(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

bbt i think oscar is draw blood once if heng hor -its also with your blood test for other tests as well then same injection - draw 2-3 tubes lor.

1st time mummies Daddy also got to test blood to check if there is blood disorder -then they will treat the baby accordingly depending on the blood test results.



Now your preggie also cannot go :p go there see fish in water nia :p

Lately I am in nesting mood.. Keep doing housework. Sooo unlike me. heh heh

Lizzie of cos no :p

No dying hair, no spa, no massage, no vigorous exercise..

Of cos plenty of things u cannot eat.. esp Sashimi!

Tats why mummy are all wei da!

Liz, Dr fong one is 3 tubes of blood hor.. because the test combine with those pregnancy blood tests together as package..

out of 3 tubes, only 1 is used for oscar.

shredding blood is fine. But needles poking are not fine.

U see I got baby veins... everyone who need to take my blood will sweat one lo. Cos first VERY HARD TO FIND... 2nd, VERY THIN VEINS!

and I can only take blood from the back of my hands.

sstarlight....if marry young n marriage works out wwell..thats great! ....if single & young unwed mum ..hw to come with family, society n of cos all the lil problems that surface slowly idf no spousal support? ..mmm ...i knw there are pple who got themseleves worked out eventually but its no mean feat i must say.

sstarlight: I just have to do it on sunday lor. To me, when I go out..I like to feel relax...with maid..I am not so relaxed....esp if I wanna shop...more stress.

She already make my life easier liao. As long as she cook n clean...I happy le


but constipation is fever linked - if got fever - usually once manage to PUNG sai - fever will also auto subside one - its a very cute relation.

is constipate -bb still happy & well - actually no need to worry much - give some water & wait for poo.

wakie le... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi june, welcome!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

well..I dun even knw whether I tear or kena cut. I only knw got stitching. I hate when they pull the stupid tube out n then they keep telling u have to pee. The 1st pee abit difficult la...cos cant come out ahhahaha! Then I kena constipation also but the red dates drink helps wor.

When u opt epi...u will not feel anything except when they pull the tube out of u cos no epi liao

aw-bb i replied u liao.

i did say water -cos under 6 mths old i dont recommend diluted juices yet (Prune)

u give around 60-120ml water after a feed depending on Gab's ability to drink - see if can scroll up to just now i posted liao dear.

vinee and xinyi, when u tested positive, how many days/week mens due? I had been feeling very uneasy in the stomach and throat since tues. My mens is due today and I tested -ve this morning.

aw, wah.. meaning 1st week is ugly mum lor.. i feel your labour damm easy and quick leh.. dont say abt those pre-terms lah..

andrea, my ans not a good one.. because i got irregular AF. mine is like 15 days overdue.


my collg's fren's mom feed abit of barley water to help with the constipation.

bb gab is TBF right?

not sure ok for u to try on bb gab anot. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi girls.. i'm in liao.. super tired.. KO the moment i reach home.. now stone stone in office...

Lizzie - good news for u... i asked my gynae about plain water, ribena, 100 plus and fast food... he says it's ok to drink cold ribena and cold 100 plus.. cos in cold country, ang mohs also drink cold water what... where got always drink warm, hot or room temperature water.. their room temperature = cold.. so no linkage.. i was so happy.. my eyes were beaming with happiness... mwahahaha... dh lan lan... then fast food he says it's just high carbo food, as long as we eat, then ok... just eat in moderation...



sstarlight & rabbit: sorry I mia cos fell asleep. took some flu medication n made me so drowsy.

yah, I happen to blog hop n saw her blog lor.

there was someone who tag in her blog, saying y she so stubborn last time, dun listen to ppl's advice n now end up like tat...

