(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Talking abt maclaren...Taka selling the Quest Mod/Sport 2009 version at $239, free head cushion and belt padding and stroller bar. Baby hypermart is selling at $279 offer price with no free gift...

Thought of buying yest as my peg prego is old and heavy!! Then gav up idea since this is #3 bb & she recently dun like to sit inside stroller..and also since stopped working, need to work on budget...

Today found out that my prego canopy one button came off and can't fix back and if I were to change the canopy, cost abt $130 and duno can fit as it is 2005 model...is it a sign for me to buy? Hahaha...now thinking whether should buy...

Roz, which food processor are you looking at? I may go down tomorrow...


Crystal, god_child,

I just finish my mphosis shopping. Do a quick one and bought some clothings. Yar agree the heels are cheap, but nowsaday no chance to wear one esp most of the time need to carry baby. I don't dare wear heel when I am carry my girl, I scare I will fall. Haha

Stefie, klitz, dbaby,

Oh I shld go down ikea one of the weekend. Feel like buying the high chair after seeing some many raves here. Haha

bbribena, i dunno if she's teething or not 'cos she's always been so drooly! hahahaha... but she does play with her gums, like biting together and moving her gums agst each other. maybe itchy? i'll continue to monitor but my mum says her gums are still soft, so most likely not. :p oh well!

wah, your leah has powerful kicks!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dec_mum, Ikea high chair is quite good. U can get another weaning set for outdoor one?

Stefie, u went ikea Alexandra? I was at the tampines outlet today hehe

Seeing all of you discuss abt strollers. Like all of you using branded prams hor. I only using one no brand one cos that time my hubby refuse to invest in a good one. Cos he say we at most weekend then got chance to use. But true lar, up till now I only use my stroller thrice lor. If outing our strollers side by side, mine must be the most cheapo one. Haha


Haha you are another one tempting me again. Hmm, maybe I go ikea look at the weaning stuff too since Stefie recommend that it is cheap.

Dew, weird hor. Leah also keeps chewing on stuff, her hands, my hands, arms, sofee, etc, but her gums are soft...

Naf, is it safe for infants to sit in Maclaren Quest/Mod Sport? Coz I don't see the safety horizontal bar, afraid leah might fall forward.

Going home. Catch up with all of you later.

Dec mum> cheapo stroller, but so long it works, right? I've owned 4 strollers, but my favouritest was a $50 Combi I got second hand from eBay. Given away...now kinda missing it.

Naf> philips only hv 2 models of food processors...dewdew will be my proxy for shopping at the sale tomm, heehee.

The ikea cutlery is indeed very colorful! My family has lots of their cups that we use for large family gatherings. Also love their little washcloths, esp with the colour tags! Great for sticky grimy toddlers and preschoolers...

Dec_mum, so long as stroller can use ok Liao but because I have 3 kids now and boys will fight for it...sometimes #1 wanna sit and his weight is 21.5kg and not many stroller can tahan the weight as.both boys can squeeze in peg prego (21.5 + 11.2kg) and other barang barangs. My hb once sat on the stroller to try out too..hahaha

Bbribena, taka Is giving away free now. Overheard a lady asking how much as hers doesn't come with it and she wanted to buy one...it cost $49.90! somemore this few days has additional 10% disc so abt $215.10...do note that this is for 3 months n above. I asked the guy abt vole and triumph and this is the one recline most but techno xt is the one for 0 months and above...

Roz, noted it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Talking abt stroller, i also thinkin of gettin a new one,but wondering shld i. Cos now gt 2 kids, sure will use the stroller when we go out, esp to makan. But things is, my boy dun like to stay in stroller. And the other portion, cos its old liao, since #1 so almost 2yrs and its PINK in col. Last time when cant tell gender, everyone tot gal cos of the PINK.. hahaha.

Tot of getting a cheap one, cos tis current COmbi, if replace the umbrella & the seat cushion to new and BLUE, cost almost $200. Mayeb can get a cheaper one? Actually i wld prefer to get a heavy base one, cos with 2 kids, i really cant manage a BB Bag, sling #2 and #1 i stroller if i am alone.

