(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

dew/yufizzz: Hubby mentioned that I can get a thermal suit for liz from those swimming shops. She's kicking n floating on her own in her bathtub now, so don't want her to lose that 'buoyancy' instinct but don't want to risk her catching a chill or some infection.


Dec Mum, that clinic is called Olive Tree Family Clinic or something like that right? Can we pay by CDA a/c. Cos I pass by few times, never see the CDA a/c sticker there leh. I know that Dr also very nice, I used to see this dr last time, not bad[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yuffizz, no need to envy me, my princess siao siao one, sometimes very good, sometimes very bad. Like today made alot of fuzz, then only slept for 1 hr. She knows her daddy coming back from his holiday, maybe too excited now[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Things will gets better. Have you tried putting her in your bed, babies seems to like our beds alot. Your hubby may not like it. But to me as long as she can calm down, I don't really care what my hubby says, as I am full time care taker leh.

muddypaws, i think outdoor swimming pool water cold plus got a lot of germs leh.. Must wait till baby a bit older then more advisable.. Anyway i know of a pool with warm water. I think it's at Tanglin village if i never recall wrongly.. I know that babies and young children can get cranky if they're in cold water. So if you bring baby out to swim, either choose correct timing when water is not very cold, or go to pool with warm water.

Re: cradle cap

i think my boy got a bit of cradle's cap. may i know how to treat it? I just bought johnson & johnson's baby oil (non greasy version)

debbie, i just put olive oil on a cotton wool and rub the cradle cap area. i think baby oil works the same way.

muddypaws, i use warm water for the swim pool at home. i think not so gd to bring bb to public pool too soon. partly the germs, partly the chlorine content to clean the pool is quite high in swimming pools. also they onli swim for quite short time, mine swims abt 10-15mins den she'll cry tt she's tired. heard tt the time will lengthen as they grow up.

Hi tenq thanks for ur advise [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my gal today is fine now no vomit aft feeding. Will observe again tml n see how. Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] was so worried yesterday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

my boy had a shock last night because of lightning n thunder .. he was sooooo cranky and refuse to sleep until late afternoon today. Even he fall asleep also wake up crying n screaming .. Just now, he woke up and cry , then he look at me so scary and scream . I think he had a nightmare already .. my hubby soothe him n i cuddle him n we play the abott lullaby then manage to put him back to sleep .. my heart break and tears just dropping when i see him cried n scream because of nightmare n look at me with scary eyes .. hope tonight he can sleep tightly and soundly .. finger crossed n pray hard


Can, but need to apply beforehand. They pass me 2 form to fill up, but they told me need around 1 mth to approve. I havent pass them back the form yet.

klitz, thanks for the info! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] btw, the olive oil you refering to is special for babies? or issit the extra virgin olive oil that we use on salads?

BB bonus

Hi mummies....can someone plsss help to advise me how to go abt opening the bb acct for the bonus thingy?? till now i still haven open the acct yet cos dont know how and hubby everyday working working..haiz..=( would appreciate if someone can advise on the steps/procedure.

BB feeds

my bb is now 1 month 2 weeks..he's drinking 120ml every 3-4hrs in the daytime...and night time he used to wake up every 3 hrs for milk but these few nights he slept thru 8 hrs without waking up..haha..i'm really happy..sooo long nv sleep for 8 hrs straight liao!! =) i hope he maintains then i can have my beauty sleep also...hehehe!!


i've only had 1 session of the massage and the very next day rashes all over my body!! =( think i'm allergy tot he massage oil that ml used...sooo itchy!! now dont dare to do the massage liao but i want to slim down leh..still got 10kg to slim!! how how how??! i was thinking to buy my own oil but also not sure which one im not allergy to..haiz..sad!!!

any daddys dont dare to carry bb?? haiz..till now my hubby still dont dare to carry bb..kept saying bb neck is fragile..scare he will hurt bb neck...haiz..i very jialat lor..cos bb now is 5kg plus...hand also aching from daytime carrying then night time hubby dont carry i have to carry...cham!!! =( i don't know when then he dare to carry lor..maybe when the neck is stiffer which prob is 4months old??!! faintz!!!

Thanks everyone. I shall go check out the calendula cream. The rash seems redder today - have to act fast. I have the mustela nipple cream instead of medela purelan - does it work the same? :p

Re: baby bonus

Shirley, if i remember correctly, Baby bonus can go to any hospitals to apply, but need your original bank statement (any bank but internet statement printout dun count). As for CDA account, just need to go to stanchart or ocbc to open the CDA account.

Yufizz, what did your PD say on the treatment of the seborhea? Xavier also had like some peeling and redness on ear lobes. Dunno whether it's the same.

Hi mummies, MIA for long long time lo. Miss you all.

