(2010/12) December 2010 MTB


Thanks a lot!! Will see if i can pop by.. Been wanting to go there to ser Peony factory outlet too...


Hw cum like tt ah?? Nw i also headache with my boy.. Dunno shld i increase his intake or nt. He is drinkin 130ml at the moment. But hor at times he can last for 3hrs or more, at times he only last 1.45hr - 2hr only.. But at nite, after last feed at 8-9pm, sometimes last til 12am only, sometimes til 2am.. *scratch head*

Any mummies can help too?? Advice??

Wan to ask Mummies using iPhone 4 & like Sanrio charac..

I saw tis BP n was wondering any mummies keen? Tot if i order bulk like the romper then can get discount.. I can coordinate & order then mail out to u if keen.. Pls PM me..



I realized their scratches heal very fast... Though I also very heart pain when I see the scratches and face red red. Anyone knows when this habit if rubbing their face will stop? I still dare not remove her mittens when she sleeps. Only when she's awake, then I remove the mittens.

Can use breastmilk to put on their scratches but babies grow and heal quite quickly so not much to worry about. My son tends to scratch only when he's very agitated (like when I ignore him when he's crying for attention).

QUITE EXCITED about the mothercare fair! Hope they have good stuff on sale :D :D

oshgosh: ya..tat's y these 2 days i m tryin to reduce pumpin..does feel dilemna too.sigh. dunno le..but ss sure dip after 2 days of less pumpin. but i was thinkin, at least i had given bb 2 mths of bm.

Feeding: actually if bb can zzz, i wont wake him for milk.unless he cries for it, in fact, sometimes try to pat him back to zz, hoping to drag a bit longer b4 giving him.bad mummy! LOL! cos i wanna zz longer too. but so far, my boy longest hrs without milk is abt6 hrs only,but these few nites, he will want milk after 4+ hrs, cant pacify so gotta give him.

mrs ang: maybe puttin a beansrpout pillow on bb chest can allow bb to zz better? tat's wat i did but i seldom put him on back as he prefer tummy too. otherwise i make bb zzz on his side, place a pillow on other side(his back) to keep him in tat position.quite ok for my bb too.

Cc - thx. I'll try letting him sleeP on his side then. He sleeps so well when I carried him! But cannot always carry him.

I tired beanspriut pillow but no use. I wonder if it's too light for him that's why it doesn't work? Mine is quite small.

Any mummies can offer me some more tips to help my bb boy sleep better? He currently get awaken very easily and I let him sleep on his tummy. when I let him sleep on his back, it is almost impossible for him to sleep.

How can I let my bb feel more comfortable and sleep better?

hey mummies, regarding milk strike, my bb went thru it quite badly too. and no wet diapers throughout the day, really driving me crazy during tat period. it shld be a passing phase. she screamed till no voice when i tried to feed before she go for her bedtime but she jus dont wanna drink. sometimes, per day she only drank around 300ml or less.

now she's okay already. (finally) my mom says baby starts to get curious and wont concentrate to drink milk already. she will keep looking ard but at least finish up her milk and sometimes ask for more. think milk strike just like grow spurt.

melissa, u brought her to PD? i almost wanted to go but alot of mummies advise as long no fever, its okay. however if it's dragging too long and u r worried, u might wanna go. or did u check if its oral thrush? mine milk strike for nearly 2wks tat time.

re: drinking less

I guess it's not a concern if bb is still pee-ing and poo-ing, and most importantly gaining weight?

