(2011/05) May 2011

Mickey: my boy too! Didi always got frighten by korkor’s loud, sudden outburst. Sometime he will pout, then cry. I would scold Korkor who felt very ‘委屈’ or compromised. Korkor is 4. I find local chinese books always have HanYuPingYing which I hate so I rather buy overseas. DangDang has many good books. I buy books on character building, emotional self-management and stories as well.

Mimosa: Let me PM you the organisers I always go with. My hb already give up on my online shopping/spree-ing.

BB expenses: BB expenses from me. hb pays for diapers and milk. Childcare fees is from CDA which is top up from our joint account. Should have learn from Mickey to split by salary ratio wor! Hb pays for nanny and I pay for maid salary.

Jenny: do you have any friendly neighbor who may not mind helping out a few hours? My neighbours are very nice. Previously when I am on my own, they have told me to approach them if I need help with bbsitter for a few hours.

Deon: Your bb gal sleeps with you at night? It must be quite tiring on you. I read that bb go through growth spurt will wake up at night for feeds. Maybe keep only a dim light and don’t talk to her while feeding?


Littlefly, can pm me the organiser list too? Thks! my elder boy is younger than urs, he doesnt really know how to read story books yet. most of the time i'm the one reading, and he cant really sit still to read the book, he will walking here n there while i'm reading the book for him... sigh

deon: i think at this stage, they tend to be more playful ba. she has been sleeping thru huh? my bb always wake up at 3/4am de. if she can entertain herself, then no issue ma. u can still sleep rite? or u r just worried that she doesnt catch enough sleep huh?

littlefly, ur bb sleeps w the maid ar? and so ur maid will bottle feed him?

Deon: I got think of getting a part time nanny but can't find any. The ones I see online is $10/hour which is way too much, that's even higher than my husband's pay.

At least ur baby can entertain herself when she doesn't want to slp. My baby 'entertains' himself by crying. Now its very hard to get him to sleep. Often we have to sing to him for 30 min before he will go to sleep.

Is ur baby still drinking every 2 hours?

Little Fly: I've only got annoying and stupid neighbours. The one beside me is an old woman who always burn incense paper to herself every 1st n 15th. After burning, she does not cover the bin and let all the ash fly in our house, she also always purposely slam the door very hard. None of my neighbours and us are on talking terms.

I'm glad u have such good neighbours. =)

Mickey: I read to him coz he can't read yet. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Bed time reading a habit formed while he's an infant. Now a routine he insists every night 'read 1 book then sleep'. Maybe find those picture books which interest him first ? We start him on books like cars, diggers, lift the flaps etc. Ok, will PM the list to you too.

Yes, bb cot can't fit into our bedroom coz any extra space already taken up by my elder boy's mattress. She will bottle feed him. I will wake up a few times to spot check on bb. Usually i will tiptoe lightly into the room to see if bb is sleeping well (got any blanket on, any pillows covering the face etc, if he sleeps face-down).

MickeyBoy.. dun close your factory so early la. We must help our Sg population mah.. hahah. who knows, maybe your third one will be a girl? If not, then you got to wait 30 years later to have 3 daughter in laws lor...

and i think its common for brothers to fight coz i remember i also fight with my brothers when i was young.. haha.. so no worries la. think that is call tong zhen!

Mimosa.. my HB also say forum a bad influence. coz i keep telling him that other mummies here also spree alot... then i also wan to spree a lot. but as you say, USD very high now. so got to wait a while lor. I afraid i might not be in time for the Chinese New Year clothing spree coz US will be having winter and all their clothes will be thick thick one.. dilemma now..

For expenses, I will key into my phone and at the end of the month, claim from HB!!! but sometimes HB will reject some of my claims... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Little Fly, dun need to be tempted la.. just spree! Maybe i should spree too. dun think too much!

Little Fly: Bed time reading is great! i shall incorporate this when my bb is slightly older. Now is bed time singing. But i really think its good coz whenever she is crying, i will sing her favourite song and somehow it will calm her down.

