(2011/05) May 2011

Mickey - Huggies ultra is good. Cutting is bigger too (I think) and don't leak.. Can last through the night.

My girl is wearing "M" now, don't mind stocking up.

Ok, I share with you.. I staying at Yishun also, easier to pick up from you.

My house is going to be a warehousesoon, stocking up pampers, toys, clothes..


Ok so each of us take 5 packs ya? I'll reply her to reserve. Will let u know again when she delivers. Cheers [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hopefully nanny is ok w this n won't complain anymore..


which channels did you subscribe to for MIO? I have MIO but i find it lousy leh. BUt instead of letting him watch Taiwanese dramas with granny whole day long, i guess kids' show are better

yes i agree that babies shouldn't watch so much tv. also read somewhere it is no good and i have life eg of fren's kid who gets autism and wants to bring tv everywhere he goes if not he doesn't want to go out nor talk to pple. but like u all said, with caregiver at home, nothing i can do despite reminders not to. SIGH!! i wish i can stay home n look after him.

2ww: i also suspect he is refusing bottles, if always wait for me to come bk to latch, he drink very little only leh... haix...

starfuit: It is my MIL taking care of him and feed him during day time. I am already a spore citizen, my hb msian with spore PR. got related to milk strike?? we are giving him avent wide neck and NUK classic latex.. There was one period he reject bottle, so we try give him e latex one, cos tot softer. Then slowly he take avent one also... but last time when he reject bottle, he will scream when we give him bottle, but now he drink abit then start to use his tongue to play with e teat =.=|||

little fly: ^5, just now i almost doze off when i looking at my monitor, haha... how come your bb overstimulated last nite? maybe try not to play until too excited after 8pm? human rocker! i know that feeling! lol... there was 1 period my bb nid us to rock him to sleep for at least 30-45mins, so me, my MIL n my hb take turns after our arms got numb, really big project to get him to slp that time... haha...

ya, really peifu them, wonder how much they can earn from there, hmm..

FB got mummies organising spree for gymberoo wor, i trying to see what i can buy, but internet very slow in my office, sianz... =P

bb resist to sleep: recently when my bb sleep very little during day time, in other words when he dun get enough nap, he will cry and protest before he sleep.. i read somewhere if bb deprive from sleep, actually make them even more difficult to sleep, cos their brain over active.. not sure if your bb is bcos of that? Like I mentioned just now, there was a period everyday he also fuss big time before he can sleep, so we nid to be a 'human rocker' to get him to slp, after a few weeks, he seems better..

Deon: ya, when i coax bb to slp, i can fell asleep before him, but in e middle of e nite, just cant slp bk fast after woke up XD

What is brand of the teether u bought for your bb? seems good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bunnymum: You nid to work leh, why ur mil complain abt bb and ur hse?

Jenny: good to know your bb start to drink now!! =D ya lo.. dun know y so many bb milk strike... hmm....

ya, she did give me tat... i no time to look at it yet, haha... she got give me some cereal samples also, did u get it?? i am planning to give rice cereal to my bb this weekend, so excited! =P

TV: what is ADHD? didnt know it was so bad for bb wor... my bb likes to watch tv too but lucky we adult dun watch TV often so he dun get watch usually... except we sometimes play him e bb DVD we bought for him...

Huggies: yeah, Huggies ultra is good! dun leak easily and can last thru e night =) i recently also bought from WTS, but $11.50 each with sticker, $10 is really cheap!!

Little Fly: Dun worry, now I nv scold baby anymore and I realised when I nv scold he will be in a better mood. Last time I scold him when I carry him out, he looked at me and frown and cried loudly.

Mimosa: I also thinking of letting my baby try latex teats. But shld be from 6 mths onwards coz he already coming to 5 mths, not worth buying the teats and use for such a short while.

She gave me rice cereal sample the last time I came but expiring in less than a mths time, which is yest. Threw away all of them already. So stingy rite? Give me expiring cereals. But lucky I managed to get Mamil Gold 2 sample from her last week, can offset some of her consultation fees.

