(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Poo: change her fm to nan but she is still not pooing daily. Last time she poO one long strip. Should their poo still be pasty like last time?

Losing weight: I am like 10kg from my pre pregnancy weight loh. Haiz why all the fats still on me?


Debbie, the nurse ask us to go down loh!! Mine was quite green. Like grass color. After taking the probiotics seem to have turned back to yellow.

I read from baby centre bb hit magical 11 pounds metabolism will kick in n technically not hungry at night. Her last feed was from 8.30pm to 9pm and she is moving in her sleep. Trying to ignore her grunts n drag till 2am. Hope she doesnt wake up screaming!

Bubbly yours is stubborn 4kg v good le. Btw u look v slim altready loh. I bet u can still wear S Size clothes right?


Thou I am 2kg lighter than my pre pregnancy weight , I still look pregnant..


It's tough these 2 days as Cl just left on Sunday and we took over.. Very tiring looking after a bb with 2hrly feed and habit of pooing at night.. It makes sleeping more tough.. I didn't really sleep for 2 nights already ... Didn't get to sleep in the day as well.. plus my elder boy is sick.. Tired tired..

Having 3 kids is really tough..

tenQ: glad tat ur bb is ok.. :)

Jialing: if it's too hot, u can try setting to one volume lower, shld be fine.. 30ml of water for every oz of milk..

ESquare: poor thing.. Do take it easy, think of ur japan trip, it's a good therapy...

DBaby: u advertised so much for gong cha tat i feel like trying too... Hahaha..

happy cny to all! can feel the festive mood in the air..the whole neighbourhood is more relaxed, noticed a lot of ppl washing their cars yesterday. thinking of going to supermarket today to stock up on some food for the long weekend but am wondering if it's going to be a 'suicide' mission? scared too crowded//


Nt bubbly gt stubborn 4kg but me!! She aldy almost back to pre-preg weight after fallin sick.. Sian lo.. Wonder when will it leave me!!!


Its nice.. I bought 1 for Mangogal tt day after gathering at Alena hse.. She also like it.. If u like tea taste, can try Oolong Milk Tea. I jus tried it last week and so going to buy later.. But must hurry b4 3pm cos today close at 3pm lo.. Hahahha =


Am sure it will be super packed. Last mim shopping & for those who worked til today.. Good luck!! If nt there are 24hrs NTUC which shld be operating thru CNY ba.. Go webby n check so u dun haf to 'fight' with the crowd..

Made it to the supermarket, wasn't terribly crowded but I suppose it's because most of the fresh produce was gone. The queues for the 4D outlet was longer than at the supermarket..


Ya, they shld. HB went to buy jus nw. A total of 6cups. All in my fridge nw cos waiting for my 2 angels to wake up then get ready go for reunion.. All waiting for my Gong Cha.. Hahahha..

Dbaby, huggies redemption? Got good lobang pls intro ;)

E-square, take care, can imagine what u are going thru...3 kids!!

Aiko, does Nan make bb poo more? Previously i change from Similac to Nan and bb poo less so now we gradually change back to Similac.

Dewdew, my MIL previously also bounce bb very hard and I told her to just swing him side to side, worried that bounced too hard not good cos read somewhere that shaking baby too hard will affect the brain...so just to be safe.

mangogal, take care. Drink more water, I am recovering, but seems starting to cough a little.

My boy already received his first ang bao from my friend, haha. This is also the first year I am giving cos last year is 1st year after getting married, ppl say no need to give.

Anyway Happy CNY to all!


In addition to debbie's qn... I also wana ask is Anyone knows if we can eat sashimi while BF? What food must we avoid? My mil and mum say cannot eat seafood... Are you all told the same too?

Happy new year!! Our first CNY with our new born. Enjoy!!

hi all,

re: fresh sashimi

i still eat and bf baby cos fish can help boost bm. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: smoked salmon

i think ok to give the milk too, juz note smoked salmon is salty so try not to eat too much for health reasons. Not sure if the salt goes to bm too?


i need to rant! Juz done with reunion dinner with IL's side and it seems everyone's an expert on my bb except for me. They kept telling me her tummy's bloated so i need to apply ru yi oil (which i do everyday); that i need to bring to PD for a check; that she's crying non stop cos of bloated tummy (no, her diaper's wet) and the advices juz have no end! I feel as if they are treating me like an stupid new mum! Sigh!

Tmrw nite am leaving baby at home with the ILs while i go meet my frens... Now i dunno if i can do it. What if they do stupid things to bb while i'm away? Gosh, am now becoming paranoid... Sigh!!! These 3 days will be the longest holiday of my life!