Deon: For my bb, sometimes she will wake up in the night too. I will drag myself to make her some milk (Coz my boobs 不争气, cant bf) then after feeding her milk i will put her on the bed for her to sleep. I also dunno whether she sleep immediately or what coz i always fall asleep before her!!

Yeay, end of day. Time to go home soon!

Jenny: Actually myself and hubby use to only hi and bye with our neighbors but my elder boy’s arrival changed it all. He’s very sociable even as an infant, very jovial and chatty type. We end up getting to know our neighbours (even different floors) a lot better due to him. Maybe with your bb, you will start to break the ice too with your neighbours! As for the old woman next door, you can hint to her that smoke causes bb to cough/ sniff. Elder people tend to have soft spot for babies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

2ww: Heehee. I have already ‘sinned’ again this morning. So good, you hubby got approve some of your claims! My hb should learn from yours. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Speak of CNY, I am eyeing CNY wear for my bb from BP… the CNY rompers so cute.

hi mummies,

can i check with mummies here if you have used a exersaucer and jumperoo for your baby b4? my boy is coming to 5mths old and v active. likes to jump up and down when carrying him. when he lies down, likes to flip but licks his hand. i want to get him a exersaucer or jumperoo to keep him occupied and let him enjoy enjoy. He is alittle on the bigger side. So not sure if jumperoo is stable for him as i saw the fisher price one, seems like he can fall if he gets too excited.

i read that exersaucer is better than jumperoo. is that true? any brands that you know is good?

also i think baby is going to wean soon. I am thinking of getting the steamer cum blender Philips avent during fairs. Is that worth buying? NOt sure if when to use yet, tot just buy first. I have been so busy at work n home, no time to read up on how to wean yet esp bb has eczema.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

look forward to your replies soon! thanks in advance, mummies

Thanks mummies for the concern! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My gal is feeding more on rice cereal now, 2 feeds a day... started 2 weeks back, next week will try her on fresh puree.. I am still monitoring her milk intake...actually, how much do we noe if it's enough for her? Excluding milk feed, shld bb need more than 600ml of milk a day?

Apple: My BM can't keep up with her intake, so I give FM (isomil) as she is sensitive to Nan HA with her eczema probs..now she resist isomil and started milk strike too! Already so small frame, still milk strike... but she's can take 180ml of ebm at 1 shot! strange...

bunnymum: my baby gal also has eczema, on the slightly more severe side...initially i didnt want to start her so early, but PD says can start early since they are already sensitive, no point waiting till 6 mths. Also, recent studies show tt bb can start earlier at ard 5 mths.. just started my 5.5mths old gal 2 weeks ago..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mickeyboy: Go on and try for baby #3! I've got 2 pretty princesses myself and want a boy! Still hopeful now...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But going to wait till after dragon yr then try...dont want my kid to face too much competitiion in pri sch every yr with the huge number of dragon yr kids..

mimosa, for me, for all the stuff i buy for bb (clothes accessories, toys etc), these all come from my own pocket. so hb can't stop me, he do nag that i buy too many clothes for my ger but he dun buy at all.. and if i wait for him to buy, my gers will go naked man.. hehehe we take turn to pay for diapers and such, childcare by me as well, enrichment, sometime(most time hb), sometimes me.

Xuanmin, my ger is taking 4 bottles of 120-130ml milk in the day when i am at work. When i come back, she latches twice at night and once at 5.30am. i think her milk intake is slightly above 600ml only leh.

2ww: How I envy u! I have insomnia and everytime after baby finish his milk and go to sleep, I must count sheep until at least 30 min before I can fall asleep! Even last time when I confinement baby wake up several times also like that.

Little Fly: I think ur neighbours quite nice, unlike mine. My neighbours is I dun offend them they also wan to offend me that type. Really unlucky to have such neighbours!

2ww/xuanmin, seriously, I think I won't go for #3. My hb is that type who won't auto help type. I do everything, I think since birth till now he nvr feed bb for more than 10 times (maybe less than 5?). He only plays w #1. he said he has forgotten how to handle bb.. So I can't imagine how busy I'll be if I have #3. He only wanna play w bb when bb is in gd mood n doesn't cry, will pass to me if he cries...

