(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Yurieve, I'm using NUK latex teats too. But I use stage 1 size M even though I feed EBM. I have not tried using size S before as M works fine for my boy. The flow can be fast for him sometimes and he choke a bit but I just take out teat let him settle down and then he continue drinking as per normal. He has a lot of wind though. I dunno issit due to fast flow? So normally I burp

him longer.


how to change from one brand of fm to the other?? anyone can teach me??

anyone use desitin diaper rash cream? which one u choose between maximum strenght and rapid relief? is it better than drapolene?

I3lovebaby: it depends, if he super shack then just put him down will do. If not so tired then I pat Him a little, but at least no need carry. My hands n wrist so tired from massaging my breast really cannot tahan carry him n rock him to sleep every night.

Drapolene vs desitin,

Desitin is much stronger, if just for prevention u can just use drapolene. If not take the blue rube desitin which is milder.

Sigh... My poor boy sick, coughing, brought him to PD today. Now struggling with him to feed him medicine cos he spit half out. Any mummy advice on how to feed the medicine? Can mixed into the milk?

I used to let bb sleep on his tummy. But because of sids I have decided to train him to sleep on his back. He throws his arms and legs about and cries. So I give him pacifier to calm him down. He can sleep this way. Problem is, he wakes up when the pacifier falls off. And he will cry loudly like he's very scared.

Mummies, any tips?meanwhile i have to sit beside him and put back the pacifier everytime he cries n

Ling: I put medicine into her feed or else she spits it out. Only thing is, sometimes she doesn't finish her feed so I don't know how much medicine she had consumed.

Mrs Ang: just put back the pacifier when he cries. When they are able to sleep longer, the sleep will be deep enough for them & they won't wake up suddenly.

Sleeping through: sometimes my girl will sleep from 7+pm to 5am... Seems like too long if sleeping through is just 5 hrs. I guess if shes hungry she will wake up.. So I won't wake her up at night for feeds.

Anyone tried Dr Brown bottles? My fren recommended it to me.

Re: sleeping through the night

I guess it's ok for them to sleep longer than 5-6 hours if they are drinking more during the day. But my gal isn't, in fact she has been taking less during the day. And she has not gained weight for the past week. So pd has asked me to give her one more feed.

ling, my medicine is fed by syringe. I will feed the medicine when it is feeding time. What i do is put the syringe into her mouth and insert a bit of the medicine into the inside of her cheeks...then stuff the milk bottle in her mouth immediately. She will drink it down with the milk. Just repeat this until all the medicine is fed. Haha.

NTUC@nex got mini baby fair... but not say very cheap... for e.g. pigeon wipes $9+ for 3 packs (kiddy palace sells it at $10.50), also mammy pokko is $20.65 (S size 72 pieces).

bubbly, ya thankfully for me its not everyday cos i have work from home days so its not so shiong if not can pengs from cab fare alone haha...

ya will have mixed feelings one le when u going to go back to work.. what i did was i try to condition myself 1 week before going back so i let his bbsitter take care of ethan and i leave for couple hours then slowly 1 day.. so as to adjust lo. ur is helper right? u can try to do the same lo just leave the house and do soemting else for a while if not suddenly u withdraw i tink will have withdrawal symptoms ahha...

mrs ang, i have a routine for ethan usually i will wipe him, change, dim the lights, turn on music etc swaddle him and then feed him milk, after all these is done then place him in the cot and tell him good nite etc and then leave the room. now he will fuss bot 5-10 mins and then he will zzz.. so his sleeping time is normally at about 8pm and then he will sleep till 1.30-3am then wake up for a feed. he will finish and then continue sleeping till 3 hours later. i will return like 1 hour later or so to turn off music and lights.

e sq, u still not getting any sleep arh?

re: scam

Ya lor, luckily my mom smart.. N luckily everybody safe n sound..

DBaby: it's not hassle to apply the passport online, you can just take bb's any photo ( i supposed wuth plain white background) n crop using a tool provided on the application. I took zaizai's pic with him lying in his cot head placed on white blanket.. :p

Yurieve; ur mom really up to date :)

E-square: maybe i saw wrongly. Thought your hb own Bliss.. Some photos on FB i think.. Hehehe...