Tt day when i was with 2 of them alone, i sling #2, #1 in stroller while i cross the road to take LRT to compass point from rivervale mall. And i was carrying my shoulder bag and the stupid bag keep sliding off my shoulder.. haiz.. so if i gt a heavy base stroller, i can hang a BB Bag le.. =( Shld I, Shld I not?


dun worry, after ranting, i will feel better after a while... =)

Jus need to let it out my system...

Naf, roz,

Yar lor guess I will just make do with my current one. Still remember when I just got preg, I fall in love with quinny buzz and joolz. But after my hubby go check out the price, he think I am crazy. Haha. I bought my current stroller in one of og sales. It only cost me around $50, but can use for infant cos can lie flat, so we decide to get it. Anyway I guess I would not be a heavy user for stroller, when my girl know how to walk, think I will force her to walk. Haha.

Dbaby, do you take escalators with your stroller or you strictly use lift? In my opinion, if you don't mind the fact that bigger and heavier strollers are harder to move through crowds, then you can consider getting a heavier one. I only have one baby and my stroller brand is GElite. Heavy and sturdy. I hang my heavy diaper bag over and it never topple so far. Even without baby it doesn't topple. That's also cos I go out alone sometimes due to a busy hubby so I don't want hand carry heavy bag. But of cos I must consider that I can't fold stroller and take public transport with baby as the stroller is too bulky. So see your preference and decide [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: ranting about HB

mummies, sorry but I need to rant. My hubby works in jurong which is far from our home. So he often come home after 7.30pm and sometimes late. Thus he doesn't really have chance to help me with baby. Just now he text me he is on the way home. In my heart I was quite happy and looking forward to see him. But 30mins later he call me say his two colleagues just came back from JB and they park their car at mandai, which is not at their office. And they want my

hubby to wait for them to come back to office and fetch them to mandai to get their car. So my hubby who just left office made a U turn to wait for his colleagues. I was fuming ok.. I told my hubby why can't they just take a cab?! My hubby still got the cheek to say "ya lor". But he claim that since he intend to resign, he might as well help his two colleagues. I got so mad. Here I am alone struggling the house errands and taking care of baby alone and there he is helping his colleagues instead of helping his own wife. Men are just brainless. And he tell me say he hope I will cool down and think through before getting pissed. -.- how can I be not pissed?! Argh


sorry to interrupt. Wanna clear some space at home. Selling cheap

1. 1 x Hua Xia playmat for sale - used only once, almost BN. Bought at $58 selling $20.

2. BNIB FP walker to wagon. Retailed at $39.90. Selling $20.

Pls PM me if interested. Thanks!

Naf I was at tampines, my office is in loyang. I rushed back home at sengkang to put the stuff then rush back to work[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I was in ikea from 1-1.30pm. No time to even smell my fav chicken wings.

Dec mum, it doesn't matter ex or cheap as long as you are using it then it is good pram. What's the point of having ex pram then not using. Right[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hubby was asking me why buy so much plastic bowls, cutlery and cup when we have pigeon portable one, pureen feeding set. How many spoons we need to feed Alexis. Ha!!! Ha!!! I don't care as long as I like it.

The cutlery maybe you see the display sample first then decide, you may not like it. I bought to keep when she start feeding herself, then will be useful. You never know when you need it so I just buy lor. I even think it will be useful if we makan outside when she is bigger, just bring our own set[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The high chair is good, Alexis enjoy sitting with us while we eat[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] remember to get the support cushion hoh, silly me took everything Liao wanted to pay then realized didn't get the cushion. Have to go up to children section again. Heng the cashier let me put the stuff with her while I go up. If not I will cry. Do bring your hubby hoh, cos just the chair alone has 4 different bag, ask him to help you to carry plus paying the barang barang for you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif];)

Btw ribena thanks for showing leah's pic on high chair, I don't know ikea has the support cushion . Really useful, Alexis was so happy when sitting in it just now, she managed to eat abit of Frisocrem, daddy also enjoy feeding her in high chair. Much better than feeding on bumbo[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif];)

Hi Stefie/bbribena

Ya lo... Thanks to BBribena, i also forgot i gt tis cushion.. So i jus bring out and wash only.. but then hor, with #1, my grandma made a RED HELLO KITTY cover for it... hahahah....

