(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

EM: hey'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how r u!??!?!?! coping well???

my short term goal is 6 mths...will see if got supply or not...if going strong hor...then continue lor


i am ok la...v tired especially waking up during the night manz... hw i regret nt having a confinement lady.. .lolz...

Haha.. mine also la.. hope can BF minimum 6 mths.. maximum 1 yr lor...

EM: u dun have confinement lady ah?!!?!!? Ya...waking every 2 hrs right??

BBdust: Yr friend really no rest wor. but good la...her NN remain big big hahahahaha!

U knw ah...one of the things that kept me going is that I keep telling myself if stop BF...NN will shrink until......



yah loh very bz ah her breast... hahah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] she just gave birth in dec going to BF for 2 yrs again steady hor + she working leh.. *faints*


u ah... cheeky mode again keke [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning tubby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Vic ma - I take out, he put then we hang together... Don't need to worry man now I give instructions and all must follow... Hahaha...

Vic ma - I take out, he put then we hang together... Don't need to worry man now I give instructions and all must follow... Hahaha...

Alison - if it's the rest doing housework I honestly don't bother I just kiao kar but dh leh.. Must help if not he tired also ma.... anyway I oso nv lift the mattress, just hang the comforter Nia.


mayb after 1st trimster when bb is more stable then tell them lor..

u need to start buying stuffs and get prepared the bb room le


I dun know. Cannot see it. But I can feel like air flow from the front to the back then from side to side lo. So pain...


i tried last time not bad lah but cause i need to eat meat lah so anyting lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] me quite like korean food ahha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


LOL LOL aiyoh how to start milking now... keke [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

drink milk lah ... ask u ah sometime this week i got something white that comes out form the nips when i press them. si mi lai de? colostrum ah or just dry skin?

Bb dust, Lizzie

gynae say only 1 egg, I didnt respond very well to clomid cos the most last cycle is 2 eggs. She wants me to do IUI next cycle if this cycle failed again proved dh agree. This cycle will be on natural monitor when O starting tml.. Even on IUI I need to jab daily on my own & cost $2k+ as I dun reponse well with clomid so even IUI chance also low.. Normally IUI chance is 30%. With that daily jab, I will put on weight just like IVF, its the same jab. She said that I will stop my clomid by 6 cycle as take longer than that will have risk of cancer..

BB dust, Lizzie

the nurse was very nice... She tell me dun give up even if there is only 1 egg this cycle as who knows. She also tell me to ask dh along if this cycle I fail on the next appt. Let the gynae do the talking as most of the time, it will help better than maybe dh will do the SA test.


if u are not responding well to clomid they will normally put u on injection if u are doing IUI.

I dont think u will put on weight with that jab but u will definitely feel bloated depends on the dosage u are suppose to jab.

No worries okie dear, 1 egg and 1 sperm is all u need.must have faith and believe in miracles.