Debbie and yuffizz, according to kellymom (best resource for bfing mums, EVER) eating raw fish is safe. The only worry is the potential for food poisoning. Fish is a great source of proteins and good fats that mummies need, yeah?

hi all,

re: fresh sashimi

i still eat and bf baby cos fish can help boost bm. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: smoked salmon

i think ok to give the milk too, juz note smoked salmon is salty so try not to eat too much for health reasons. Not sure if the salt goes to bm too?


i need to rant! Juz done with reunion dinner with IL's side and it seems everyone's an expert on my bb except for me. They kept telling me her tummy's bloated so i need to apply ru yi oil (which i do everyday); that i need to bring to PD for a check; that she's crying non stop cos of bloated tummy (no, her diaper's wet) and the advices juz have no end! I feel as if they are treating me like an stupid new mum! Sigh!

Tmrw nite am leaving baby at home with the ILs while i go meet my frens... Now i dunno if i can do it. What if they do stupid things to bb while i'm away? Gosh, am now becoming paranoid... Sigh!!! These 3 days will be the longest holiday of my life!

Dewdew. I think everyone just means well, yeah? Sometimes when they got nothing to say, they just want to say something to make themselves feel important heehee as long as we know that we're doing it right and that our baby is happy and healthy. After all we see our baby everyday so we are familiar..

I know how you feel abt leaving your baby with your ILs but really, if they're willing, just go for it and enjoy the day with your friends! Must seize such opportunities..

Dear all,

May the Year of the 2011 Rabbit hop in with lots of Prosperity and Happiness for all.

*新年快乐 Happy Lunar New Year 恭喜发财*

roz, i know they mean well but when the same advices are given time and again, and when i'm already doing said advices, it juz gets on the nerves. They tell me dun carry & bounce the bb but when they carry, but they do the exact same thing. And my MIL went to disturb bb when she's sleeping, telling her to wake up so they can play & talk to her! Omg!!! Really cannot take it but juz kept quiet. Haizzz!

Anyway, cannot scream at everyone so juz needed to hv an outlet to rant. :p

hope everyone else has a better time and enjoy the festivities with your precious ones!!!

Re: salmon

thanks mummies for the advises. I guess it's safe to consume fresh and clean salmon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just had reunion dinner with my hubby and in-laws and I had so much sashimi during Lou hei. Hee.

Mummies, also want to ask, breastfeeding can drink cold drinks? No right?? I didn't drink any cold drinks during confinement and now after confinement I don't know when I can drink cold stuff. Don't know whether it's right or not also.

huh breastfeeding cannot drink cold drinks? wat logic is that? 1st time hearing this..

Well consume everything in moderation is the key

Dew, well just ignore ur IL side comments, since u alrdy do the right thing to take care good care of Gwen


U can collect the stamps on the packaging to redeem. 12 pink stamps, 6 green + 8 pink stamps or 3 green stamps for diff items.. Go huggies website to see.. FOC diaper, wipes etc..

Hihi Mummies,

Happy Lunar New Year!

Finally got some time to come in to chit-chat with the jiemeis here. My mum went overseas for new yr visiting so got to take care of my bb myself until she's back next wk. Was learning hw to bath bb, handle bb, handwash bb's clothes.. etc from my mum during the past few wks. Really tough to look after bb alone and still continue with pumping, luckily hb took leaves to help out, otherwise I sure pengsan. Like just now, my gal woke up for feed, its my pumping time, so hb helped to feed her and good thing is, she also co-operated by sleeping straight after feed. Hee.. I really salute those mummies who can take care of bb on their own.

Tomorrow going to my in-laws place for lunch, its our first time bringing bb out without any 'professional' help. Hope everything turn out fine. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dewdew: I understand how you felt. I also don't like it when my in-laws commented on how to handle my gal. Try to ignore if possible, otherwise make a firm stand if they're too pushy.

Debbie: I have been drinking cold drinks right after my confinement ended. I think the no cold drinks stuff is more towards building up the mother's body during confinement. Not sure if its related to bf-ing.

Sharon: I changed from enfa to nan due to constipation but baby still not pooing daily leh. Haiz dunno what to change to Liao.

Drinking cold drinks: think will have less breastmik coming out as it will constrict the vessels.

Happy CNY! Am super sian this year. Many different reasons.

Mangogal, ya I find the not drinking cold drinks thing very ridiculous for Singapore and especially during cny season!! You do drink drinks like ice lemon tea that's cold mah?

