(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!


True la. But ah moh and asian bodies' got diff too.

Everything in moderation. Like me hor, MS caused me to cough now, I will stop myself on cold drinks cos I dun wan to make my cough worse.

But when DH buy COLD drink I crazing he will let me have a small sip. I veri guai one. haha.

yuri, well she is very young and tot everything is okie when u are in love....... >.>

Sianz... My brains is back to 286 mode.... Too many processes running concurrently liao!!!!!

liz, ms is caused by ur body unable to adapt to the yoyo rise fall changes of ur hormones. Some days ur body adapt some days u dun. Better not say too loud later ur ms hear liao come and haunt u big big time.

labbit, i think most gynae will cut so that it is ezier to deliver. Dun think about it too much, no point scaring yourself. Just remember this fact. Millions even Billions of women deliver naturally and that part get teared or cut up, but they still heal will and is up and running afew days later.

xinyi - no la.. my dh also keep saying that i drink ribena and eat fast food ma.. then he go and say my mil leh... cos mil say i wanna eat or drink what just drink.. then i feel so guilty...

lizzie - IMO la, we're all humans, created in the same way, have the same RAD colour blood etc.. perhaps i more ang moh pai ba... certain things i will believe, certain things i just close 2 eyes, 1 ear in 1 ear out.. baby healthy can le...

yurieve - u still around?? i post here for u k.. cos i lazy to open my personal email...

My TCM recommended by my auntie... It's called nam Hua acupuncture and medical hall... The doc is dr Koh lee hoon...add: 440 race course road, tel 62919275

Basically I went to see her about a week plus before I O... Then she gave me med to tiao my body.. Then also to dh to tiao his troops... Then she ask me to track bbt also... Then she told me when to bd... After o go back to take med, then when af about to report then go back again... I think I should have tested bfp during Xmas eve, but i didn't have the guts to test... Then she just continue to give me an tai Yao lor...

I saw her about 4 times in 1 cycle then bfp le... I really wasn't hopeful to bfp cos dh had high fever and sore throat... So I'm really thankful for this miracle...

this is what i copied from some FB messages i sent out regarding TCM...

tubby, 1st trim.. we just need some stuffs to make ourselves feel better.. when i reach 2nd trim, gassy drinks nv take liao.. cold drinks also cut down le.. only drinks during weekends because at home super duper hot.

xinyi - ya... everything still bogs down to MODERATION.. AGAR AGAR.. hehe.. but leh.. my AGAR AGAR very bad.. everyday kena scold by dh... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] just now my dh being the mu tou ren that he is, he never heard the baby's hb lor... wah kaoz... i so angry... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] ooh... today my bill damn cheap.. consultation plus scan $75, then utrogestan plus anti nausea $33... total $108... cheap hor.. then they offer package le leh.. so next month when i go see him again i will sign package le...

Val: hahahaa! u so funny leh. BTW during my pregnancy hor..I drink cold water frm 1st trimester to the last xP too hot liao.

Alison - i reply ur PM le... i just ate pure addiction choc cake.. wanna see how long it will last in my tum tum... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

DA JIE!!!!!!! how's little kanice??? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xinyi - the package is $650... then the rest i forgot le... all the brochures at home...

xiao mei!!!

kanice ah...haha as usual, cranky lor...

hows ur baby T? u must take care leh...

eh see u all gossip i so curious leh....share share :p

so many newbie here liao until i blur, keke

wah bo lang here?? anywayz will talk to myself then...

Cant wait for CNY le...wanna go shopping leh. Wanna buy shoess!!! bags!!! clothes!!! everything!!! hehehehe!


AH HUAT PTE LTD – opks & Hpts

Regulars pm me for special repurchase prices [email protected]

Hope PACKS $3.80 – available

5 hpts

MINI HUAT PACKS (UK) $13.70 – available (limited time offer 2 US opks extra FOC)

15 opks UK OPks

5 hpts

HUAT PACKS (UK) $19 – available (limited time offer 5 US opks extra FOC) (2 units)

25 opks UK opks

5 hpts

Extra US opks whist stocks last.