U buy $11.50 with sticker u can sell each stickers at $1.50 or $2 so come out same.

Huggies: I dun find Huggies good. The absorbance is very lousy, I find even Dryers is better than Huggies. Now I'm using Pampers Active Baby for overnight use, its great! No need to scare of leakage at all.

bunny_mum, yalor, what to complain ar abt bb n hse?

jenny, i think drypers not bad too, just that i dun like the taps, i prefer velcro type. esp bb is still young, sometimes i feel the sound will frighten him.

vicki, how u define ADHD? sometimes i wonder if my #1 has this prob onot. its like very diff to make him sit still to do sth. he doesnt really like to watch tv, coz its so hard to make him to sit to finish one dvd. sometimes i will envy my sil's gal, she can really sit in front of tv and watch dvd quietly... this way, sil will be able to finish lotsa house chores ar.

Mickeyboy, act I also dunno y my pd worry tat x cos d symptoms she mention I tot is normal for boys. I forgot was below 2 yrs bah. Nvr listen to instructions & he nvr acknowledge at all when we call his name & quite fidgety,short attn span. So anyway we nvr totally off tv but did reduce his usage cos he also know how to on tv. But d follow check up at least he did acknowledge when he hear his name. But I tot it's more to cos he's older so more aware rather than due to off tv haha

Currently we still let him watch vcd like barney thomas etc.I did recd feedback fr his cc if durin class nvr sit in front,he will wander ard d class & play with d charts on wall so now teachers know his pattern so make him sit in front & also,he can nvr sit n listen to me read a storybk.usually he pass me a bk,I read 1st sentence he flip all d way to d end n say done done & keep d bk

I dunno what happened to me. Its 6.40am now and I haven't caught a wink. I just lie down on my bed all nite and cannot get to sleep. Really felt like bashing myself up. I even drank the drowsy cough syrup for my cough before sleeping. Hopefully I wun fall sick later.

There is alot of thgs my mil can complain lor. That bb doesn't zz n very naughty. Never see bb like that n always want to stand n jump. Carry until her hands tired. I told her let him lie Dwn then. She complained he always flip n vomit milk. Always put fingers into mouth. I told her put teether. She complained my teether no Gd.. Sis in law's better. There is really ALOT of thgs she can complain. Bb has eczema n she uses the same old handkerchief whole day long to wipe his saliva. Then alot breakouts. Even The maid knows not to use hankie whole day long n she got angry w The maid for changing it. When I told her nt to do it, she scolded my boy for being so troublesome n girlish. Just irritated.

Chk with u gals, I'm gg to start letting bb try his 1st cereal. Prob the more watery type. Anythg other than bowl, spoon n

Bib I need to prepare? Bowls n spoons cannot sterilize right? Do u mix bb's plates to dry on same rack as ours?

Morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jenny: icic..e IFC is hw many bus stops away? E one I'm considering is abt 15-20min walk away, ard 3 bus stop distance. Sat gg to see e place. Huh...can't scold bb? I always scold him when he hits on my nerves. Nw I'm trying hard not to scold him. Everyday still following my scheduled activity plan for him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

2ww: I married early (at 24) n have #1 at 25 hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but husband mid 30s alr, so mus plan carefully. Hehe doesn't matter wad age start factory, as long as bb healthy can alr [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u planning to have how many kids?