Dewdew, my confinement lady told me drinking cold drinks not good for baby cos I'm breastfeeding. Also dunno whether true but I had my first ice Peach tea yesterday ever since I gave birth. Haha

Raspy, I find it tough looking after baby alone and needing to pump regularly too. About cold drinks, I also dunno whether related to breastfeeding. But I just drank ice peach tea yesterday. Haha cannot tahan alr.

I read before, was it MM Lee that said drinking cold drinks is bad for our bodies? Because it's lower than our body temp and our resistance to colds and flu...he drinks water at body temp. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

But maybe the concern is that cold drinks tend to also be sugary, carbonated and caffeinated, which is not good for anybody, not just nursing mums.

Anyways moderation in everything, except smoking and doing drugs (!!!)

Just came back frm my grandma's house...I bought a lovely cheongsam from the forum and it fit my daughter so beautifully. But it was funny coz we saw a lot of Chinese kids in dresses and shirts but here's my daughter, a little Malay girl in a cheongsam..

Well enjoy the rest of the your visiting and the long weekend!

Hi Mummies

Happy CNY!! Today also my bday.. Hee =)

Hope everyone enjoys their CNY celebration!!

Happy CNY mummies!!

nice to going out the whole day after being confined at home for so long.. but going out visiting really disrupt my pumping. i end up not being able to pump for 6 hrs and my breast was in pain.

as for cold drinks, how to avoid cold drinks during CNY??

enjoy the long weekend!!!

Gong Hei Fatt Choy!!

Long day for me... So tired dunno can manage his night feeds or not.. ;(

Aiko, u can mix friso comfort with enfa.. U'll see e result. ;p

Happy CNY mummies!!

Hope all of u had a great day, we had[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My gal njoyed herself and my boy slept thru the day..only cry or wakeup for milk, haa...hopefully tomr will be the same[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Debbie, moderation is the key la, nt like u drink 24/7...

Well today CNY, I drink alot of cold drinks coke, green tea etc..also to njoy myslef

I bf my gal for 13 mths last time also eat and drink everything except alcohol

Ling, y dun u latch on ur bb?

No wonder ur boobs are in pain

ling, try to latch your bb so u won't get pain in the boobs. i know it's difficult, the visitings also disrupted my pumping so the past 2 days i've been latching bb while visiting at someone's house.

dbaby, happy birthday!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ling, I actually bring my pump when I go visiting so I will pump when I need to.

Mangogal, ya cny bound to drink cold soft drinks. Today I drank a bit also. Now more assured to drink a bit after knowing that you drank cold drinks while breastfeeding your no.1 that time. Thanks!

Dbaby. Happy birthday! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummies, went visiting from morning to evening 7pm. My baby was overstimulated cos he is those who can't sleep in new environments for the first time that kind. In the end he hardly slept more than 30mins after each feed and became very grumpy and hard to soothe. Took very long to coax him to sleep from 8 to 10pm cos he kept wanting to be carried. Finally from his last 8.45pm feed, my boy manage to sleep till 3am then wake up for feed. Totally regret having such a packed cny day 1. Hope he resumes back to his usual self. Cny day 2 only bringing him to one place in the afternoon for a short while.

Re: bringing baby out shopping

mummies, do your babies tend to sleep better when they are brought outside to shopping malls?

Happy CNY!

Yest was a super packed and tiring day for me. Actually bringing out my baby the whole day was not a problem. It was my no 1 tat made us all so tired.. Dunno why she suddenly scared of crowd so every hse we went (all got a lot of ppl wanting to carry her), she'll cry and insist we carry her..i spent almost the whole day carrying her ard, today ,y arms ached liao. Still got to give out ang paos and collect, very luan..

Lucky bb was good, jus drink milk, sleep and smile at relatives [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

We were out from 11 plus till 10pm, totally shag out.

Today we jus need to stay in one place so hopefully my no 1 wont be too overwhelmed.

Mummies w toddlers,

Do they cry in new environment or when ppl so much as look at them??

yeah sometimes kids get overstimulated and cant fall asleep no matter how sleepy they are. had a tough time putting my #1 to sleep, lucky #2 was his normal self.

oshgosh, maybe your girl was just anxious..or maybe she is just being 'manja'. my girl was a bit hesistant to step into my grandma's house and took a while to warm up, but after that she disappeared into the room to play with her cousins.

debbie..with my boy (6 weeks now) the moment i step out of the house with him in the sling or infant carrier he zzz liao. i think they just love being in motion. somemore in the mall got AC and 'white noise', even more shiok.

Happy CNY to all mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Deddie: My bb is in sleeping mode mostly when we are outside. I brought her to my mum's plc ytd .. she zzz all the way while on the go. Hope she stay tat way when we bring her out for shopping next time.