Crystal: can imagine the anxiety.. N it's nice to be able to work from home..

Re: ntuc @ nex - petpet

Ya, tenQ, just now i saw got a mini baby fair.. Saw that they are carrying velcro fastener design already.. Was it milo who asked the other time? Cant remember...

thanks bubbly and Eon today no more LS liao, thank God. must be the portugese tart i had from the bakery...yummy but the egg must have been bad.

crystal - wow your boy 7+ kg liao ah... well done mommy! your little one is very well nourished!

bubbly - wow close shave... good thing your mom is very sharp. so terrible!

Mrs Ang - sounds like a really tough time. did you say this is your no.2? is is this no.1? yes pacifier is good for use at times. just do whatever keeps you sane every baby is different and require different ways to manage. hope you'll catch his 'patterns' soon!

ESquare - gathering, sounds like a good idea to meet before more mommies go backto work! can request lunch time? that's when my girl is at school and i have 2 hours to go out if i want to. will probably bring baby along too.

for the NEL mommies, wanna arrange something in te area? sengkang, hougang, s'goon etc

Baby's feed amount..

my baby opposite. i started putting her on the bottle more because need to let my nipple milk blister head, so i pumped more instead of latching for the right side. and i realise she's taking on average 120ml. night time feed even 130ml at times. BUT.... last night i gave her 130ml, she still woke up 3 hours later for more milk. i thought with 130ml, she could at least go for a longer stretch like 4-5 hours...

mommies who give BM at night - do u give around 120-130ml and your babies sleep thru???

i guesseach baby is different, i just have to wait patiently for her to be able to sleep longer stretches. my no.1 slept thru at 10 months last time, when i stopped BFing. if it's anything like her jieji then i have another 7 monhs more, hahaha...

self -soothing to sleep

i can't say my baby self soothes very well. sometimes need to be carried, rocked. but yesterdya i was quite amused. i lay her on the bed whie i was putting on my makeup, and she watched me do so with fascination. then started winding down, til she fell asleep! must have been boring after aa while, hahahaha...

littlemay - 6 in 1 first jab usually not much SEs. hope yours is like that too


Yap life is tough.. Especially in the night .. These two days became worse.. Usually nights he has about 2 feed is 3 hrly but now all 2hrly just like day.. I dun get to sleep at night and day as well.. Wah totally dying soon

Crystal - you are doingca great job with your bb. I introduced a sleep routine since last Monday. I started to get bb to sleep on his back since last night. Hopefully the routine will help bb to fall asleep by himself soon. It should also help him to stay asleep for longer hours right?

Yvaine - yes, really tough now. So embarasses to say, this is my number two and I'm still struggling. I used to have problems with number one's sleep as well. But that time only one bb so not so stressed. Husband also can help with night feeds. But now I nd to do night feeds myself while my husband sleep with number one.

hi crystal, wat is CIO method?

I let my baby sleep on yaolan in the day & bed at night. It's ok, ya? Sometimes give pacifier only. Cos dun want him to cry till stomach gt wind.

yvaine, hahaha i'm not sure if he's well nourished or over weight le. i guess i will noe next mon when he go for vaccine.

feed amt, i have the same issue as u. it doesnt matter if i give ethan more or less at nite if he wakes up he wakes up and he wans milk again. so now at nite i do not up his feed. i jsut feed him 120ml. day time he will drink 150ml of EBM.

E square, u poor thing le. aiyoh.. can u rotate with anyone? at least u can zzz for a while?

Mrs Ang, yes i tink routine helps for me. cos it will indicate to bb that its nite time, time to sleep. it does i tink for ethan he does sleep longer.

pauline, CIO = cry it out. but i do not reco this for everyone. it reallie depends on ur bb and ur determination. u can check out ferber method which is CIO method. i followed this method to train ethan to sleep on his own.

i do not think there is a hard and fast rule on wat to give and wat not to give. wat works for u and bb to give everyone peace and sanity is most impt i find.

mommies using pet pet, can tell me if the cutting is the high cut type? or the bigger size type? i tinking of switching but i dun wan to end up with another pack that ethan outgrows super fast.


mrs ang, i put ethan in home based nanny in amk, i pay her 650 a month.