Bunnymum: apart from bowl, spoon n bib, I oso have a spoon from used tin of fm to help me keep track of hw much cereal I'm giving bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if u have bumbo seat will be good cos sit bb down facing us easier to feed n bb have to sit up when eating semi solids. I dry bb's bowl n spoon on e same rack but different section (adult bowl on upper section n bb's on lower section [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

About bb resisting sleep, mine oso tried to keep himself awake in e day. When we went for his 5th mth jab last wk, PD mentioned tt bb will have separation anxiety hence refuse to sleep, but bb will nw tend to sleep when we carry him on our arms [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wah how come u mummies still awake at 5/6am ar? although i oso wake up to pump at that time, but i 'll be too sleepy to type here... lol

jenny, u got count sheep still cant sleep ar? hopefully later when ur boy naps u can also nap tog w him ar. must have enough rest, if not will really fall sick easily de, esp u just recovered not long ago.

vicki, all that u have said, i think my boy has the same pattern too. i wld think that they are just too active ba. my boy seldom watch tv, so i believe it has nothing to do w tv ar. or maybe they r impatient, they just cant wait for u to finish reading one story bk. my boy also like this, he will help me to flip thru the bk then said its done, ask me to go to 2nd, 3rd bk...

Good morning mummies!!! 1 day to Friday!! Hang on there!!

Stephanie: aiya, my bb CDA acc is with standard charterted, dun know they have bb saving acc or not..

ya, u R still young ah! i start my factory at 30, thinking to wait at least another 2 yrs then try 2nd one :p but will close factory after that =)

u mean even e parents are around, bb will also refuse to sleep bcos of separation anxiety? is it bcos they think that if sleep already then cant see his parents??

Jenny: How come u have isomnia? have alot in mind? try to relax and get some rest when ur bb nap later ya?

Thanks for telling me that e rice cereal sample expiring soon! cos this morning i went to check, it is already expired!! I think same expiry date as yours.. =.= luckily i nvr let my bb eat.. Next time will get FM sample from her like u...

oh... sticker can sell ah... at e moment we will keep first bah, see if can redeem :p

ya, pamper not bad, also can last thru e night too =)

Vivki: your boy so cute loh! haha... make me laugh when i start to imagine when he flip to e last page and say done done! lol...

bunnymum: It sounds like u r describing my bb! haha... my bb also dun wanna zzz n want stand and jump, if put him lie down, he flip and then make noise! just tell ur mil that most bb r like that de loh.. my bb also likes to put finget into his mouth, i think most bb at this age r like that mah, just let him be la, but make sure his hand is clean. yeee.. 1 handkerchief for whole day? so unhygienic! even bb without eczema also will have breakout loh pls =.=

I think i saw somewhere, after washing use hot water to rinse e bowl and spoon.. i think some brand, they allow sterlising? i also interested to know, haha..

Thanks for all the advice! Hot water is hot water jus boiled or left to cool 10 mins type? The frisocreme also wrote use hot boiling water left to cool 10mins- does it mean must boil the water 1st n cannot use those thermo-hot electricity flask type(can't rem The name).

Eee right? I also buay tahan. Her sense of hygiene really not there. When bb wAs smaller, I told maid to clean his buttock with water then put nappy cream. Initially she will do it n later on use the same fingers that she applied nappy cream to apply moisturizer or eczema cream on face. Now totally no clean n no nappy cream, quickly change diaper without letting maid see or know n finish with it! She was sick yest n nv even mask herself. Then give us a sick n tired face. Asked her abt it n she just whined whole day long. Sometimes nt I dun wan dhow concern but I cannot forget the day I delivered she asked hw I m n I said pain. Her reply ws everyone also like tt then go on her own birth story

2ww/vicki: how’s your day off?

Vicki: LOL. My boy also does that when he is more keen in playing than reading.

Mimosa: I am zombie today again coz bb woke up at 4am. After feeding, refuse to return sleep and screamed v loudly when maid tried to rock him to sleep. Then I become human rocker again this morning until 5am. Now drowning in coffee to keep awake in between meetings.

ADHD is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

I did ask my PD if my #1 has it coz he got sharp buttocks, never sit still. He’s already 4 and I still can’t pee in peace at home even if my hubby and maid are around. She told me an ADHD child moves non-stop and the behavior is consistent throughout, regardless of people, places. If your child can sit still to listen to stories, watch TV or quiet in foreign places, then likely not ADHD cases.

