(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Hi ladies!

Have anyone experienced issues when changing bottle teats? Jul just turned 1 month tdy n I have tried changing the bottle teat from no. 1 to no. 2, I.e. 1 to 2 drops.

Tried feeding once I'm morning n the feed went well. Subsequently, changed the rest. However, he's not doing well in feeds after. Fuss when drinking (keep opening his mouth but refuses the bottle when offered) and need at least 2 feeds to finish the bottle. Wonder if it has to do with the teats...


Ya, gt.. Some graphics tt will add up to my #1 tee.. Dun knw hw to explain.. U add me in FB lo.. When i recvd itor on her bday, i sure take pic n post. Somemore i find tis seller pricing nt so ex so i try..


Usu 80 is the BB height so abt 1yr? But also depending on BB size..


So after u latch at 8am, u will still feed at 9am? So far hw is she adapting to the routine??


Poor thing.. Jia you!!


If u worried, bring PD. Hw cum can haf smell?? Weird le..


Envy lo.. I dun mind having diahhorea to get rid of the 4kg.. But i haven weigh myself for 4wks liao.. Hopefully gt lose some more frm tt 4kg!!

Today a tiring day.. Went hougang mall for xiao long bao lunch. Reach hm prepare ingredients for dinner.. My relatives came over n HB play MJ with them.. Cook old melon soup, oyster sauce brocolli & cauliflower w/prawns, black pepper mushrooms, ginger pork & liver, beancurd w/minced meat, deep fried drumlets. Guess what?? All finish!! Tiring but worth it..

My gal also slept early today cos i made her sleep at 11pm. If nt she can drag til late late.. Grandma went over to my aunt plc to get ready for CNY so frm today til renuion, i be at hm with 2 kids when HB at work. Hope my 2 babies will be good... Wish me luck.. Nw gotta go slp, dun knw wat time BB wake up to drink cos last feed at 1030pm. Dun wanna wake him nw n see he last til wat time..

Good nite mummies!!

Sharon, no use la.. No matter wat i do he will still wake up 2 hourly.

Stefie, i'm giving him 100ml wster but when add milkpowder, it goes up to ard 120ml so do i take 120ml as e reading? Increase milk he cannot finish ...

dew: i'll send u a link on fb..

Stefie: good that alexis is growing well.. :)

DBaby: hahaha.. Dun mind laosai to shed off the weight! So funny! dun look like u've got extra 4 kg on u anyway.. :) with the food u r cooking, i doubt anyone can avoid gaining weight.. Talking abt tat, when can we taste le?

Sharon: not just coz not working and not realising it's cny next week, we r just too occupied thinking of milk time, diaper change, pong pong time, poo poo etc.. I hardly use my brain much that it is turning rusty, occasional tested by questions posted by colleagues, i nd to rub some oil coz starting work in less than a month, otherwise bosses will think like my hubby now, left my brain somewhere.. :-( wat to do, boobs r bigger ma... :p

Hey bubbly

Maybe after CNY & we see hw?? Cos HB jus ytold me tt he be away for a week frm Feb 7 again.. =(

lyn55, vivo has some small nursing rooms in the ladies toilets (labelled as baby changing rooms but no place to change baby) and a big one on the 2nd floor near the big open air playground with baby changing facilities.

dewdew, you can use a warm towel before expressing but if your boobs remain engorged and you are still uncomfortable, you should use cold compresses (ice pack, frozen peas or cold cabbage leaves) to reduce the swelling as warm compresses will make your breasts even more engorged.

nothing extracts milk better than your baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dbaby, Yes latch on 1 hr than FM feed her after that. Alexis is doing well with the routine except, we notti parents love to bring her out till very late. Like yesterday we brought her to compass point at 8.30pm, shop until almost 10pm then went to Rivervale Mall NTUC to shop for CNY stuff, reached home about almost midnight, then she can't sleep until 2am. I kena said by few kind hearted aunties and uncles, said should bring baby out that late, and that NTUC super cold, we didn't let her wear booties and like not warm enough. Maybe me and hubby more ang mo pai, really doesn't matter to us. On the whole she love the lights and the CNY music and was talking to herself, very cute[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Poor mine, you can make it, no worries. My hubby would be away to USA in end of Mar for maybe 2 weeks, I will be OMO. If earlier Alexis and myself can join him leh, but too bad I am already back to work. Be positive, everything also no problem[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] We will give you moral support.

