(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Hv a question... I've done the post natal massage and after that, morning when I wake up, my feet like "stone stone", need to stand & walk for a while before back to normal... I thought it should be fine after a while but till now, almost one month already... still the same. Is it the ML use too much strength on my feet or ... ... Any advice on this?


anyone's bb can turn already? roughly how long then they will turn? mine tend to sleep in the rocker in the day so i'm worried that he wont be able to learn how to turn hahaha am i too ks haha


My hub took care of no 1 whenever he was ard in spore cos when he's not o/s, he is free to help. Then when he is away, my mil or my mum will help. The arrangement wasnt ideal cos my gal was taken care by 3 diff ppl so i felt she was nvr really settled. And my mil travels alot so i ended up depending on my mum alot but felt bad cos she bz w nephew already. I had no helper then, tats why i took no pay leave when my gal turned 1 yr.. Didnt realise i'll get preg again

Crystal, that's what I am thinking too! Haha Is he also arching n wanting to turn? I read that most babies start learning to turn from tummy to back first. so I try to allocate tummy time, it should strengthen her neck and also arm muscles with 'mini push ups'. ;)  turning Time frame varies from 3-5 mths bah... I am waiting for her to surprise me!! Haha 

crystal > Wow, i don't think ours can turn around by themselves yet, still too young.

ALL > Sad, both cheek of my baby are patches of red rashes and it had been weeks. Try Seba Med, Johnson & Johnson cream and some medical antiseptic also can't help much .... hai~

oshgosh: my mil wil be home monitoring helper when i go back to work. But muddypaws will have to leave her helper alone with Liz, maybe she can share..

yuffizz/garfield, ethan hates being on his tummy. he will wail whenever we flip him over. onli time he doesnt wail is when he's bathing.. he's on his back all the time and yes he's been arching like this morning when we were changing him he was "pushing" both his legs as support and arch his back and like half turn but onli body turn hahaha head still upright hahaha.. which was quite funny. but i doubt that is actual turning..


Cld be same as my boy, some infection. After applying 2 nites, its clearing up.. Go see PD or GP..

oshgosh: so ur ss took how long to stop?

btw, i oso feel option 3 best..is it possible for ur mum to come over to ur place in the day instead?


shd be able to flip by 4th month. My son could flip around the 3rd month. My gal also trying to flip a lil. From her back to a lil on her side n then fall back on her back again. Must monitor when they can flip. My son fell off the bed a couple of times even though I put pillow n bolster around him. Felt so bad n worried. Hopefully, will learn from my mstakes.

Hi mummies

My 10-week old doesn't seem keen in drinking these few weeks. I have changed a few teats and think that the teat is not the problem. He sucks very slowly and drinks only average 80ml ebm each time so I need to feed him often. He sometimes strains at the end of the feeds He used to drink more than this.

Perhaps because he isn't feeding properly, he still can't sleep through the night.

I wonder what I'm doing wrong. So tired already. Any mummies have advice for me?

Hi mrs Ang

I've the same problem. My gal used to finish 125ml of ebm. Recently she often leaves behind 20-30ml. Also starts to cry and fidget while drinking. Not sure why.

She's into her 9th


Littlemay - mine had been 3 weeks. Bb drinks very little each time. He doesn't seem to like to suck for milk.

Any mummies can advice? I'm desperate for help.

hi mrs ang & littlemay, mine too.. he is going to be 9wks.. recently drinks abit and stop, then starts to cry, i try to give him, he sucks abit & cry again.. then dun want to suck anymore.. used to finish 130ml one shot.. now not able to or will leave 20-30ml of milk.

mummies~~ you all feed ur baby on demand or will wake ur baby up to feed? my MIL today told me that my boy not as chubby as last weekend. eh~~ i feed him on demand la.. he don't wake up crying for milk, i didn't feed him lo. cos it is like he always dun want to sleep after feeding.. will stay awake, want pple to talk to him then he will sleep. so eg. he woke up at 1.30pm for milk, 4.30pm supposed to be the next feeding. but he 3.30pm then sleep, i don't think i will wake him up at 4.30pm to feed him. let him just sleep for 1hr? i pity him lei. he like panda eyes liao.. so if only let him sleep 1hr, super panda liao lo.. must go MTM to get his panda eyes away liao. not sure my MIL knows about taking care of baby or not lei.. things that she supposed to know, she like dunno. things like we dunno, she act like she knows. eg. she said let my baby drink barley cos baby not pooing everyday.. pls lo, i heard from my friends & colleagues saying drinking barley is a NO NO NO. too cold for baby liao. MIL said last time her sons also drink that. i didn't reject her until i get confirmation from friends that it is a no. usually sat / sun i will leave baby there. when she warm up the milk, she will ask me like that ok or not. hmmm~~ i think this is very funny lei. you take care of ur sons before, ask me the milk like that can or not? test it with ur hand lo...