But well, with 2 kids now, he'll do most of the house chores which I think it's more than enough le, at least better than none ma..

U know what, on some days, my mum will suddenly call me n remind me to take precaution even if I'm still breastfeeding now. She said it's not 100% safe, nag n nag... See, she also worried that I'll probably faint everyday if I have #3... lol

Lil fly,u r really a shopper.so fast cny romper. Lol. Yup #2 back to nanny. She is finally well fr her cough. Mine strictly no overnight.no ph no wkend.

Bunnymom, I think in fb alot of mommies r sayin d philips steam n blend is gd.u can start using it when u start intro porridge. Hb colleagues juz hand down an exersaucer to us.I find both is a better alternative to walker.jumperoo only jump n face 1 side whereas d exersaucer can turn 360,can bounce abit so ya,it's better in my opinion.but 1 thin is they outgrow super fast tho my #1 find it amusing & act occupy it instead of #2.find a 2nd hand 1 else I feel really nt worth to spend so much on it

Hello mummies, it's been a rainy weather these few days, do get sufficient rest and drink more water [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mimosa: for bb expenses, mainly my hb pays even when I was still working. Now i'm a SAHM, we decided to have a joint acct for bb expenses (sometimes mine as approved by him) and every mth will put money in. For bb's PD visits we'll use his CDA acct, have a savings acct for him too but haven't put in money cos wanna "hit" 6k quota in CDA first.

Mickeyboy: my hubby oso started to help more aft bb is born. Maybe when u have #3 (and he wants to have too), he'll do much more to help? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jenny: have u considered putting bb in infant care? I'm oso taking care of bb without help (parents passed away, no MIL n FIL too old to help) n it can get v stressful, hence I can emphatise w wad u're gg thru. I have PND acty, nw on medication, aft seeing doc n talk to hubby, things got better n I'm slowly recovering, thou I'm nw short tempered. Recently kept scolding my bb cos he kept crying n I can't even do anything. Complained to hubby n last night he suggested putting bb in infant care for half day. I called to ask this morning, seems like a good idea, cos I can be away from bb (e longest I nv see him is when I'm asleep or go out for awhile) n I can teach tuition to more students to earn more money (for my own expenses, don like e idea of always getting money from hubby). I gg to check out nurture stars at yishun safra to see hw. Maybe u can check out IFCs near ur hm? At least u can rest more oso, jiayou!

Hello Mummies..

Just to disturb for awhile..

M also a mummy from Jan2010 thread..

after popped i was 72kg and over period of 6months.. n i lost 12kg and was back to 60kg!

With this healthy and natural weight manangement program.. it help me and my hubby lose weight and also reach our ideal weight! m now back to 57kg!

Do check out www.weightlosskakis.com for more information k! Or if you have any questions.. feel free to PM me k!

Have Fun with your Babies!

ya i dun like mid week too. its like neither here nor there... the feeling is like 'so difficult 2 days have passed, but actually still need to work for another 2 more days..'

the feeling for thurs/fri is better [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good morning, ladies! I am so so tired and zombified.... have been taking care bb everynight for consecutive 2 weeks... bb still wake up every two hrs.. and i also that kind of ppl who can't go bk to slp very fast one... ah... feel like my head going to split soon T_T

BB expenses: Thanks mummies for your sharing =) I will try to discuss with my hb... regarding saving acc for bb, do u all get those acc for babies or just normal one? any recommendation?

little fly: thanks for e list! Envy u can spree freely, i always must be careful with my spending bcos we are now renting house while waiting fo my BTO, also got car loan... alot of expenses [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Deon: is she able to sleep thru until 3-4am? it will be v good already to me, haha... and she can play with herself for 45 mins!! so amazing! haha... my boy will flip then cry when no one pay him attention when he wakes up... =.= maybe u continue to sleep while she plays? just make sure she dun fall down [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

