(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

good morning piggym [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] how are u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

woofy and cao mei,

not me say one.. mrs wong say de... she said walk ur wife like a dog woof woof after 37 weeks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I getting CL. But I bought those red dates tea things only. The rest wait for CL to come then she will go buy with my DH.


Think I wont drink coconut liao. I scare trigger labour.


Dun worry abt me. Any news of KK ah? She like disappear into thin air!

bbdust...hehhe ok... but ah... sometimes when i walk nw, i get pelvic joint pain... it's like cramps on inner thighs... then must stop n rest every few steps

cao mei,

want bb out in wk 38, start walking bah, walk got pain rest liao then walk again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


KK is fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but bz bz as usual loh..


Drink coconut think wont trigger labour I think. But coconut is very liang :p

Anything liang shld be avoided right?

But to trigger labour there are some ways :p

1 - Stimulate your nipples.. As if you wanna breastfeed, that will help to contract your womb = trigger labour

2 - BD without protection. Orgasm and sperm will sometimes trigger labour heh heh..


Last trim a lot of discharge one :p

Dun worry. else ask DH works more on foreplay...

But stimulate nipple is a better way to trigger labour la. BD its not 100% trigger.


oic.. that is fast.. exicited?

Hello bbdust!

how are u? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hello woofy!

how are u and baby?

sstarlight: dun wanna scare u hor...but mine not bright red also n I dilated 4cm. N NO contractions as well...I even feel better than before...hehehe!

xinyi: I also wan to delay but gynae dun wan. Say she dun wan me give birth at home. kaoz!

How is JEANPINK huh....blurlet....etc huh??


Faint.. dun scare me leh. Hahaha..

My appt with gynae is 2 days before my c-sect date leh which is 12 days later. Jialat. Later u see me in news.. give birth at home :p

Alison - the benjay confirm any pharmacy will sell right?? Knn my lower back aching.. My right shoulder to neck stiff cannot check blind spot lor... Nb!!!

aw, hahaha.. also heng your gynae not at orchard ah.. if not you end up go shopping.. then labour in orchard road..

starlight, hahaha.. get ready hot water and scissors!

Sstarlight - u around?? Wanna ask u something about John tee... How often do u see him ar??? He doesn't look like a gynae, much less a Professor leh... Haha... What's his review so far?

Val: yes! I see before. ehh try to enrol yrself in prenatal pilates....or go swimming..it helps.

Xinyi: ermm cha bo...my gynae at MT E leh. I alone when gynae tell me to admit. In the end I call our VAL here aka CL queen now I think become hormonal queen. Actually that time never think abt shopping...cos I too shock liao hehee!

tubby tubby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wah so long no hear from u.. how are u and babyt [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

piggym..me ok as usual except for the tiredness which is more often now...n of cos one heavy ball to lug ard :p

tubby..hw r u doing??? u wana switch to john tee ah?

Rabbit - like crap.. The ultimate poop.. Still merlioning as usual.. And I change from puking in toilet bowl to puking into dustbin... Cos the bloody toilet bowl water piak back to my face many times.. Ydae I like idiot bathe twice in less than 5 mins cos I puked after I bathe, the toilet bowl water piak onto my hair and face, i had to bathe again... And I lost 3 kg... Ahhh.....

aw, hahaha.. anyone will be shiok also.. i just causally thinking what if decided to go shopping.. LOL! MT E near orchard hor.. at least can go botanic garden walk walk.. LOL!

val: simi ONE heavy ball...ermm u got 2 BOWLING BALLS in front as well ahahahhahaa! oops!

xinyi: hahahahha! to the end of pregnancy, u will be too sian to walk liao...just wan to get it over n done with. N once bb is born...u hope that he/she is still inside u cos u wan to slp.

Bb dust - babyT is growing fine.. On Monday he/she was 57mm and performing stunts in my womb.. Haha.. But me leh look like emo freak mad woman... The skin around my mouth is dry... Ahhhh...

Meow - I change to him le... Seeing him in 5 weeks which is 29mar.. He say he will tell me the gender.. But baby fair is 19-21 Mar leh... If I can bring forward then I wanna see gender early and buy stuff ma..

me not doing Oscar test...

piggym, hw's ur lil one? nope.. me on mc this wk, then next wk ML =)

aw, u were 4 cm dilated at normal gynae check? b4 that no other symptoms at all?

Alison - meow is talking to piggym about her ball la... Not mine... Haha... My 2 neh neh haven't reach the bowling balls stage yet but it's damn pain esp when I'm sleeping on my side and I wake up... Wah lao... So heavy...

good noon alison forgot to say hi to you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


put some lip balm..and moisturise whenever necessary ah ur skin will get drier


Cos my first one is emer c-sect mah. Got phobia of natural liao. So 2nd one also c-sect la. Since got scar already.


John Tee ah. He quite okay. Wont talk much unless u ask him questions. I like him better than Woody lah. If during emergency, you can page him.. He will call you at night or the next day when he is free.

He is one of the very experience gynae in KKH, been there quite long liao. But for my current pregnancy, he dun see me often leh (sometimes I feel he dun want to earn my money like tat).

MY reviews with him is pretty long.. 3-6 weeks interval. Lucky I feel comfy with him, if its my first pregnancy I sure be kan cheong. Why so long then get to see him.

But he is a well like gynae, nurses knowing I am with JT, all treat me quite nice. So far never meet those bitchy nurses that people comment abt KKH. Probably because these nurses like John Tee too ba. So give him face [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

babyt..u at the amk kkh clinic or kkh itself??? ....john tee hor...he dun say much but if u ask he will tell u patiently one..keke...