Huggies: I also find Pampers better but Huggies more economical. Heehee. Any mummies got extra pink stamps to give away or sell to me? I am still short of a few before I can redeem the items.

Jenny: Maybe you overstimulated too? Just kidding lah. Sometimes our brains too active though body is fatigue. Try to rest when bb sleeps. When ur bb frowns, did he pout his lips? Very cute one. One FB mummy managed to take her bb pic with his/her pouting lips. so cuteeee!

bunnymum: Haiz, look like we all have issues with mil. But I guess I'm luckier than u coz I take care of baby myself.

Why dun ur mil apply the moisturizer on the face first before applying the nappy rash cream? Even if different fingers I'll also wash my hand with soap first.

Stephanie: I'm not sure how many bus stops. I think no direct bus, somemore also dunno if got slots anot. So better not, only that I like to complain a lot. Haha.

Hmm, it depends on ur baby. My baby is pantang type. Cannot say anything or scold him in front of him, if not he will be worse. If urs is not pantang then shld not have any issues. Like my mil ask me in front of baby wat time he wake up for his feed, I anyhow say 5am+ coz if I say 7am+, I scare she say very good, but I dunno I say 5am+ she still say thats very good even though I tell her baby slp after midnight. In the end next day onwards till now, baby has been waking up at 5am+, sometimes even 4am+ even if he sleeps at midnight.

Mimosa: Not sure why leh. I usually wun have insomnia for whole nite, at most 3+ I will slp but yest totally cannot slp. I think maybe too hot coz no aircond. Wish baby grow up soon so that I'll chase him to slp in his own room then I can on aircond everynite again.

They really gave u the expired cereals? Somemore they gave a lot rite? I was thinking why so good die give so much until I see the expiry date then I know why. Yah, try to get milk samples. I wanted to get Friso and Mamil Gold but the nurse say no more Friso and the mamil gold is the last tin too.

I also use the same hankie for the whole day leh. =Þ but I keep the hankie clean and I dun use it when he drinks milk. I use tissue paper when he drinks milk instead so that I can just throw. The hankie is for drinking plain water and wiping drool when he drools.

Little Fly: No leh, not overstimulated leh. I also nv slp much these few days coz baby has been waking up earlier than me. Yah, my baby pout his lips extremely funny. We always end up laughing when he frowns. Even if he cries we also cun stop laughing. I also managed to take a photo of his frowning when my mil carried him but he's crying already and whole face is full of tears. Are u on FB group? Nv see u in there.

Hi Everyone, its my FRIDAY today coz tomorrow on leave. yay!!! Feeling very good now.

Bunnymum, the first time i let my bb start on cereal is i add the cereal in the milk and let her drink from bottle. But if your bb doesnt drink from bottle, then got to feed from bowl. I still remember the first time i made, it was very watery and really need a lot of patience feeding her.

Wow Stephanie, you very good leh. Can start your factory so young. I also hope so but couldnt find the right one then. whahah.. so no choice, start late. Im going to have 3 kids.. hopefully la. Now having 1 kid, still manageable. Maybe next time when i have 2, i will give up the idea of having 3.

Jenny: hope you have a good rest today. I believe without any rest yesterday, you should feel very tired and can fall asleep easier. try not to take too much cough syrup to make you sleep. Not very good.

Haha I usually check forum/fb to keep awake when pumpin so tat I will nt keep checking d time on how long have I pump,y still so little.

Still working today but tomorrow off.but still crossing my fingers #1 fever will stay away.

Thanks 2ww. I hope I will be able to slp once I lie down tonite. Now I'm still quite awake. Baby woke up second time at 9.50am and refuse to slp. I pray to god in my heart and he finally stopped crying and slept till 12pm. But I cun still cun slp. -_- OH I dun like cough syrup too but baby spread his cough to me so I have to take it. Not sure if I can take sea coconut when breastfeeding so bo bian have to take the doc's cough syrup.

