(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

tubby..sstarlight is correct..i quite like his nurses at kkh itself myself ..v friendly n affable which i like cos i wan to put y mind at ease whenever i have doubts / worries.


Bb dust - i was telling Alison ydae the I 2 years never apply moisturiser le cos I lazy... Hahahaha...

Sstarlight - where are u seeing him?? Got different cost ma??

Meow - I'm seeing him at kkh lor... And he's only there on Mondays and Wednesdays... How like that...

*chuckles at AW* ..yeah was talking to piggym *-*.

AW ...hw r u doing?? hw is the handsome bb gab??

tubby ...as u progress, yr dh will get v fascinated with yr NN lor *wink*...sometimes its v sensitive ..sometimes its painful i feel ...maybe when close to delivery liao..yr NN can simply rest on yr tum tum ..keke

hi tubby

how are you? no la

meow talking abt her ball la. not my ball lah.. wahahaha


bb is cranky at times lor.. sian.. rest well

be back later.. gg to run some errands some.


I seeing him at TPS twice and after that is AMK-KKH. My next and last appt will be at TPS in 2 weeks time.

TPS charges higher (i forgot the price liao).. AMK-KKH after that each consultation is $62 + urine test $10.

But once you go into TPS, you are regarded as premium patient. During choosing ward, dunno if you can chose the classic package or not.

WHere are you seeing him now? TPS or Clinic A?

tubby..thats means u are at the TPS like vic n sstarlight....im at clinic A under pte patient basis...TPS will be more ex then come to clinic A pte patient then follow by clinic A subsidised patient...im paying now $62 for followup checkup each time ( price went up eff 1st feb ).

sstarlight: u really dun wanna go gynae check check ah??

Caomei: actually after 3 mths will be better if he slp thru the night. it is the 1st few mths which is torture...after a while u immune to the whole crying liao....hear liao also sian.


Erm.. I called KKH dial a nurse, she and my gynae say same thing. No fresh blood, no painful contraction, no waterbag leak.. Just stay at home leh.

Maybe its my 2nd pregnancy. I not so kan cheong ba. As long as I dun pop at home I okay :p

XLH: pai seh...when u all talk abt BALLS...my mind wander to VAL automatically. wierd hor...hehehee! Gab is ok la...still lovable. =)

bbdust; yo!!

sstarlight: huh...ok lor. good leh...mine is go down n admit straight. say cannot delay...I wanna wait for own gynae to come back frm holiday!

Sstarlight - so if I wanna see him in 3 weeks instead of 5 weeks I just call and change the appointment right?? Haiz headache... Now should I go tps or amk... Kaoz...

piggym, me not sick =) juz tired fr work, so take mc...

aw, yea.. my fren juz delivered on sun... say since mon, she has nt slept! i dunno if i can go wifout sleep manz..


Last time I always see him at TPS (during my first pregnancy) and also when I rediscovered when I pregnant with my 2nd.

Then on my 2nd appt, I realised that he actually go AMK-KKH on alternate sat too. That time got the H1N1 mah.. My DH say go AMK KKH better. Less crowd. So from my 3rd appt onwards I been going to AMK-KKH.

The records they will shuffle between TPS or AMK-KKH one, don't worry abt it.

But since you start of as TPS, if I am not wrong, we are considered as premium patients. So during choosing ward time, we are only offered "premium" package. Something like tat...

Aw...hahhaha ...no worries *-* BALLS BALLS BALLS!

tubby ..if Premier package class a1 ward normal delivery ard $4K++ fm 1st apr onwards i tink.

Alison - u sibei kns hor... Mention balls and u think of me... Speaking of balls again... I got wet dream AGAIN!!!!!!! Ahhh..... 2nd tri starts from 13 weeks right?? Dh already bth le lor...

Now I'm super confused...

Sstarlight - he is at amk from when to when??

Meow - means direct premier package?? Inclusive of bed and delivery ward?? Aiyoo.... I so luan.... Can someone hold my hand on my next visit and guide me through everything...


