(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Sharon, it's not a must to be employed by a preschool to be enrolled in the course. Just that majority of the course students are people who are already working in a preschool and their principals send them to attend the course. Of course, they will be put on a bond of about 18months to their preschool upon completion of the course. That is if they choose to let the school pay full amount of the course fee. However, Seed institute has a full time course that does not require you to work in a preschool while you are taking the course. It's a day time course that can happen anytime from 9am to 5pm depending on timetable. Some people are also under a scheme that gives you $1000 pocket money allowance for studying full time. I missed that opportunity. Anyway, the full time course at Seed is really good and recognised. They are rather strict in their marking though.

I'm at KLC doing my course. For KLC, they require me to be employed to get funding. That's why i had to put my name in my dad's company to be eligible for government funding. So in the end, the 2k i paid was very worth it. Initially wanted to go Seed institute. If you want more info, you can go there personally and the admin staff will explain to you when their enrollment starts and what's their course requirements and details. I did that too at first and they gave me a clearer view of things. In the course, there will be about 3 practicums where you will be posted to a preschool and you need to clock in hours and complete the required tasks. So even if you're not working in preschool during the course, you will still 'graduate' with some hands on experience upon completion of the course. For my case and my school, most of the ppl are employed by childcare centres alr and the full time course is 18mths from 3pm to 6pm from mondays to fridays. quite tedious for some ppl cos they work and study at the same time. I highly encourage ppl to go Seed institute for the full time course as it's just purely study and practicum sessions only. That time i wanted to go Seed but it was full so i went to KLC institute.

Lena, bbribena, ya lor.. panda eyes. One night have to wake up once or twice to check on my boy!


Bbribena: hmmm, maybe I dunno how to use.. Lol.. Ooohh wana add u in fb.. So wana take ur email add? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yungal: fb grp? Can I join? I'm shouting for u.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dbaby- cool down cool down. Living together is not easy. A lot of give and take. Am sure your grandma didn't mean to slight you. But you are very nice to 'tolerate' instead of blaring out at her.

Thanks, but pls don't wait for me. Am very slow with this facebook thing. Will take a look and if i wanna get anything, I can wait till your next shipment.

Cheer up ok?

Muddypaws, I see... Quinny or MaClaren suitable for jogging? I'm also looking for a pram, the one I'm using now is wearing out.

Debbie, once he learns to flip both way, should be alright liao.

Leelee, you can add me candeecake at hot mail dot com

jogging stroller usually hv big wheels, rite? maclaren wheels are small..more urban :p

Peg Perego, yah, solid and sturdy but weighs a ton! built like a tank, and weighs like one too, that's what I say.

Quinny got jogger stroller, me thinks.

bbribena: what kind of pram are you looking for? I just saw the one that Yugal recommended. QUite cool! I also saw a ferrari one for $299!

roz: Yeah, i need one that can tahan the padang, the beach or pebbles/rocks. I know my current quinny is super sturdy but scared my friend wants it back...

peg perego is good, but if it's so heavy, I won';t be able to bring it out without my hubs! I purposely bought lite-weight Graco citi-lite so that I can bring it out myself.

Muddypaws, we are looking at a Combi one, however if given a choice, jogging pram would be good. But after surfing a bit, seems like it's impossible to fit a jogging pram into our 'boot-less' car. I'm looking at Combi well-comfort, lightweight is good! =)

Muddy> when you said 'beach', i remembered my friend bought a GElite Go Go..supposedly can use at the beach..it's similar to the bugaboo.

Hi yugal,

actually you can already jb iOS 4.3.3. Only iPad2 cannot. The rest all can.

Just download the latest version of redsnow... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

As for the rest...

Tutorial for Jailbreaking



muddypaws, yeah.. it looks cool but I dun have any reviews personally cos only after purchase dan realised not suitable for 6mths n below.

Gona do the opening ceremony next week when my bb hits 6mths... hehe.

shivan, yupz yupz, i'm using greenpoison. Should be out "very soon" as according to them... haha.

Ribena, Combi Urban walker is good. We bought at $295 for 2009 model last oct. If current model will be $390+ bah. What we like about urban walker is 1 hand systems and pretty light weight and steady. After using for quite sometimes, I find that what we paid is what we get, combi urban walk 2009 serve us well.

Combi has another model miracle turn which is better than urban walker, but quite ex $500+. Might as well get Maclaren TX.

We have tried Peg prego P3, alamek, very heavy and needs 2 person to open up the pram and it is quite big, will take up alot of space in the car booth. But it is very steady. Cheng Choon is selling this at $600.