Mrs Ang, I'm putting julien with a daytime nanny at Tiong Bahru and am going to pay $700 a month excluding food. She's more ex than market rate but she's staying in the next block (convenient) and experienced, having taken care of 5 kids previously.


Dryers cutting is small .. Pet pet slightly bigger .. My boy is wearing pet pet M size and mamy poko M..

Mrs ang

I think market rat of nanny also depend on the quality of the nanny.. I used to charge 800 per month excluding food for 3 mths and 900 for 1.5y.. Different price coz at 1.5 y I teach them craft,and alphabet .. At 3 mths on I do flash cards with them..

E sq, thanks for the info. good good cos ur son and mine are the sumo kind one rite hahaa.. so i tink if urs can fit size M, ethan should be able to fit M size as well. He wears mammy poko M size at night too hehee..

Mrs ang, i agree with E sq, it reallie depends a lot on the quality. mine is cheaper cos she doing it to pass time cos her kids are all grown up already. we do not bring ethan on sats altho we can so its like give and take.

amelia, i called up poly appmt line, they said that if we call to make appmt for vaccine, assessment is auto tag to the appmt. However, i'll confirm again after i bring Ethan on monday.


How heavy is ur kid? Mine is 7kg still ..

How's ur routine like for bb? I will fix a routine at 3 mths coz my 2 elder boys has their set of routine too so may clashes...;(

crystal/esquare, wat u feed baby with! haha really big, my girl barely 5kg zzz

hope she's not underfed T_T

mummies, is there any way of stopping baby putting hand/ fingers into mouth?

my girl seems to like it then will vomit if she does it too long and noone notice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

DBaby: Thanks! Too busy monitoring her intake with hope of finding the answer till never occur to me to just provide one extra bottle.

Yvaine, Crystal: May I know how old your baby is? Mine just turned 2 months and she still wakes up every 3 hour for milk. Too lazy to prepare bottle at night so I latch her on and she is satisfied with one breast only. Negative side...don't know how much milk that can make her zzz again. Will boy drink more than girl?

Any mummies here whose baby is buffet eater i.e. drink milk bit by bit? I think mine is, especially when she is about to sleep at night:

1. She starts wailing at 7pm. Give her 120ml in bottle, sometimes it's finished, sometimes left over

2. Wails again at 8pm. Carrying, patting etc doesn't work so latching her on and off until 10 or 11 pm when she goes to la la land.

This is soooooo tiiiring.. Or should I intro pacifier really? Rainbow, littlemay, how do you know it's not milk the baby wants but simply comfort sucking so giving pacifier will do? Thanks!


After drinking milk and playing for sometime, my gal will start making some pleading sounds and look at me with a pleading look and she starts yawning. Then I will put her to bed and give her the pacifier. Sometimes she manages to sleep on her own after I put her in bed, sometimes she will want a pacifier. I feed her about 140ml each time 3 hourly so I don't think she is hungry so soon. After she goes to sleep, she will spit out the pacifier.

But if you are a strong advocate of no pacifier, then stick to your belief.

Esquare, crystal, how come your babies reach 7kg already? Wow!! Mine still like less than 5.5kg.

Re: feeding less

hi mummies, will there be a time when babies feed lesser than what they used to drink? My boy now drinks about 70 to 100ml as compared to the past 120 to 150ml leh. Is it a phase after he finish growth spurt??

Esquare - wow yours is indeed another little sumo! hahaha... my girl also sometimes wake very often at night, especially second half of the night towards dawn. can be 1-2 hours! cause she feeds til she dozes off, and when i tried to wake her to drink some more, she wouldn't...