Dbaby, happy birthday too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rainbow, you mix Friso with Nan as in together in 1 feed or alternate Friso with Nan?

Any other mummies got feedback on Friso?

hi mummies,

I got a can of open enfalac for babies who regurgitate easily. Its been open for abt a week and my baby does not want it.

Would like to give it away to anyone who is willing to self collect. Do PM me if interested.

Hi mummies hw's cny visiting?

Debbie, it depends on bb mood when she's out. If she's tired and feel shiok w the movement in stroller, she will wakes up in the evening looking so awake. When reach home and she's still not sleepy, she will sleep late. Since 1wk plus ago I've tried to cut short her nap time. Slowly now she can adjust to 3hrs nap and she will wakes up. Night time I've been training her to sleep at 8. And now it's quite regular tat she will sleep btwn 7-9pm. Highest record was last feed at 8 and she woke up at 6. Hee think she must be too tired.

Roz, lilsunshine. Normally when I bring baby out he will zzz in the car and continue sleeping while in stroller. Then I always scared he at night cannot sleep! Haiya dunno la I feel so mao dun cos on one hand I want him to sleep so I can go out in peace while on the other hand I want him to sleep less in the day so can sleep at night. Today afternoon he slept so well and I just had a hard time making him sleep after his night feed omg.

Iittlepigpig, my boy started sleeping 6 hours straight only at night depending on what time the last feed is. Like 9pm or 10pm plus night feed onwards. This happened since week 6 or something. Before that week 4 that time he managed to slowly sleep 4 or 5 hours straight at night. I hope the 6 hour thing will continue. Keeping my fingers crossed. I think the trick is to let baby know when it's night time and time to sleep. There are many mummies here with babies who can sleep longer than 6 hours straight at night! Envy them haha. I dim my lights at 8pm and after he fall asleep after his night feed at around 10pm, I will off all lights when I finish my stuff. Dunno if this is the way. When my boy sleep a lot in the day, I'll get scared that the 6 hour thing at night won't happen. Haha.

Sharon, pd asked me to mix half friso and half enfa.. Friso is harder to dissolve fyi.

Cherrry/debbie, so envy e both of u. Mine sleeps most if e time but he cannot withstand hunger so it's still 1.5-2hourly and only once awhile 2.5-3 hourly. Now i'm reducing his intake from 100ml-80ml cos i scare he become giant bb.

Hi Mummies

Thanks for all the well wishes.. Been busy with CNY visiting & tml is my gal bday..

Will catch up on the post again..

Cherry, woah so good your girl can sleep so long!! Haha mine if in the day heavy sleeper, night time eye big big after last feed. Sometimes need take an hour to coax him to sleep after last feed.

Rainbow, why PD ask you to mix the friso and enfa ah? Friso harder to dissolve does it mean harder to digest? Does it mean cause constipation too?

Debbie, how old is ur boy? Babies need abt 14 hours of sleep so to me it's ok if he sleeps a lot. In fact I prefer that he sleeps during the day more so I can get my chores and errands done.

It's great that you can get this 6 hr stretch though. I had to resort to co-sleeping...now there are 4 of us on the bed and it's getting a bit crowded!

Debbie, my boy has colic and er ni after feeding as well as he needs to poo everyday otherwise he'll turn e hse upside down. Friso comfort is thicker therefore it helps e milk to stay in e stomach and it helps with his colic as well as poo.. Pd says can feed as long as i wan but i thinking of mixing till e colic is gone only.

Hi mummies. Need some urgent advise on vaccination. When baby one month old, must go for any jab like hep A if I intend to bring baby for 6-in-1 at 8 weeks?? The polyclinic lady told me if take 6-in-1, must take a hep A dose first then wait one month later for 6-in-1.. Hep B second dose is included in 6-in-1 right???

Hep A is not on the list of compulsory jabs..and you are right about the second Hep B being included with the 6-in-1. I am not sure at what age Hep A should be administered though. But I think the nurse is saying you should space the jabs apart to avoid any possible complications..

hello mommies, blessed new year. havent log in for quite awhile and i will be returning back to work next week after 9weeks of ML. anyone gone back to work already? having mixed feeling about returning back to work but i know i cant stay home for long too.


Roz, ok I just checked my boy's health booklet and a vaccination chart given by PD. Called polyclinic

again and they told me the 6-in-1 they give for babies doesn't include hep B second dose. Weird right?! Then that's considered 5-in-1 mah... Anyway decided to go GP for 6-in-1. Found a GP clinic in fernvale point that charges $95 per dose of 6-in-1.