Mrs ang/littlemay

My boy nw 12wks also same. He wont cry during feed but tend to slp n leave 20-30ml behind. Sometimes nvr slp but distracted n jus dun wan drink liao. I think its OK ba, so long weight gain and all is fine..


I feed on demand. But if he cries arnd 2-2.5hrs, i still give him milk. But if he slping n pass the feeding time, i let him be. Cos BBs knw when they hungry, when slpy n all. So nt a issue la, jus feed on demand. As i mention, weight gain still gaining then its fine. Tats wat my PD always mention..

re: bb drinking lesser

mine also same! Last time used to drink 120, now reduced to 100 and can leave behind 20 or 30ml. Sometimes only drinks 60ml, make me so heartpain cos she drinking so little. I wonder if it's bcos she's constipated.

Re: bb cry at feed

mine too cries when i insert the teat into here mouth and will struggle/refuse to drink until i bounce her or do the yaolan motion. My MIL saw me do that this morning and told me not to do it otherwise bb will get used to it - but if i dun, bb won't settle down to drink! She tried to feed using her own method but failed so in the end have to use my method. :p


i hv been out since 1pm today and didn't return home til midnight. Kept telling hb that am tired, need to go home and settle bb and pump milk but he kept delaying. Am so upset now cos what's the point of me trying to increase bm by taking all sorts of supplement if i can't pump? My boobs were heavy and painful, my feet hurt from walking so much, my neck and back hurt from carrying bb... And after coming home still hv so many things to settle b4 i can sleep. Now am pumping as i rant here. Haiz!

Hb still can say, u go and sleep, i will handle the rest. Oh pls, if he cld do it, i'd gladly sleep. As of now he's juz surfing the net and playing FB. So upset with him.

And after i came back to my IL's place, my MIL kept telling me dun do this, dun do that. What she doesn't know is if i dun do, then my bb will get cranky and scream the house down. To save my own sanity i'd rather cater to her demands now 'cos later she'll change her pattern again.

Really feel so hard living under one roof with her sometimes...


I feed my gal every 3 hours during the day. If she's asleep, at most I will give her 1/2 hour allowance. Except at night, I let her sleep without waking her. I read in a book that during the day, in between feedings, babies should sleep between 1 - 1.5 hours. I follow this method and my baby is sleeping through the night already. But I guess it depends on what works for you.

Dewdew, you out for so long? Next time be firm with your hubby. It's very impt to pump regularly to maintain supply, otherwise supply will drop. I pump every 4 hourly, if I'm out, I make sure that I can pump at least 6 hourly. But its super tiring lor, dunno how long I can last. The worse is at night, I need to pump twice, every time I pump, I very scared my gal will cry! Then I have to stop pumping. Stressed.

Re: babies drinking lesser

Well after a quick google, it seems that 2 mth old babies drinking lesser is a pretty common occurrence. No one seems to have an answer for it...just as they are getting more alert, maybe they are also getting better at deciding their own milk intake? As long as your babies are still happy, got output, I suppose it's just a passing phase.

I don't notice that with my boy (exactly 2 mths today!) but that's because I just direct latch him all the time and I don't pay attention to how long his feeds are. And I also don't like waking up sleeping babies haha!


Ur mil is right that u should not shake bb in Yao LAN while drinking or even shaking bb while feeding coz they may get choke.. I know it's tough to make bb drink.. If u latch on is it better? Poor u .. Why come back so late? If I were u, I would scream at hb..

After Cl left .. Already 3 nights.. I have not been sleeping at all.. Coz bb's feeding too close and It is diffcult to fall a sleep for me and no point sleep for 1hr or less then get headache ,. After 2 nights I couldn't take it coz I dun sleep in the day too.. So I told hb to take the 4.30/5.30shift depending .. He can't wake up.. And I have to make the milk for him to feed and he can't even feed him without bothering me.. I was so upset .. I took over bb and bang the bottle..

Haiz my temper very bad if I dun get sleep..