Mrs Ang - don't feel paiseh... me too, i struggled so muchwrt sleep isssues with my no.1... i felt so lousy, like i was a bad mommy, cannot even do sleep training properly. but really, every baby is different, so they hae different patterns.some babies are very good sleepers, some are more alert and active, some feed very well. my issue with no.2 also the same. so sometimes she sleeps yaolan, sometimes she sleeps in the cot or mattress, sometimes she falls asleep on her own...

nighttime it's family bed - all 4 of us!

no golden rule really, u can try the different methods to c what works... but for me, right from the start, i told myself, no CIO, cause really cannot bear for my kid to CIO too long. heart pain... hahah.. so gotta suffer a little lor. but it's a really beautiful feeling to have the two little ones on my left and right at night. guess it's gain some lose some...

Blue - mine's tunirng 3 months on the 29th...oh wait, there's no 29th this month.. heh.. ya but almost 3 months, still feeding 2.5-3 hours ... although occasionally 4 hours. same loh, at night she'll feed one breast in a drowsy state, then dun want liao...

Hi I am silent reader all along. May I know my baby going to reach 3 nth on first wk of march, she is around 5kg, is her weight normal or too small?

E sqaure, i jsut weighed ethan on sun he's 7.1kg. he's actually putting on lesser now already. he jsut put on 200g compared to beginning (its good to me) ahaha.. he has a routine, morning he will wake up around 7-8am depending on his last feed in the wee morning and then usually we will leave him in the cot or entertain him a bit until bot 830-9am, bathe him, feed him and then put him in the rocker to sleep again. he will sleep for another 1.5-2.5 hours wake up change him, tok to him abit and then prepare milk for him, finish sleep again.. so he more or less repeats the same until 4 plus 5.. and then he's more awake. we will pick him up from nanny around that time so he's awake all the way, usually this time i will read to him, play flash card, sing songs with him usually till bot 7 plus 8 pm, then we'll change him, feed him and then put him down to sleep for the nite. so usually by 8-8.30pm i'm free liao.

cindy, ethan was big when he's born la.. so mayb that's y when he puts on the number "increases" more this way?

putting hand into mouth, i dun tink there's any ohter method haha except to prevent bb from doing this diligently haha. ethan's nanny and us are very on for this hahah cos have pattern one rite? they will clasp both hands then slowly move towards the mouth so once u see them clasp hand togehter u stop them lo.

bluehime, mine is turning 3 months on 27th. mine drinks 150ml EBM in the day, 120ml FM 2 X at night. i think boys grow faster then gals in general.

debbie, cannot compare la.. every bb grows at different speed... so long as ur boy is growing and is healthy most impt.

yes Debbie, its normal. mine was like tat for 2wks. its jus a passing phase [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just like growth spurt, for a period.

Oh Ethan is already 3 months old. My gal is 2 months old. Based on current growth rate, she should be around 6kg plus at 3 months. She was born quite small at 2.9kg. But health is most important, as long as baby is growing, should be fine. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


No prb abt it.. Sometimes we jus too over anxious thus sudden slip ur mind.. All here to help n share..


Ur BB good le.. Last time with my gal is like tt but tis boy totally different le.. Haiz.. Same like E Sq, i really really am sleep deprived...!! Sob sob... I tell myself by 4M-6M, i might try offering water instead of milk if he still dun build up a routine.. I'm going bonkers soon with so much sleeping debts on the wall, waiting to be catch up!!!! Argghhh...


So the drinking less is something like growth spurt?!? Okok, will take note. Cos sometimes he can ask for milk in 2hrs but only drink 50-70ml and sometimes finish all the 130ml. And sometimes more than 3hrs then drink.. I'm so so confused!!

Alright, gotta go vacuum n mop the flr. After tt start on preparing dinner.. Tis morning grandma went for her appt check at poly so only managed prepare lunch, laundry n get ready ingredients for dinner.. No nap today!!!

haa.. yalor Dbaby. i was so worried when bb went on milk strike too. normal normal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just to share, my routine is as follows:

7 Feedings a day : 7am, 10am, 1pm, 4pm, 7pm, 10pm, 4am

Breakfast 7am

Playtime till 830am followed by bath

Naptime 845am to 10am

Mid morning break 10am


Naptime 11am to 12pm

Playtime again

Lunch 1pm

Naptime 2-4pm

Afternoon teabreak 4pm


Rubdown time 630pm. Changed into pyjamas, on Aircon and play music.

