(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

thanks mummies on the encouragement to continue with my mooing journey. i take a lot of fenugreek to support this amt. even with this amt is only partial feed, i also need FM to supplement.

oo stefie and dewdew, ethan also has the crying/screaming episodes recently i thot its nitemares too hahaa u mean its not arh? hehehe. no pearly whites still so i dunno if its teething or not le.

sam, sure sure. no hurry when you are free okie?


raspy u are still on 4 hours interval arh? i already change to 5 hours liao since i came back to work.. cannot disappear every 4 hours and pump.. ya.. sleeping longer is a blessing hor.

errmm mummies i have a question how long does ur babies sleep now at night? yest ethan slept from 445pm till this morning 645am le.. i know its a sleep thru but its like reallie long? we give him a dream feed.. just wondering if he shld still be sleeping so much ahhaha..

dewdew, I tend to forget to give water to Leah too. So now every morning I will fill up a milk bottle with 80ml of water mixed with 1 teaspoon of gripe water, that's for Leah's consumption for the day. This way I can monitor how much she drinks everyday. Gripe water is to give some taste to the water so she would drink it. I dilute the gripe water more everyday, sometimes she takes plain plain water, sometimes she don't.

Stefie, poor girl! Sometimes I wonder what could trigger them to cry in their sleep, what dream could be so horrifying... missing mom? missing papa? hmm...

Jiahui, she will flip when she's ready. Meanwhile let her do 'freestyle' more often, let her explore her surroundings, sometimes they need a little 'training' a little 'push'...

Crystal, Alexis sleeps from 9pm - 5.30am. If Ethan can sleep just let him sleep, cos sleeping helps brain development. When he is hungry he will wake up.

I am not sure whether is it nightmares or cos of teething. I just take it as a mystery bah, it will gets over soon. As long as she is still eating, sleeping and playing well[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sian dinner on my own tonight. Hates to buy dinner while fetch Alexis from IFC. Maybe Macdonalds again. Ha!! ha!!

Ribena, Maybe Tooth fairy. Ha!! ha!! Maybe she don't even remember. Sat hubby still go and soothe her down. Then yesterday we are too tired, just let her be and continue with my zzzz..... Mi lazy mommy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

muddypaws/dew/eon/stefie - ya lor so tiring! it doesn't seem like a holiday to me either. I think I need another holiday man!

stefie - mine also cries in her slp sometimes, I suspect teething also..but so far I don't see any tooth on her.

bribena - ohhh okok, thanks! think I'll get one this weekend. Must let her get used to sitting in a high chair.

dew - So far I mixed apple puree in her cereal, sometimes mixed pumpkin too. Both are quite sweet so she doesn't complain. Once I mixed brocoli in also. haha

jiahui - don't worry I don't think your girl is slow. I was quite sure mine will skip her flipping milestone also. But one fine day, she just flipped herself suddenly. Guess they all have their own milestones to meet.

stefie, agree la... mystery on why they scream/cry in their sleep.maybe cos i start feeding him semi solid? hahahha he see the spoon coming nearer to him ahha he prolly dream that i feeding him food? hahaha

Melissa, I think the pearly white haven't break thro the gums bah. I just wonder what they dream of?

Crystal, you may want to get your Friso from here, even without promotion still quite cheap, but need to order $200 then have free delivery. I will be ordering from her for Alexis diapers and Nan pro 2. Easy for us also[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Just order 1 month worth of stuff.


Crystal, yes leh. It only started when we fed her soild. Maybe food monster and spoon monster coming to get them. Ha!! ha!! Cos before we fed them soild, their food are all liquid...... Mi very notti mommy still make fun of Alexis when she has nightmares[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie, thanks for the link. ya it is cheap hor.

o yours also arh? ya maybe spoon monster.. or frog monster hahah cos i got him a bowl shaped like a frog...

how come u got to eat alone? hubby overseas arh? maybe u can order in? at least not so many things to carry?

Crystal, you are the most welcome. They can deliver at night some more, My colleague keep recommending to me. Even the pet pet diapers also cheap leh.

Yours frog monster, mine is pink bowl monster, ha!!ha!!

Hubby has overseas colleague in town. Maybe buy wontan mee before fetching Alexis[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Raspy: Ur gal is soo cute and pretty... She looks so comfy in the high chair..

muddypaws: Congrats!! my boy also turns 6 months today.. Btw how did u wind off from bf-ing? I trying to wind off.. Now pumping once per day.. u started porridge so fast? Not on cereals? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Liz rejected steam stuff, then if u give apples? no need steam ur apple? abit hard ya?

bbribena: Happy for u that you wana bf for so long!! i cant tahan.. very tiring and alot of things cannot eat and drink.. Not say i did eat very healthiy also..hehe.. Nose allergy like what?