Rainbow, from the FM can, it said 120ml of boiled water, so boiled water 120ml, plus 4 scoopes of FM powder (for nan pro), after adding would be 140ml +/-. If Reyes cannot finish 120ml, then step down, let him have 90ml (Boiled water exclude Milk Powder), if by end of 90ml he still hungry then add another 30ml(Boiled water exclude Milk powder) for him. Alexis can only drink 110ml at times and 90ml at times. But we still make 120ml.

Roz, statement of account from the bank, either the one bank sent to you or online statement also can..

Debbie: me! till now, i still have very mild clear brown staining at 8th week.. gynae asked me to go in to scan if got blood clot in the womb :p

hi mummies

superly bz, really no time no time...CL left early this week and today hubby not working so i m stealing time to log in. i have not prepared anything for CNY haiz, still feel like i m doing confinement leh.

btw, any mummies feeling S-26 to their babies? i have 10 bottles of S-26 gold infant formula to give out. These are sample bottles from TMC as it was milk of the month for dec. expiry date:15/02/2011 and some bottles 10/06/2011. initially wanted to empty these bottles to store breast milk but feel very wasted and sayang as the milk could still be drunk. any takers?

debbie: yes i delivered end dec i still have spotting here and there. btw i delivered through c sec.

Mummies using medela pisa

Do ur plastic tubings get wet often? Mine always has water droplets in them n now they r growing mould. Does this mean I hv to get new tubings? Any way to prevent this? Thx!


I salute u le.. Meaning u latch her an hr every few hrly?!? Last time when i BF, i always find 15mins (for 1 feed) already very long.. Luckily nw i jus give FM.. Nw each feed only takes 10min or less for him to finish..

Thanks for the encouragement.. I'm jus worried i cant cope with 1 more tod cos she is at her curious stage.. Hahah.. Hope HB dun need go for mtgs/appts frm mon-wed then i am safe!! (but very tough) For his trip i am nt worried cos by then grandma back at my plc liao..


Can try arrange a mini gathering once HB's work more settled down. Cos new job role then a lot of flying. Plus mummies who come with BBs, must be prepared of my #1 shoutings, itchy hands and all.. Very cheeky gal lo..

I can cook simple simple. Maybe some deep fried stuff, curry chix & veg with rice lo.. Maybe late Feb or arnd Mar.. Meanwhile if u to free or bored, can always come by n sit sit.. Haha =)

hi mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my girl now seldom wake at night for feeds, will slp thru until 6-7am, sometimes i think she drinks too little coz he capacity only abt 60ml each feed of EBM..

stefie, Alexis might be getting more than 20ml of bm when u latch, they suck better than wat the pump can get u..Alexis drinking alot as compared to my girl haha!

bubbly, i still cant make it to syringe feed baby, she can still spit out, think my way wrong liao T_T

is it at one go push all out of drop by drop?

dbaby, wa size 80 is 1yr, then too early to buy :p

i tot if they grow fast now, can reach 80 soon haha!


bfing for baby i read some actually feed for 45mins, so 15 mins considered not long? coz i feed 10mins only haha!!

evie, i think if grow mould have to change?

when water droplets get in, on the pump to let it run, the water droplets will clear..hope this helps [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bubbly, jc bb, mine suddenly from brown become red discharge. I dunno if it's lochia or my period suddenly come even though breastfeeding. Hmm? But anyway my gynae also concerned abt my long lochia and called to ask if the bleeding a lot or not. Postponed my pap smear appointment.

Stefie, Alexis should be drinking more than 20ml when latch [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I had difficulties latching and gave up just give EBM. So don't have the special chance to bond with my boy in that way. Admire you and your hardworking-ness in latching! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Evie, my PISA tubings always got water inside. I actually wash and air them occasionally as I scared grow mould. I wash and swing the tubings to let water fly out. Then connect to the motor and on the motor let the water come out.