Usually asleep by 8ish.

Supper 10pm, she does not wake up so I do a dreamfeed so that she can last longer into the night

Middle of night feed 4am

Just to share, my bb routine is as follows:

8 Feedings a day (150ml - 180ml): 6am(ebm), 830am(formula), 1130pm(ebm), 2pm(formula), 5pm(ebm), 730pm(latch on), 9pm(latch on), 3am/4am(formula)

Breakfast n change 6am

reach nanny house at 7am

Playtime til 830am followed by bath n food

Naptime maybe 1 hour if lucky if not have to entertain him with a lot of talks

Mid morning break 1130am

Playtime n talk time

Lunch 2pm

Naptime if lucky can hv 2 hours or else 30 minutes

Afternoon teabreak 5pm then bath


pick him up from nanny house at 7pm, reach home 730pm

Dinner 730pm

talk n complain with mama n papa

supper 900pm

Changed into pyjamas n on Aircon

Usually asleep by 9ish.

Middle of night feed 3am/4am

i m a bit greedy .. i hope my boy can sleep whole night without the 3am/4am feed ... but, i m nt sure when can it be ..

Crystal: ic ic .. as long they do arrange for u for the assessment then is great .. thanks for the milk powder .. btw, do u know how to change from one formula to the other?? should i mix or just change directly?

Cherry, thanks for the reassurance on the phase of drinking less. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: putting hands into mouth

just realised when the pacifier drops out of my boy's mouth, he will suck his fist/thumb!! Haha I dunno what to do. But I think pacifier habit is a better habit than sucking thumb cos it's easier to get rid of right?

mummies, HELP!!!!!

my bb dunno why has been suddenly crying inconsolably, for long durations (half hour or more). i see and hear already very heartpain. i tried rocking her, walking her, giving her pacifier, everything also cannot work. i dunno if it's colic, could it be? she cried so hard until almost lost her voice. i had to latch her on before she stops, 'cos i just couldn't bear it anymore.

now i've started work, i can't possibly latch her on when i'm not around. my parents are having a hard time also, esp. today when it's my first day of work. what can i do?

base on PD's recommendation, i've already changed her FM to NAN HA and Friso Comfort mix. so far NAN HA is not able to let my bb poo, so she told me to mix with Friso Comfort. It's only been the 4th day for the mix & I dunno how soon it's supposed to work. i'm so scared she's actually afraid of shitting, so she's keeping everything inside until cannot tahan anymore.

such dilemma... shd i change PD? so far she's not been able to help my bb's poo issues, and everytime i go to her i gotta spend so much for non-effective advise. or shd i get referral to the hospital to get them to check her over?

really feel so upset over this... what shd i do?

Hi dew dew

Is this the first day that you're leaving your baby at your parents place? Sometimes babies get cranky with new surroundings or new caregivers.

Like when my confinement nanny left, my gal cried non stop for 1 hour plus in the middle of the night!

Mummies, I'm trying to train bb to sleep well at night. Can tell me if I'm doing it correctly? I started it 2 days ago. So far bb still wakes up a few times at night for feeds and many other times I gave him pacifier to sooth him back to sleep. Here's the routine.

8pm - Bathe

8.20pm - ebm 120ml

8.35pm - swaddle and put him on a matress beside my bed and read him a story. If he fussed I give him pacifier.

9ish - he falls asleep.

I'm not sure if I should read until he falls asleep. And even after he sleeps and spit out the pacifier, he will wake up and I have to put it back then he'll go back to sleep.

One more thing. He drank 100 ml at six. I didn't wait 3 hours but fed him 120ml after bathing him. When i put him in his crib and read to him, he vomitted everything and it was horrifying! Not sure if he chocked on his saliva or pacifier or I overfed him.

Anyone can advise?

Amelia, for me I change directly but then Ethan is never fussy over teats or fm or ebm. U can try if not maybe u wan to try one feed first and see if he rejects? If he doesn't then maybe it's oki?

