(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

re: routine

I see many mommies with routine.. I am a person who hates routine, so, i just go as it flow.. :p now zaizai can last 2.5hrs in the day, 4hrs in the nite, quite comfortable.

Re: 2nd jab

Quite anxious abt his 2nd injection, coz will be double injection, worried he cry.. :p

Re: back to work

I started work yest, felt so happy to be back in office. I guess i compartmentalised my brain to switch bb channel off when i work. Thr shld be a trip next week but i cant go coz bb 2nd injection, mil med check up n my gynae check up all in next week.. Feel so unfair i need to take leave just after i gone back to work.

Re: reaching home from work

I think i experience wat many ppl told me, that end of working day, nothing beats a smile from our precious at home.. Hehehe.. I was so happy when he searched left n right when he heard my voice n finally smile when he saw me :-d

Dew: hope gwen is better today, just change the pd if u think not good, we have the right to change since we pay lor.. Good luck ya...


Littlepigpig, yes I'm staying at Jalan Membina. Went for first jab on Monday and it went well, julien cried for split second when the needle went in but was ok after. He has also almost doubled his birth weight of 2.42kg so I'm really happy!

Wow, seems like most have a routine. I do not have a routine for julien hence wonder if that's why he's cranky at times. Also, I usually wipe him down around 5pm. Is that too early?

Hi dewdew, I rub ruyi oil on julien's feet besides his tummy and find it more effective. Perhaps you may want to try this too?


my gal finally pooed at 5.30am after her feed.. but she had to try so hard before the poo finally came out.. i kept rubbing her tummy and pulling her legs up and down to help during the process.. the initial poo was quite hard and then subsequently became softer.

i really think Enfa is too heaty but i just bought 2 more cans yesterday! So exp somemore..

maybe i should dilute the FM too, but i tot i read some where babies will be malnourish if we dilute it.. is that true? cos i saw some of your PDs here recommending that we dilute it?


glad tat you enjoyed your first day back at work! i think working does preserve once's sanity sometimes and makes us appreciate our babies a little more.. but then again, there are some of us here who can't bear to leave their babies and would be happier staying home to care for them [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i am one of those hehe.. but too bad, i'm going back to work in May after 1 year off.. gonna miss those precious times i spent w my no 1 and also worry that i'll miss all those milestones of my no 2, hiaz..


my baby also a small baby i think.. i haven't weight her, but think she's around 5 kg plus for an almost 12 weeks old baby..

anyway, i stopped looking at the percentile for my no 1 too cos she's so light that she is probably off the charts now.. i just tell myself that as long as my kids are healthy can already, dun have to be too big [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my no 1 just started half daycare this week, was so excited yet nervous for her.. i felt like i was the one starting school instead of her! my hub has been bringing her this week and so far she seems ok.. not much tears and very happy playing with the teachers and the other kids..

next week will be my turn to send her as hub will be away, i worry that she'll cry cos she more manja w me..


anyone had their first period after giving birth already? is it normal for it to last so looongggg?? its day 7 and the flow doesn't seem to be lessening or stopping! very irritating.. wonder if its normal?

dewdew, 1 hour does seems excessive but it could be due to her inability to poo so maybe u can change pd if u wan if not can get probiotics? i tink some mommies here do give as an option rite? its up to u reallie. if the pd u going to is not great no harm changing. sometimes our gut feel can be quite accurate so...

oshgosh, me too i jsut had my menses 3 days ago but it seems to be lessening in flow... so just wondering how long it will last too..

amelia, for me i did a complete switch cos ethan was allergic to his prev FM. i just threw away his old FM.

bubbly, unfortunately its like that since i've started 2 weeks back, i've also been taking 1 day here half day there.. no choice...

cindy, okie la your gal is the petite size ones.. u shld be happie. hehe..

she stick onli 1 finger in arh... aiyoh... dunno how to help le... ethan tries to stuff his whole fist in sometimes so that is easier to prevent i tink.

jialing, i dun have a routine too..

my baby's last bath b4 bed ranges between 7pm-11pm haha, depends on wat time we get back :p

oshgosh, my girl almost 3mths, still less than 5kg hehe...

but looking at the bright side, shes still easy to carry around [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

crystal, haha! happy only coz i carry her most of the time when out coz shes in sling :p

she stick one finger in deep in her mouth lor, then will vomit leh if noone notice and pull out in time zzz

duno is it thats y she so small haha!!

less milk intake liao still vomit [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Dewdew-sometimes my ger oso cry until vy Cham for no reason.. My hb n maid will try to soothe but to no avail.. But when I take over,she calms down.. I tink they have preference one.. N most times I take over n pat her,she falls asleep but keeps peeping to chk if I'm the one carrying her.. Hope it's just a phase else I will worry when I head back to work 2wks later...