Crystal: good job.. continue to bf!! I give u moral support.

oshgosh_baby: hmmm, maybe i should try ur method hor.. since my boy cannot finish the milk, then i should give him eat cereals.. he haven start solids yet.. But i dont hav ethe luxury of time leh. im working and I heard from the mummies here is that we have to feed in the mornin so we can monitor any allegries that can appear in a few hours time...Looks like my bb is like ur girl.. Also have sleep and milk strike [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] and also scream... but not crying (but he's cranky)... really curious what he's shouting at.. as for jab, i guess it doesn make a difference to jab a few days earlier before she turns 6 months.

stefie, o good... sounds like a good deal hahha... i give up on noodles for dinner liao usually by the time i start eating its all bloated.. haha

leelee, thanks!

dewdew: If I'm you, I would just get bird's nest for your friend cos I'm very worried about side effects of certain chinese herbs on the Bf-ing or baby. I didn't take any Chinese herbs after my delivery (not even chicken essence) as I was worried about the effects on my BM. Or maybe you can get her DOM or Yomeishu. I had these after my last feed to Liz as it takes about 2hours for the alcohol to metabolise.

raspy/cindy: liz is like your girls too. So my maid has to lie by her side during the day. I find that when I lie down with her, she has a tendency to inch towards me, and slowly (but very very surely) push me off the mattress!

jialing: I find that now with a helper, the tension between my hubs and I have diminished a lot. Prior to the helper, we would have little arguments about when to do housework, who to do what etc, or he wants to have couple time with me but I'm gan-jiong with the housework. Now the maid does everything, so we can spend more time with each other and with liz. My dad comes over everyday to play with liz and to watch over my maid. This has caused some tension between my parents and I too as my dad would pick on very minor things about the maid.

Roz: Good that kiddo is able to sit unsupported. Liz is still unsteady... she has a tendency to be distracted when sitting upright. She would want to touch her toes, or turn sideways to find her toy etc, and then she would end up tilting sideways towards the floor.

Jiahui: Don't worry so much. Different babies have their own different milestones...

melissa: I don't dare to put liz in high-chair as I realised that she has a tendency to want to climb her way out of the high-chair when she's done with her food. We were at a restaurant over the weekend, and she was in the high-chair. Maid was feeding her, and when she's full, she starting making her own way out of the high-chair! Gave us a shock! Btw, she tries to climb out of her float when she's bored of swimming too! Faint......

dew: Gwen doesn't like bellamy's? Ok, maybe you can try this... steam sweet potato, puree and put bellamy's with a bit of milk. Or put a bit of apple puree with bellamy's.

dew: The Cybex is good, but more suitable when kiddo is older. Eg, Liz is 65cm now, and the support cushion covers 1/4 of her face, so she's super frustrated, and tries to escape!

Leelee, sinus? I have sinus, not very serious case, but once I have it, sore throat and cough will come along. I eat whatever I like now le... even spicy food and coffee... hehee perhaps tat's why sometimes she dn't want to sleep? =|

btw, have you added me on your FB?

Crystal, yeh man. I also hate noodles but no choice.

Btw you know somewhere near your house (not really near lah) Bt Merah has 1 very nice teochew porridge shop? Alot of Taxi uncles will eat there. Called Yue Shan Hai, we love the porridge, was there on sat night after Hight tea with our friends in Lawry's. Nice.

LeeLee, we fed Alexis when we are having dinner, cos IFC will not start her on cereal before 6 months. So now we only feed 1 small teaspoon. Likewise for Stage 2 FM also. Cos it will be in her systems the whole night, whether her stomach can take it or not, we will know. Only physical allergies we don't know.


i used to go to that shop n buy milk powder n diaper but nw i manage to find another medical shop tat sell almost e same price but slightly cheaper.

Stefie, the teochew miu is opp a secondary school, there a small rect carpark infront of its coffeeshop, right? Long-Q always.

leelee: we used to steam fruits like peach, plum and apples, but she doesn't like the taste. So now we just mash fresh plum or peach and let her eat. We give her a slice of apple and let her gnaw (since she has 2 teeth already), or even teething rusks too.

We started her on cereal when she's 4months old, and we slowly progressed her to oats, savoury porridge and barley.

I've been pumping 10-40ml every 4-6hours, so since yesterday afternoon, I just stopped. No engorgement so far.

Crystal, now they very proud, need to self service. It is our must have porridge when we are near that area[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

PSH, is your new source at West Plaza Pasir Ris or Loyang point, Jin Tai Tang?

Ribena, yes. And the carpark also very full. We love their dishes, yummy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw crystal, that rivervale plaza medical hall, pet pet is selling $15.90 per bag. Just in case your hubby goes there to buy FM. I was Kpoing there when I bought Alexis Nan pro 1 &2[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Crystal, not just the porridge shop prices went up. Even the roasted duck, when this shop just opened, 1 duck only $14, now price increase to $28. Wow, last time still can order 1/2 duck makan in there and 1/2 duck bring home. Ha!!! ha!! Everything also increase, only our pay still same old same old.

stefie, wow the duck increase so much? faintz!

ooo if u go there next time the market has a satay stall that sells very good satay. $0.40 a stick. beef, pork and chicken.

