(2011/05) May 2011

Jenny, u started bb on cereal alrd rite? So he wants cereal ma? If yes, shd b ok rite.. At least he won't feel hungry.

Val, how was the gathering? Had fun?



pity I didn't make it for the gathering as was dwn with fever on sun nite n only subsided this morning but it's ok ad there willb other chances for gathering =)

keen to join? Thinking to have 1 next week =)

i saw d pics of d gathering. nice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

any mommies here mix feed using nan ha? do u have probs initially wif d kids rejecting? i've tried abt 1 wk intro fm during d nite feed to my gal with similac, she was still ok. but at the rate she keep falling sick, decide to change to nan ha. today is d 2nd day & she practically reject. i tried dream feed her but she suddenly wake up & give me d "wat r u trying to feed me with" look & pretend to cry. so no choice have to pacify her by latching on again. i say pretend cos d moment i stop tryin to bottle feed her, she stop crying & sort of grumble at me by blowing bubbles etc. shld i still stick to similac in tis case? or i shld mix d fm proportion until she can accept nan ha?

Vicki, nan ha tastes bitter! Not all bb can accept the taste especially u already given similac before. My elder gal on nan ha since 2yrs old till now & this is the only fm she is keen..headache rite??

apple: Not possible. Yest tried spoon feeding and he cried like mad once he sees the spoon. For syringe, he will spit out everything.

Mickey: He doesn't even wan cereal now. Yest pd ask me to make apple puree and I made and fed him, he also doesn't wan. Just kept crying after seeing the spoon.

cloud: The doc nv mention anything but she gave probiotics, say can help with tummy. Hopefully it works.

Today baby has woke up once and drank 5oz. Think I'm going to latch him for the rest of the day later. Hopefully he's willing to suckle.

Nooning mummies... I am new here... have been a silent reader all this while... ever since my pregnancy...my gal was oso born on may 2011.. now 4 mths... used to be a heavy milk drinker... recently seems on strike... now Formula milk.. as i guess i am too stress... my body unable able to produce more milk aft a mth... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

when i feed her she either seems not interested in milk.. and only suckle a few mouth... aft tat whine and cry... nowadays beri scared to feed her milk... my MIL can and able to let her finish 150ml.. for me... if bb manage to finish 120ml.. i mus say she's good liao... sigh... cause sometime she dun even wanna drink aft 6 hrs interval

Hihi Mummies! How is everybody? Just bk to office after 2 days Child care leave cos MIL was sick, take care bb at night since last Wednesday, ZZZzzzz.... and also brought bb for his 2nd jab yday, really no time to log into forum XD

Stephanie: e ezera cream has no steroid, it is just a moisturizer cos PD said his face considered mild case. Yday e doc gave me another type of moisturiser cos she saw his face still not recovered.. Hope it works better this time... she told me to apply to his body also, e eczema is making his skin dry n his kneecap rough.. And she said it might be caused by e food that i eat, so i nid to find out wat kind of food will trigger it..

How do you rub his kneecap? Right now we are using wash cloth to wash his body during his bath..

Oh ya, some example feeding 'schedule' can be found here: http://wholesomebabyfood.momtastic.com/howmuchbabyeat.htm

Starfruit: Yes, we wash it after dinner, bcos they will use back the same tingkat (2 sets to rotate) to bring food to u.

ya, we cook our own rice.

E first day it reached very early, 4pm. But they adjust it to a later time after that, usually it will rch my place ard 5+, 6pm, but i guess it depends on where u live?

If u choose 4 dishes, I would say it is enough.. my mil is small eater but me and my hb eat alot, but usually we nid to try v hard to finish all e dishes, or cant finish sometimes...

I saw that you bought a happypan? so u not going to order tingkat already ya?

Jenny: hey Jenny, I was at ikids yday too! They have many outlets? I was at paragon outlet, e doc name is Irene Chan.