Mimosa: oh PD says it's like even if parents r ard, bb oso might not wanna sleep, sth like scared zzz alone. I was like wow...jialat, hope it won happen tt soon.

I think standard charted bank shld hav bb/children savings acct too. We chose ocbc cos more convenient for us since there's a branch at northpoint [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jenny: ohh if no straight bus den kinda troublesome. hmmm lidat mus try find time for rest, otherwise reli v xin ku. if u're nt comfortable for mil to help take care, hw abt ur mum? She willing to help? Lidat maybe got few hrs to rest n have some 'me' time.

2ww: hee I oso din expect to start so young though did thought of getting married young. Haha hb initially wanted 4, but nw aft having one making us so tired, we see hw. Nxt yr try for #2, if girl den stop, if not we discuss again hee

dear mummies,

it has been a "BLACK" october for me.

Last week, my #1 was down with high fever for 1 week. Went KK for blood test, but can't conclude anything. My mil, my hubby and me took turns to take care of her during that week.

When she recovered, then my mil, my hubby and me were on fever and sore thoart together. this virus/baterical damn fericous. the fever and sore thoart lasted abt 4 days already still not subsided.

yesterday, my #1 suddenly fever again. we so panick. ended up, my hubby and i took half day and quickly fetch her from child care and we see doctor at one go. first time 3 of us see doctor together. cos both of us also still very sick.

i had to send my #2 to my mom's house to take cover two days ago. worry that we might spread the virus to her.

now me at home mc today. missing my #2 very much. my mom told me that on the first night, my #2 seems very presurissed and kept looking around in the house. though very sleepy but can't sleep long... poor her...today will be her 3rd night at my mom's hse. hope she is fine.

these few days kept calling up the child care centre to ask the teachers to check my girls temperature for me.

Therefore, i would like to tell the mommies here....please take care of yourself and your family. the doctor said that the weather is quite bad, hence making a lot of pple sick with these syptoms.

Twinkle,pls take care & hope all of u recover soon.it's for #2 gd tat she take cover since u n hb also sick.

Jenny,yup,my #1 had fever since mon til ytd.today I still haven hear fr cc so I suppose he shld b ok le.cos d last few days his fever keep comin to haunt him ESP after naps n night.

Think tis fever virus must b spreading quite badly cos alot of us who has kids r all takin turn.really bad.not only d kids suffer,d adults too who have to keep wakin n monitor d temp.

Btw mommies who has leapfrog DVDs,which title is gd if I wan to get my son to start on phonics.I c bp sellin d DVD set volume 1.is that a gd start?

Jenny: Haha, can post your cute bb frowning pic in FB. yes, I am in but can't keep up with both places. Haven go update my nick in the list too. Anyway, mainly go FB to join sprees. LOL.

Twinkle: take care and rest well. Better for bb to stay away and return only when all are fully recovered. Don't worry, bb is very adaptable so she will be fine. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Vicki: i tried letter factory for phonics. I got from Amazon spree but some BP offers cheaper if buy whole set. So got to hunt around for good deals. I tested #1 on this DVD, he dont seem too into it. If your boy is in childcare, then they would start him phonics around. I find my boy takes to letterland better cos they use this in CCC.

The CNY romper i desire for my bb is OOS ... i thot buy so early sure got but other mummies are faster !

Today busy at work, nvr got chance to post anything.

Deon, add fb fren using email add one ar? Can't do it using iPhone, must use pc huh?

Twinkle, ur gal still feverish, childcare will let her gonna sch? Our childcare will take temp everyday, if its higher than 37.5, will ask us to bring kid hm... Do take care! Ya bb will b doing fine at grandma's house, dun worry, u just focus on #1 (&urself) for the time being.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lil fly,my side cc only start phonics in n2 or k1.I m kind of worried cos I'll b movin to woodlands ard 2013 so will switch his cc n enrol #2 in too but so far woodland all those 'branded' cc wic I believe start at n1?so scare he might nt b able to catch up.I have letterland cd but tot he might find learn faster if he watch on tv. Personally I duno how to teach phonics tho I try to learn how to pronounce thru iPhone apps etc

Btw,d spree price almost d same as u get fr Chinatown

Stephanie: My house is quite out of nowhere. Even go jurong point also must take bus. And there's nothing much at my place except for two childcare. I even tot of putting my baby in half day childcare if he's still so noisy when he turns 18 mths but I've checked and the childcare centre near my house only have full day.