Cindy- my bb is small too.. At 3mths,she weighs 5.3kg only.. But I guessed shld b ok cos they norm double their birth weight at 3mths.. N if they r still active n drinking (tho lesser than recommended),shld b fine bah.. My #1 was not a milk fan too,at 4mths I started giving bit of white rice cereal cos she juz refused to drink..got a use spoon to feed,walk n hop ard the hse, sing non stop just to feed abit! Tried starving her for 5hrs oso not hungry..hope #2 will nt b like jiejie...

god's child, if by 3mths to double the birth weight then my girl quite far liao :p

somedays she feed so less that cant poo haha!

active hard to gauge, coz she can slp quite long hours...6hrs plus at night, then feed, and slp 4hrs more until she finally awakes zzz

wa quite siong to feed with so much activities T_T

littlemay: My belief on no pacifier is slightly shaken now because once I return to work, no breast to offer if she wants comfort sucking. I remember reading it somewhere that it's better to offer pacifier than milk bottle. If baby is overdrinking, she may vomit or get obese. Sigh ><

crystal: my baby also likes her fist more than fingers

About baby nails: Any mummies can advise me the best way to cut baby nails and remove sharp edges? I use the pigeon scissors but still got rough edges coz no nail filer. End up my gal face still got scratched haiiz. Also licking and sucking made her nails dirty.

Should I put back mittens? Maybe with mittens on, she will also stop licking/ sucking...I wonder

oshgosh: ya, there are 2 sides of the coin.. one is to work to keep our sanity, but missed their development.. another is can't bear to leave them behind.. the best is like DBaby, stay home, still get hefty allowance, branded bags, keep up with their developments and also earn extra $$ now.. hehehe.. I guess you'll miss your 2 precious when you go back to work, they are so pretty!! Your #1 is adjusting fine, hope she'll stay that way..

re: bb's weight

I agree with oshgosh that percentile or the chart is just for reference, if it's too stressful, then just forego and be happy that our bbs are healthy.. each time PD says zaizai is gaining fair bit of weight, I ignore, take it as compliment.. hahahaha..

Cindy, My gal friend also like your gal vomit after drinking BM, her PD asked her to mix with Friso Comfort. Maybe you can check with your PD?

Baby's weight, every baby is different so don't be stressed okay.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Cindy

I read in books that spitting up after drinking is due to reflux. What they suggest is to give pacifier after drinking (which I don't really like) and put the baby in an inclined position after drinking instead of lying flat.

Btw cindy, your gal was delivered by dr Kek right? Was it on 21dec? Cos I know dr Kek delivered a few babies during that 2 days. If so, we may have met each other at Mt E

any mummies noe if i can return products to ntuc after opening? so fed up i bought pet pet diapers yest, the sample on display is velcro type, i open the pack is sticker....

Bluehime-I only use the pigeon scissors,no nail file also.. The edges right,I norm will trim it n cut it to b rounded..got to b vy careful tho cos near the skin...

Can check with5h mummies using avent anyone colic bottles, when yr bb is drinking from the bottle, do you observe many many bubbles in the bottle? I see a lot of small air bubblees on the milk surface. Dun noe if

My baby blow them inside. But I dun experience it with other bottles.

stefie, i dun have a fixed PD T_T

think when i bring her for her jab next week will check with the PD..

now her 'excess' come out from mouth instead of butt haha!

2 days no poo liao zzz

i stress coz of her vomitting, plus low weight.. sometimes she slp so much that duno if shes taking enough haiz!

littlemay, my girl doesnt vomit immediately after feed...

she vomits abt 1-2 hrs after feed..has it got to do with the position also?

ya my girl was delivered by dr kek, not 21st dec...yrs also by dr kek ah?

on my delivery day she had 3/4 patients also haha!!

Rainbow, can I change pigeon bottles to avent? Does avent do this trade in too? U hav any idea normally hw much percent off? Jill wanna change her avent to avent bigger bottles too.

Think 12march is taka fair [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies

I'm in KKH nw. Boy warded cos of a lump jus below the armpit. Its filled with puss n jus went thru a small surgery to remove it.. Need to admit for a day to monitor. If all fine, tml can discharge liao..

Tis morning so worried after see it. Plus HB nt arnd.. Take cab here n there.. Activate both my sis for UL!! So stress!!!

Doc says its some reaction to the BCG and tt it shld recover nw tt all the puss come out. Mentiones tt some BBs will haf tis reaction cos immunity nt so good.. And it can be anytime 4-6M frm birth.. Jus to share with u so tt u wont be caught alarm...