Hi mummies,

my gal is also feeding lesser nowsadays. Sometimes not interested in drinking (even for night feeds which may have an interval of 5 - 6 hrs) as she will be looking around or wants to play/talk to us. I'm trying not to be worried cos it was a phase for her bro last time. Remembered that I was so agitated n worried as he was drinking lesser compared to full month but he'll drink the same amt or more after some time. Not sure if other 2nd time mummies have the same experience. If i remember correctly, there is another phase where he's very easily distracted n I have to bring him to a quiet corner to feed. He would refuse to feed when we r out at the shopping centres.

Hi Pauline,

I feed on demand but duringthe day, she'svery automatic,will wake up every 2.5 or 3 hrly to feed. However, it's more difficult to feed nowsadays. She'll willingly drink at the beginnng but halfway thru, she'll stopped n smile, push away the bottle or struggle if I continue to feed. I'll try to give her a bit more n she'll drink a lil before I stopped feeding her. But

at night, I will be on standby mode around her feeding time cos she doesn't really cry. She will be breathing very heavily n searching around which isher signal to feed. but I'm a heavy sleeper so I'll try to wait for her. However, there was this instance where she slept for 7 hrs n I waited for 2 hrs before she wants to feed. So silly of me right? But now I know her routine, she'll sleep for around 5 hrs after her last feed (hopefully this routine will continue) so I don't wake up so early to wait.

For my #1, I was advised by the Pd to feed him every 3 hrly as he was small n light when he was born (due to low aminiotic fluid n hence wasn't growing in the womb). Only started feeding by demand when his weight is around 50 percentile which by then has become a routine.

Hi tan tan, you wait for your baby to feed her at night? I do the opposite. She makes noises frequently but I do not feed her. I feed her only when she cries. Even if she whimpers, I don't feed her because her eyes are still closed. So I assume she's still sleeping. I've been feeling guilty... Not sure if I'm doing the right thing.

Asking the mommies here, when do you feed your baby at night? At every whimper or only when they cry?

hi littlemay,

i do that cos my gal doesn't really cry for milk. her signal is rooting and breathing heavily. she'll usually do this before she wakes up. then i'll tell her to wait while i make milk before i carry her. she'll cry very loudly if i carry her and the milk is not ready.

each baby has their signal for feeding. u know ur baby best. if it's just whimpering and her eyes r closed, i'll also assume baby is sleeping. my baby stretches and grunts in her sleep as well which we'll ignore.

Tantan, thanks for the info on flipping. I guess it's time for me to move the bb gym to my nanny's place so that Ethan can at least have the chance to flip when he can. If not I tink by six months he will still onli know how to sit in rocker hahha.

Littlemay, I usually feed Ethan when he whimpers his eyes never open for night feeds so if I dun feed him when he whimpers he will wail loudly very soon. We try to ensure he stays asleep as much as possible so me and hubby tend to keep a ear out for his noise. But so far Ethan hAs some kind of timing alreAdy for night feeds so maybe it's easier for us. He usually zzz at 8 so that is his last Feed and he will wake up btw 1.30-3am for another feed then it's 5-6.30am.

Esquare, how can u dun sleep? Cannot cannot have to sleep. Can u prepare the milk powder etc in the bottle first at night? Then make hubby wake up just put water will do. That's wat I do for night feeds so it's easier and we take turns.

Dewdew, i can imagine ur frustration le. The timing is too long already it's quite miserable. Maybe next time u bring out ur breast pump? At least u dun have to rely on hb's timing.

Mummies, I tink I am probably the strangest mommy already hahah my ss actually increase after I went back to work. Altho Ethan was a fairly easy bb but I just feel very stressed out when I was taking care of him 24/7 at home. This week after going back to work I just express in office and then after work pick him up from nanny and then go home I felt so mug happier and more sane. Less stress =more ss? Dun give up ok maybe other lower ss mummies could b like me too.

Re: bb refusing to drink

We also have this issue but usually it's the last feed of the day. What we do now is we will swaddle Ethan let him calm down first walk him around or rock him in the rocker sometimes it's becos he is so tired and he is also hungry at the same time so he can't decide so he screams and grunts in frustration and keep crying. Sometimes he falls asleep and then wake up bot 15-20mins later and then we feed him and it works.

I'm trying to train my gal to sleep through the night. So her last feed is 10pm and next feed is 7am. However in between I think she's hungry... But I do not feed her as long as she doesn't cry loud. Not sure if I'm doing the right thing. I'm like army camp trainer!

Mummies - I think many of you are very lucky. My bb still feeds every two hours at night and sometimes even shorter. I don't know what I'm doing wrong and I'm going crazy already.

He drinks lesser now and it seems like it's normal. But then he'll be hungry soon so I need to keep feeding him and it is so exhausting. If he can sleep at night it's not so bad. But since I can't sleep at night I am tired 24 hours.