Scary scary....

I saw my boy with a 'blood-stained' bib and chewing on it while i was unpacking my NTUC groceries a while ago.. Apparently, dun knw he do it, he 'cut' a small skin on his upper gum, between the main tooth area.. and i jus cut his nail ytd.... fortunately jus a small cut n nw stopped bleeding le. =(

Ha!!! Ha!!! Dbaby ha!!! Ha!!! Ask ah ma to sew new cover, blue toy story one[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif];)


cannot le. cos need go buy cloth frm chinatown n her sewing machine at aunt's plc...

She sew my #1 pillow & bolster, plus 2 set of covers, #2 beansprout pillow & 2 set of covers. I sponsor the cloth I want and shw sew.. hee =)

Stefie, dbaby,

Glad that Leah's pic help =) I'm sure Alexis love it! Finally our babies get to sit and look at us at the same level.. prob that's why they are happy about the high chair. LOL!

yeah think all our babies sit on high chair are very happy, my little Trevor giggles n his head turn left and right when he is on Ikea highchair, super excited[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good Morning Mummies,

Woke up at this hour to pump now. So sleepy. Just to share, my lil girl reached her 6 month yesterday. Hee.. so happy for her and myself. Finally reached the 6month mark that I set for myself on bfing.

This morning, we also tried to feed her bellamy rice cereal for the very first time. Was so excited, and first time preparing the cereal, I was experimenting on the texture/ thickness to give her. Since its her first time, I didnt make it too thick as I was afraid that she might not know how to swallow yet.

Before feeding her, I was mentally preparing myself, my hb and mum that she reject / dislike the cereal since she didnt try it before. To our surprise, she took the cereal quite well. She even 'suck' the cereal from the spoon when the spoon is at her mouth. So cute.. hee.. I tried the cereal myself after she finished, tasted quite nice and sweet. I guess the sweetness is from my bm cause I mixed it with my milk so that she won't feel too alien with the taste, higher the chance of her accepting/ adapting to new food. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

We also had the ikea highchair. Hee.. we kiasu, bought it when she's 3month old and its sitting at the balcony since. Today we put her into it when we fed her cereal. Quite nice and useful. we also bought the cushion for her back, but noticed that our girl tends to lean backwards when she's too excited or frustrated, and this will cause her to bump her head at the hard plastic back support. Any mummies know how to fix this? How i wish ikea come out with another cushion that can put over the hard plastic support at the head portion.

Re: Stroller

We bought the Babyjogger Citymini for her. Quite nice stroller with smooth wheels. We like it that the wheels are easily detachable, so my hb will remove and wash the wheels each time after we went out.

Hi raspy

Yup I also find the same problem wit ikea high chair. The ikea cushion is not high enough to cushion the head so I will put another pillow behind the head.

I have not tried giving the Bellamy rice cereal as my gal just turned 5 mths last week. For a start how much cereal you mix with ebm? Just wanna have an idea so I know how much breastmilk to store for that. Thanks.

Raspy> congrats on both achievements!!! You go, girl!

About the bumping, no need cushion lah, they'll soon figure it out. I would be more careful about the buckles though, once i nipped my girl's belly (she was only wearing a diaper) when fastening the seatbelt, accidentally clipped her skin with it.

Going back to work today! Husband babysitting #2, my sis taking #1 out. I hope the time passes by quickly~

Wow raspy, congrate and keep it up.

So envy you leh. How i wish I can.

Ever since i returned work after ML, no time to pump in office.

Now my milk supply dropped to zero. My gal is on full FM now.

I so miss my gal's latching.

Re: Feeding Cereal

I also started feeding her with Nestle rice cereal.