How is bb now? is he latching? did e doctor teach u how to see whether he is dehydrated? maybe dry lips or sth? dun feel guilty abt putting him on drips la, u also dun want him to be sick ah.. but if he really dehydrated, better bring him to put drip bah... really hope he can recover soon!

how abt urself? still giddy and vomitting?

About 哭惊, it is said to call e bb's spirit back after they being frighten. I can PM u on how to do it if u want?

Val: good to know u r fine now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] any gathering during weekends?

Hayashi: Welcome!

just to check, last time when u have supply, u latch your bb or u give EBM on bottle? Maybe she is rejecting e bottle, bcos she wanna latch instead when she sees u, since u said ur MIL can get her to finish her milk? Which formula u giving her? maybe she doesn't like tat brand?

Hihi Mimosa...

my gal.. first mth i let her drink half BF half FM.. cause i dun have enuff.. worry tat she did not have enuff.. so i latch and btl feed.. but as times goes by.. she dun even wanna latch on me..

plus i do not have a confinement lady.. i do all the things alone.. though my mom help me on the washing and cooking.. but looking aft bb .. i the only one.. anyway... i suspect i am too stress.. so i dun have much appetite either.. end up not BM aft first mth... i feel so depress.. esp my gal has colics and reflux.. and she vomited quite bad... even aft 2 hrs of her feeding.. i change her FM for 3 times..

finally settle on friso comfort.. recommend by our PD.. it works on her.. but now she seems to hate the milk.. she will cry and whine when she see the btl.. even aft her 6 hrs of her last feeding session.

Hi mommies,

Saw pics of gathering. Nice! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just got back from almost half a day at KK. Doc says can start solids already since ebm+supplements not really helping with good weight gain. Some more bb only drinks 100 ml at one go, that too with much difficulty. Doc suggested rice cereal (not the organic one she said cos it has no iron). Any recommendations on which brand to use?

Hi Jenny,

My bb too, rejected milk since 3 mth old, now already 5 mth old. What i did was every feeding time try to rock her to slp, before she really fall into deep slp, then feed her.

I managed to do it for 2 mths already. my bb now 5 mth @ 8.4 kg.

But if she is awake, she will never drink a full feed, just play the teat with her tangue. but she loves water very much. no, shd be she loves everything besides milk. sigh.

may be you can try my method, but must be a bit skillful la, dont let bb get choke. but, normally before bb fall into deep slp, their habit will like to suck, ie, pacifier, hence replace it with milk lor,

hope this helps

Hi Jenny - BB better ?

Difficult to log in nowadays, office is mad... So much to do...

How is everyone doing ?

Hayashi - Welcome !

Jenny, how's baby? If he rejects apple puree, maybe you can try apple water? (Boil apple in water, unsweetened.) My friend feeds her kids apple water everyday, her kids don't like milk too. Have you tried a syringe to feed milk/water too? My friend does that to her kids who reject milk.


I agree with Smartbabe. I too dream feed my bb cos when she's awake she will only take 20-30 ml, so I put her to sleep and feed the rest.

Hi mummies it's been awhile [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hw is everyone?

Mimosa: oh icic den lidat still safe for bb to use. i oso use wash cloth (hanky) to bathe bb but when I want to clean e rough skin on his limbs, I use my fingers n rub while his limbs r in e water. Kind of like how adults clean body rub rub to get rid of dead skin [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] maybe u can try?

Hmmm also take note of what u eat which causes e rashes so tt u can avoid nxt time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope ur bb gets well soon.

Hayashi: welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jenny: hw is ur bb nw? Feeding ok alr?

Thanks so much for e feeding schedule! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hayashi welcome!

i think the milk strike is also a phase. my gal had fever on sun which we suspect is due to teething, for d past 3days, her milk intake drop again from 200ml to as low as 60ml. she's currently still willing to latch tho. just the bottle feeding part is tough. even dream feed is tough currently cos she'll suddenly wake up & protest esp if it's nan ha.