Mummies, i remember some of u talking abt green poo.. My boy passed out green poo followed by yeloow. Is it normal. Oh ya and he also started to drool leh..

Hi mrs Ang

You latching on? It's common for babies to feed every 2 hours if they are latching on. You can try expressing.. It may last him longer... Or sometimes they just have a need to suckle. You can try giving him the pacifier. But of course there are trade offs.

Littlemay - I give him ebm now. I used to latch him but he feeds even more frequently. My elder one is hooked on his pacifier so I'm unwilling to give my little one a pacifier.

Not sure what's so bad about pacifier as it seems to calm baby down quite efficiently. Less time we thought she kept crying for milk but every time she just drink a little, so I supposed she just want something in her mouth. So now we feed her every 4 hrs, if she cries loudly in between the pacifier works. Most of the time she can finish. So far she is not always on the pacifier, usually she will spit it out after awhile.

Drool: my baby drools a lot! Aiyoh both her clothes & ours will be wet when we carry her.

Mrs Ang

I think ur BB is a drinker.. Perhaps jus haf to wait for him to outgrow tis phase or perhaps its a growth spurt. Growth spurt usually last for 2-3wks..


Me too prefer paci then thumb/fist if they really wan suckle... But so far my boy suck both thumb n paci..

oshgosh: Yup, I would be leaving Liz with my helper when I go back to work. No choice cos my parents are of no help, and my FIL is too old. Anyway, my helper adores the little one, so I feel more assured. Nonetheless, I may deposit Liz and the helper at my FIL's house on selected days so that my FIL can play with Liz and his 2 maids can watch over her too.

Re: Turning

Liz has using her legs to push herself to one side. Body has turned but her head remains. Putting her on a firmer mattress to let her squirm around.

Re: Feeding

Same here... liz is drinking lesser these days. Give her 100ml, and she takes 70-90ml. Her feeding intervals are longer too. She seems happier to be either sleeping, playing with her toys or hand. Told myself not to fret cos she's not having fever, fussing or anything. She's about 5.4kg now for 12weeks. Normal?

Re: hand sucking

liz literally worships her hands these days. She is now able to clap both hands together and suck them together! Then she offers the hands to me. Faint.............

Re: Milk ss

I'm still working on my bm ss, but know that by the end of March, I need to stop bf-ing cos I'm going for a holiday with hubby to Vietnam. Anyway, I bought fenugreek seeds from Moms R'us in United Square for $4.50 a pack. You soak a tablespoon of the seeds in hot water for 4hours and drink it... I did that and my supply seemed to have improve a little.


i took about a week for my milk to stop completely.. while i was very sad when i realised i really had no milk, i keep telling myself that its for the better cos i now have more time for my 2 kiddos..


my bb suddenly seems to be drinking lesser too! And the last 2 days during some feeds, she will cry and cry when i try to feed her.. i dunno whats wrong.. when tat happens, i hv to let her rest for awhile, then after 15 or 20 mins she'll start to whimper for milk again then i can start feeding.

i think she wants her pacifier or her hands instead of her milk.


mine loves to suck on her hand or pacifier.. so i usually pop the pacifier in cos she gets v agitated sucking her fist/thumb.. she'll end up poking or scratching her face so i rather she take the pacifier.. i jus hope she doesnt get too dependent on it and becomes hard to wean her off nxt time.

Childcare arrangements:

CC, my mum prob wont come over cos i live quite far from her so will be hard on her to make the trip over everyday..

if no choice, i think i may put my bb and helper over at my in laws place.. when they are away, their helper is there which means my bb will be taken care of by 2 helpers, sigh...

this dilemma has been giving me sleepless nights for the past few weeks..

and oh ya, my no1 starts half day daycare tom! i'm very nervous thinking about it.. she has been very sticky and easily cries recently (think due to arrival of our new bb) so i know its going to be very dramatic for us when she starts school.


Anyone let your bb sleep on his/her tummy all the time? My bb seems to sleep better on his tummy. He will wake up shortly and start wailing if I put him on his back. Actually I prefer him to sleep on his back dur to possible SIDS. Any mummies can advice on how I can get bb to sleep well/comfortably on his back?

Mrs Ang, my boy slept on his tummy during one period of time. But I do that for him only for day time when I'm watching him closely in case of SIDS. But then suddenly he don't like to sleep on his tummy alr. Anyway, many times when I make him sleep on his back after I burp him, he will get angry and cry. I will offer him pacifier and he will normally calm down and spit it out when he fall asleep. But i dunno what works for your baby actually. Must trial and error

Re: baby feeding less

today my boy drank very little!! I'm sad actually cos he has blocked nose and some mucus. Most likely due to flu virus from my nephew. I feel so lousy and useless that I nvr protect my boy enough. Sigh. And I think he drank less as he is not feeling well.

