, so urs oso in dec08 then followed by may11 huh? what a coincidence, and both of us stay at khatib! haha.. my boy's cc is at blk 865, so i think they r not classmates [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] maybe we shd oso do this way, carry him all the way but not let him walk on his own, hopefully it helps ba.

ash, so u have 2 kids now huh? so the qn was posted by ur elder boy huh? so u really planning to have #3 ar? the second one is a boy or gal?

mimosa, i dun usually give the fever med after jabs. so far so good leh.

xuanmin, ya dun compare, then u wont be that stressed. i wld think that mummy's milk is still the best, unless pd advise otherwise, then u can start them on solids soon. if not, since they r growing well, just give them ur power bm can le...

jenny, i oso had the feng mo during my confinement, and i suspect its due to the wine ar. anyway, according to my mum, we will have the feng mo is bcoz we are weak! so if possible, try to take in more supplements to make urself strong enough then can definitely fight this feng mo le!

Mickyboy: My MIL keep emphasisng we must do that, said it would be too late to give e med once he realy develop fever... we check with e PD, she said it is ok to give before hand, so we just do that lo.. shld be ok bah?

MickeyBoy: you are spot right on the comments on MIL! i think that is the only way to make everyone happy!! Just ee ee ah ah and time will pass real fast!

Mimosa: Yes i gave fever medicine to bb after the jab. but i only gave twice. Like she had jab in the morning at 9.30am and by the time i reach home after breakfast and stuff, i feed her at about 11am. Then by 5pm will feed again. Then who knows at night the fever came. This time round, not so high.. something like 37.4 degree.

Xuanmin: No worries on your bb's weight la. Mine a premmie too and worst, now reduce milk intake! Im giving rice cereal twice a day and i think her total milk intake maybe less than 250ml everyday. (exclusive of the milk powder that i use with rice cereal la)

mimosa, since some of the mummies r doing this too, i think it shd be ok de. and PD oso said its ok, then no worries le. it will be fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i'm bringing my bb for the jab this coming sat too, hopefully no fever ba [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My premmie still not reached 6 kg yet. Drinks very little bm (with weight gain supp added), but I dun wanna switch to fm. Pd said can intro solids for weight gain, but I still wanna wait till 6 months... She's generally a happy baby so not too worried yet...

Mimosa77: So far, we only give fever med after the jab when the fever develops. Maybe the next jab I will give him after the jab regardless. Yar, so funny to see them try to put whole hand into their tiny mouth. LOL. I wonder what’s so nice about eating their fingers.

Jenny: See your hb acknowledges you as the mother is the most wei da one. He's giving credits to you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Your bb got lotsa of hair? Mine is still a lil botak after 4mths.

Viman: when you bring your bb out, did your bb throw up milk outside due to crying? Maybe she’s not comfy with foreign places as some bbies recognize their surroundings.

Mimosa: Oh yah, I heard bao ying dan is good for cough. But now he's on doc's medicine. Ok to mix?

Mickey: Really? I dunno isit salmon that gives me the feng mo. Yest saw my husband's aunts they all say I looked pale and thinner than pre-pregnancy. Ask me to 'bu' more but how to? If I can eat my meals in peace I already thank god for it. My mil only know how to use her mouth to say, dunno how to do it for me one.

Little Fly: Yah he always say it but its to push all the responsibilities to me instead of giving me credit. My baby also like to eat his whole fist. I scare later his mouth become big big like his dad. Haha.

No my boy is almost botak too. Haha. Its mimosa's baby who has lotsa hair. We happened to see each other in the clinic last week and I rem her boy as a lot of hair.

LittleFly: Mine not only eat her hand.. now try to stretch to reach her toes and even tried sucking her toes?!

little Fly: ya lo, look so yummmy like tat! everytime I asked him: 'can let mummy try abit"?? hahaha....

2ww: I saw my fren's daughter did that! ate her own toes! very cute leh! haha... wah, ur bb very flexible wor! my boy still trying to reach his feet, but not everytime successful, keke..

Jenny: I also not very sure... only heard it is good for Phlegm and cough... Maybe you go to the Eu Yang Sang counter / any chinese medical hall and ask them?