Viman, i juz bought bellamy's organic rice cereal. it does contain iron & gluten though. but at least it dosent contain milk which will reduce the risk of allergies. i have not start yet so not sure if it's good. is ur pd refering to organix? if milk is not a concern for you, i think u can just buy those with milk cos they are all iron fortified.


Actually all this while i have been learning alot from you gals.. being a slient reader.. it sort of make me feel lesser depress and more patient with my gal.. nowadays she seems better.. except her milk strike.. i will have to sing and dance with her before i can make her drink.. so tiring...

Good morning ladies..

Viman, I read organic rice cereal they have fortified iron as well..maybe different brand added different ingredients.

apple/viman: i juz take a look at wat i ordered fr iherb yday. happybaby brown rice cereal - it has reduced iron - duno wat tt means tho. got iron but not so much? keke!!! but they hv probiotics which i think is v gd for stomach digestion.

Stephanie: ya, I try it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks!

Hayashi: How long ur bb has been on milk strike already? it could be like what Vicki said, it is also a phase, alot of mummies here also facing the same prob... Maybe u try to dream feed her like what they suggest? Do you have facebook acc? You can read what other mummies post abt milk strike there after u join e group! Hope ur bb likes her milk again soon!

Viman: I think maybe ur PD was refering to the brand Organix, yup, their rice cereal not iron fortified, but i bought it bcos it contain no gluten and it is not brown rice (both better to give when near 6 month). Alot of other organic rice cereal have fortified iron, like bellamy's or happy baby:


wow, everyone's bb seems soo big. My gal just went for injection for 5th month and her weight is only 6.8kg under 50% percentile. I guess if she is feeling well, should not worry that much la.. right?

Im feeding my bb rice cereal x 2 and yes her milk intake really decrease by a lot. I thought it is because she is taking cereal and hence not hungry.

Im giving her Happy Bellies brown rice cereal too. I think im going to introduce her apple this weekend too! Hope she will like apple. May i know how to make apple puree? do we cook the apple?

Ash: for happybaby / happy bellies brown rice cereal, i read from e website, it says "Enriched: with DHA for brain and eye development, plus iron, vitamins and minerals essential for baby’s growth" wor... but below says reduced iron... hmmm... dun get it... hahaha...

Thanks Mimosa77... can i check with you if we were to steam and blend the apple (hee hee, i bought the Philip blender and steamer), can i make a bigger portion and keep it unused portion and freeze it? And if so, how long can i keep the freezed apple puree?

2ww: for a start, can give 1-2 slices to try first. i think ive tried freezing them but not advisable cos it will turn brown.

mimosa: they hv free shipping promo sometimes n the last promo is over. i've got a disc code, if u need, pm me.

i've only placed a small order this time n international airmail is only us$4. next time got free int'l ship then buy more lo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

supposed to take a wk for del. let u know exactly how many days once i rec my order

Mummies, this morning my baby din wan to suckle until almost 1pm when he is ready to take a nap, I quickly latch him. Thanks for teaching the dream feeding method. Last nite for his last feed he also dun wan to suckle, then I pat his thigh and ask him to slp, even though he nv slp but he's willing to suckle after a while. Just hope my bm supply would increase after this so that baby would be able to get more milk. Going to change his diaper later when he wakes up and check if its wet. He doesn't product the wet diapers like previously now. =(

Minossa: Previously u told me abt the ku jing rite? Can teach me how to do it please? Thanks

Minossa: Just read ur reply. Yes pls pm me on how to do it. Been waiting for u to be online these few days. =)

And my baby goes to the same clinic as urs. What time did u went? I reached at 2.30pm and waited till 3.15pm or so coz doc reached at 3pm.

I have recovered already. Thanks =) But now my husband's turn but poor him still have to go to work despite of vomitting!