Debbie - my boy also has blocked nose. It has been this way since birth and pd said it's normal. But today I also saw some mucus. My no. 1 is unwell so maybe pass to bb.

weekend is over and another new week begins again! and our ML is drawing near too... been down with the bug again, me, my hb, no.1, even no.2 seems to have caught it and is having blocked nose n coughing a little. plus, having trouble with a stubborn milk blister that refuses to heal even after 3 weeks and the blockage keeps recurring. very troubled over it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] GP suggested bactroban, an antibiotic cream but i read up and realised it passes onto the BM so didn't use. just use lanolin...

DBaby - so the cream worked for your boy? good good... now he has smooth skin again ya? ;)

Lush - sounds like you're doing a great job with the kids oredi! we're never perfect parents, we're human and we do make mistakes. parenting, especially, is an on the job training and we'll always be going by trial n error. what no.2 will benefit from is the mistakes that we've learnt not to make from our no.1... (hopefully). that's what i try to comfort and remind myself also. good that your no.2 is so independent! seems like no.2 are very often like that. from what some of my frens share at least. but mine not so leh, still needs a lot of attention.

ops baby sounding out oredi... cannot catch up on the posts le.. will do it again ohpefully later today if i have time. have a great week everyone!

Just fed my baby at 4am and pumping now. After 2 nights of not feeding her in the middle of the night, I felt guilty and fed her just now at 4 am. She cried but stopped after I gave her the pacifier and went back to sleep but I still fed her. Any mommies here gave pacifier to their babies in the middle of the night and if they stop crying, do not feed them?


If i were u, i wont feed cos maybe BB stomach 'mature' enuf to slp thru the nite liao. By waking & feed seems like encouraging BB nt to slp thru.. If BB nvr wail, jus some grunts n noise, its fine cos when BB slp, they make a lot of noise. I will only wake up to feed if BB cry, eyes open n mouth searching for something, and spit out paci.. I wished my BB is like urs n slping thru.. (jus my own tots)

Thanks dbaby! Being a first time mom, I probably worry too much. Because I read from some websites that for 2-3 month old baby, sleeping through the night means 5-6 hours. Only by about 9 months, can they sleep from 8-9 hours. Not sure how true it is. That's why I got a bit scared and once she starts crying, I feed her at about 4am which is 6 hours from the last feed.

Littlemay- I agree with dbaby. Unless you think bb is not feeding enough on a daily basis then maybe u can feed him once. Otherwise let bb sleep thru. I am the opposite. My bb keeps waking up at night. So now I am training him.

hi mummies.. my baby is now 9th weeks.. i took out his mittens last nite and swaddle him. this morning, i realised that his hands were out & there are stratches on his face. so sad! i just cut his finger nails 2 days ago. any advise on his stratches? shld i just leave it for it to heal automatically or apply medicine? if yes to apply something, what is it?

Pauline, those scratches very heartpain to see hor? My boy also now and then scratch his face as I tak off his mittens whenever I cut his nails short. Can put calendula cream. Anyway you can also check if got any sharp edges on the nails that you may have missed out and trim it away.

Littlemay, I only feed my boy in the middle of the night when he cries for milk. Other than that if he grunts and goes back to sleep I won't wake him up. Sleeping thru 5-6 hours is a very good start [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My #1 slp thru on her own frm 2 months old.. I was so happy, i nvr even wake her lo.. Haha.. Dun worry, BB knw when they r hungry or full...


I think jus let it heal ba.. I also cut my boy's nail arnd 2-3 days but sometimes also can cut hinself lo..

mommies, liz' poop has been sticky d last few days. Today she poo-ed hard stools (ie. A hard blob d size of a grape). Just called PD and was advised to dilute d FM given to her... Any other suggestions?

Btw, she's not crying much, but a little cranky.

just want to share with mummies n daddies that mothercare is having a mothercare baby fair from 3rd - 13th March 2011 at harbour front centre level 3 ... see u there



My girl on milk strike again..since yesterday she has been leaving 30-40ml behind and I try feeding her the rest she screams and cries like I'm torturing her!

Just now I gave her 60ml first den tried burping her den gave her another 60ml again. She screamed like mad den 1/2hr later she drank finished the other 60ml and screamed for more..I really dun understand y..help!