Baby Wee went for his jab today. See him cry till his whole head red sooooo heart pain. After we got home i had to go out to run some errands. He was at home w my mum and maid. Super cranky cry till sweat n face very red according to the maid. After the rota jab he also poo poo alot. He usually poos once a day which he did so earlier inthe morning. Not sure if jab caused the second Poo. Anyone experienced this

Shirley, envy you. My bb wakes up every 3 hrs for feed, quite 'zun' on timing one, only past few days he start to sleep for straight 4 hrs, previous nite revert back to 3 hrs but last nite was about 4 hrs . Keeping my fingers crossed that this nite and subsequent nites will get better!

Mummies, are your bb sleeping longer already?

Btw, NTUC is selling this Baby U wipes at $4.95 for 2. Quite cheap if you not fussy about brand. I just bought to try.

Hi mummies

How haf everyone been? Coping well with ur BBs??

I went shopping theraphy for a short while on tues at J8 & bought 2 more dresses for CNY. After reach hm, clear up my wardrobe & realised i haf a few dresses & tops which i bought b4 & during preggy & nt worn yet..

And today i jus made payment for a set of tee for my family to be worn on 3rd day CNY for #1's 2nd Bday.. Hahaha.. Buay tahan myself..

CNY coming in less than a week.. So excited!!

Dbaby, i can't wait for CNY!! heehee.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: diaper offer

hi mummies, guardian having drypers diaper offer. For those mummies who don't mind the noisy drypers velcro sticker and keen on getting drypers at a good price, can consider this offer. Just bring an empty diaper wrapper (min 24 pieces) of a NON-dryper brand, buy a pack of drypers and get another one free.. Meaning get two packs for the price of one.. But must bring a different brand of diaper wrapper other than drypers. Dunno when this offer till though

debbie, i use the ginvera olive oil. its more for cosmetics purpose.

shirley, my ML uses clarins oil. are u allergic to clarins?

diaper offer: the guardian diaper offer till 02/02. its out of stock currently for M and L size. u can pay money and bring down the packaging to exchange first. when the stock come in, the staff will call u to go down to collect.

this is the first time i dun have any cny mood... too busy with the lil one. lucky i bought some babydoll dresses before i delivered. heng got clothes to wear...


me too. esp 3ed day CNY cos celebrating my gal's 2nd bday... and i order a set of family tees.. so excited to see the end results.. and i sort of coordinate the colour theme for 1st-4th day CNY for our lil family of 4.. hahahhaaha..

Sharon, yr bb wake up 3 hr for feed alrdy consider good liao. Mine cmg 2 mths still wake up 1.5-2hrly for feed. I'm trying very hard not to give yao lan cos i realise car ride he can endure till 2.45hr

Wow.. dbaby u so fast prepared liao le ar? i also nid to start preparing liao... haha... or else have to veri last min rush...

rainbow, or u wanna consider swaddling? my bb sleeps long if swaddled. but cos i norm dun on air con, so i seldom swaddle her.


U mean i prepare for CNY?? Ya lo.. Kisau mum.. HB always says when i wan means NOW!! Ahhahhaa..

Evie, good diagnosis. it really looks like cradle cap now! More dried skin suddenly.. 

Lyn55. My pd din mention how to treat seborrhea. But he asked me to use cetaphil to clean her face n wash with water (when there was still some rash.). For her ear, it started with dried skin but turned yellowish after some days. he prescribed  potassium manganate solution used as wound disinfectant followed by a cream with mild steroid. Her ear has recovered but now cradle cap.. So busy cleaning her head! I suggest you see pd, to check that it is only external ear infection. If u want, U can gimme your email add, I send u pic of her ear to see if similar.

Stefie, my hubby doesn't mind. But my gal treats our bed similarly to the Cot. So she minds! Haha Actually, this cld b good news when she grows older. 

DBaby, I also need retail therapy! Only managed to buy many BB clothes online but not for myself or hubby. Planning a. Shopping trip this weekend. So any special message on your set of family tee? Such a cute idea. I can at most do a color coor this yr. 

Sharon/rainbow, I agree with klitz. Try swaddling them tightly (not too tight of cos.) at least for the night?  Despite my gal not being able to zzz on her own for naps, she sleeps very well at night from 11+pm to 6-7am being swaddled. I left her unswaddled for the day and she is not a good sleeper. 

rainbow, i've been doing 2hr feed this morning 'cos bb kept falling asleep while drinking her milk, then refused to open her mouth after that. it's so tiring!!! my gosh, how do u do it?

Klitz, he doesn't allow us to swaddle him cos he wants he hands to go loose!! Haiz....