Woah today my boy so manja keep wanting to be carried. Luckily today I went to my mum's place and she got skill can put my boy down once he fall asleep.

debbie, it's been 7 weeks for me and i'm still bleeding. but i think i'm having my period, 'cos last week my bleeding kind of tapered off to nothing, then on Wed i started bleeding again. could yours be menses also?

cindy, how many weeks is your bb? 60ml is kinda little, but how many times does she drink a day? and how much is her last feed before sleeping til morning?

evie, not sure if you sterilise the tubings becos you dun hv to. like what debbie says, swing the tubings to let the water fly out, then connect to motor and let it run. the motor should pump the water out. but if it already has mould then u have to change the tubings.

debbie, my bb also fussing a lot today. i had to carry her for 2 hours before she finally fell asleep, and she only slept for half an hour before waking up and crying for ppl to carry her again! wah piangs... maybe it's cos we are at my ILs place and she's still not familiar with it.

dBaby: then we bu ke qi le.. :)

Cindy: u try put bb lying, drop maybe 1/3 a time to the side of her mouth, then use the other hand to help her close her mouth, open n close 2 times, she shd have swallowed.. Good luck, try again! :)

Debbie: ya, check with gynae bah.. Mine too, postponed again.. But good thing womb scan all ok.. :)

re: pacifier

I m so against the pacifier but helper keep 'eyeing'.. So told her to use only when bb cry unconsolably.. Few nites ago, everyone was tired, n bb was cranky so used.. The next day, i had so much difficulty 'fixing' the crave for pacifier...

Last nite, helper used it again, but when i take it out from his mouth, he wasnt crying, i was a bit unhappy already.. The whole of today, bb treat my breast like pacifier :-( now he is so tired but he cant sleep, keep wanting my breast, ends up become too full!!! I am going to ban pacifier from now...

bubbly, my problem is different. i want to give bb pacifier today but she kept rejecting, want my boob instead. i can't keep giving to her 'cos i also tired! wah, she really fuss and fuss until me & hb both tired. and she's only finally settled down to sleep about 10mins ago. hope she'll sleep longer this time.

anyone's bb's bcg looks swollen and with pus? mine looks like it has and i rbr last time my own bcg at P6 was like that but it wasn't anything to be alarmed about. just wanna make sure though, that i dun need to bring her to see PD.

Cindy, Debbie, dewdew,

Thx for the advice. I do not wash or sterilse the tubings but they keep getting water cuz steriilise the funnel n connecter. I do let the pump run with tubings on for abt 5 min aft each pump session just to get water or moisture out but somehow I cant get rid of all the water! I will try swinging e tubings. Thx yah. M gg get new tubings tomo. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dew: ya, human pacifier is tiring.. If must do, dreampacify bah, both lying down, sure gwen sleep fast.. Not too sure abt the bcg, mine was red and swollen then subsided, but not exactly at buttock le...

bubbly, oh dreampacify is giving boob while lying down? jialat, i do that every night for the night feeds, i wonder if gwen drinks anything then! :p

gwen's bcg is at buttock, so i'm worried that everytime i pat her to sleep, her bcg will be affected. :p


Ya, 80 is abt 1yr.. But sometimes depend on BB size.. So if cheap & nice, can buy keep. I also buy clothes for #1 when cheap & really nice til she gt a cupboard full of clothes & some cant even wear nw. Tis CNY, i didnt really wan to buy cos aldy gt new clothes but still cant resist. My boy also gt clothes up to 12M lo.. Hahah..

Envy u lo.. Ur gal aldy slp thru.. My boy still wakes up once arnd 3-4am to feed after last feed at abt 10-11pm.. #1 was faster & slp thru at 2months old..


Ok, shall see when huh..


My boy's one also a bit look like gt puss few weeks back. But i jus dap with warm water on hanky each time i bath him. Nw OK liao. I think so long nothing flow out & no fever, its OK ba..

Dbaby, yes I do that. But nowadays she latch me for comfort not for food. So can only last 1/2 hrs. While latching on I play farm frenzy, I have completed 1, 2 and now on 2 pizza. Used to surf internet, hubby said not good for Alexis brain development to be on data connection, so I switch to flight mood to play off line games. I bad mommy hoh. I keep telling Alexis she has fun with my nipples, I also need my entrainment while she has her fun[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Debbie, for Alexis I will do anything.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif];) all Mommies are doing the same thing here.