Dewdew, ya maybe gwen is missing ur presence? ESP if u been her main caregiver right?

crystal: i hv a bit of difficulties that fm is feed at nanny n my house ... so, the old fm hv to finish first, right? means i hv to give most of the old one to nanny, right?? i m confuse already le .. my boy never fussy over teats or fm or ebm or direct latch on

littlemay, i've been staying at my parents' place since i gave birth, so 5 days a week we'll be here. new surroundings and caregivers are out 'cos my parents have helped take care of her during the day too.

crystal, i have been her main caregiver but my parents help out during the day also. so they are not strangers to her... could it really be she misses my presence? but even after i tried to soothe her during her crying bout she didn't stop. i really headache over it. they say crying is good for the lungs but it's definitely not good for her tummy... i think it's rounded with air!

think later tonight i'll give her a dose of dentinox, see if it'll help her. really headache & heartpain...


sounds like you're really stressed out by gwen today.. for peace of mind, i would suggest bringing her to the PD for a checkup.. and if you dun feel comfortable w the existing PD, you should go to another one..

some babies do cry for no real reason but sometimes its better to just let the doc check, no harm..

u can try my PD at Gleneagles, there are actually 2 docs in the clinic I go to that I find very good. The clinic is called International Child & Adolescent Clinic, recommended doctors are either Dr Ngiam or Dr Y Y Yip..

my bb also hasnt pooed in 2 days.. ever since she started on full FM, she has been poo-ing once everyday.. and then about 2 weeks back, it became once every 2 days. and since yest, she hasn't pooed yet.. sigh, i dunno whether she's constipated.

i never had this problem w my no 1.. hoping to see her poo by tom, if not i will be very worried too..

wow so many babies on a routine..for my baby, i've been more slack this time round.. never really put her on a routine..

she usually just drinks milk every 3 or 4 hourly, even at night.. as for playtime, she's usually alert in the morning and evenings.. sleeping quite soundly in the afternoon.

as for her night time, i usually wipe her down at around 8plus and put her in her cot by 9plus.

She needs a pacifier to fall asleep, but i figured its better than having to carry or rock her.

i can see she's becoming very dependent on the pacifier though, so hoping to wean her off in a few months time!

oshgosh, yep, really stressed out. so much so i snapped at my hb when he called 3x this evening. :p

i would like to seek a PD's opinion but then again i think PD will say bb crying is normal, that i'm worrying for nothing. haiz!

i hope mine poos tmrw, we've already been diluting her fm so that she gets more water in her cos she doesn't drink plain water. how many times do u all change your bb's diapers? i think my mum changes only 3x or 4x a day. but usually only when diaper feels heavy. i would like to know what's the norm so as to rule out a dehydrated baby.

dew dew, how's yr mixture like for nan and friso.. my boy has been on friso comfort for abt 2mths le... pd suggest if bb drinking 90ml, enfa 1/3 and friso 2/3 but since last week, i've been giving enfa 2/3 and friso 1/3 cos my mum says enfa has more nutrients.. Used to poo daily when started friso but ever since i increase e enfa intake, he pooed on alternate days.

Wow seems like most mummies have routine for their bb. U mean feed acording to. The timings n not by demand? I ve no routine at all n bb super cranky these wks, keep crying n refuse to sleep after feed too. Needs to be carried till full next feed! My arms n palm so sore from it!

Jialing, u stayard tiong bahru? Cos I saw

u taking packaged from babes n totes clinic? Me gonna take his too.

dewdew, i'll change my boy's diaper every 4-5hrs or unless he poos. Normally how I gauge by dehydration is i'll touch his soft skull.. if sunken in means dehydrate...


crystal, my baby almost 3mth, dun think she will reach 5kg :p

duno to be happy or sad i got a light baby to carry around haha!

as for putting hand in her mouth, i dun see her pattern leh...seems like she will just stuff a finger in so deep until she end up vomitting!

shes been vomitting so much that she doesnt poo T_T

hope all these will end soon.. haiz!

dewdew, is gwen farting? if have i dun think she's afraid of pooing ba..

since u uncomfortable with her current PD think better change to another..

no point spending money listening to useless advises [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

