(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

Hi Ladies!

Long time no come in le...

during this period of time i tried to avoild coming in cos i see many of you BFP...

after much consideration I have decided to go see a gynae and get myself checked and see whether i need any medical help...

really appreciate if you gers can gime some advice as to how i can go about going for a chk up.recomend me a good gynae and tell me more about de details of de chk and de prices.

Will appreciate if you can email me via facebook.

Thank you so much....


Good Morning!!!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] today i'm on morning shift cos big big big boss come from USA...

Morning ladies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning Tubby,

wah today so early. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bad day for me again.

I 'merlioned' last night. I think hor my baby got Monday blues le. my MS only kick in on Monday night!

Today woke up at 2.30am feeling hungry but lazy to do something abt it. Forced myself back to slp. Woke up at 6.15am and the first thing that came to my mind is a bowl of dried scallop porridge with ginger... haha.

So I cooked and had that for breakfast. But still, feeling very tired now.


u didnt sleep earlier yesterday ah.. try to eat something before u sleep loh like one pc of biscuit also good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

haha peg prego peg prego!! ur DH got ex taste hor piangx.. he said he likes the insignia one (same as preg)


not in yet hor... I was thinking if she has any wedsite that sell baby things online.

I thinking of checking out if Im to buy the stroller from US and hve it ship in, is it cheaper.


I eat sour plum liao. Then the feeling is lingering there. I cannot tahan so rush to toilet and kind of give it a tiny force, everything came out.

Then, my stupid DH dun know I merlion, can still come to me and tok abt $$ when I go back to bed to rest. -_-" *faint*


Cos hor, this gal's (aka frz aka tenant) parent always do shipping to singapore as their daughter(the gal) is staying at our place.

We are her singapore gurdian. So I think they hve lobang lo.


u check with her loh but i think for stroller better to buy insurance if spoil at least cover wor. I am not sure cause i never do shipping like this before.


no le. I eat abit during the whole of last week, nothing happened.

Last monday I oso MS that triggered me to test HPT. Ytd, I was laying on bed, the feeling came. Than cannot tahan I go eat abit of plum (which worked for last week) but feeling got worse. So got to go merlion liao lo.


u go shop around lah sekali ur DH likes quinny buzz or bugaboo bee hahah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] he getting more high end.


Hai. I count my blessing la. At least I only MS once a week. So not so bad liao.

Afterall, u all say that having MS means that is healthy. So I should live with it. haha.

But I hope when I hit 2nd trimester, it will stop.


keke it will stop hopefully when u hit 2nd tri too early to say lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just pray [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh its 400 plus USD cheaper than SG.


yeah lo. I if ship via DHL etc. If prod is damage they will have to bear the cost lo. we can indicate that it is fragile.


The Perego stroller I like is selling at US$425 lo...

What a steal... kao. Singapore is like 2 times the price.


hahahha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i think u end up buying combi lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] cause its lighter


I ask DH to check with his bubby who is working in DHL to see if he can get us a speacial shipping rate from USA to spore.


I called DHL the shipping for 9kg is abt S$290 and the insurance is either 10% of the prod price in EURO $$ or max of Euro$ 10.

BB dust

Yes I did tell dh already, just as wat I had expected... He tell me now he just hope to find a job 1st.. dun wish to talk abt this issue.. I tell him off that I am no longer any younger.. He just keep silent..


u tried ur best and since this is his reply then I guess u no need to do anymore things already. Just let the matter rest 1st bah. If not u stress him more he will feel worse.


I think u have to try talking to him nicely. Maybe to him he needs to find his pride first by sercuring a career?

i think jp hb is correct he is doing the right thing. Firdst things first. Men cannot do the ttc stuff until they settle their job. I actually feel its good he gets a job 1st. This is his pioroty

it shows he is a responsible mand who wants to provide for his wife and child 1st. this is actually admicable.

true u are worries abt yr age but unless both of u hv alot alot of savings to fall back on. wo a job insg. raising kids is no joke lor.

me popped in again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] haha


yest liz's dh was so nice he sent us to baby avenue at balestier keke and they had fun testing the strollers [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] kekke

Vic ma

Yeah. I agree with you. I will oso feel insercure if my DH's career is unstable. Got to take step by step. Having a baby needs lots of planning.


depends on what u n ur dh want really [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i can say preg can last cause my bro used it for 6 yrs but its worth it for him cause his 2nd kid also use it and till now he still can use though he 2 yrs old liao.

if u wnat to use it nxt time alone then better to buy light weight de. preg is too heavy 10kg leh *faints*


true. hai. Still got time to look look. DH loves to look at stroller... as if he buying cars -_-"

Mayb on weekend will go window shopping at the baby hypermart and baby kingdom lo.

can see see look look.



yah u see look see then 2nd tri - 3rd tri can cheong aha wait for sales [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ur Dh excited to see the strollers loh can see hahah

