(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Sorry dbaby ,

Can deep-fry then bring over coz my kitchen has no door.. So if deep fry.. Later maid has no time to re mop the floor


Dec mum

Sms me tml morning abt wat time u wanna meet. U can take cab easily frm ur side? My side no cab de.

E Sq

Not a prb.. I jus deep fried n bring over then.. =)

I bought the quest liao...hb tested it and then wanted toget techno xt instead..I said no need and so much more exp than quest..somemore I said I choose one because I am paying one...haha...tue goin down to bb hypermart to choose colour and collect as taka dun have colour and must wait..

E_square, won't be able to go ur place tmr as mil has doc apptment and mum can't help as part time helper coming...so gotta look aft both boys too

Raspy, your girl very cute. Really got a girly face as compared to mine. People always say mine look like boy. Ai yo, so sad.....

Initially wanted to get the ikea high chair too. But I decided to pay a bit more to get the traditional bamboo stool. Cos I a bit kiasi since my girl always fidget. Worry she'll fall from high chair. Anyway the bamboo stool like prison chair, lol, very hard for them to get out. Almost impossible. So next time I can dump her there in peace while I go do stuff. Ha ha. Evil me. And most importantly, when outgrow the baby seat part, it's still a stool for me.

Rainbow, I got it from the cane shop at Alexandra village. Think it's blk 122. The block beside the hawker centre. The stretch got a confectionary. It comes in 2 sizes. Small one at $48 and the big one $68.

My advice is get the big one. Brought my girl to test, small is just nice and most likely outgrow in a while. The big one is the standard size in the past. Your mom will know ba. If you find too big, go ikea get the cushion for high chair put in can Liao. I got it to make it more comfy for her. My girl sit in it very happy cos bamboo is cooling.

morning mummies and daddies ^_^

raspy: your gal is so cute leh! truly very xiao jie. im still waiting for mine to be more ladylike. but i doubt the chance will be high. haha..

raspy, ur gal is very pretty. so demure looking haha..

samantha, u got that cane chair? i was contemplating also. can u show a pic of which one did u get?

eoneon, babies will change no need to worry.. your gal will definitely look gal gal soon.

eon: Don't worry, Cheyanne looks very girl too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

samantha: I got a cane chair too! It belongs to my FIL, who said that my hubs and his bros sat in it when they were babies, and now he's passing it down to Liz.

Mommies, I officially ORD today! Yes, liz turned 6months yesterday and I stopped bf-ing! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just confirmed yday that Liz doesn't have peanut allergy. I gave her some Nutella cake yesterday and nothing happened [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] We made broccoli porridge for her yday and she loves it. We mashed peaches for her and she wolfed it down. Looks like she is starting to like everything!

good morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dewdew, my girl also sticky to me esp at night when slping time, she will not slp unless i slp beside her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

raspy, your girl so cute la ^_^

eoneon, i find your girl cute in her ways, shes not unladylike la ^_^

muddypaws, congrats!! i still contemplating if i shld continue or not... but its like dun continue seems so wasteful... let me tink further...

Muddy- need to steam the peach first?

I think I read here some mommies said some fruits need to be steamed first. What's the reason? But can we give raw fruit as long as it's soft and we mash it? Do u blend the porridge or just cook till very soft?

My gal recently rejected cereal. Sigh, i was hoping she'd continue with 'convenience food' for a little longer.

Eon- I can trade nan pro 2 with you. You received enfapro already? How to pass to you ah?

Muddypaws, congrats! Happy 6-mth, Liz!

I'm thinking if I should continue, coz mine has always been partial bf-ing, not enough to do full. I read somewhere that BM can helps lessen/prevent allergies, and since Leah seems to have nose allergies like me, I tot I should continue until she turns 10 months or 12 months. On the other hand, I want her to take in more nutrient food and stage 2 formula milk... so much too eat, so little space.

Seems like alot of us got the ikea high chair! Saw the photos on FB liao. =)) Our babies have grown so much!

Crystal: Do continue if your flow is good. My flow is sad, and Liz only takes my BM in her cereal now anyway. I've stored up enough BM in the fridge to last her till she's 7months, so yeah, my days in the dairy industry are over!

mommies, I just got a new car seat for lis over the weekend. We returned the maxi cosi bullet seat to my friend and was using the Cybex Pallas, but Liz figured how to escape from the car seat, and she tried so many times to escape from the car seat over the weekends. Exasperated, hubs and I got another one for her, and now she can't escape! Hahahahahahaha!

chuck: My advise is to steam the peaches first. Though I've to say that Liz rejected steamed stuff and preferred the fresh ones. I normally give her fresh fruits now and she gnaws on them. For the softer ones, I would mash them fresh and feed her with it.

