(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

hsien: he ah...never cry always cute...once cry...piangz...buay tahan!

JP: Ya lor MIA mah. hehee bo lah...sick lor...fever during CNY. Then dh on leave mah so never come online...

For Val...she busy dreaming (wet dreams) xP


eh if u AF is regular, and u hve been trying for 1 year liao, i think u can pop by a specialist to check out if there are any other underlying issues.

eh u want pte or govt hosp? female or male doct?

thanks awbb...but due to my wk.....dun tink can take leave to go holiday[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


on-off since Jul, more intense since Nov?


stress does play a part de.

but perhaps good to go fertility gynae to check, at least to ensure all is fine lor. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

and not just u, ur hub as well hor.

i've went for gynae check and recv the blood test and scan result. ive irregular menses tats why go see doc. everything checked, gynae says is good and nothing wrong with me. i just finished a course of medicine so i be starting ttc this cycle =) sometimes, we r really too stress too. so go for a check is good too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


tubby already say she wet dreams le.


but hor, impressed she can tahan by not raping the hub le.

guess bbT more power! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hihi Starlight....congrats.....so happy for u...i been trying 1 yr liao....

bbdust i prefre a pte hosp....

oic tigerbb......ya i agree stress will affect too....

hihi cherry......lets wk hard [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bbdust, hw is ur placenta condition? need csection bb or natural delivery? v fast u and vicma will be hugging bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

rabbit, i am good. nt areali ttc liao, v sian! rather spend more time on my girl n nt get disappointed. anyway,having bb must leave it to god! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I am popping anytime soon. Heh heh.

Babydust to you okie!

Since 1 year already, then can go doc and check up.


Dr Fong Yang

Dr Chris Chong

Dr LC Cheng


yeah no more issues liao, can do natural [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] move up le and the suspected placenta is gone

bbdust, he didnt check wor. the gynae says we haven start trying, she dont want to do all those test for us. she says it willbe quite stressful. she wants us to go natural as it is first.

she just check if i hav thyriod and hormones level and bacteria test. all passed. and scan for my uterus and ovaries. she says everything looks good. so im more relax now. or not im quite tense de keep thinking if im okay anot. so quite relieve after getting the result

thanks so much sstarlight....u must rest well now okie...and rem to update us when u pop [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks bbdust.....

Rabbit i heard TMS is not bad.....any gers willl be delivering in TMC?


ahhh good to hear that [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] then u dont stress urself okie... since u have not try very long yet... go holiday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yes bbdust.. rem my honeymoon to japan? lol.. be going to natas this weekend. any recommended agency to go for? i shld be joining the tour le. then extend tokyo on our own [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


AHHHHH so confirmed going japan ah good wor.. where u inted to go? Hokkaido? japan ah..i think most agencies also not bad but i think better to go with the bigger agencies I find SA tour not bad [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wah....cherryy so gd can go japan....u can tried Kang Tai.....is good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tiger, i am with Dr Fong Yang. he have 2 clinic - Tiong bahru and paragon.

usually 1st appt, Dr will ask the usual questions like if your menses regular or not.. then will do a scan to check your ovaries, whether you are ovulating or not. check your womb, to see got any womb problems.

these are the most basic checks.


yah he is the director of the fertility clinic in TMC but dont know son or what LOL [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].. eh i see female one... think here most of them with dr fong yang.

let me see if there are people seeing LC cheng in another thread. wait ah.

hehe.. vic ma.. must go there to remember wat u did again =) heheee...

thanks bbdust, yes yes, want to go hokkaido. hehe.. okokie, tiger, i will check out Kang Tai and SA tour [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hokkaido is prettttyyyyyy.... i see liao i so very gian... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] okie maybe u can extend in tokyo?

hehee.. awbb, no envy.. u go when ur bb grows up. keke. its my first time to japan too. honeymoon trip. yes bbdust, i will extend in tokyo. =) excited! hope i can hav my bb made in japan. lol~!

oic....rabbit....congrats to u too.....atually how long u tcc before u c doc fong yang......and oh ya when will u be due [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bye starlight [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] muacks.


thanks thanks its a prince..wait ah i go find the procedure. i have posted in this thread before.


oh I must have missed that part.. muhaha... Poor tubby, she must be feeling horrible now.... Did the gynae tell her no bd? Than when will she be able to bd again?