re: stroller

Remember I shared with mummies that zaizai didn't like his stroller and cried on top of his lung when we brought him out? Ends up the stroller was used as marketing trolley instead.. then I came up with the idea of putting him in his stroller (coincide with Dbaby's way to move her bb around) at home to train him.. hahaha.. it works! I brought him to market today, with my MIL and helper, in his stroller.. he was in there throughout! But I didn't put the reverse handle, coz I thought he would enjoy the scene better seeing upfront (though I wasn't sure how far he can see right now).. hehehe.. we went out for like 1.5hours and he fell asleep the last 0.5 hours.. we'll continue to bring him out to practise first.. I feel so good that we did not waste $$ on the stroller, though it did not cost that much la.. hehehe.. next up will be weekly morning strolls at Punggol Pk! :-D

re: ML coming to an end

I'll start work on Wed, kinda anxious.. there'll be many things to lug to work.. handbag, lappy bag, pump, cooler bag, bottles.. I wonder how I am going to cope if hubby is too busy to fetch me.. more anxious abt the "battle" at work, wonder how many thousand emails have cummulated..

yvaine: take care babe.. i know it's no fun falling sick, esp the whole family..

re: milk strike

Melissa, liz is also like that now... Rather suck her hands or sleep then drink milk. Now she has terrible Constipation where she poo-ed a grape-size hard blob this morning. Now forcing her to drink diluted FM for hydration.

bubbly, i'm starting work on wednesday too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] will also be bringing my pump and bottles 'cos my supply has went back up to normal - phew!

re: milk strike

mine also on milk strike. same as what some of you are experiencing, i try to put teat into her mouth, she'll scream and won't drink a drop. purposely will choke on the milk so we'll remove it. recently she hasn't been drinking regularly, sometimes can pass 5hrs before she cries for milk. really made us headache.

re: constipation

my bb was constipated from thurs until today. FINALLY poo-ed 2x today, i cheered and happily washed her sticky poo away while she wailed. think i have to increase her water intake / thin out her fm.

mrs ang, my bb also doesn't sleep well on her back. i put her on her tummy when i can supervise, otherwise it's into the yaolan. another way is to put bb on her side and let her cuddle with her bolster. she might sleep better like that too.

dbaby - hiyo...i also dunno y like tat. Feed her milk like want her life! I can lose alot of calories just struggling to put the teat in her mouth.

I think if the hours decrease for 130ml maybe u can try to increase his milk intake?

cherry - she had a milk strike 2 weeks ago already. stopped after 3 days den everything was ok den she decide to strike yesterday again. really scream and scream.

When i put the teat in her mouth, she will struggle and scream and I got to calm her down by putting in the pacifier and she'll suck! I dunno is she dislike the taste of the milk or wat. I'll be bringing her to pd tom. Maybe I'll try to get small samples of other milk for her to try.

The funny thing is, her usual intake is 120ml. She'll drink 80ml den start her nonsense. Den I'll try to coax her to finish the rest and it'll take awhile. And when she finally drinks the rest, it seems like its not enough for her. I dunno y!!!

bubbly - the last time she had milk strike, she didn't gain so much weight. therefore I'm worried.

muddypaws - maybe its due to her constipation tat made her refused milk? when u feed her, does she scream?

Dew: ^5.. hope the start of work is smooth smooth for us.. :)

Amelia: we are using Pet Pet for daytime, not bad.. :) And it's cheap at $0.17/pc.. we prefer the ones we get from KL as they are velcro fastener instead of the sticker type (sold in SG)

Muddypaws: hahaha.. great that Liz is no longer constipating. i realise issac do not poo as much nowadays too, like once a day or once every 2 days.. will check with PD when his 2nd jab due on 3rd March..

Melissa: if not gaining much weight, then that's worrying.. could it be colic again?


I'm using Huggies Dry Comfort for #1. Very good absorbent. Haven use for #2 yet..


I feed him more, up 1 scoop to 170ml but he will drink til left 50ml still... Buay tahan.. Then later ask for milk in less than 3hrs... But nt every time la.

Re: milk strike

help! my boy having milk strike too! happened since yesterday! so hard to predict when he really want to drink milk.. he cry and when offered the bottle, he cry even more and shake his head away.. then end up fall asleep in my arms -.-

amelia J, i tried huggies before. its soft. absorption of pee and poo is not bad too.. if i compare drypers and huggies, i prefer huggies more. i heard pet pet not very absorbent but ok for day use

Amelia: I'm using Huggies... Cos my mum sells Huggies!