Cindy, thanks alot. I remember what you told me[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. Monday evening alright for yr bil? About 830pm, cos my hubby would be back by then, I can meet him at my lift lobby, sorry for the late reply. This 2 days busy getting cny clothings and driving. I will Pm you my address.

Bubbly, boobs getting bigger? Think mine is shrinking after pumping milk for so many weeks leh ;( when r u going back to work? I am taking the full 16 weeks, going back in mid-mar and yeah will probably be a bit 'slower' at work...talk also baby talk ...

Btw why are you so resistant to pacifier? I think I am like dewdew, pacifier, yaolan, whatever can calm bb down and stop the fussing, I'll use. Better than having to carry him all the time ;)

Mummies, also like to ask, me seem to be having the flu leh, if take the small yellow pill, still safe for bb to take my EBM?

sharon, that small yellow pill is ok for baby. my gynae also prescribe that to me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] take care!!!

sharon: boobs r bigger, made me look awkward in tight fitting shirts.. Sigh.. I also pump n latch le, maybe u just gotten used to ur current size. :p i take 12 weeks 1st, so, it'll end the last week of feb, a wed.. It is recommended to go bsck like past midweek to see how bb adjusting to life without us.. Seriously, my hb also asked me same question abt me against pacifier.. I don't really have a valid reason to be against it, just the sight bb suckli g it made me angry though he look cute. I'm afraid too much saliva generated, his appetite may be affected, afraid waking up each time his pacifier slipped out of mouth, worried he pacify himself instead of crying for milk, the most worrying, not easy to stop using when he is bigger. :-( i think too much, but the sight of pacifier make me unhappy.. N it came with the avent starter kit.. i understand the nd to use if all other methods cant work, but my helper just overdid it, in my opinion... How's urs doing?

dewdew, think my girl same age as gwen :p

when fed ebm she takes 60ml...most of the time she latch, not sure how much she takes..but seldom more than 10mins [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

shes feeding on demand, sometimes just suckle, not sure if shes taking in anything zzz

really difficult to gauge [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

my girl's BCG also at butt haha! and i pat like noone's business :p

bubbly, haha she make weird face and can cry if i try to force into her...

think i need to see then can try :p

dbaby, dun evny me! my girl drinking so less, so scared she not getting enough..yet when i try to wake her, its so difficult T_T

so heavy slper haha

stefie, dun worry so much..Alexis will appreciate [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

monday at 830PM i think is ok for bil, will let him know...after i confirm with him i will pass u his contact? hehe thanks so much! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Maybe can cos 1 kid. I cant cos #1 really seeking a lot of attention nw.. Esp abt comparing what lil bro haf & imitating him..


Dun wori. Maybe ur gal small drinker? So long slp well & still drinking 3-4hrly in the day is fine. Some BBs slp thru ery early like my #1.


So absolutely tired. My boy been waking up 2hrly sharp since 3am.. I am so tired. And nw he drink less than half, poo & fall asleep liao.. Argghh.. Hopefuly after i clean him up, he still slp..

Stefie - Thanks, that's what I remember from Mrs Wong's class too, but when I went for the baby bathing demo at Gleneagles during my stay, they demo the shampooing part. Plus my Xavier had too much hair, and too long. He perspires a lot, so his hair dem smelly! We tahan for one mth with just rinsing his hair together with the bath, then bo bian, started to use shampoo.

BTW, your feeding schedule is admirable. I'm also latching Xavier on + FM feed of 90ml. At least your gal is willing to latch on for an hr. Mine siao one, sometimes willing to latch on for 1 hr, sometimes, within 5 mins cry and ask for bottle, then gotta quicky prepare the FM to supplement the rest.

Xue / Roz - thanks! In the end, we went Ion coz i remember got nice nursing room. But then, when we were there, all the nursing rooms are occupied. Waited like 45 mins the person still never come out so in the end my hubby fed my crying boy FM at benches outside the shops while the janitor tried to knock and find out if anyone inside. In the end, we found out, the auto lock door locked itself, there wasn't any1 inside at all - duh.

Dbaby, really pei fu 2nd time mommies like you. I will want to have no. 2 cos see Alexis so cute and really beautiful. One stranger asked me whether planning for no. 2 since Alexis so cute with large go li eyes[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Ha!! ha!!! Hubby also very proud of her when we went to the Golden shoes market yesterday for our fav wanton mee, the stall holder said Alexis very pretty and smart, they also have a 7 month old grandson.