Porridge, we normally don't blend as we would cook it till it's very soft. For the broccoli one however, we blended as the broccoli bits are still big.

bbribena: Like what I told crystal, do continue if your flow is good. I guess you can alternate the feeds with BM and FM... and you can always put BM into the food. My maid puts my BM into avocado now too.

muddypaws, ya... i guess i shld continue rite? at the moment now i can still get bot 700+ a day...just that i'm prolly going to start travelling in july.. more of ma fan...

crystal: Your flow is fantastic! Do continue! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] When you travel in July, you can consider getting the portable fridge to store your milk when you fly home.

E square,

i'll be coming over later... may just eat a little bit for lunch, see all the mummies later!


i gave my gal cereal for the first time yesterday.. actually wanted to wait till she turns 6 mths but she hasn't been finishing her milk these past few days... so yest i took the leftover milk and added into the baby rice from Bellamy's..

i only gave her 2 teaspoon (as stated in the packet) mixed with abt 20 ml of milk... she finished all... not much reaction to her face though haha..

will try again in a few days time (i'm lazy la heh)..

she seems to be on a milk and nap strike these couple of days.. dunno why.. always never finish milk, drinks about 80 - 100ml only each time..

as for nap, sleeps for abt 10mins then wake up... and everytime she's awake, she'll be exercising her vocal cords shouting and screaming away... no idea whats wrong, sigh..

its a few more days b4 she turns 6 mths, can i bring her to PD for her 6 mth jab already? cos by time she turns 6 mths i'll be working, hard to take leave when i've just started..

few days early can still jab rite?

Hi all mummies!

Good morning! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Survived my first "Holiday" at MBS with Kayleia. Extremely tired because, both sides of my family members were with us till almost 10pm on Sat. Checked out on Sun noon 1pm, felt like I didn't sleep for 1 week.

Mon blues!

Muddy - Happy 6 mths to Elizabeth and happy ORD!

crystal - wow nice flow of BM!

Bribena - think I'll go take a look at the Ikea high chair this week. How do you find it so far? Is it stable if baby if figety?

oshgosh: No problem with taking the jab a few days earlier. Liz had hers a few days earlier too.

Good to know Leah enjoys the cereal. I think it's normal that she's screaming and not sleeping as they are distracted by the surroundings now. They discover their own vocal range and maximise the use of it too!

Bbribena: Liz managed to break free and was dangling from the edge of the seat in the car! Not fun......... I'm just trying to figure out how strong that girl actually is, as she managed to kick the support cushion (which is strapped down by the seat belt) off her lap and wriggle under. That little monkey managed to kick our pillows and bolsters off our bed too!

Melissa: Welcome back! Haha... sounds like a really tiring trip. Maybe you need another holiday to recoup! :p

melissa, go home on time today and sleep earlier. i find sometimes it's the relatives who are not very considerate but oh well, they wanna play with baby so cannot fault them also.

muddy, happy 6th month to Liz and happy ORD to you! lol... i like the cybex seat u got, it really looked good. can share how much u got it for?

crystal, wow, yr supply is too good to give up, i think u shd just continue (but yeah, will be abit more troublesome when travelling).

oshgosh, not sure about yr PD, but i bring Gwen to the polyclinic and they will either refuse to jab/will need higher authority's approval (which is a pain to get) if it's a few days early. so do check with your PD before going down.

btw, mummies who have not done their PAP smear, u can do free ones at some clinics. if u want a list, lemme know and i can email u. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mummies, i hv a fren who gave birth on friday afternoon via c-sect. she lost a lot of blood and had to have 6packs blood transfusion + 1 night in ICU. now she's very weak and i wanna buy tonics for her to "bu" her body. a few colleagues will be sharing with me... any idea what i shd get for her?

crystal, muddypaws & cindy: haha, thanks for that. Cheyenne will be super crossed if she knows i keep associating her with boy boy look. keke...

muddypaws: congrats and happy 6 months to Liz. Liz is a sportswoman making!

chuck: great. i have not receive. we can arrange the exchange when i receive enfapro?

osh gosh: can can.. im bringing my gal for her 6 months jab 8 days earlier cause my pd will be away. so i dont think there is anything wrong with going earlier.

melissa: your staycation sounds tiring leh. you must have wished you can have a long deep sleep at home today.

crystal & ribena: i agree with the rest of the mummies. continue if you have good supply. dont waste it.

dewdew: glad to hear that your friend is fine now. as for bu, it depends on which school of thoughts leh. some will advise against chicken so no chicken essence. how about those fish essence?