I rom quite early at age 22 but only held trad last yr may. Actually last time wanted to have a child early but one of my colleague changed my mind. She told me even weekends also cannot rest coz her children wan her to bring them out. So luckily I changed my mind and managed to rest for somemore yrs before having a baby.

vicki: Hope ur #1 recovers soon. My baby and I also down with cough.

Little Fly: I have the photo on my FB but I dunno whats ur name on FB. Maybe u can add me then I show u where the pix is. But the pix is not very cute coz he's already screaming and crying till his whole face all gone red.

Nice hor, gal gal can wear cheong sum. Boys not much. I also dun bear to buy coz at most only wear once. Cannot be let him wear continuous two days and also cun keep for the next year.

Jenny: wow lidat travel out v mafan? Usually u sling ur boy or use stroller? Icic. That's young [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hmmm yalor I think pros n cons to have children early? I oso left it to fate when I got preggy, since bb came early den we'll take good care of him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Huh totally no half day childcare? U got do a search on mcys website? There's a link on childcare/infant care centres, see if u can find any near ur area? Non working mums got subsidy oso [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I added u on fb, u saw? Hee..

Mickey - Can add friend using email address.. Are you in the SMH group in FB already ? if you are should b able to add me ? if not, you give me yr email address on FB and I can add u ?

Thanks deon.

I took out a avents plate set that I received gift. ReAlised it can b sterilized unlike other plates or bowls. so good. But some I have can't sterilize. May I know should I soak thd bowls w hot water or just rinse they?

Bunnymum: Are there any instructions on the packaging for those that can't sterilize? For mine, I'm using the first years bowl n it says rinse in hot soapy water, using the cleaner for washing milk bottles etc for first use. Subsequently I only used e cleaner n rinse with tap water n left on rack to dry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

TGIF !!! Juz sent my gal to nanny n enjoyin my bf now b4 I head Hm to do housework. 1st time I m earlier than those market temp boothe aunties.

Bowls and spoons no need to steralise, just wash and then rinse with hot water. some bowls and spoons cannot be steralised and the plastic may melt. And pls also do not steralise teether (esp those with liquid in them, they will explode in the steraliser.

bunnymum, if your MIL dun put the nappy cream, won;t bb bum gets rashes?

Mimosa, hahah sorry for the confusion, no relation with regards to the person feeding and your nationality status! hehe cos u mentioned u were from china so i tot ur hb was from there too.

Actually with regards to the bottle strike, do u want to try a small regular bottle instead of a wide neck one.

I started my ger on a wide neck and she went on bottle strike so i tried the NUK one also dun want. In the end, i went with the medela small neck bottle with medela teat and she likes that. Another mummy sylvia also tried all the bottles with her ger, in the end her ger wanted the normal small pigeon bottle. i kinda suspect its diff for bb to drink from a wide neck teat cos gotta open mouth very big. And i also dun really like Avent bottles cos the teat is very hard. keep trying and i am sure there will be a bottle he likes.

Good morning mummies, finally today its the day!! Envy vicki, can enjoy the whole day at home, u got any agenda later? Got outing w fb mummies today huh?

bunnymum, usually i will use the pigeon detergent to wash and then rinse w tap water, followed by hot water. in fact, i wont usually sterilize the bowls or spoons...

deon, the delivery to my hse will be tonight. so either sat or sun, either day is fine, just let me know the timing in advance b4 u come... cya! u will be the first mummy that i see in this forum, hehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: bowls and spoons

What i usually do before each feed is to rinise the bowls and spoons with hot water from my thermos flask. it should be fine.