Lyn, my alexis hair also very thick, maybe have to use shampoo also, cos she also sweat alot, hubby says her hair like have sweat smell. But I don't smell any leh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Alexis also siao siao, sometimes can tahan for 1 hr, sometimes will fall asleep. Latching is for bonding lah, 5 mins better than nothing[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cindy, no problem. Just let me know. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dewdew. no worries lah. The BCG will just heal by itself. Alexis one skin peeling leh.

Stefie, my boy don't have go li eyes lol but luckily he is a boy so still ok haha. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] when you intend to have no.2? I planning for no.2 only 3 to 4 years time. Life sure became very interesting with babies. I think they make a family complete. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bubbly, my boobs also become very big. Lol. I can't take it cos not used to it!! Haha not a fan of big boobs. But after emptying boobs, boobs like sag leh!! Omg. Cannot imagine after finish breastfeeding how it will become.

Lynn, my boy don't have much hair. Until now going to 7 weeks alr hair grow so slow. But then he sweat a lot especially on the head. Got smell! Haha. I tried using more shampoo but in the end kena a bit of cradle's cap


No need to pei fu 2nd time mummies.. It was those angel's smile tt made us go thru preg & labour 1 more time. Do u knw hw terrific i was of needles & blood.. But knowing the process, i still go thru it once more.. Though nw tell HB i wont go for #3, i still nt sure if its really tt way.. If finances allowed & help is there, perhaps #3?!? but nw will remain status quo first..

Jia you & go for #2. 2yrs gap is a nice gap, nothing more than tt i feel.. At least tired also 1 shot. Like me & some other mummies with young #1, we will enjoy life in another 1-2yrs when #2 starts to walk & eat solids.. =)

CNY Spring Cleaning

Tis weekend we spent a fruitful one though grandma nt at my plc.. Yday went parkway & shop for HB's top cos we haf a colour theme. Went NYNY for HB's & #1's fav soup..

Today HB do the rest of cleaning for master bedrm & common rm while i nap with the 2 kids.. Managed to catch up some slp frm the 2hrly intervals last nite!! Hee.. Nw left with kitchen & i wil slowly do it over mon-wed..

Thanks Debbie and dbaby, strange nw doesn't seems to smell. Prob cos I switch her from the usual carry position.

By the way, mummies, do u all on night light for bb to sleep? Or it's jus darkness in the room?

Debbie, boobs bigger naturally good mah, mine was not big to begin with, not that I minded a lot, but now it has shrunk...duh..btw shampoo causes cradle crap? I have been using shampoo for my boy since day 1, CL use so I just follow leh, but anyway he sweat a lot and even shampoo everyday sometimes after nightime his hair will smell le..

bubbly, my helper so far is ok, everything 'yes mdm' hehe..and she also got experience looking aft baby before so no complains yet but since only 1st week, attitude wise still can't say for sure whether will change. Hmm..yes the sight of bb sucking pacifier really cute but the main thing is the pacifier is my saviour! calms him and stops his crying...hee

Sharon, haha pacifier my saviour too. My boy can't do without it. He can't sleep on his own without us carrying if don't have pacifier. Some shampoo too drying for baby can cause cradle cap. Depends on baby also. Anyway even if got cradle cap, not really serious if treat early using baby oil

cherry, my son sleeps in total darkness at night. Have been doing that ever since my CL left. So far so good cos he seems to differentiate day and night thru this. He only sleep with night light during the times when I am doing stuff and need on some light at night. He sleeps in the same room as me currently. I heard some babies sleep better with night light though.

sharon: that's good, got extra helping hand already.. :) rest well and get well soon k..

Cherrry: mine sleep witb night light on, easier to see him, change diaper n feeding ;-)


My BB slp in total darkness except for the lights frm my toilet cos i leave it on thru. Last time used to on orange light while feeding but 'jumped' once so phobia of on-ing it liao...

Tats good.. But if ear gt smell, cld be signs of infection.. Jus monitor..