Good afternoon mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

These few night Alexis cried in her sleep about the same time (once or twice), I thought was due to the 1 small teaspoon of cereal I fed, so we stopped feeding her. Still the same leh. I guess she could be teething or just another ?? phase bah.

We started her on Frisocrem white rice cereal (1 small teaspoon before her last feed). She is taking it well. She likes to sit in her Ikea high chair with us while having dinner. Keep beating the table, she looks extremely cute.

She is now on Nan pro 2 on first and last feed. Then by next week will be on Nan pro 2 once she reach 6 month. She has been putting on some more weight and seems taller also since our Korean trip. So chubby with double chin. Ha!!! ha!!! My brother is going to make fun of her again.

dewdew, I find give angbao better. Cos she can use the money to buy bu stuff. In case the bu stuff you bought, she has liao. Like me, I still have 3 bottles of DOM, 3 packs of Essence of chickens all untouch. Just my 2 cents.

Melissa, both side relative want to try the pool, gamble or play with your little darling? Ha!!ha!! Poor mine, rest early tonight okay[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Crystal, continue to BF lah since your supply is super good and can helps to slim down also[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

muddy, wow, it can be used until 11yrs old? good buy leh! ok, i shall check it out. thks!

eon, no chix essence? yah, i rbr about not eating chix for a month, but i think after that can. also for c-sect not supposed to take those fish thingy 'cos scared the wound will heal unevenly... gosh so many things to pay attn to. i think i better to eu yan seng and ask them. :p thing is she has no one to do confinement for her, so better to buy prepacked stuff for her, will be easier.

Melissa, so far the ikea served very well, she hasn't been very fidgety when in the chair. Someone in the forum mentioned her toddler fell off the chair once, but that's becoz the seat belt wasn't buckled up. The backing of the seat is alittle tall hence leah keeps hitting her head when she gets too excited, but tat's just small issue, I just put a diaper cloth on the backing to cushion her head. =)

Muddypaws, she gets her strength from good food! So dangerous hor.

Dewdew, oh dear... I think you can get her Dong Chong worms...

Eon, supply so-so only but will continue to do partial bf-ing for another few months.

stefie: i think a couple of our kiddos are experiencing that leh. maybe they are older liao. more aware of the environment and the daily stuff is creating more stimulation as compared to when they were younger? i guess lah.

dewdew: yes yes.. that was what i heard. but in tmc i have already started on chicken as the confinement meal has it. so it really depends on individual. oh, no one to do confinement after what she went through can be real challenging! gosh...

stefie, i also thot of angbao but not sure how the ppl here will think... a bit touchy sometimes. :p maybe i ask her directly lah, see if there's anything she needs.

my gal also, these few days will cry at night, like having nightmares. the first time was on saturday and i thot it's 'cos she cried too much in the evening looking for me. but it happened again last night. could it be due to teething or it could be nightmares?

oh yes mummies, updates on the gathering venue for 18th June.

seems like the quote for hotels is about $60++ per person for buffet and use of function room. is that price ok with attendees?

Stefie, did Alexis wake up when she cries? btw, do feed Alexis with water esp coz she starts solid, to prevent constipation.

bbribena, y'day i forgot about the water part and today gwen's poo was hard! poor baby had problem pushing out her poo. haiz.. bad mummy! i gotta rbr to give her prune juice every weekend now, and make her apple water for her.

btw, i tried feeding gwen with bellamy organic rice cereal on sunday, but she didn't like it! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] any suggestions on how can i mix fruits into it to make it tastier for her?

Thanks Eon Eon, I also think so. Now her "TV" can also record memory now[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dewdew, poor mine she at least need someone to help to take care of her baby and food mah. C-section more xinku.

Gwen also like tha? I also guess could be nightmares.

Ribena, you miss the golden worms??? Ha!!!ha!!! Thanks, she still can poop very well even without water. Her poops is slightly chalky, I think is due to the high minerals contents in stage 2 FM.

Alexis cries with her eyes closed. I also don't attend to her cos only 2 short cries. She must be having night mare bah.

Roz, crystal.

The stool at my parents place. Tonight when I go take it back will snap some pics to show you ok.