Bubbly: liz is constipating cos her poo is hard pellets! Thinning out her FM now to monitor her situation.

thanks for the reply on diaper .. i m more confident to change to huggies dry now .. compare to mamy poko that i use now, it is cheaper almost by half

crystal > Can try to massage his back abit cause keep lying too much on his back. My baby is “tossing” to his side at times too ….

DBaby > Applying thin thin layer of Seba Med seems helpful now, though can see pinkish patches. Guess I am too paranoid and anxious as I want to see the result immediately. Thanks!

Mrs Ang > What brand of milk your baby drinking?

littlemay > How I wished I could be like you, “army camp trainer” … but I dun have the heart to do so, when he cried for milk in the midnight, I just gave it to him. Thus making both very tired the next day. Luckily, one feeding in the midnight only, keeping my finger crossed.

bubbly - thanks... and today kenna food poisoning, LS in the evening! arghghgh...

hahah so funny, pram as marketing cart... heheh i also use the stroller at home sometimes. helps a little. if we want the little ones to getused to pram, cots etc, we have to start right from the beginning. so you're on the right track! ;)

dewdew - jhope your first day at work will be a pleasant one!

sigh again cannot catch up on posts and chat liao... no.1 calling out to me... goodnight all.

Littlemay - Just now tried swaddling but bb protested angrily. So I swaddle lower half of his body n put him down pn his back when he's very drowsy. He slept ... But woke up after 10 mins. I think he doesn't know how to fall asleep on his own if he doesn't sleep on his tummy. So i flipped him over and then he fell asleep immediately.

Garfield - I am giving bb ebm.

Mummies - how do u put your bb to sleep? I carry

Bb and walk about. Having stiff neck and shoulders and sore foot soles now.

Mrs Ang, do u allow him to slp in aircon room? Where does he sleeps in e day (baby cot or rocker?)Mine sleeps in the livin room in e day on e rocker and night time in the room with aircon on either on the mattress (with my mum) or on e bed with me. Do u give him pacifier??

My boy whole day super drowsy.. keep sleeping after feed and this afternoon he managed to slp for 4hours without milk.. and now past 4hours le (he's slping next to me and i can see he'll cry for milk anytime soon.. lol)!!! I hope this routine will con't...

Hi Garfield,

From midnight to morning, very good already. That's considered sleeping through the night. My gal does let out cries, but her eyes are still closed and will stop crying after I give her pacifier.

Mrs Ang, your baby might have wind in stomach. You may want to consider giving him gripe water or colic drops and apply some Ruyi oil.

Hi, am from Sept 2010 thread.. have the following Avent items for sale...

BNIB 2 x 125mL Feeding Bottle - u.p $23.90, selling at $20

BNIB 2 x 3-6months pacifier - u.p $16.90, selling at $15

Take both at $30, free normal postage, please add $2.50 for registered...

please sms 93388073 to deal

Pictures of original items



Rainbow - bb either sleeps with me or in his cot bed. I let him sleep with aircon on at night.

Littlemay - I agree that bb may have wind as he seems to feel better sleeping in his tummy. But I already try to burp him after feeds. He drinks gripe water once or twice a day. Ru yi you is twice a day.

I fed him at 8.15pm and he slePt at 9.30pm (after I gave up Putting him on his back and let him sleeP on tummy). He woke up at 12.15am and 2.15am and drank 60ml each time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] he makes me so tired.

Pumping now. I think he'll continue to wake up many times. I am resisting the use of pacifier as no. 1 is hooked on it and we will help him kick the habit soon.

Hey Mummies,

With the new found love for baby apparels started during my 9 months adventure with Kaelynn,

I am proud to announce the launching of my new online boutique, Little Pepo @ http://little.pepoapparels.com/

From our love for fashion and cuddly tykes comes the holistic creation of Little Pepo, our exciting new brand of baby wear.