Envy tt some of u gt helper.. Nw i gt 2, sometimes i wished i had 1. HB dun like the idea so its tough.(unless #3 cums along) Sometimes feel tt taking care of BB & #1, housechores & cooking leaves me very lil time to spend with #1 tt nw she is nt as close with me b4 #2 comes out.. Tis few days grandma nt arnd, i make sure i put her to bed n lie beside though HB is the one slping with her.. Jus wanna catch up some bonding..

Dbaby, don't worry. At least you are a stay home mum and can get to at least have more time with your no.1 compared to a working mum who has no helper too. Last time when I was young, I only saw my mum early morning and late night as my mum working and she put me at a nanny's place during the day. Also no maid so she's very busy with me and housework after coming home. In the end I still very close with my mum. Don't worry there's a natural bonding between you and your children even though you may be occupied with chores at times. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Woah keep raining! Mummies, do keep our little ones warm and bundled up.

so nice and cold to sleep in, unfortunately bb still woke me at 1.30, 4.30 and 7.30am, sigh..

i didn't bathe my bb yest cos tot too cold.. but today still cold! wonder if i should just wipe her down again, scared she catch cold.

somemore we braved the heavy rain yest to go to a friend's 1 yr old party at a chalet, really hope none of my 2 kids caught any cold, cross fingers.


i must say a helper is really a god-send, i dun think i can manage 2 kids even though i'm also a stay home mum for the time being.. so Dbaby, kudos to you to do everything on ur own, really admire u..

cherrry, my bb can sleep with lights on or off and tv on or off.. easier for me. train him since day 1.

Finally he is able to endure up to 3hrs for e next feeding.. hopes this will continue...


Ya, but still feel time nt enuf to spend with her.. Only during naps, bedtime, meal times & occassional afternoons when BB is well-behaved then can play a little while with her..

Osh gosh

I also dun dare bath both today. Weather too cooling liao. I jus wipe both & wash their bottom part.. Scare catch a cold n CNY coming

Dun need kudos to me cos sometimes i also do housechores til very tired.. Really wished to haf extra help.. Luckily HB helped me with spring cleaning for past 2 weekends..

Had a busy morning. Wake up make BF for HB & #1. Then washed up the 2 lil ones. Washed laundry & prepare lunch. Feed #2, cook lunch, feed #1 & wash up the kitchen stuff.. Nw finally slacking n waiting for a while more then make #1 & #2 nap..

hehe.. thanks for the nightlights feedback [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] dont knw why i thought my mom told me bb scare of dark, i asked her hw can it be when they in our womb is dark. anyway, i tried to off the nightlight le. been following it as CL did. thought its a must :p

Dbaby, u power leh. 1 morning u do so many tasks! me only wake up, bf bb, eat biscuits, pacify bb, play with her, then bf her again and till now she's still awake gotta entertain her whenver she cries. i'm alrdy feeling sleepy! u still can do laundry and wash kitchen!

Oshgosh n Dbaby, me too didnt bath my boy cos weather too cold,

my hb was dwn with flu then me, now is my gal, hiaz...hopefully my boy wont get it!!

Dbaby, me too also try to spent quality time wif my #1 last friday, hubby working late till 11 plus, so I put #2 sleep by 8 pm so can spent time #1 playing, eating and singing with her

BUt really kuddos to you can take care 2 kids alone at hm whole day, I cant leh...at most 3 hours only cos #1 so active, run here and there everywhere so busy playing and keep asking for snacks! faintz..:p

Ya mummies esp new mummies weather so cold, please dun bring ur bb out too long or too late, nt a joke if they catch a cold


If i am still BF-ing, i wont be able to do so many things lo.. Cos still need pump, latch etc.. I then envy u cos can BF.. I cant though supply good cos i cant catch up with slp & chores at hm, esp when #1 is so active & curious nw..

I nvr washed kitchen as in 'wash' la.. I clean up the stove area & wash up all the cooking stuff.. Maybe today last day to cook cos wanna really wash up kitchen for CNY..


I also haf a very active #1. she also busy 'cooking' whole morning.. Usu i put #2 in pram n push to where i am. Scare #1 go disturb or he cries then i nvr hear him.. So far works perfectly well. Jus tt sometimes he dun wanna stay inside pram & wan cuddle.. Nw my whole living rm full of toys cos #1 was playig with it earlier on.. Finally managed to make both slp & i am in between them. Gonna catch a short nap. And sun seems to be coming out too.. Hurray!!