I think we got the same chair. It's made of bamboo right? Last time seems very popular. Then again, last time where got high chair. It's durable enough to be heirloom. Haha. I like it. The person who design it back in those times is so brilliant.

muddy> congrats on your ORD!

crystal> wah 700 ml a day. steady! while can bf, continue lah. partial also can. still remember my cousin, she f-ed her girl till she was 3+, and even then they stopped because the girl told her mum "no more milk already". haha.

osh gosh> yah should be ok to take jab a few days earlier, unless bb not well or something.

my #1 driving me up the wall...and that was just this morning. very stressed out and of course, racked with guilt. zzz.

dewdew> after my c-sects I had fish essence...I do think it was very helpful in helping my recovery. But it would be a waste to buy to give her if she doesn't take it or already has her own supply. If you have a few colleagues sharing and budget is generous, maybe can ask her what she needs instead?

car seat> my #2 still sitting in the infant carrier seat. Can't bring myself to take out the mothercare car seat that we got coz it's UGLY haha @_@ can't stand black..but it was the only one available within our budget. but he's been getting better at sitting up unsupported lately so I guess it's time.

#2 is also getting increasingly mobile. he can really propel himself forward with his legs.

had a busy weekend, and another packed one ahead. feeling very harassed. plus it's my husband's birthday tomorrow. pengz.

dewdew> now i mixing his HT cereal with whatever frozen pureeI hv in the freezer or jarred baby food. yummy.


Oh dear. That's really tough for your friend to go thru this.

Agree with eon and bbribena. Get her fish essence and dong chong cao for her.

No chicken for first 12 days after c-sec.

If someone available to cook for her, i think pig liver soup can "bu xue".

Re: Flipping.

My gal is going 6th month soon.

I don know if she lazy or no confidence to flip or wat.

When I left her at the bed, she can just lie down there long time.

Otherwise she maybe using her leg to push herself upwards.

She will attempt to flip, when she grab hold of something like pillow or blanket, as her support.

Not sure if she is slow.

Already my few attempts, trying to feed her with cereal.

As usual, keep spitting the food out. Haiz...

Dewdew, perhaps you can ask your friend if she takes fish essence as I know some do not like the taste. If she takes it, heard it's really good from some of my friends who had c-section.

Roz, at least you remember your hb's bday. I always forget my wedding anniversary and even planned for my first day back at work on that day :p terrible wife


For those who have helpers at home, would like to ask for your opinions. My hb brought up the topic of getting a helper yesterday. Although we have part time help with housework, I still have to do the laundry and tidy the house mid week. Most importantly, we are finding ourselves torn when we have to take care of our boy and work at night, not to mention the night feeds. A helper will be great help.

But I still have concerns of leaving my boy with a helper without a family member around all the time as my dad will only be able to drop by at times, so am mulling over it repeatedly. Besides, my boy has a great nanny now and he's really happy with her in the day.

Giving myself and hb a few weeks to think over it and thinking of seeking your views too.


Good Afternoon Mummies,

Littlemay: Thanks. I also started supplementing her when she's around 5.5month old. Initially she didnt want to take the fm, clamp her mouth shut and keep pushing the teat once she found that its fm. So we change her night feed to fm instead, cause she won't be so alert and reject it. Now she's ok already. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Roz: Thanks. Yah, look like she posing for the pic, but she actually moving around. Hee.. was luckily to get these shots.

Samantha & Eoneon: Thanks. Hee.. She looks boyish at times too. Especially when we dress her up in neutral colours. Almost everytime we go out, there'll surely be some passer-by who will ask me 'boy?' when I dress her up in pink from head to toe. Im really baffled. I was joking with my mum & hubby that maybe to them, I look like a weird pscho mummy who will dress up baby boy in full pink. Hehee..

Crystal: Thanks. I'm also thinking about what you're thinking, whether to stop anot. Hee.. I didnt remember wrongly, our baby share the same hatch day. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Im pumping at 5hrs interval instead of 4hr previously. Maybe I'll lengthen the pump interval to get more rest now. For the first time, I finally feel like Im sleeping last night. Hehe.

Muddypaws: Congrats on your ORD and Liz's 6month old. Liz is really strong and fast in her development compared to the rest other babies here.

Cindy: Thanks. My girl also like yours, she need someone to sleep with her at the mattress during the day. She'll peep once in a while to check whether her companion still beside her. If we sleep with her, she can sleep longer, otherwise, she'll wake up to play.

Dewdew: I had emergency c-sec that time. I was advised to avoid chicken, but I took fish essence. For pork liver, I think good to bu blood but if she's going to bf, she might want to skip it as there's some articles that says liver may reduce bm supply. Remember to ask her to get iron pills from her gynae if they didnt give her. I remember I was on iron, multi-v, vitamin c, calcium tab, pain killer and 3 more pills which I cant recall.