Debbie/ baby: my boi also milk strike until I confused want dun want so I latch him till he fall asleep. Some feed ard 60 to 70 ml only. Wonder if he is not feeling well still. He was under the weather last week . He cranky and super mang Chang I am going crazy Liao wanna pull out all my hair ...

Dun want to sleep in aft and now just fell asleep and will do US timing again tonight [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Very diff to tiao his timing

Jia ling: hi Neighbour I also membinian... The PD Edmund package is 1800 plus right. Have u been to his clinic ?'is he good?

Cindy, poor mine, it is normal for baby to vomit. Alexis also after 1-2 hrs. I just put her in rocker or use a pillow, so her head is level up. I have another friend gal can't poo when on bm, change to fm better. Every baby different. Her poo is it daily or alternate days? Maybe all the nutients adsorbed by clarice so no output.

Littlepigpig, I find avent over rated. I prefer playtex vent aire range. Which can see less bubbles in the bottle, and playtex bottle are cheaper than avent. Heng thing is alexis can burp and fart by herself, so no colic.

Dbaby, poor mine, heng yr sis can help you. Don't be stress okay. Your boy will be fine. Sayang sayang.

dbaby, hope yr boy gets well soon and thanks for sharing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my girl also BCG abit swollen, going to check with PD..

btw, yr boy's BCG taken at the butt or under armpit?

stefie, haha maybe coz of her vomitting plus low weight gain make me scared shes not taking enough [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i do burp her after feeds, but still can vomit, esp she like to put one finger deep into her mouth, then will hear vomit sound and soon will vomit after liao zzz

she used to poo daily at least once, but now 3 days no poo liao zzz

as much as i hope all nutrients absorbed or she vomit instead of poo, i still scared she constipated..

but since she's still farting i think should be ok?

Jc bb, perhaps we can meet up one day since we stay in the same area [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The package cost $1838 including consultations. We went for the first 6 in 1 jab on monday & Edmund koh was super friendly and fast. My boy just cried for a split second and was ok after. Have to see him for more times before I can comment though. However, heard that he's committed from another mom staying in the same estate as her 2 yrs old boy has been seeing him.

Hi Cindy

Yes, my gal is delivered by Dr Kek. Just wondering which pd she recommended for you. Is it Dr Wong Mei Ling at Paragon? I don't find Dr Wong very good but I trust Dr Kek a lot, so her recommendation should be good?

I'm using avent bottles. Yes I notice the bubbles, but I thought it was because my gal is blowing??!!

Anyway my gal has lots of gas. Has been taking Dentinox for a month, not much effect. Decided to stop already. Now taking Bio Gaia probiotics.

just logged in and didn't manage to read up on posts yet, wanted to update my gal's bcg reaction and ask around and here i see Dbaby and cindy's post, so qiao!

my gal's BCG site also started swelling up last week (really huge, 1 cm or slight bigger and very round and swollen) and the GP gave antibiotic cream. the same night, it burst and a lot of pus came out. the whole thing flattened (but still so big, i feel so sad).. then last few days it started swelling again. it cuold be bacteria, or reaction to the actual bcg germs. we're possibly going to take sample of the pus if there' more coig out and send the cultutre in for lab test.

quite surprised case my no.1 developed a swell after 4 weeks and then subsided and now the scar is very tiny. so wasn't expecting such a big reaction with no.2. so sad, such a big scar.. and i'm praying hard it won't get inflammed again. Dbaby how's your boy now?

crystal - yes if you have receipt can bring back to return. basically what u saw on display was not what u got, can change one...

Thanks Stefie


the BCG on his left arm & the swell is on the left, 3inch down frm his armpit. didnt noticed it til tis morning n wonder hw cld we missed it??


ya, tts wat the doc says. it will be on same side with BCG. n also doing the culture test for him... nw jus monitoring the 'cut' on the swell where they take out the puss. n also for any fever etc... nw all alone in the ward with BB...

update everyone that BHG, bugis is having baby fair ... most of the things down by 20% off .. i m not sure other outlet of BHG has this sale or not ..


hope your boy can be discharged tom.. u take care of yourself too, you need your health to take care of your 2 precious..

think its quite common for BCG mark to swell and develop pus.. i had that too when i was in primary school.. until now, i have a super huge ugly scar on my arm cos of the lump bursting.

Update of Baby Fair

1. Takashimaya Baby Fair 2011

Dates: 9 to 28 March 2011

Venue: Takashimaya Singapore

2. Mothercare Baby Fair

Dates: 3 to 13 March 2011

Venue: Harbour Front Centre Level 3

3. Baby Care Festival 2011

Dates: 18 to 20 March 2011

Time: 11a.m. to 8p.m.