She seems like she dosen't like it.

Keep spitting it out.

She is really different from her jie jie.

Last time her jie jie can eat and swallow well.

I think i got hard time and need more patience in feeding my No 2.


Good news!! Finlly my boy had some semi-solids.. I puree-ed some porridege w/carrot & potatoes. He enjoyed and ate abt 1/3 bowl. And cos he drank milk like 11/2hr ago so i didnt feed too much.. #1 enjoyed the balance cos she tot it was 'western' soup.. 1 big bowl and asking.. So i got them both to share le, in future.. Yummy!!

Dbaby, happie for u that yr boy enjoyed his food. I also tried with Ethan today. Gave him brown rice powder he took about 6 spoonfuls I guess it's good enough huh. So happie too. Shall try tomolo but it's such a messy affair hahah.

Thanks mummies, felt so encouraged with all your words. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Littlemay: The ratio on Bellamy packaging is 1 tablespoon cereal to 3 tablespoons of water. For the 1st time, I warmed 50ml of bm and mixed roughly around 2 tablespoons of cereal into it slowly. The texture is more watery and my little girl seems to take / accept it better as she will 'suck' from the spoon. Today, I warmed another 50ml of bm, but I measured and found that is around 9 tablespoons, so I mixed 3 tablespoons of cereal. The texture is slightly thicker than yesterday but my little girl is still ok with it. You can try to mix the cereal powder in bit by bit to get the texture that you want.

Roz: Hee.. we didnt attached the seat belt yet. Cause she still cant really fidget in the chair. Thanks for the heads-up, will put in the belt once she's bigger.

Jiahui: Same for me, my supply also dropped after returning to work. Now supplementing one feed with fm. My office also not bf-friendly for staff. I got to use that small pantry for pumping and furthermore, got a nasty auntie. There's once I was pumping inside and I heard her complaining loudly outside to some colleagues that I had been inside for an hour and made her super thirsty (in mandarin, 'yao ke si wo', literal means she's dying from thirst). I felt so angry and wrong from her accusation as Im only inside for 30mins. Really upset after I came out from the pantry.

Just to share, my little girl during feeding. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



Haiz my hb like not supportive in getting the maclaren quest...saw it at century square kiddy palace selling at $279 and try my #2 on it and really light...when tried on #3, she was ok on it but they dun hav the stroller bar for me to try out...

Should I or should I not get it? Taka selling at $239 & free stroller bar (worth $49.90) and cushion head & seat belt padding ($59.90)...


Why not supportive? I've been using maclaren techno xt since my gal was a few weeks old. Now I'm contemplating whether to get the Quest now that she's older, for use at my moms place.

Raspy, your gal is soooooo cute!

Thanks Raspy. Jia you on pumping. It's really not easy. I actually wanted to breastfeed exclusively for 6 mths but once

I went back to work, I find it too difficult to maintain supply.

Hence once my baby reaches 5 mths, I started to give 1 formula feed at night so as to slowly let her get used to formula. I thought she can zzz longer but no leh, she still wakes up at 4plus after her last feed at 11plus. I think it has become habitual

Haha yah raspy ur girl is so cute!! She looks like she's posing in the first pic :D

Naf> the Taka offer sounds v good lor. Maclarens are great for bigger kids...and u can also attach the buggy board to it for one of the other boys to stand on, haha.

I made it through my first day back at work!! 12 hours without seeing my baby!! My boobs were very full and really leaking all over the place (fgot the breastpads) by the evening, fortunately my top was dark coloured so not noticeable (I hope!). My husband helped to look after #2, and it was a good thing the jumperoo rental just arrived Friday night coz that really kept him occupied for a while. When I finally got to see #2 again, he like dun want friend me lor.