I think during 2nd trim.. He will lengthen his consultation lah. My consultation interval with him.. Shortest is 3 weeks. Longest is 6 weeks.

Actually no difference between TPS and AMK-KKH la. But AMK-KKH he always arrive ard 10am :p So no need to go so early.

tubby..yeah $4k + incl. of ward charges/ gynae fee all ..so-called std procedures...unless during delivery, gynae use say forceps or vacuum etc etc which is medically required ..then its counted separately..

Meow - 5 more days to 2nd tri... Damn fast man... But not fast enough for dh... But hor everytime I wet dream wake up my tummy will cramp like sng sng like that...


Dun be confuse la. According to the price list. Premium and classic delivery fee difference is less than $100 only.

From what I know, JT is at AMK-KKH on alternate Sat. I just saw him on 20th Feb at AMK, so his next time at AMK will be 6th March.

tubby...guys mah..hw to lun unless diy ??/ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ..yr tum cramp maybe cos yr ligaments r loosening to accomodate yr tum tum lah..

..tink if preggers & wana BD now also got some positions not advisable to attempt lor.

Sstarlight - but he is at tps mon and wed Nia... Baby fair is Friday to Sunday leh... Aiyo... By then I around week 16, should be can see gender le right??

tubby..tink medisave cap is $450 for daily charges ..i dun hv the details with me now ..u wan then i send u the info 2nite when i get home .

at wk 16...JT can see gender liao..( at least for mine )..but he will say wait till detailed scan at wk 20 to confirm lor .

Sstarlight - so 1 week he only works 3 days??

Meow - what position can ar?? My tummy is slightly visible le and getting harder than flabbier.. Hehe...

Cao mei - okok... Will ask him / her open legs don't shy... Monday during the scan I thought the foot sticking out was penis lor... So malu...

Meow - kk... Send to me please.. Gum SIA...


yah ask ur bb to open legs wide wide for u to see [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] at week 16 i can see the gender liao cause he not shy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bb dust - hopefully babyt not shy lor... Can't wait... 5 weeks wait is just super agonizing...

Alison - I will.. Mwahaha... Dh say once past 1st tri can le.. I told him doc must say ok then can.. He sian half.. Everyday bua bua until he bth... I pity him also la... Almost 3 months never scale mountain and explore cave le...

val...girl on top? ..keke..less pressure on yr tum tum i feel..tum tum will get harder as u progress lah ..i send u the info 2nite.


I think JT also have sessions at Clinic A (on friday? - need to ask Woofy).

I never get to see my gender until my detailed scan. Cos baby always hide his bottom that time :p

I dun think he works 3 days per week la. He super busy one. Sometimes I wonder he earn so much $$$, got time to spend it or not.

tubby....JT if he's not at TPS kkH or AMK..he;s usually at clinic A ..only on certain fri got clinic sessions ..if not i tink its mon - thu but usually are half day sessions at clinic A kkh.

Meow - pm Liao... Girl on top very tiring... I don't like de leh..

I just uploaded pics of BabyT u/s scan in my fb.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

XLH: I always have wierd dreams la. I am a wierd person.

Val: bua?? he bua everyday ah?? how he tahan ah??

he super high SD one right...actually I am amazed that u can tahan until now...

Bb dust - cute hor.. Actually I'm more into the gift bag leh..wahahaha...

Alison - kns... Amazed for what... I can do it de ok... I can abstain from sex but not cold drinks... Mwahaha... He told me shoot everyday also no use, hand and cave is just different...


You want to see the KKH package now? Woofy also got email me. You can PM me your email address if you want to see it now.. since I am at home [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


there are more to come lah attend more seminars to get more gift bags [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


can PM me also paiseh me though not deliver in KK but my Dh wants to know the price

XLH: hahaha SM imagination maybe xP

Val: ........speechless leh. I also cannot abstain frm cold drinks. esp in this &^(**)&) weather these days.