Jenny, 2ww, Mimosa77: your posts tickled me! LOL. so cute to watch them hor. Its my #2 but i still find it fascinating to watch bb grow.

jenny: beta dun mix chinese n ang mo med. since already on ang mo med, finish the course first. if no gd, then u can decide if wan to take chinese med

mickey: 2 boys

2ww: mine also sucks his toes. v cute!

Mimosa, for double boil no need to add water. the steam will soften and add liquid and the veggie or fruits will also pass out it oqn liquid. if u need maybe can add 1 tsp.. but really no need.

And i called hilltop to extend my catering to 20days!.. hehehe my MIL likes the food, say its a good recommendation [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

viman, my ger is stll throwing up her milk too.. but i still goes out with her. hehe, just need to bring mroe bib and clothes to change her. but she throws up on me, i will stink of puke the whole day.. hehehe

Little Fly,

No she doesn't cry outside. Quite guai actually. Just throws up without warning! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/proud.gif]


Hehe yeah sometime I wonder if hb and I shd take a change of clothes for ourselves also. Lol!

Viman, get a super good waterproof bib!, i strap her to me on the bbjorn most of the time and when she puke, its all o ever me. but i learn to flip up her bib to create this "drain" to catch her puke. she pukes up milk almost every feed.

Starfruit: oh, okok, thank you!

hehe.. Glad that you and your family like it! =)

little fly: you will just order directly from RL website? how about shipment? I am trying to learn how to spree, hahaha...

Viman: wah, you use e word 'guai'! ppl who dun know, sure tot u r chinese, haha... so good! ur gal dun cry outside! my boy will cry when he feel unhappy no matter outside or inside, haha...

And my bro throws up milk too! he is a refluxer...

Ash, I also have 2 boys. I also feel wanna try for a gal, but I'm really scared I'll end up having 3 boys! So I think I'll probably just stop at 2 le.. it's so fun seeing ppl dolling up their daughters [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] *envy*

Viman, yes I'm so shocked seeing the word "guai". Or is your hb a chinese huh, if not who u learn ur Chinese from?

Mimosa, it may not be a bright idea to start to learn spreeing, it's so hard to stop haha! LOL

Lol,ya viman,I had tot u r Chinese until tat x u say u r d only Indian in d grp.

Starfruit,urs til now still reflux?mine stop but if feed fm,will still reflux easily. That's y I m still hangin on to my ss.

Ya I also wan to learn how to spree but everytime want to order like fr iherb etc,scare wait d shipment charges horrendous so end up ordering fr bp instead

Ash/Mimosa: Yah I think better dun mix first. Wait for a few days and see how.

Oh no, baby spread his cough to me and I'm running a fever again! I just recovered from a run of fever one week ago.


Wow, you can 'catch' the puke in the bib! Good aim! I 'catch' at home by holding a plastic container in front of her when burping her cos that's when she will puke. But outside... She is too fast for me! :p btw, never thought of the possibility of bb throwing up when strapped on bbjorn! Sounds like a crisis to me!!!


Hehe...years of living in Singapore! I have picked up the important keywords! :p

Before you explained the bb/bro, I was like wahhhh she has a baby and her bro is also a baby! Lol!


Haha, hb also Indian! I picked up e words from my Chinese friends and colleagues. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yeah, quite funny ah? I was just thinking the other day... Until we add the other mommies on FB, we have no idea who/how they are. Just nicknames. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jenny, bad weather lately.my #2 was sick then follow by nanny & now #1 is sick too.did u c doc last week? if possible then get some help fr parent so tat u can rest. i know how tough it is to be sick & takin care of a wailing bb urself,even if u have to resort to ur mil...

Hi mummies,

Am looking to sell the following cos baby has rejected NUK bottle:

1) NuK Classic Bottle 240ml (brand new except teat has been removed)

2) NUK classic teat (6mths+) M size - unopened

3) NUK classic teat (6mths+) L size - unopened

Selling everything for $12.

Pls PM me if interested ;)

2ww, Mickey: I got 2 boys also. My bb will keep looking at his elder brother, like can’t wait to grow up and join his big korkor in playing. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Viman: You sound very local! So good, you girl guai guai when out. Yar, maybe pack extra set of clothes yourself too ! I am still not confident of bringing my bb out.

Mimosa: I join other’s spree then can split shipping charges coz I don’t order many items. I got items from ON/GAP/Gymboree/PumpkinPatch/OTC/TCP/DangDang/RL/TBP….sometimes can get quite good deal compared to buying locally. I usually go with the spree organizers whom I have joined before and found them to be good.