WT: PD told me to try Heinz apple juice leh, but I scare baby reject coz even the orange he also reject. Dunno y he dun even like sweet stuff, he will give a very funny face. Btw, my baby's rashes is much better after I used boiled water to clean his face instead of tap water. So dun have to buy the moisturizer. =)

Jenny - Glad that your bb is drinking.. I may have missed out on earlier posts, bb is still unwell ? He needs to see PD.

Hope your hubby recovers soon too.

Deon: I bought baby to PD on tue already coz baby doesn't drink, pd gave probiotics and tell us to monitor. If dehydrate must bring baby to go on drip. =(

WT: I not scare the apple juice sweet, is scare baby dun wan then wasted. He looks like everything also dun wan, only wan his hands. Maybe dip some one his finger or thumb and let him drink =Þ

Quite busy at work, so nvr got chance to talk here...

Jenny, glad to know that u r getting well and bb oso starts drinking milk le.

Btw have u ever heard of this, some babies are rather 'xiao qi', so cannot praise in front of them de. If u believe, then dun ever praise him even if he's doing good :p

Btw mummies, do u think it is a good idea to have a dryer at home? Will it kill the germs like the sun? So its ok to use the dryer for bb's clothes too rite?

Hi mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] been a busy day for me, bb threw tantrums n I only have time nw. How's everyone?

Mimosa: okies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope ur bb's skin gets better [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mickeyboy: I have a dryer at home [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] usually for hubby n my clothes I use it to dry, but for bb's clothes not all e time. I only put bb's clothes in dryer to dry with adult clothes when I wash all every 3 days [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I wash bb's clothes everyday n not alot of pieces, so use dryer to dry so few pieces like waste electricity n it may not be evenly dried, so lidat I'll hang out to dry. Hope it helps [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh yes, about killing germs, I think dryer is as good as the sun [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi, sorry to interrupt. I have a brand new tin of Enfalac A+ Stage 1. Expiry date is 29 Oct 2012. I'm letting it go as my baby is on breast milk.

price: $25

interested, please pm me.


thanks for the explaination, we started the tingkat on wed (the day i came back to work).

last night was our 2nd day with hill top. not too bad and agree with u the portion is quite big, my SIL comes hm occassionally to eat dinner too and the portion was enuff for 4A and 1C plus we cook our own pot of soup as well.

They deliver very early to my plc, by 3 plus the food is here liao. i am trying the 5 days now. so far so good, will cont for 20 days. do they refund u if u cancel a meal?

Acutually for ur bb's eczema, u should avoid seafood and nuts totally (Things like dried scallops, dried oyster, ikan billis all to avoid too).. these may trigger ezcema to flare up for ur bb. keep bb moisturied all the time. And avoid, eggs, nuts, seafood till after she is 1 plus when u start her on semi solid.

The happycall pan is for us to use during the weekend.. hehehe or when we wanna add dishes to the dinner. we may continue tingkat for a while till we get sick of it or when bb is bigger and MIL can cook.


hope u are feeling better


Nan smells and taste terrible. u should try yourself. i gagged when i tasted it the last time when i was trying to intro FM to my no.1...hehe. i think u should go back to similac. similac is good and i dun think its the milk powder causing ur bb to get sick. If u are worried, can supplement with colostrum. Can buy from iherb etc, its powdered form and u can add in the milk to boost their immunity.

Welcome Hayashi!


check the cereal packaging, many comes fortified with iron. its usually indicated quite big on the box.


6.8kg is a good weight, no need to worry. i think we have a few 5kg plus bb girls here. so yours def not the lightest!

yes, steam the apple till soft and blend it. cool then u can feed bb. but becareful dun feed too much cooked apples cos it causes constripation.