It’s all about that personal touch. And it’s what Little Pepo is about: heartwarming and cute designs plus that extra personalisation in the form of intricate embroidery to emphasise your ownership of our apparel, and make dressing up your bundle of joy that much more fun.

All designs are painstakingly created by us and we oversee every step of the production to make sure that what you get is the best. You have our guarantee on it.

You can also visit us at our Facebook page @ http://www.facebook.com/pages/Little-Pepo/154745854546654 (Do remember to "Like" if you feel it deserves your like)

Pumping now too.....

Mrs Ang, you sure your baby wakes up because he's hungry? If so, why does he drink only 60ml each time? Can you try to feed him more milk each time? He still doesnt want to drink?

You sure you don't want to consider the pacifier? I know they will get hooked on to it... But you can cut off this habit before they reach one... But of course with days of crying!

Littlemay - I'm not sure why he wakes up. But after patting is of no use, I carry and rock him. His mouth still keep licking my shirt. Sobi givenhim milk. He'll drink and fall asleep.

Yes, I may use the pacifier. Really cannot tahan anymore. Keep waking up to feed and feed and pump and pump. I really feel that I have no talent in bb care.

Mrs ang, if he really has colic, u might wan consider giving him ridwind and meanwhile stop gripewater first. I am reluctant to give my boy pacifier too when my mum wanna intro to him. But i agree tat pacifier helps to calm bb down too. My sis ever told me a bb will either need a pacifier or yao lan and nw i totally agree...

My cousin's boy is like yr boy.. So they keep carrying him as his wife does 't wan to give bb pacifier or put him in yl. His wife is not wrong la but i personally feel tat it's quite a tough road and hopefully bb can go thru it soon..

Don't be dishearten.. Each bb has it's own character and also mummies will know which is good for our darling ;)

Mrs Ang, my boy is quite reliant on pacifier. Think on bright side. Pacifier better than Yao lan. If ppl hse no Yao la, baby cannot sleep. But pacifier can bring around easily. And then if baby don't use pacifier, will suck thumb. That habit harder to get rid of

Yup agreed on the pacifier. My friend once told me, 3 days of pain (to wean the baby off pacifier) is worth it for 1 year of restful sleep for baby. Babies need something to soothe themselves... Either they suckle on your breast or pacifier. If you are afraid he gets too hooked, just give him at bedtime. But in the end, it's your choice. I'm a first time mom, so maybe I'll regret giving pacifier 1 year later....

Btw mrs Ang, everytime I carry my baby, her head will turn toward my breast and she will open her mouth. She's not really hungry but just wants to suckle. Your boy may be like that too.

Pumping again.......

Rainbow, Debbie, littlemay - this morning I

gave bb the pacifier so I could lie down for half an hour more. He seems quite happy too. I suppose I'll just use the pacifier now to keepy sanity. Then worry about weaning him off the pacifier later...

littlemay, ur gal may not be completely full? cos when i carry ethan when he's full he doesnt turn to my boobs and open his mouth. its onli when its near to his milk time then he will have this action.

mrs ang, ethan doesnt use pacifier or yaolan. he sleeps in his own cot at nite. i used the CIO method cos i cant carry him every nite will go kukus. and he's now at 7.1kg haha carry nightly i tink i will be uber muscular hahaha

dew dew/bubbly, jia yew hehee i went bck to work 2 weeks already every day got alot of things to hurl about hhahha.. but by packjing the night before it does help.. so.. if i can stand by roadside flag for cab to go to work in the morning i'm sure u all can too heee..

Hi dear mummies,sorry to interrupt.Just in case anyone have nt settled childcare arrangements...

Anyone interested in homebased care for your baby? Ratio will be 2:2 i.e maid and adult as caregivers compared to infantcare centres of 1:5 or at most 1:3.

From May 2011 onwards, please PM for discussion or more details.location Punggol

Yvaine: oh dear.. ur LS get any better? ya, I think it's effective to train them at home.. hehehe..

crystal: whoa, u flag cab to work everyday? Very shiong ler, esp with the 35% extra charges..