2ww: ya lo, just tell ur hb if now dun spree then wanna wait until winter time then buy winter cloths ah? haha... but i heard USD will still go up further wor, but dun know really or not la... :p so if can, better buy now =)

yday nite when i 'hong' bb to slp, i also fell asleep before him! haha... after awhile he start to make noise, then i suddenly wake up, then it happens again! lol... guess i too tired liao =P

Milk strike: I think my bb also milk strike these two days! e milk that i put in e fridge, like almost untouched! e whole morning drink less than 100ML, when i go home during lunch, i quickly latch him when he woke up from his nap! then e whole afternoon he drink v little again! haix... he seems so hungry when i went home latch him again.. is he refusing to drink from bottle or is he really having milk strike??

Bunnymum: my bb also has eczema, his PD also told us to start solid for him, just egg and meat must wait longer then introduce.. forgot till how old, will ask her again during next visit :p Abt readng up on how to wean, maybe try to do it during weekend?

Stephanie: oh.. you have PND ah? Hope u recover soon!

Im on leave this FRIDAY! so today is so called my "Thurs"... hee hee..

LittleFly, me too.. bought over $200 yesterday. now see you shop for CNY rompers, hand itchy again!!! later go see see shop shop..

Xuanmin: This is my first BB and going to try for another one next year so give birth in the year of snake. Din want my next one to be in the intense competition at school! Maybe we will be in the same "month"2013 mummies. see you there... haha

MickeyBoy: Your mum very funny lor! Guess she can be the funniest mum here! Ask to be take precautious. Tot they will want more grandchildren? the MOre the MErRIer mah!!

Jenny: I think you are just too stress la! But i think its due to work la. Coz we work full day then at night really very tired! So can fall asleep almost immediately after feeding bb!

Mimosa, yah yah.. my bb will start screaming when left unattended! think they want accompany too. think your bb wants to smell you and be near to you. That is why refusing bottles and only want to latch from you

Mimosa: thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm recovering quite fast n hanging on there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] for bb savings acct, I used e complimentary savings acct from ocbc for bb when we opened CDA acct there.

2ww: same here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hb n I oso for of trying #2 nxt ur for snake bb, don wan dragon bb cos v stressful. I was telling hb 2yr gap is good n I wanna stop factory at 30 or 31 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good Morning Mummies,

2ww, don;t mean to be rude.. But I was giggling away when you sounded so sad that your hubby rejects your claims.. I can imagine your thought bubble coming out...

Jenny - part-time nanny or infant care will add up to expenses. But if you know bb is in good hands, you can do some part-time and cover the expenses ? It is not easy to be a FTSAHM, expecially when bb keeps crying and you are alone !! You should really try to get some help to look after your bb.. Can your hubby babysit on weekends at least you can take a break ? Or he do the night shift to look after bb ?

Yes, mid week already. After lunch, the feeling would be better. Hang in there, mummies. Let’s JiaYou tog.

Mimosa: Same here, I am zombified. Last night bb overstimulated. End up ‘singing’,refuse milk and baby yaolan too. I have to ‘hong’ him on my shoulder to sleep. Felt like a ‘human bb rocker’. Arghh... I also can’t return to sleep fast. Sometimes I can stay awake for rest of the night and then next day at work yawn so hard til my collg also cannot tahan me. LOL.

Mimosa: I wish I can spend freely too without worrying of bursting my budget. Haha. This list I have is compiled over time. I peifu the mummies who took the effort in coordinating the sprees. So much work!

I open OCBC Smart Savers account for them. OCBC usually have little gifts to encourage children saving. I will play the stickers with my #1.

Stephanie: Sounds like a good solution you have worked out for bb and yourself! BB start to recognize faces 4-5mths so the earlier u place him in IFC the quickly he will adjust too.

Vicki: haha, your #1 so cute, probably she will enjoy the exersaucer better than bb. Ok, your nanny values her family time ‘after work’ too. Very tempted to get the bb romper coz it looks cuter on them when they are younger. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mickey: My hb also. He thinks playing with kids is already helping me with the kids. So far, he hasn’t bathe bb or even change diapers. Now got maid even worse coz he learns to shout for maid. Then when my maid goes back, I would become their maid!

