(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

Rabbit, I am still considering whether to employ CL nt.. cos the cost is high($2K without food) for one month.. was tinking is it more economic to employ maid then mum can help me take care baby & maid can help her with housework... Anyone can advise me the cost of getting one maid?


Sashamama, my previous nick is xinyi_reiko.. 3 mths ago i new to the thread.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

alicia, hmm.. you been eating alot? me ah.. i actually not like puking every now and then kind.. more like puking air everyday usually when empty stomach.. if got something come out, will be stomach acid with the fluid i drank. very small amt so far.

Rabbit, Actually at times feel puky so as recommended to take plain crackers in between meals... & sometimes will crave for McD, KFC lor.. u knw... So i just eat lor.. so within 2 months, my scale bloated 2Kg wor.. & moreover I m short(1.53) nia.

Alicia, crackers i eating everyday.. i actually eating it now.. hehe.. i see.. control ah.. maybe try to weigh yourself daily and monitor? i recently also started to weigh daily.. but for my case is to make sure my weight dont drop drastically. Not been eating well.. thats why, i abit scare.

BBDust, After give birth most probably my mum will help me take care baby... she is a babysitter.. I also tout of the nite time problem... haiz.... so tout can get a maid to help her in the day at least she nt so tired.. can nap abit & at nite help me take care baby.. heehee... bo piah cos I m nt experience with baby.. My MIL cant help me with baby.. she also no experience with baby...


2KG is not okay?? is it considered overweight cause of ur height?

if ur mummy can help u take care at nite then not so bad la.. my MIL expects me to wake up and take care of bb at nite so I just tell her I am getting a CL loh if not ma fan. I cannot sleep well then after night time feeding maybe bb will not sleep so fast then got to rock him to sleep by then he will wake up again for feeding and i cannot sleep.

BBDust, @Kg is ok.. But becos of my height (1.53), my current weight 61kg is overweight.. so gynea say the most i can put on till i give birth is additonal 10 Kg.. if not baby too big will have difficult labor wor... I scare...


OIcccc... true wor if baby too big then a bit difficult when in labour might have to c-sect. now my weight is increasing steadily so no concern yet for me only pre-eclampsia so doc got to monitor my pressure tightly loh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


dont cry dont cry eat more healthy food loh and those not high in carbo de [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

alicia, also mummy's health .. i rem my friend abt your height ballooned until couple of weeks before delivery she got admitted because of diabetes.


if u want to eat rice, try to eat those brown rice at least its better than white ones [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] white ones more carbo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh ya ladies if u all want to buy new shoes & all & are preggy please take note that your legs will expand & grow sometimes during pregnancy.

my leg's gone from a birkie 38 R to a 39 R already.

watch out for bloating towards the end of the pregnancy - incase you invest in a nice pair of shoes for CNY only to find out that you cannot wear it or have to wait.

bb dust darling -since i gave birth then i noticed keke!

maybe now got to carry a growing baby so feet need to be bigger to be more stable!

morning woofy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hahahahah really leh so influencing ah one say all want to eat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yest lah ..talk abt bubbleling's roti prata co policy make me so hungry..keke ...actually i wana eat last nite but dh say too late liao ..keke.


later u go eat loh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] kekeke ..ask u ah u went to bb kingdom and bb hyperstore before or not ah?

bbdust ..went twice....bb hypermkt sells mainly strollers , cots..huge items ..nt much accessories like bb clothes ..bb kingdom got more variety ..i prefer bb kingdom myself ..cos can look see more .

Sashamama Good to see you!!!!!!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I log in see your nick I find it so familar and happy. I change nick liao...cos erm, got another m....c....., change for better luck.....I was Nxxxxxx la.......me is quite the outstanding one....neh, the one the HK MJ lor....

Good Morning Gals. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yah u feel pulling sensation then crampy but after a while it will go away liao..dont keep thinking abt it and before u know it, the pain is gone [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rabbit, did blood tests liao, say nothing wrong...thou I see my blood plalet slightly below avg. He say next to do Chromosome test if erm...agin....but he say better do it in SG because it is v v ex.......The blood tests I did, quite ex actually already...so erm...

Rabbit (xinyi_reiko)

Intermediate Member

Username: xinyi_reiko

Post Number: 3928

Registered: 7-2009

Posted on Monday, December 07, 2009 - 10:43 am:


Apple, i agree with bb dust.. come back do a detail check up.. like gila, she also m/c 3 times i think, result is FSH too high..

maybe your egg or sperm not good then baby didnt survived or maybe hormones not enough to support or even some other unknown problems.

Babydusts Dearie & Gals, was discussing with my hb....to take clomid or not. He was saying erm, can your help me ask ur gynae if miscarriage twice, is there a need to eat clomid since clomid is to help ovulate? Can help pls Babydusts dear and gals?


okie okie but i will only see my gynae end of the year leh will it be too long for u?

i was abt to ask u and ur dh to do a chorosome test cause it really can tell u whether both ur genes are okay wor. but like u said loh sg is definitely much cheaper than there ah

hi apple!

actually was thinking, when will u be back here?

if can, ya, go for the test here better.

also as here i feel definitely more adv as there?

at least there's friends/family support here too.

for now, try to push it off ur mind and not think abt it?

Hi Linda, Welcome again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Linda Ho (linda0o)

New member

Username: linda0o

Post Number: 67

Registered: 8-2008

Posted on Monday, December 07, 2009 - 10:59 am:


Hi ladies, good morning and thanks for the welcome..

currently im eagerly waiting for my HCG blood test result due to call anytime soon..

apple, i only see my gynae on the 17th ah.. from what i know and past experience.. clomid is for ppl who have problem ovulating ah. couple of ladies taken clomid are under smiliar problem.

if the egg dont grow into proper size, it wont get ovulated ah. i believe why doc recommand to you because is the cheapest fertility treatment for a start.

is your ovulation regular and detectable?

Gila, if u saw this, pls reinvite me also...because I dunno why I cannot view, think I forgot my password or wat...too many passwords le....

Woofy, how u manage to psycho them to give u new one de?

Xiao Lao Hu ......!!! (woofmeow)

Intermediate Member

Username: woofmeow

Post Number: 4837

Registered: 4-2008

Posted on Monday, December 07, 2009 - 2:44 pm:


gila...can re-invite me to yr blog again?? i gorgot what email addy i used nw ..sigh.

bbdust ...i went ard 5+ to the munchkins sale ..bought a playpen n mattress ..psychoed the sales pple to get me a brand new set from their warehouse rather than takin the display set ...cash & carry.

Babydusts and rabbit Thanks in advance. Yes can wait till end of the yr...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] drop me an email, most likely celebrating the xmas and new yr without internet connection, not going to read archives for that period.

Hsien, no $ and leaves to come back SG.

Rabbit, wat u say might be true too. clomid is cheapest available. I think he say that is the first thing to do, to give clomid.....but I might not want to eat...knowing the side effect. But I know AWBB and BBP strike with clomid too, but not sure anyone whom had m/c strike with clomid.


i agree with bb dust lor.. your case different from awbb wor.. awbb 1 yr only have 2 AF. i not sure abt BBP lah..

clomid can only taken up till 6 cycles depends on dosage. in sg, it seems docs likes to start directly to 100mg, western side seems always start from the lowest 50mg.