Venue: Singapore Expo Hall 6B

4. Baby Expo

Dates: 22 to 24 Apr 2011

Time: (Fri & Sat) 11a.m. to 9p.m.,

(Sun)11a.m. to 8p.m.

Venue: Singapore Expo Hall 6A

5. Motherhood Fair

Date : 2-5 June (TBC)

6. Baby Expo

Date : 1-3 July 2011

Time : 11am – 9pm (Sunday: ends at 8pm)

Venue: Singapore Expo Hall 6B

7. Baby Expo

Date : 21-23 October 2011

Time : 11am – 9pm (Sunday: ends at 8pm)

Venue: Singapore Expo Hall 5B

littlemay, i trust dr kek alot too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hmm i chose gynae myself (she's been seeing the kids in my family), didnt get recommendation from dr kek..

i believe her recommendation should be good ba..maybe check with dr kek when u see her post natal?

yvaine, my girl's bcg site also swollen abt 1cm..zzz

reading abt the bursting and pus coming out scares me! haha

hoping that it will start to subside b4 i see PD next week T_T

dbaby, i also notice the swell this morning only :p

i always see red colour, but only this morning while bathing her then i press only to realise its swelling lor haiz..


its nt the BCG swell. but a lump tt formed underneath the armpit there.. tt gt me so scared. if BCG, i wont bring to KKH liao.. i tot wat growth it was.. lucky its jus a reaction frm the BCG jab..


ur gal swell at the BCG there??

hi mummies,

after a nite's sleep i managed to think clearer and stress level also dropped. i think was also feeling guilty 'cos first day back at work and couldn't spend time with my gal. :p

oshgosh, good to hear your gal pooped. my gal also this afternoon! that is certainly a relief for me. i think the milk dilution worked. she drinks more often but her water intake is more.

crystal, i also pack my stuff ready the night before, but i dun have the luxury of taking cab to work. will be too expensive! i have to walk quite a fair distance to catch the bus and to the office. carrying 2 bags to work is no joke... esp when it rains!

dbaby, oh dear, i hope your boy is ok now. didn't know BCG will cause such things. so worrying! take care yah!

yvaine, my gal still did the crying thing today, but we have deduced it is due to my lack of presence. 'cos i was the main caretaker all this while, then suddenly i'm not around... just need some adjusting.

rainbow, thanks for sharing the number of wet diapers and how to tell if baby is dehydrated. i always thot the soft part on the head will be slightly sunken in? cos whenever i run my finger through that area, it'd be sunken. i didn't know it means she's dehydrated. :p

cindy, i've also heard from my PD that Friso Comfort is good for bbs that have reflux or constipation. but bbs who take that needs to drink more water. if your bb keeps puking then maybe u might wish to try it.

dew, dun mentioned. we're here to share ma.. ;)

mummies giving yr bb fm

what is yr bb's poo colour?? how come my is yellow/dark green?? is it normal?

dbaby, ya my girl swelling at the BCG spot direct haha..

i only realised this morning then i saw yr post haiz..

dewdew, thanks i will consolidate all my qns and check with PD haiz!

her vomitting quite self induced i find, coz she puts her finger deep into her mouth then will vomit T_T

but difficult to stop her unless i'm watching her every move haiz!

Mummies, must we throw away FM powder if not consumed within 4 weeks after opening? Had threw away 2 almost full tin last 2 mths as I only supplement fm to bb on days when bb still hungry after feed.. But I find it really a waste!!

Any mummies keep it in fridge n continue using it though after the 4 weeks?


Take care. Me too feel guilty and sad when i just started work esp when i parked my girl in my inlaw's place for some nites. At least you can still see your darling every nite. Afterall, is our own mil/mum taking care, we should feel safe.


Hope your boy is better now. Didn't know BCG can cause that...

re bb weight,

I guess my girl should be the smallest size here bah. 2 weeks ago, when we weigh her, she is only 4.04kg. If by 3rdmth, bb's weight muz double, then she is consider underweight already.

By the way, today i saw my girl's head (softpart) looks scaly. Anyone know y? Too dry? What shld i do?

Bluhime - for my elder boy, I used to use the scissors used till trim eye brow. The tip is a bit curved. It's very small so easy to use. Can reach edges too. But need to be careful because of the sharp tip. I only cut when bb is sleeping.

For my bb now, since I'm more confident I just use nail clipper for babies. Can reach most edges Hope this helps.

Hi bloom may

I've the same problem. I only supplement with formula for 1 night feed and a few weeks ago, I started giving 100% ebm. Wondering how long I can keep the formula.

Bloom may, it's stated on e tin than once open gotta finished within 4 wks. I think maybe Is to maintain e freshness of e fm ba..