Mummies TGIF!

Drama this morning: #1 and bb both woke up same time at 5am for milk. Maid tend to bb while I tend to #1. I took a little longer to make his milk and he thought mummy left him alone (hb outstation) to only pacify bb and start to sob til tears covered his face. Arrgh.

Vicki: I think you can try Leapfrog Letter factory. My gf’s boy, N2, couldn’t catch up w his class on phonics but after watching this, he is now able to pronounce all sounds. A good CCC really depends on the management and the quality of the teachers. Your boy also N2 this year?

Jenny: just added you. Wah, you are one of the earlier starters. I started factory quite late due to policy ‘U-turn’. Haha. You can keep for your next bb mah.

Yeah!! TGIF!! yday my reply all gone, after that bz with my work, no chance to retype again XD now abit forget what i replied yday, haha...

2ww & Vicki: envy u ladies!! no nid to work today! any exciting program for your 'saturday' today? hehe..

Little fly: wah... these few days u r like fighting war every morning hor? haha.. Hope u can get some good rest during weekend =) good news for me! my bb yday suddenly can slp from 12am+ to 4am!!! first time ever!! my gosh! i hope it is not a accident :p really pray that he can slp longer from on, keep my finger cross =D

oh ya, thanks for e link! i love e cny rompers!! i wanna get two, but my hb say 1 enough.. T_T sad... lol... u bought already?

Stephanie: ohh... like that abit jialat wor, really hope it wont happen so soon hor.. ur PD got say roughly when it will happen mah?

Jenny: no more insomnia already ya? hope u rest well yday =)

ya lo! v jialat... expiring soon also can give ppl, what if ppl nvr see then give to bb how? lucky u tell me =)

i think 1 hankie can use a few times la, cos can fold then also got both side to use =) ya, i also usually use tissue paper to wipe his mouth, after accumulate a few piece, then use them to wipe table or my toilet basin, recycle, haha....

vicki: ^5 i also check forum & fb while pumping!! else like v bored looking at e wall... hahaha...

Hope ur #1 recover soon!

twindle: also hope u and ur family get well soon! weather really bad nowadays, must try to eat more fruits and take some Vitamin C to boost our immunity!

bunnymum: i read from babycenter, it says: "The Health Promotion Board recommends starting solid foods at around six months. If you do choose to wean before then, sterilise feeding spoons until your baby is six months old and wash your baby's bowls and feeding equipment in a dishwasher or very hot water. Use a clean tea towel or paper towels to dry them." http://www.babycenter.com.sg/baby/startingsolids/preparefoodsafely/

I think i will sterlize e spoon, then e bowl will rinse with hot water from my eletrical flask after wash with soup =)

Starfruit: ya, i saw ur fb photo, ur gal was holding e medela bottle, she is so chubby, cute!! =) my MIL said he start to drank more milk yday ler, *phew*.. so i think shld be fine at e moment =D

FB: could u ladies also add me as friend in FB pls? my email is [email protected], thank you!! =)


mickeyboy, have not met any mommies here yet. d gathering was on wed else i cld've join today. nothin special, finish some major spring cleaning. juz need to boil some soup b4 i go out to ran errands for hb then go do some mani/pedi b4 i come back to fetch #2 fr nanny & #1 fr cc. d day juz passes by in a blink.almost half a day gone.

lil fly, my #1 is still in N1. so no phonics lessons yet. i will prefer him be equipped with it so that he has no prob catchin up when i switch cc. feel kind of guilty for him cos it's gonna be d 3rd time i switch him. haiz. being kids nowsaday is so stressful, when we study, where got speech & drama, phonics etc. have not send him for any enrichment class cos hb objects

erm, btw, how to add friends in fb using email add ah? i oni saw can add thru finding our existing contact list in our own hotmail/yahoo or through friends