Yurieve: ur mom very modern hoh, FB-ing with you everyday.. hehehe...

E-Square: ur hb owns the Bliss at PUnggol Pk?

Yugal: wow, new business! good luck ya!

As ML ending today, have kinda mixed feeling.. would like to spend as much time possible with zaizai, but chose today to get my passport renewed lest traveling start as soon as work starts.. sigh..

Mummies: just to share.. my mom just called just now and told me that she received a call (in KL) on her mobile. There was this guy crying for help and that he was bleeding, and called my mom 'Ma!", then someone else took over and say she'll expect 2 fingers to be cut off my bro's hand if my mom do not pay the loan he took from the loan shark.. goodness..! luckily my mom smart, hung up the phone and called my bro directly to confirm where he was! so scary!

Crystal - so your bb just sleep thru all by himself in his cot? So good! How do u do it? How do u position him? How do u get him to fall asleep on his own?

I carry bb and walk here and there. At night when he awakes I pat him. But seldom work so need to carry and rock him. If doesn't work then I'll give him milk. But he always just drink half.


No ... My friend's boyfriend owns bliss? Why did u think it was my hb?


I envy leh.. My baby only manage to sleep thru for 2 nights .. Last night didn't..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] awfully tired now coz he can't get to sleep and I let him use my tummy as pillow and he slept for almost 1half hour..


Must becareful of all these scam calls


Are we having 1 before many mummies going back to work?

Hi Mummies,

I've been silent reader ever since I conceived my baby daughter. She was born on 28 Dec 2010. Learned a lot form the posts and very happy that I finally registered as a member. Looking forward to sharing, meeting, even ranting ^_^

My baby today is exactly 2 months old, 4.4kg. Still on BM, training her on bottle for one feed daily and the rest are direct latch.

I intend to put her in infant care (IC) when I return to work. The IC advise me to provide 3 bottles of EBM. Now I'm trying to figure out how many ml she is taking per feed and haven't found the answer...

1st attempt: gave her 80ml, she finished.

2nd attempt: 100ml given, she only took 70 ml.

3rd attempt: gave her 120 ml, she finished (*_*)

4th attempt: gave her 120 ml, she took 110 ml

5th attempt: today and will try 120 ml again

So should I assume she's on 120 ml per feed? But I dun understand why is that she still fussed after each bottle feed, gave her another bottle yet she rejected angrily. So offer breast and she happily sucked strongly (still hungry why refused milk even if in bottle?), later comfort sucking until she fell asleep.

Mummies, any advice? I am afraid 3 bottles of 125ml each at IC will not be enough...

Hello mommies,

I've been silent reading recently n long time no post... until I saw my name in bubbly's post! Hehe...

Bubbly, my mom recently learnt how to use FB n she's been v active in FB now... U see her post in almost all my status updates, LOL! All my younger cousins n my younger sis's frds are saying how 'cool' she is to be using FB at her age, haha!

Baby drinking less

Same as many babies here, my boy was also drinking lesser... He was constipated for a wk! I think he cldnt drink more cos of the constipation so we brought him to pd. He's drinking his usual amt now after pd helped to make him poo.

NUK teats

Mommies using NUK n feeding ebm, wat teat size are u using now? I recently chng from stage 1 S size to M size even though M size is actually for feeding FM as I suspect my boy was drinking lesser cos S size milk flow is too slow. So I'm using M size now even thougn I'm feeding ebm n he can finish his milk now even though the milk flow maybe a little too fast for him at times.

yvaine: gosh, if you are still ls-ing better go see doctor. take care

mrs ang: i also carry my girl to sleep since week 2. no choice cause overnight she decided not to self-soothe to sleep loh. i am giving her pacifier too but she will spit out once she has enough sucking.

bubbly: omg! lucky your mum was not taken in by the scam.