For tigerbaby

TTC Methods – (In The Making)

(1) BD everyday or alternate day during ovulation period or from CD 10 to CD25 (dependent on cycle length)

(2) Use BBT to track temperature for ovulation

(3) Use Ovulation Predictor Kits/Strips to track ovulation

(4) Prop butt and legs up after BD to help sperms swim

(5) Use Preseed (can be bought at pharmacies - 1 pack of 6 at about $36), a sperm-friendly lubricant

(6) Monitor EWCM (Egg White Cervical Mucus) which appears during ovulation period, it should look transparent egg-white like and can stretch a few cm

(7) Drink grapefruit juice to increase EWCM which helps sperms to swim better

(8) Do HSG to check if tubes are blocked and to clear the tubes a little to help the egg/s travel

(9) Get DH to do SA test to check for sperm quality

(10) Eat supplements: ladies & men - FA, Zinc, Multi Vits, men only – Exsativa (Gynae or hospital), tribestan, Vit E

(11) Men to eat half boiled aggs and oysters more

(12) Visit TCM for acupuncture and medicine

(13) Visit gynae to check for size of eggs and ovulation period

(14) Eat Bai Feng Wan &/or Ba Zhen to help regulate menses (to consult TCM)

(15) Drink red dates tea (add a bit of DOM or Yomeishu) before sleep

(16) No washing immediately after BD, to keep the troops in there longer

(17) Use clomid to help with ovulation (prescribed by gynae)

(18) Drink raspberry leaf tea http://www.susunweed.com/Article_Pregnancy_Problems.htm

(19) Ladies to drink cough syrup to increase EWCM (don’t overdo this!)

(20) Men to drink strong coffee before BD to help sperms swim faster

(21) Men to drink tomato soup before BD to help sperms swim faster

(22) Men have cold cold shower half hour before bd-ing

(23) Men eats banana, good for troops

(24) do not consume ginseng for men.. according to my colleague, a super fertile colleague, her dh's late grandma was a malay sinseh...and they dun take ginseng cos it will affect the men's sperm... the quality & quantity will be affected... (The maximum dose depending on the variety used is 1000 mg daily, although 200 mg daily is the usual recommended dose.)

(25) guys also cannot take too much minty stuff...no good for the spermie ..

(26) women who drank more than half a cup of tea per day were seven times as likely to conceive during the three months that the study lasted.

for tigerbaby

What is SO-IUI?

SO – Super Ovulation (where fertility drugs are given to increase the follicle growth)

IUI – Intrauterine insemination (where sperms are washed and placed directly into the uterus to increase chances of conception)

SO-IUI can be done by fertility specialists in all major hospitals in Singapore. The procedure itself is relatively less complex as compared to IVF.

Prep for procedure

Prior to the procedure, fertility specialists will normally encouraged the patients to do an Sperm Analysis (SA) test for hubby and for ladies HSG test (to check fallopian tube blockage) and blood test (to test the various hormones level) to ensure that you are a suitable candidate for SO-IUI.

Days before your anticipated menstrual cycle, patients who are embarking on the procedure will be asked to go down to the clinic to collect the fertility drugs (normally Gonal-F or Puregon will be given) and will be taught on the injection procedure. On top of that, you will be given the injection pen.

The injections will be done by patients themselves and the drugs have to be injected everyday at the same time.

You will also need to bring down your marriage cert, IC to the doctor for verification and to sign consent forms.

Simplified procedure steps

Day 1 of menstruation cycle – injection of Puregon (lowest dosage of 75iu). Doctors will normally start patients with the lowest Puregon dosage.

In Singapore, the maximum number of follicles allowed for SO-IUI is 4 eggs, anything more fertility specialists might recommend to convert to IVF

Day 5 of menstruation cycle – To go back to clinic to scan the follicle growth, if the eggs are responding to the injectibles, the doctor will increase the dosage of the Puregon to stimulate the follicles to grow to the ideal size. The uterus lining will also be checked.

Day 8 of menstratuation cycle – To go back to clinic again to check the follicle growth size, once the follicles reached the ideal size of about 18mm, the doctor will advise patients on the time of the HCG shot. The HCG shot is done to force ovulation to take place.

Pls note that the day of the injection and scan will be advised by doctors, the above is just the rough guide

After the injection of the HCG shot, patients will be advised again by doctor on the day to return for the insemination.

Insemination day

Hubbies got to produce a fresh sample of semen for the hospital. Recommended to produce sample at hospital to keep it fresh.

The lab will collect the sample and sperms are "washed" to segregate out the best sperms for inserting back to the uterus. The final best sperms will be given a dose of drugs to make them more powerful swimmers.

Once the sperms have been washed, the doctor will then placed the sperms into the uterus via a fine catheter. The procedure itself is not painful at all, in fact I don’t feel anything when the sperms are injected.

After the insemination of the sperms, the patient will be asked to rest in the hospital for ½ hour or so and you will be allowed to return home. The patient will be asked by the doctor to start medications (progesterone) to help improved the implantation and thus pregnancy. A blood test will be done 14 days later to check whether you are preggie Good luck ~ :)

Cost of procedure

The procedure itself will cost about 1.8K depending on hospitals. Procedure can be claimed using Medisave but in Singapore, the max claim for assisted reproductive techniques (ART) is 3 times for both IUI/IVF. Therefore pls think carefully whether you want to waste the claim for SO-IUI :)

Success rates

The average success rate is about 12 to 15 per cent per cycle, or 26 per cent per patient after three cycles. The overall success rate varies with the cause of infertility and the age of the female partner. For some conditions, the pregnancy rate can be as high as 36 per cent per patient.


JP: should be ok for her to BD liao but waiting for green light nia. Actually i think her dh is feeling more horrible hahahaha....the power of babyT!

