(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!


Dun get us wrong. We are not discouraging you. But, having baby is a decision of two. If only u wan and ur DH dun wan, baby and u will suffer when times come.

Having a baby is all about happiness isnt it?



yeah la. He not a quiet man liao right? he is a full of rubbish man... wahaha.

I today very guai liao. Wear my 2 inch heels. DH was like... see, ur friend oso scold u liao.

Liz, slowly shop ah.. got alot of things to buy de.. hehe..

so excited to go baby hypermart and baby kingdom.. haha...

i damm forgetful man.. i forgot to sign up the seminar.. then now no more seats liao.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Oh... BBdust

ytd after u left, I told DH what happened abt the cake buying... he turned and give me a very angry stare.. and say u deserve the pain/ cramp..

kao -_-"


Forgetful is normal. Haha. U can join my class la. I think I signing up soon.

No la, as I mentioned ytd, DH now free cos CNY coming, no ppl wan to sell house. So he has time to shop with me. After CNY, trust me, I think I will not get see him that often dun even mention shopping. sian.

Liz, we 10 weeks apart leh.. by the time i join you already too late liao.. haha...

there is a cord bank seminar next week.. whole day de.. but that day i got wedding dinner leh..


ur DH not quiet loh definitely. but then he do sales de mah if he quiet then also jialat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

u still wear heels???? i thot i told u not to liao ur heels very de HIGH hor.


I on my lowest heel liao le. 1.5inchs.

U need to give me time to buy pretty flat shoes ma. Later gog to robinson during lunch to hunt for it.


I still tinking how to tell my cousin after the infertilty seminar...

I dun feel like going le. If I tell her that, she is going to 'kill' me.


I told her liao. wahaha. She say is ok. Then I ask her, why u didnt ask me why I back out... then she say, u experting arh!?!


hahaha aiyoh easy to guess lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

if i am going i just go 1st part nia lah i think until 5pm very tiring.

lizzie - cos yesterday i washed my comforter... obviously 1 day won't dry right... and I DON'T KNOW WHO WENT TO KEEP IT!!!!! argh....... now i'm super duper angry... I WANT MY HOUSE AND MY OWNERSHIP BACK!!!


no angry no angry not good for babyt.


keke i just want to go take goodie bag lah not for the talk. cheapo mum in action again. we already decided to donate to public bank le. the 1st part topics are already covered in the pigeon seminar we went last time. the 2nd part will be covered in my antenatal class also.


no suprise lo. Last time my IL stay with me oso did the same stance on me. I so angry that I told DH.

Allmy clothes are still damp. They take it down and put at the sofa and hang their clothes... kao.



its free entry loh just register nia then i read got some discounts on vendors mah so i want to go see if they got discounts. last time pigeon discount on cooler bag and baby wipes very good leh cheapp~~~


i dont think got cause the 1st session ends 1pm then 2nd one start 2pm so 1 hr they can go eat + its free wor dont think they got the budget to give free food Muahha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but personally i find pigeon one quite worth to go leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if they got in march, i think i shall pop by again

dunno who keep... now at home no place to hang my comforter... it's ok.. i finish work at 4... go home and remove all the clothes damp or not i don't care... and i'm going to hang my comforter... it's obvious my comforter is thick, outside dry doesn't mean inside is dry what.. some more feather lor... argh.... angry man.... angry i must say out... arbo babyt come out will be angry baby...

xinyi - i think i received ur clarins le.. but for some reason the person who was at home deaf, cannot hear door bell ring then never open door for the postman... later will pick up at post office.. how much i need to tt u??

tubby, thats great.. you transfer me $30 ba.. later i email you my acct no.

andrea, i in 16 weeks now.. eh, what thing cannot eat? i asking if the free seminar got food to eat or not..

Hi Girls... pop in :p

Oh telly> Cute photo... just a small bean size hehehe really amazing sometime I look at the scan can see the bb growing day by day


mid april.

morning christy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] waiting for ur good news too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning Hsien [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] bz day again?



ya... got to rush some work (try to start some before gg on holiday?)

but holiday mood la. Wahahaha..

hi rabbit! heee...

still designing the website?

but at hm can nua la not so bad. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