Appreciation> I must really thank PSH and dewdew for helping me 'shop by proxy' haha!! PSH the durian puffs, we ate just one and was burping durians the rest of the night. Damn potent!! And so yummy! And my husband was like "wah the plastic bag so fancy..quality so good"

Dewdew, thanks for helping to buy the food processor from the sale yest!! Really hope it wasn't too much trouble! It was really noisy where I was at so couldn't talk over the phone. Will call you later this afternoon to arrange pick up :D

Hi mummies,

I got the following sample milk for exchange for similac:-

1) enfrapro a+ - 2tins

2) mamil gold - 1tin

I lived at Sengkang. Can meet at compasspoint after work on weekdays.

Pls pm me. Thanks piyo

Hi Mummies, i intended start bb with avocado but there was a debate in the hse by my mil , sil, auntie in-law etc that i should start her with brown rice cereal instead

is that so.... and for brown rice cereal which brand is good?

Hi Michelle

In my opinion simple fruit/vege purees also make for great first foods as well. Can read this for more info http://www.wholesomebabyfood.com/babyfirstfoods.htm

After all, during these early stages it's more abt getting the baby used to eating from a spoon.

As for cereals, I'm a fan of healthy times but nestle also has a nice texture [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi roz, no worries, it was no problem. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

recent development with my gal, she's ultra sticky to me! aiyoh... i almost had to go home when halfway thru my drinks on friday night with the girls. :p luckily my hb managed to pacify her with Elmo's Song on youtube. but y'day evening she refused to be pacified and I had to rush to my hb's grandma's place where they were. she was crying so badly her whole body was shuddering, and they told me she had been crying for an hour. sigh... how to make bb not sticky? just now my MIL carried her only for a while she also cried, and wanted me to carry. sibeh jia lat....


I usually give healthy times to my kids.. I am going to try happy belly.. Heard it's good

It's good to give staple first, like brown rice, white rice cereal, this is to stable their tummy .. Then intro the veg then fruits.. Always start from bland taste to sweet.. The sweetest fruit will be intro last.. So that it will not complicate bb's tongue .,

That's what my pd advise..Coz I am always about having fussy bb..

MummiEs, i gave my boy happy bellies organic brown rice and nestle rice cereal. I realise tat happy bellies taste sweeter. Any one has any idea why?

rainbow, i was looking at the list of ingredients for HB brown rice cereal, saw that it contains inulin which is a sugar and tastes a little sweet. it's a prebiotic, probably there to support the probiotics?

the nestle cereal does not contain this..

Anyways does Happy Bellies come in powderform like Nestle or the flaky type like Healthy Times?

Esquare, yeah taste sweeter and more fragrant [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Roz, HB is more flaky. Fed my boy nestle rice yest and today. Yest only few mouthful today he finishes all. Anywwy i gave 30ml milk with 2 scoop (same scoop as fm) cereal+ plenty of water..


Though my boy enojoyed the puree-ed porridge last evening, but reflux quite bad. 3 different timings of vomits, i nt sure jus milk or porridge.. haiz.. i think maybe he is nt so ready ba. worried later his reflux prb came back again...

E Sq

was thinkin of bring the ngor hiang to deep fried at ur place, is it convi? Cos later cold cold de by the time i reach ur plc. If u all dun mind then i fried at my plc.. =)


Let me knw if u r goin tml.. Need pass u $$ and also the Gap loot...


I wish i can buy 1 too. But the PINK combi still working fine.. haiz.. and with so many doc bills cos my HB haf been havin a lot of prb with his gastric, i think i better dun splurge..


Dont need wait for me at bus stop le. I will share cab with dbaby tml. Any more seng kang mummies want to share cab together? Mangogal?


hi mummies

hw is everyone??

sat is a biz day...bring my gal for her 6th mth jab...finally no more jabs till she reach 1yr old...her wt nw is 6.5kg n ht is 65cm, didnt grow much but as long as PD say she is fine we r contented. after that went to visit my HB's nephew's bb, who is born last sun didnt gt e chance to visit them @ e hospital...lastly hd dim sum high tea @ peach garden n celebrate my mum's birthday in advance...after reach hm both my gal n i slp till 11pm...guess all of us too tired le...hehe

Roz: u r welcm!! glad tat u like e puffs