Another good one will be Maclaren TX, quite light weight, very steady and can last for quite sometimes. Hubby eyeing on this. I guess is about $400+ bah, that time we really on budget so get Combi Urban walker instead.

It would be good to go down to either Baby kingdom or the other one quite near this shop to try out and play around first. Then call Cheng Choon in Chinatown and ask for price. Cheng choon delivers for free if purchase more than $200. 6532-7816.

Take your time to choose cos this pram is going to last for long time.

During my last reservist, 2 of my camp mates strongly recommend Haenim stroller, claiming its value for money and they have been using it for several years even though the age limit it till 2 years old.

Its selling at kiddy palace. But to me it looks a bit plasticky.

bbribena: I just saw this... says that it can fit into a mini-cooper!


yugal: i just converted liz to the quinny zap too, but she doesn't look very cheery in it. As the babies can't really sit upright yet, they have a tendency to slump down/sideways in strollers like the quinny zap and buggster.

bbribena: Baby Meadows is having a sale now. QUinny zaps are going for S$428 (Spring is selling this for S$720).



i have the combi miracle turn, still in good condition even after 3yrs plus with e constant battering in the airplanes too as we travelled a lot with our 1st one during her 1st yr.

I went jogging and bladding with my no2 on anth bigger stroller ,the joolz. AND, i ran 800m with her during the cold storage dash. I ran throughout the whole 800m and no major shake or accident.

As you can see from fb,if i do meet e mom for breakfast,out alone with 2 kids,i m with my combi as it stands alone and easy for me to carry and fold em up and into and out of e cab boot.

combi can recline the whole way,mac claren cant by e way.


I am interested " shouting" for u[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Can pm me?

Thanks thanks

bribena, if u have taka card now you can get the maclaren TX 2010 model at 405 after taka member discount. valid till this sunday. I just help my fren buy this. 2 colors available the grey and the black and they will do FOC delivery to your home.

Crystal, wow super busy shopping??[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Share your stash leh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I just went Ikea, ha!!ha!! Carrying all the stuff by myself really no joke man[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie, hahahha..... i only help my fren get the stroller, bought the thermo set from zojirushi and shoes and accessories from mphosis. i under-estimated the thermo set ahhaha its soo damn bloody heavy!! but i think cos i bought 2 sets that's why its so heavy...

Crystal, really peifu you man[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Quite shiok to shop during office hour hoh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Later get some good dinner to bu your energy.

dewdew, Ikea no sales, just need to get the high chair, in the end see the bowl, cups and cutlery all so cute and BPA free and some storage box for her growing toy collection, so just buy lor. $74+ damaged liao.





Crystal, bought liao, quite alot of things to carry leh (The legs, the high chair body, the cushion and the table plus small stuff here and there). Then I drove home to put the stuff. I can't imagine if hubby is carry all my barang up tonight with his laptop bag plus our dinner. Heng today 2 hrs lunch break, still have time to bring home[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Stefie, yugal, Amelia, Muddypaws, amuro, crystal,

Agree, pram is going to last us for long. So much to digest now... which pram to get, and with great discounts and offers! Must look thru tonight!

Muddypaws, mini-cooper has alot of leg space on the passenger seat, so prams with big wheels are still able to fit into it. My hub's car is not only 'boot-less', the leg space is not alot. Already sound like we should get something light with small wheels...

dec mum, be prepared for long qsssss for payment. i prolly stand longer for paying then looking for things. loads of clothes... i bought heels quite good cos sizes still available and discs are 50-70%.

Stefie, I know what you mean. My eyes always wonder every where when I'm at Ikea and Diaso, it's like "O! I need this! and that. That too please" LOL! My hub hates to shop with me at Ikea and Diaso.

Ribena, ha!! ha!!! Eyes very greedy lor. Heng both Ikea and Daiso are pretty near our house. If not I guess we will stock up more[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Crystal, the legs packed into 1 bag, then the body is whole (quite big right), table also quite big. Ha!! ha!!! You need to get 2 for ethan right? 1 for nanny's and 1 for your house? Might as well get until your shifted, if you can wait, if not another barang to move to your rented place and your new house. Thinking of logistics already headache liao.

bribena, stefie, i tink its the saME for most ppl hhahaha... i will ALWAYS have things to buy from daiso needed or not is another issue rite hahaha...

bbribena: yeah, something light with small wheels (try the Graco citi-lite) or get something that is umbrella-fold! The maclaren or quinny!

stefie u are right hahaha...everything i buy is X2 hahhaa.... i am soo going to hold on before buying hahaa... drag for as long as i can ahha a


though i am grateful for her help, but sometimes her insensitiveness and biase, it does get to my head. nw i am jus cooling off and dun care abt it..


hw do i ask for S26 sample? can PM me..

dec mum

ikea gt a session near the eating area with all the BB & children things.. quite nt bad... go see see... =)

Crystal, maybe you just do a to buy list. Until you settle in your new house, then buy. Must hold your horses hoh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dec mum, yes lor. Now my hand aching liao. Ikea do sell. It is cheaper than some weaning stuff selling in Kiddy Palace, muchingkin (spelling) spoons already $8+ for 6 spoons.