Jenny: didn’t see you posting. Hope you are feeling better today and bb ok too. Try to go easy on yourself and stay hopeful / cheerful ya.

Mimosa - Same here, i cannot go back to sleep immediately after feeding bb.. Wed, is the most tiring day of the week.. Not here or there...

Mummies - I got a teether from kiddy palace yesterday, shaped like a pacifier.. My girl loves it, was chewing on it first thing this morning.. Got her sophie but too big and she don;t know how to put into her mouth; she got so angry with it.. Threw tantrums.. Although she was fustrated, i find it so funny.. Could not stop laughing.. Bad mummy...

Deon: heehee. do you find them v cute esp when they pout their lips ? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ya hb nvr help to bathe bb or change diapers.. Sometimes I wonder issit that he doesn't love #2 that much? Last time he'll do it de. We dun hv maid, so I'm always the one and only one maid at hm.. When #1 or bb needs milk, he'll say to him " go to find mummy", can't he do it huh? Sigh..

Mid week, not here or there, lunch time fast fast come ba!

Sophie.. Its time that I shd find it out le. But I rem my #1 didn't really like it very much. Bb always drooling, U ladies start to wear bibs for the bb?

Thanks for the advices! Really helpful to me. Been having headache dealing with work n home. Everyday come Hm to receive complaints fr mil abt bb n my Hse.

Chk w u gals, do ur babies start watching tv now? How big to let them watch? I heard some sAy nt to let them watch too early but I Duno when is right time


I dun let my bb watch tv. Read somewhere that the images on tv move too fast for bb and not good for their brain development. If I am watching and bb is in my lap trying to watch, I put a tissue box in front of her and say "This one is your tv ok?" So mean hor? =p

bunnymum, for me, i think i try not to let bb watch too often. but bcoz the main caregiver is still the nanny, i knew that she did let bb watch tv esp when she needs to cook. she will just switch on the tv (but i told her bb should not be placed right in front of the tv), at least have some ppl talking ma, so that bb wont make noise. so i guess, if possible try not to, if not so long as not say 7/24 glue to the tv should be ok ba...

Bunnymum - my girl loves the TV.. only 4 months, but I restrict to half an hour a day only.. usually will let her watch dvd with songs or educational programme on tv.. Mi-O-tv have programes on that.

Today is my thurs too.hopefully d kids will remain well so tat I can have some me time to go shoppin etc

Tv: I m guilty of lettin my kids watch tv so tat I can do my stuffs.#1 was previously ordered to off tv cos pd worried he was hyperactive n had short attn span.

Stephanie: I have tot of putting bb in infant care for half a day. But the childcare near my house has stopped infant care service. The others are quite far, need to take bus etc. I also used to scold baby when he cries. But each time I went to ask god, they all say cannot say that in front of baby. So I have to hold back. At most when he cries, I will ask him is he in a bad mood. That's all I can say in front of him.

Mimosa: Its weird so many of our babies are going through milk strike now. Luckily now my baby is willing to be breastfed again. He still doesn't want the bottle but he's willing to drink like 1.5-2oz every 4 hours. Although little but better than nothing.

I think egg is start at 1 yr old. Did Dr chan gave u a chart with the food to introduce? She gave me one and I find it quite useful.

2ww: Oh u're working. No wonder u can slp immediately. If I work full time and have to wake up e arly I can also slp almost immediately.

Deon: My husband very 'clever' one. He wakes up early during weekends n purposely dun do anything except watch tv. Then when baby wake up he say he want to do this and that. Then at nite he always work Ot till 8pm when come home he slowly enjoy his dinner for at least 30min. After that sit down to watch tv for another 30min then wash dishes. Sometimes he still have unfinished work to do so its forever me taking care of baby.