Vicki: Its taxing on mummy when bbies unwell. Your nanny back with helping you on #2? so far, have you let nanny care for bbies overnight?

Jenny: Poor you and bb. Have you got someone to help you out temporarily?

littlefly, but i dun think my #2 cant wait to grow up. the big korkor is like always very violent and sometimes i so scared when he lies on the bed tog w the didi. i really worry next time they will fight more than playing tog lor.

spree: so the overseas spree price will be better than the bulk purchase price huh?

overnight: sometimes we will activate nanny for looking after bb overnight. need to pay extra lor, but normally it only happens when we need to go out until very late (eg. attend wedding dinner on that day and will come back late), so might as well leave the bb w the nanny lor.

jenny, yalor, possible to let ur mil to help abit onot? u need to take more rest then only can recover fast de. if keep dragging like this, its hard to fully recover ar.

Mickey: I also find big korkor v rough but bb seemed v excited when korkor is up and about. He keeps trying to stand / jump and will flap his hands excitedly.

spree: it depends. Eg. chinese books - i found it cheaper to spree than BP.

Jenny: Didnt see u replying, hope u are resting now. ya, try to get help from someone, so that u can fully recover quickly. if not later pass back to bb again then very troublesome liao.. Hope u n bb get well soon!

Viman: haha... big big misunderstanding!! lol...

Mickyboy: But things seems cheaper thru spreeing! so tempted! haha... but learn already later my hv say e forum is a bad influence, hahaha..

Vicki: yah! i also worried abt e shipment, dun end up more exp then waste of time, haha...

little fly: mind to intro us which organiser is good? hehe... but now USD expensive leh, heard will go up again, dun know how true.. hmm.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

BB expenses: hey mummies, I am a first time mum. lately have some conflict with my hb on e expenses for bb. so wanna ask u ladies how ur manage e expenses? both u and hb set aside some money every month to spend on bb? how much normally? Thanks for sharing your experience!

littlefly, ya really rough and he talks very loudly! i always have to remind him to lower down his volume, and he likes to stand near to didi. sometimes didi will be frighten by him ar.

so u will buy chinese books for #1 to read, that kinda story book huh? how old is ur elder boy ar?

mimosa, usually all the expenses for bb come fr me. so whenever i spree, my hb wont say anything one, coz that's my money anyway. so hb will pay for diapers & milk only. as for the childcare fees + nanny pay, we split according to our salary ratio, meaning he will pay slightly more than my portion. hope this helps [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummies, my fever has subsided after I took panadol last night. But woke up today with a splitting headache. Worse of all baby refuse to go back to slp after drinking milk. My mil stays at yishun n have to take care of another baby. Besides, she's very dirty and last time ask her to take care for a few hours, baby ended up with diarrhea. Dun dare to let her take care of my baby. My mum needs to take care of my dad, he's bedridden and my mum have to pour milk every 2-3 hours through the tube.

Mimosa - BB expenses : For me and my hubby, we have a savings account for my girl other than the CDA account. Every month, both of us will deposit money into the account. When we bring bb for jabs, her insurance and etc will come out from this account. However, for the rest like diapers and formula; we will take turns to pay.

For the CDA account, we will transfer some of her money in the savings account over. Mostly, will use the CDA for visits to PD whom accept payment from this account.

Hope it helps..

Oh by the way, if I spree on my girl for her clothes.. it will be from on own account.. LOL.. My hubby also complaining I spend too much.. But it is my own $$$.... he he

Jenny - Hope you are feeling better... Any other options you can explore, getting a part-time nanny to help you out ? Or infant care ? At least can take some load off you and you can even consider to join the work force again ?? Just some suggestions.. I think you really need to plan some off days for yrself.. Taking care of bb 24/7 is really taxing.. Talk to your hubby again, catch him at a better mood and make him see your point ? Try and talk things out lah..


Mummies - My girl is not sleeping at night for past few days. She will wake up for her milk at ard 3 plus 4 am and refuse to go back to sleep.. She is sleeping in her cot at night so we try to put her in the sarong and rocks her but she still refuse to sleep. She will play on her own, entertains herself for about 45 mins then willing to go back to sleep. Previously, she will finish her milk and go back to sleep..

Any mummies going through the same thing ?? Can advise me ??? Thank you so much

