(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!


glad ur CNY was fun [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so fast CNY ending soon... still no mood to work [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yesterday my big boss drove me back home.. we staying quite near each other.. sian lor.. mostly talking abt work stuffs.. dunno what the hell he trying to bring across...

say got many plans.. (our team one of my colleague will be rotate out to other dept), then now i pregnant, have to change plans... then tell me.. dont dare to give too much stress to me.. tell me just go maternity leave without stress..

what the hell he trying to say?? kns.. my senior nv save me from sitting in his car. @#$^^&%


haa.. :p

well, learn from fm95, only listen to the good things!

he say go ML without stress, then make sure u do that.

rest hack care! hee.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

zao hsien!! ya, bbdust, everyday come to work feel like sleeping..

rabbit, boss are all like tat one. all they talk are work work like no life. like people got no life. i hate to go lunch with my boss too, all she talks is work work work. i want to enjoy my 1hr break lor!


Yeah. Dun think too much into it. Mayb he is just trying to test to find out if u hve any plan in mind aft giving birht lo.

haha.. i hear until blur.. lol! 1st time he drove me back lah.. tonite got another external partner cny dinner.. dont want sit his car liaoz.. rather take bus or cab back..


do ur part and then go on ML the rest hack care liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my philosophy is company won't close down even without me around LOL i just do my best can liao.


me too zzzzz


oh 19th my DH going also. since i got doc's appt on that day, i might be late depends on whether i can get a morning slot or not.


u let me know again lo. Tubby seen to be going, I ask her along too.

I planned to take afternoon leave. hee. must save my leave for future use.

then he employed another new gal to replace my transferred colleague... somemore newly married.. now he praying my senior dont get pregnant in this period.. LOL!

bb dust, haha... that is what my boss say also.. after he made that comment.. but i think possibility quite low.. because my senior doesnt really fancy kids commitments. but of coz nothing is impossible lah... i used to dont like kids commitments also..


keke ur boss shld know that ur colleagues are helping to contribute to the tiger bb birth rate this year [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i think give and take lah.. if i am the boss i also sure have such thinking.. afterall bosses are suppose to think at different angle.. not easy to train up a new person for some job scope.. mine needs to take at about 6mths - 1 yr..

of coz i not taking his words very seriously lah.. dont have the energy also.. covering my senior job is already a hell for me..


post-O temp?

37.1 sounds ok.. if past few days u are having like 36.8 or 36.9

also, if sick like sore throat (infection n such) will push temp slightly higher de.


Ya! I recv liao. Thank you so much! mucks!


No good today. My DS having fever [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Just send him over to my mum so she can help me look after.

Then now I got home, I got the bloody mucus discharge again. Think if I walk too much, I will get the discharge leh. Really headache.

2 more weeks to go. Hope I can tahan.


Ya.. Yesterday I go out a bit to buy lunch, send and fetch my DS.. and I nap in the afternooon.. No discharge leh.

Today just carry him a bit to my mum's place. Come back discharge again. Think I really cannot travel far or carry my DS ba.


for bootees and mittens u can get from the shop opposite kuan yin temple if i remember correctly a set of 4 (2 bootees, 2 mittens each set) costs abt 9 bucks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] cheap cheap liao.. may not be able to find cheaper on spree [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i remember mrs wong said if u want to let ur labour comes faster after 37 weeks, u keep walking... so i think hor if u carry ur DS or walk too much, ur labour will come faster leh.. so maybe u shld rest more instead

sstarlight..okie..u rest more in bed pls ..no walk walk ard unless go toilet n look for food...hope yr DS fever gets better soon .

Woofy, BBdust,

Thanks! I will rest more. Lucky I bought all the things needed for confinement already.

Only left hair cut and waxing to do :p heh heh..

Now I only 35 weeks ++

So must tahan another 2 weeks. I am cutting up on 37 week.

Bought coconut.. but dare not drink. DH say he drink it on my behalf. We scare drink liao will trigger labour LOL


ahhhh before 37 weeks, if u walk every 1/2 hr must rest, if can better to rest more before 37 weeks if u dont wan labour to come fast.. only after 37 weeks then ur DH can walk u like a dog to make labour comes faster ekek i still rem this is what mrs wong said..walk like a dog woof woof [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i think u drink at abt wk 36 bah?