My confinement lady often carries my gal to sleep. After she left, my mom and I stop carrying her. When she's tired, we simply put her on the cot to sleep. Of cos she doesn't sleep immediately sometimes, we have to pat her and give her pacifier at times. She doesn't sleep long during the day at 1 stretch. I followed the book baby wise for a feeding time, playtime and then naptime 3 hourly routine. Sometimes i put her on the fisherprice newborn to toddler rocker to play which she likes very much. Now she's able to sleep through the night but she kicks a lot while her eyes are closed. Not sure if this is a sign of hunger.

She's 2 months old and 5.4kg, drinking 100% ebm.


I think u give 3x120ml better... More better than nt enuf. If u wanna play safe, give an extra btl. If nt consumed tt day, still can give tt btl for the nxt day first so everyday gt a new spare btl there.. Jus in case teacher accidentally spill it or wat la.. I more kiasu type la..


Luckily ur mum smart le.. I dun knw hw i wld react if i recvd such a call.. Usu the kiasi type, i think i might panic lo...

Talking about passport, i tot of making 1 for my boy soon.. When HB nt flying on a weekday.. Hassle to go thru online cos photo tt we submit quite stringent huh..

Any mummies do online for BB?? Can share hw u take the pic??


Ur mum 1 hot & fashionable Mummy le!! Wished mine were as tech savy lo... So cute...

E Sq

I also looking forward to a gathering n hope it doesnt clash with HB overseas trip if there is 1.. Cant wait to catch up and gossip... Hahahhahah =)

So hw is ur japan trip???


Glad ur boy rash better.. Mine is 95% recover after 4 nites of applying.. Nw jus a bit of discolouration to recover... Was so worried.. Glad the seba med cream working for u..

Hi moms,

Now a days can barely have the time to log in.

Anyway, just to clarify, when sleeping through the night,its not a full night of uninterrupted sleep till morning. Its more of from midnight till 5 o clock. So its how we define sleeping through.A full feldge of 5 hrs indisturbed sleep. So if ur babe is doing that means he is sleeping through.

My current one sleeps from her last feed of 10ish till about 4plus 5 . So thats how we consider her sleeping through as she has undisturbed sleep for that 5,6hrs stretch.

Mrs ang, the trick is to let em self sooth, maybe because this is my 2nd one,so i am more experienced, right from the start we let our 2nd one lie on the cot awake, or drowsy but not asleep, so she can go to sleep herself. I dont pat her either, maybe pacifier when she is in a foul mood.

Maybe now i am able to identify her different cries for diff needs, thus when she is cranky and make noises while lying down i ll just leave her alone, and after few mins of whining and sometimes crying she ll drift off to sleep. And i make sure its total darkness even during nap time.

haiz... why baby want go on milk strike... headache mine also going on milk strike so stress everytime wanna feed her... how? will this continue?

My boy has been on milk strike since week 8. Lasted more then 2 weeks. This week I see his appetite start coming back. So dun worry mummies this phase will be over v soon. When my boy did his milk strike his milk intake almost half. He was drinking only abt 50 to 60ml. That 2 weeks his weight like stagnant.

On sleeping at night, I managed to train till he could fall asleep himself in the cot. What I do is that I refuse to let him sleep from 8 pm. I try to play with him until he so shack that when I put him to bed at 10 he just automatically falls asleep within mins.

Can see that some mummies have gone back to work. U all took only 3 months ML?

Thanks for the advice on the mittens I have started giving my boy some hands n fingers time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but he like dun know how to play with any toys yet.

Ling Ling: he can slp on himself? mean u don let him slp till he is very tire then he fall asleep immediately do you need to pat him to slp?


Hi nd some suggestions. My girl has been having mire awake time n just can't sleep well in the day tho v tired. How to get her to settle down n what do u do w them during awake time? Mine keeps needing to b entertained now unlike last time can self entertain. Whimpers get louder when we stop. some more think now growth spurt yet refuses bottle still. Sigh