Hi mummies,

juz to share for those who r:

- using pet pet diapers

Ntuc having promo 2 for 29.90 till 1 jun or 2 jun

those intending to or are having friso 2

-Ntuc having friso 2 promo,buy 2 get 1 free..so works out cheaper than the rivervale plaza or kim san leng offers =)

p.s: im actually a nov mummy but baby came late oct..so sometimes..juz browse thru other threads silently..

Thanks crystal, we will try if we are in that area in day time. Night time the market like closed.

Dimple, thanks for sharing. I bought my pet pet on Wed from NTUC at 2 pkts for $32.40, then thu saw the paper I bang my head. Ha!! ha!!!

bbribena: I bought Healthy Times barley for liz (the normal progression is rice > oats > barley). For BM, I normally store my EBM in milk trays (milk is in 1oz milk sticks), so maid just defrost the required number of sticks.

Stefie, I like their La-la (clam?) with chili, their dishes very fresh. Perfect for times when you're not too hungry but want some food.

Muddypaws, I see! heehee.. I didn't know about the normal progression should be.. =P It's good that Liz likes her solid very much.

crystal & stefie

ya...e shop name is Jin Tai Tong Medical Hall @ Blk 445 Pasir Ris Dr 6. example Friso 2 both medical shops sell $29/tin but e one @ pasir ris one say if buy 2 tins, they giv $1 off...i buy Petpet diaper(M) frm kim sang its $16 but e one @ pasir ris is abt $14.80(IIRC).


u r welcm!! gd deals we shld share together...regarding e diaper gt to chk again nt sure realli tat cheap or nt cos i saw PetPet nw gt 2 diff packing.

PSH, thanks for sharing[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Rivervale Plaza, no this promotion. The promotion (buy 2 can get $1 discounts) is only for Enfa series. The rest no promotion and the pet pet diaper is $15.90. If selling so cheap in Pasir Ris, I can get on my way home. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ribena, yes their pig liver also very nice. Last sat, la-la sold out, only left with few dishes, but still nice[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


u r welcm my HB remember e medical hall sell $14.80 n he mention ntuc one is e new packing wif onli 80pcs, old packing is 84pcs...e one u bought @ NTUC is hw pcs huh??

PSH, Alexis is wearing L size now, 68 pieces per pack. The new package meaning the velcor one right? Few months back is 80 +4 pieces for M size, now no this promotion already.

I think Pet Pet all now new packing, right? For a while there was offer 80 + 4 pcs I think. The tape is also different now...old packing is scotch tape type.

There's a Jin Tai Tong at Tampines Mart as well...was quite impressed the first time I stepped in, don't look like typical chinese medical hall type of store.


u mean new packing is velcor type?? i dun kw lei till nw i'm stl using e sticker type...hehe

btw u wan to buy Nan Pro2 rite, hw much is Rivervale one sell?? mayb i go pasir ris one take a look n see hw much their sell...

PSH, yes. The new packing one is velcor (something like pampers one, but not as good). It has been around for 3 months bah. I have finish 3 packets of M size liao. The old type is like drypers stickly tape one right.

RV is selling it at $30.40. When you happen to pop by then look out for me. Thank you very much.

jiahui: congrats!! so happy for you.

muddypaws: wow.. ur ger is strong.. mine weigh 6kg only.. sobs.. were the clinic on sat, a malay lady's granddaughter @4mth plus weighed 6.3kg.. even heavier than my boy though she is 4mths.. sianz lei..

milk powder:

i still not decided what to give my baby yet. heard similac is good? any good recommendation?

PSH, the new velcro is much better than sticky tape. But pet pet velcro is not as good as pampers one. I am happy with pet pet cos it is 10 cents cheaper than pampers. Plus pampers has some chemical smell after the pee react with the drying beads in it. Even hubby prefer pet pet cos of price and it is just as good as pampers.

Thanks again.

Pauline, I kpo at NTUC yesterday Similac has the highest DHA and AA and more ex than some brands. It really depends on whether your baby can poop or not. Maybe you have to try the sample first before committing to bigger tin. FM is very ex, from $30 - $40 plus per tin.

stefie: i agree with u about the chemical smell on pampers .. until every time i thought my boy poo poo already .. sigh .. luckily i just try out for one pkt only .. i still prefer pet pet n mamypoko

can u email me the different btw milk powder or nt?? thanks


Amelia, Actually I didn't realised it until my friend told me. The smell is like Alexis is dehydrated. I am doing the spreadsheet up. I just KPO reading it at NTUC.

