(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!


U got to decide le. Dr Fong once told me is one response too well to SO jabs, mre than 1 eggs is ripe and they ar to preformance iui which will cause multi preg...

With that, they will hve to perform IVF on u liao.

JP, no worries! you just need 1 egg!

as for IUI and IVF, you got to really talk to you DH liao..

i think before doing that you might need to check is your tubes got blk and of coz SA test le..

BB dust,

No my gynae say if I respond very well to clomid than I will have more eggs but I am not. If I have more eggs than IUI will have 30% to strike than dun need to have the daily jab on my own if not than I will have to jab to have multi eggs..

Clomids got lots of side effect. That's why aft 2 rounds of it and I not responsing well to it, Dr Fong terminated the medication process.


IVF will be around 10K instead of 2K and the process is much more.. IUI is the simple version of IVF. It applied to all for clomid if taken more than 6 mths, my gyane say some gynae will ask u to continue but for her she say no point if will reponse than will happen dun need to wait so long than there will be cancer risk as well. So after 3 cycle, dun happen & really wan to hav bb she will process with next step.


If got muliti eggs (more than 3 etc) Doctor will hve to do IVF to remove all the mature eggs and freeze it. They will use one a cycle to try for baby.

You got to consider the expenses behind it.


all is not lost yet think +ve.


cya later. might be late since i am still here LOL [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

switching off lappie now.


If you got 1 egg and it mature but ur dh's troop is not moving well with the flow, so-iui is oso not going to work for u.


Yes that's why I dun wanna start on Clomid at 1st... Now gyane tell me I start is just like normal ppl w/o starting on clomid make me feel so sad & I take the risk of the side effect in med...


Dun be sad. I went thru wat u went thru. I was even on metformin. be +ve.

If not, start the SO-IUI after CNY la. Cos before IUI u got to scan ur fallopian tubes and ur DH has to do SA test right?

If either one failed, u cannot do so-iui liao got to do IVF.

that is my understanding frm my gync.


SO-IUI and IVF is really something u got to consider and discuss with ur DH. Cos it needs the cooperation of both side.


duno lo cos dh dun even seem wanted to do SA... cos gynae say if got SA test maybe can give med to help on dh troops on area if there is problem, now is all duno so she cant do much too & I am not young anymore... by 30 yrs women fertile will decrease but by 35, women will decease in a steep way... So she dun wanna me to wait till 35 than I will have even less chance lo.. I mind to have male gynae that is why I chose my gynae.. I think my gyane mean me well as dun wan me to waste $ keep on trying on same things & if really want to have bb than process the next step lo..


My gynae didnt tell me to scan tube & SA test if we wanna do IUI.. If we wan to than if this cycle failed than have to see her on CD2 next cycle le.. she will have to teach me how to jab myslelf & start on IUI le.. In BKK will not be possible cos its not my fertile yet...


oh... ok. Another way, is to bring ur DH to see this TCM doc who is good at male prob. He might be able to find out if he has prob without SA test.

I meant might only hor... u can go with him. He oso treat female and managed to help alot of couples to get preg.


maybe that's KKH price cos I hear a few for IVF will be around $10k and above & IUI will be around $2k like my gynae rate if on jab if not jab than $500+ to do IUI


Hmm.... mayb u wan to check with her. Cos my Gync wanted to put me and DH under that 2 tests before proceding with SO-jab for SO-IUI.

He mentioned if any of the tests fail or result not good, we hve to seek for alternative like IVF liao.

By doing that he is helping us to save $$ and time too.


I know u mean me well but now I think if dh dun wanna do SA test, there is nothing much I can do also... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Will try to talk to him tonite & see how...

pinky, did you try saying 'Dr wishes you to go for SA'?

i rem i just tell my DH everything from my problem to the possibility on check his sperm count.


my gynae given me a brochure to read thru as well for dh to read.. the name of my IUI is called assisted conception... is it the same as SO-IUI?? All this term seem new to me..


Mayb, tell him it is a requirement to do SA test as Doc need to determine his troop moility before deciding how much jab to give u?

ok... it is a lie... but i doubt a man will realise. haha.


I did.. maybe its thru sms so I dun see his respond & he just didnt get back so I intend to tell him IUI face to face...

SO = Super Ovulation (jab)

IUI = take sperm out, wash, and insert into ur body.

IVF = take sperm out, egg out, match and proved +ve, put back to ur body to grow.


that's why I am so fan lo... cos I dun even know wat is wrong.. u know wat? I ask the nurse will it be possible that during the IUI process when dh had to collect the troop than there is no good sperm to insert to me cos he didnt do the SA test. She say will not wan la & laugh at me...


I learnt my lesson.. so I will do face to face tonite cos I find it hard to open my mouth to tell him such issue when I see his face lo.. Its just like telling him he had something wrong. Maybe I feel the way he feel ba..


thank u so much on ur full wording of all the short form.. So mine will be SO-IUI.. think my gynae dun intend to tell me much 1st cos dh dun even wanna do SA..

Pinky, got to say face to face.. not to say if he has something wrong.. in other way can say if he is healthy. then know where to focus the problem..


will talk to him tonite & see how... think my dh will be those who u tell him than he will think that its fault type.. He is not +ve thinking wan lo..


ok wish me good luck tonite during the talk & bring back good news tml morning. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I do agree with labbit. I do tell my hubby hor, we both need to work together, and who ever having issues, we will work together to overcome each hurdle. I just ask him for the support including tests required by gynae.


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