*opks - Ovulation strips.

hpts-Home Pregnancy test strips.

Where not mentioned Opks are 20 miu = High sensitivity opks. Hpts are 10 miu ultra high sensitivity.

Prices include local postage within Singapore.

Those transferring from non POSB/DBS banks please contact me earlier as the interbank transfer will take longer – I do prefer to mail out only upon receipt of payment unless you are a regular.

Hpts only order – only 20 pcs & above please email me will require 1 week after payment is received.

CNY notice

Due to the upcoming busy periods. Please do order early as well as incase of a surge in demand - out of stock situation might happen

During CNY long holiday:-

I will bring home some huat packs only for urgent postage out for regulars & for non regulars payment should be in 1st thanks.

vic ma; oh ya Vday hor! I suppose the restaurants will be open? But guess that the price will be SUPER ex!

so fast CNY le. heng I change $$ liao!! hahahahaha!


april. But so busy at work hor. Not look forward really just feeling tired most of the time. But i do feel happy when i remember i am preg. Silly hor. Can forget i am preg lor.

Vic ma, wah can forget u r preg de ah?

Busy also not bad, time flies fast fast. Tat time I preg, sort of idle then got so much 'time' to hu si luan Xiang.

So 2 more months for u. Take care hor!

HI everyone!

I used to read this forum but never participated when i was preggy with my no 1 last year, thinking of having another one so thought i'd say HI to all here and maybe get some advice.. hoping for a boy again. hehe. maybe easier to take care of, no need to worry about BFs! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hope everyone is well!

pinkie> im letting go my clearblue digital pregnancy test,Claearblue digital ovulation test and 4 tubes of preseed interested? I used 2 tubes of pre-seed and striked

Pinkie - ok reserved for u will post out on monday!

Stocks are abit low again. please email me soon if u need your opks this coming week. I just reordered - could take 2 weeks to reach if there is any delays.

AH HUAT PTE LTD – opks & Hpts

Regulars pm me for special repurchase prices [email protected]

Hope PACKS $3.80 – available

5 hpts

MINI HUAT PACKS (UK) $13.70 – available (limited time offer 2 US opks extra FOC)

15 opks UK OPks

5 hpts

HUAT PACKS (UK) $19 – available (limited time offer 5 US opks extra FOC) (2 units)

25 opks UK opks

5 hpts

Extra US opks whist stocks last. ( focs running low)

*opks - Ovulation strips.

hpts-Home Pregnancy test strips.

Where not mentioned Opks are 20 miu = High sensitivity opks. Hpts are 10 miu ultra high sensitivity.

Prices include local postage within Singapore.

Those transferring from non POSB/DBS banks please contact me earlier as the interbank transfer will take longer – I do prefer to mail out only upon receipt of payment unless you are a regular.

Hpts only order – only 20 pcs & above please email me will require 1 week after payment is received.

CNY notice

Due to the upcoming busy periods. Please do order early

During CNY long holiday:-

I will bring home some huat packs only for urgent postage out for regulars & for non regulars payment should be in 1st thanks.

Linda dont worry so much rest well -we kicked you out liao - u graduated stay that way ok?

take chicken essence & hope for the best. NO liang stuff - u know the drill ba since its your 2nd round got experience liao mah right?

Good luck.


last year you just deliver? my advise is you wait til your boy 2 year old then try another one. I now had a 2 year old toddler and 1 month bb.Wah really not easy to take care specially my toddler.

hi candice! yeah, i delivered in april... my hubby says to wait, but im thinking small age gap then they can play together more?

are ur 2 kids very close?

are u SAHM?


morning morning [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my flu getting better but now started coughing.. *faints* u must take care of urself ah.. my gyane told me 1st and last trimester very easy to fall sick de.

Bb dust - ya lor... Sat I already saw doc le but the med not strong enough only makes me sleepy, but not better... U also must take care hor... Yeah I'm on mc again... Mwahaha...


yeah better but i wish i can rest more..


the med they always gave preggies are the least strong de that is why very hard to get well, so must drink more water loh. i cannot take MC liao all my MC are used for checkups le, take more MC i think i no need to come and work liao haha