I usually make and freeze enuff for 1 week (7 days). will cook weekly


I have a dryer at home, its for for drying adults clothes esp when it rains. for bb clothes, is still prefer to sun or wind dry. cos dryers can shrink some materials and not all clothes can dump in dryer. but i do love to use my dryers to dry bedsheets and towels esp when its raining. then it comes out hot and fluffy!>.hehehe

Mornin mommies

Starfruit,I tasted b4.act,I make it a pt to taste their milk to have an idea how it is when I had no 1. Nan ha is really bitter.all d rest,even isomil is sweet.only d fishy taste in d fm ranges hahaha. Ya,will c how,if she really refuse nan,I'll juz stick to similac

My nanny took leave again for d 2nd time cos she havin a bad cough. a bad feelin she might quit on me cos she request if I can take 1 wk leave next wk =.= mine I send #2 fr 6.50am to ranging 6.40-730pm is it ok? She claim too long hrs.

Anyway I finally started to try cereal for my gal tis mornin,she c d spoon she open mouth but she keep stickin out her tongue.does it means she is nt ready?or I shld try to teach her slowly?

Morning everyone!! TGIF!! =D

Ash: Thanks! the disc code is for how many % disc? okie! I will PM u next time when i wanna order, thank u!

Jenny: is bb better now? no dehydration ya? my office PC cannot type chinese, later i find chance to use my iphone to PM u ok?

My appt is at 3pm, ya, e doctor reached at 3pm, we are e first patient to go in, dun know if u saw us.. hehe... i nvr really look clearly on other patients, but i remem there was a couple sitting at e sofa beside door, is that u and ur hb??

How do u find Doc Chan? She made me feel that she is a rush or sth... =.= but my hb choose that clinic bcos not so crowded, no nid to wait so long together with many sick kids/bb...

btw, u give ur bb orange juice? I remem i read somewhere that bb dun really like e smell of citrus, and some bb might be sensitive to e citrus acid and cause rashes, but if ur bb no reaction then it is ok to give: http://wholesomebabyfood.momtastic.com/citrusbabyfoodrecipes.htm

Mickyboy: Hey, wat a conincident! my hb also was saying abt getting a dryer at home cos rains alot recently, sometimes our cloths got a bad damp smell after wash :S But last time when i used it in my uni hostel, it spoiled my jeans =.= that y i said better not... but after reading what other mummies said, seems like it is a good idea when comes to wash bedsheet and stuff... maybe dun throw in jeans next time, haha...

Stephanie: thanks! I also hope he can recover soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] these 2 days his face seems better, bcos i am trying to avoid eating eggs n nuts...

Starfruit: glad u find it enough [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but these two days their dishes get abit oily, dun know y... 3+ is v early! maybe ask e delivery man to adjust? erm, we nvr try to cancel any meal so far wor.. i guess they still deliver total 20 days, change e meal that u cancel to deliver it on e last day? i am not so sure, maybe u call them up to check? paiseh :p

ohh...okok, i will try to avoid... how abt peanuts? nid to avoid? does it consider nuts? ikam billis is seafood? i tot it is fish?

If u get sick, then change to other caterers, keep changing, guess can last for awhile, haha...

baby's weight: just measure my bb weight at e clinic on Tues, he is 8kg (90%)!! but only 64cm (50%) tall, i told my hb that bb is a fat shortie. haha...

pinkydap: Welcome! just search for 'SMH MAY 2011', request to join and send e msg with your nick name [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks Starfruit for your console... at least dun feel so bad after knowing mine is not the lightest at this stage.

I told my MIL who is taking care of my bb that we should steam the apple. She told me dun need. Just buy those extra ripe apple and the apple will be soft. Dont care, will try to steam the apple this weekend.

Haiz.. sometimes i really miss the time with my bb and wish to stay with her and see her growing stage. Now at 23weeks, she still cant flip. She hasnt been lying on bed much. Most of the time, she is lying in those "lying chair" where she doesnt have any oppty to flip. So sad when the nurse told me that if she still cant flip by 6th months, must inform them!! any cause for worries?

By the way, do you all calculate bb age by weeks or by their date of birth ah?

Mimosa, congrats on your bb weight! you really know what and when to feed your BB else dun think its easy to obtain 90%!