Little Fly: Thanks. Baby and I are in the midst of recovery. Hopefully both of us can recover soon, Recently baby has been waking up earlier than me. I have to let him cry in the yao lan while I quickly wash my face and eat breakfast. Think tmr onwards I've to set alarm earlier.

Bunnymum: My baby likes to watch tv. Last two days I have putting him on my bed and let him watch TV while I quickly take a shower.

Deon: Yes, mine too. He enjoyed ‘puuuuu’ and bubble making too. I so cherish his babylish moments coz they will outgrow these very fast!

Mickey: Heehee I saw and replied you too.

How do you cope with 2 kids with much help? I mean there so much work like laundry, keep house clean, cooking for family, buying groceries, ironing, wash toilets, washing of milk bottles... hubby need to auto and help out mah...

Bunnymum: Good that my#1 is not a TV person since bb but bad for us coz he wants my attention all the time if not sleeping! BB is enthralled by TV but we limit his exposure.

Vicki: Happy shopping today! yes, read a report that too much TV for infants may lead to ADHD.

Not just TV now, its also computer games, handphone. Scared of radiation impacts to them as they are still so young. Better to go with good old books.

Mickey: my baby sitter will place bb in rocker/walker beside her when she cooks. She can still entertain him while preparing dinner but I worry about the sparks from woks will get to him.

Jenny: don’t scold bb lah. His cries could be due to discomfort or seeking mummy’s reassurance. Babies can be quite intuitive. When u feel happy, he will pick up your mood too. My bbsitter is quite the jovial type and I think it rubs on my bb too. He is quite smiley when he has his milk and enough sleep. Its a diffent story when we try to coax him to sleep at night.

Mummies, does your bb resist sleep at night? its a battle of wills every night! my bb will protest n protest and cry as if got beaten up. He's very sleepy already but still refuse to sleep. So 'Hong xin'!

Khatib/Yishun Mummies, i found this at WTS section that the mummy wanna let go her Huggies Ultra at $10 each if we want 10 packs (34 pcs) & free delivery. But its without the pink stamp already. Anyone thinks its worth and wanna share with me?

The size is L, i will probably can only take 5 packs ba. Anyone keen ma?

Stephanie: You are still young la.. You wanna close your factory at 31? Me just started my factory at 31 whahah..

Little Fly & Deon: Yes yes i love it when my bb pout her lip.. sooooo cuteeee!!! aiyoh you make me miss my bb now!!! hope to fly home to see her now!!!

MickeyBoy: No i haven started using bib. Hey heard they say drooling means bb are developing speech function! Wow your bb maybe next time is a big lawyer man!

Viman: you so funny.. let your bb watch TISSUE BOX.. mine also started watching TV. Whenever she is sitting on my lap while im watching TV, she will watch with me. Then i will turn her to face me. Who knows, she turn her head almost 180 degree to watch! If the show not really nice, i will sacrifice my TV time to be with her.

Vicki: ^5! Let's enjoy our Thursday and make mummies here full of ENVY... hee hee

Wow MickeyBoy, the diaper really seems cheap. but is huggies good? coz im using nepia for the day and mummy poko for the night. comparable?

yaya deon, $10 each! coz i think she cut out the pink stamps ar. for mummies who nvr collect the stamps, i think its cheap lor. u collecting the stamps? if not, u wanna share w me?

ya she only has L size for ultra. got pull up also, but i think we will not use that so soon yet.

in fact i have been using huggies dry comfort (M size), but nanny complained say no good wor, the cutting is rather small & will leak. so i m going to try this ultra, and take L size.

previously i used nepia too, she oso commented that no gd. she only want mamypoko! but its exp leh, if for day use, sometimes bb poo for 3-4 times one day ar.


2ww/vicki, really enjoy u ladies ar. how i wish today is my Thurs too, then only one more day to go le...

bib: so when shd we start using ar? i tried once last week, i think its hot ar, he cried n in the end i pulled it out n he finally stopped. haha lawyer ar? my nanny said maybe he will be a doctor, he looks very serious wor, seldom smile, haha... but i think lawyer can earn more huh? haha..