$3.90 for 6 bowl, $3.90 for (6 spoons, 6 forks, 6 knife- can use for playdoh when they gets bigger), $3.90 for 6 cups, some more BPA free, why not.... I also buy 10 wash cloth for $5.90, can clean her mouth after meals. I cannot stay any longer, ha!! ha!! Worried I will bring the whole Ikea back[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Greedy me just think if I let her use earlier than I can maximise the sets. Even next time want to replace also no heart pain. I just love the colours, very nice.

crystal/dec_mum - i went for the mphosis sale during lunch, very cheap sandals at 70% off! clothes were all in a mess,cant find any i like... and i agree, i spend more time q-ing for the cashier than looking for clothes...

muddypaws - i use a combi for my gers and its easy to handle plus its light. i got a maclaren which is compact for travel but it is more suitable when the kid is bout 1yo since it cant recline low enough. quinny is good but qt bulky and heavy...

Mscai - S26 out of stock now, so might have to wait awhile.. let u know when i receive it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ya, peg perego p3 rather heavy. But sturdy and durable. Collapse already like golf bag. Make sure can fit into your boot. Think go test out the strollers and see which one you like ba. I like peg la. Lol, just like I prefer continental cars. And besides, I like the seat to be bigger and higher off the ground

re: strollers

My friend just told me that i can hold on to her quinny indefinitely. That saves me S$450! BUT *sheepishly* I've been buying accessories for liz for the quinny from Mums at Work at Tanglin(cos the quinny is slightly big for liz).

Hubs calls the quinny the Volvo and the Graco the picanto.

crystal: hold off the buying till you get your place... unles you are very very very sure you need them.

bbribena, if boot space is a concern then get an umbrella fold. only get the heavier strollers if u are certain u will be able to handle them. i know i can't so i got the graco citi-lite r, same as muddypaws'. it works well enuf for us and won't be heartpain if bb dun sit in it often. hahaha...

wow, so many mummies already on shopping spree! happy buying! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dbaby, chill chill. old ppl are like that, just gotta close both eyes and ears sometimes.

Stefie, haha! I also bought their wash cloth from the children section. Very cheap! But very rough.. nvr mind la.. they gets dirty and replaced very quickly.

Ribena, I will wash a few times to season the wash cloth before letting her use. I like the size of the wash cloth, huge man[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I also like their bibs, I bought 2 pkts for Alexis IFC, so far so good[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Muddypaws, your hub so funny!!

Dew, my current one is umbrella fold but coz it's a 10yo pram, the wheels are ultra big!

Stefie, I shld hv bought the bibs, coz some of Leah's bibs are getting tight around her neck. =P

Ribena, you can always go Ikea to buy mah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I eyeing their musical soft toy. Ha!! ha!! Maybe next friday lunch go kpo again[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I love their Laksa with chicken wing. Yummy. But only for Monday[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lol.. bbribena, the stroller must be really sturdy to have lasted 10years!!

as for bibs, i like mothercare's one, they are big, colourful, with waterproof backing and pretty! the waterproof backing is essential for my lil drooly princess. hahahaha....

Ribena, I bought the cheaper one, 5 for $3.90.


Good for IFC use, cos washable and quick drying. I have few thick one, grown black dots cos difficult to dry. So I am happy with Ikea's bibs.

dewdew, MC one very nice. I would love to get some during GSS[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Stefie, I haven't tried their laksa. I like their spring chicken, alittle dry for those who hate breast meat thou. And their cheesecake! And their curry chicken rice... haven't seen that for a while liao.

Dew, haha! I also say! But sis kept it for a few years liao. It's still good, but the safety horizontal bar got kicked by Leah until it feels loose liao. She powerful la. So now I don't dare to take the escalator with her in the pram.

I got the mothercare bib, i like how it extends to the shoulder. Coz Leah likes to look every where when taking her solid, so food gets to her shoulder too. Mothercare bib covers shoulder area, quite good in that sense. The waterproof backing feels hot for my girl, she keeps pulling it away.

Dew, your girl is teething, isit?