Dew, tiring right. But i've no choice cos if i dun give he'll scream! I'm reAlly deprieve of sleep... Nw if i can sleep 3 hr within disturbance, i'll be verycontented alrdy. Actually i can only for abt 1 hr or 45 mins after each feed cos his burping takes abt 10-20mins than his eek eek during his slp. How i wish he's still in my tum tum..

klitz, same as u... i haven manage to do any CNY shopping at all. onli bb has clothes sighh i tink i going to have to ransack my pre-preg clothes to see wat i can fit in liao...

dewdew, how bot letting gwen sleep till she wake on her own then feed her? when they are sleeping they wont be hungry... then at least she can finish more and then can drag out the feeding time?

hi mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

rainbow/dewdew, my girl feeds 4-5hrs once thru the day haha!

while yrs feeds so much, i scared mine like under-fed coz i dun think at this age of barely 2mths she should be feeding so little T_T

yuffizz, maybe coz i swaddle my baby almost whole day haha!! thats y she slps alot, seldom wake for milk...

but is it good?

CNY: haiz i will be missing CNY this year, no shopping for me..

though i miss the shopping part, i sure dun miss the visiting :p

mummies, anyone interested in getting ruffle bloomers pants?

i need minimum 20 orders b4 the person will sell T_T

size of 80 means baby roughly wat age?

Hi mums,

This yr i finally on shopping spree for my 2 girls , previously with just my older one, i just buy one new dress for her as the rest is supplement by her grandma.

This yr, i decided since with 2 i spend more on both, so i myself bought my older one 2 new cheongsam lookalike dress from taka and kiddypalace and 1 cheongsam dress for 2nd one from isetan.

re- sharon, my 2nd one sleeps longer stretch as compared to my 1st one. She now sleeps average 4hrs plus, sometimes can be as long as 6hrs.

But the 6hrs is rare, most time is about 4hrs plus.

My 1st one only sleeps like 4hrs plus 5 at about 4mths .And only slept through from 10ish to 6ish in the morn at only 14mths.

So hang in there moms.

Dewdew, u know what you can do when ur baby feel asleep, take off her diapers and she ll most prob wakes up and continue.

Sometimes when i didnt want my daughter to sleep longer in the day, i ll take off her diapers or change even its not so wet.

Hi mummies ...

I have 3 cans of Mamil Gold Stage 2 (900g each)

anyone interested to take over? Expires in Dec 2011.

I got these 3 cans from PD as they were promoting it. But I was using similac.

So I didn't want to waste it by throwing away. Hope that I can let others who can use it..

Pls let me know, thank you!

PS: No charges required. Cans are still in good condition and not opened.

Interested parties, kindly email me :

[email protected]

hi ,

my baby cries a lot b4 he poo as if in a lot of pain, even though the poo is soft, he is not constipated he can poo a few times a day. Any mummies with the same problem as mine. And he also grunts a lot at night even after feeds. Very noisy, cant sleep well cos of his grunting.

E square,

so its normal? his cries are very loud and sharp like super painful! Yr baby also cries every poo?

What to you do then? I cant seem to pacify my baby, as he cries for sometime i very heartpain.

Is yr baby on BM or FM? I tot my baby has cow milk allegery which makes poo painful.

hi mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] how's everyone with ur preparation for cny?

amuro, im abt to ask how to keep baby awake in the day. mine can sleep from 1 to 6pm! when she sleeps, its really deep sleep, i cant wake her up. prob will try ur take off diaper method. but she always get v angry and cry when ppl disturb her sleep. how?

and my bb ear smells. wat shld i do abt it? i reckon its the same side that i always carry, and all sweat accumulate in. i alrdy clean off those dirts at the outer surface but still smells eh. any advise?

Hi mommies, how are things getting on?[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Now trying to set routines for Alexis:-

9am, 1pm, 5pm, 9pm - schedule feed

8am, 12pm, 4pm, 8pm - latch on

After 9pm - demand feed

Bath time: either after 9am feed, or before 1pm feed.

after last feed at 9pm, will wipe her, change to pjs, and change diaper. Will let her sleep on her own in our bed, if after 1/2 hr she cannot sleep, I will soothe her by playing music and sleep with her. Once she is deeply asleep I will put her to her cot. She can sleep thro either (earliest 3.45am or latest 5:45 am), when her diaper wet, hubby will change her diaper and feed her FM. Then after that she will be put to her cot and play by herself. We will not entertain her at this time, until about 7.15am when hubby wake up for work, then I will carry her to our bed.

The rest of the day, I will let her rest on our bed, and will let her play by herself till she sleeps. Unless she cries then I will carry or play with her awhile.

I had very hard time for last 2 days, she keeps crying for me to latch her on and she hates pacifier, she will scream when I push the pacifier to her.

Today she is quite alright, so I just let her be alone in our room, just check her every 15 mins from outside the room. So now is trial and error. Depends on her mood.

It seems like she is not making alot of fuss like before about wet diapers. She can tahan 2 hrs change as compared to previous 1hr change. Keeping my fingers crossed[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

She stretches alot and grow taller, I think would be 60 cm (or more, never measure her) soon at 7 week, she was 51 cm at birth. My mom said, baby who stretches alot will grow very fast, true enough she out grow her clothings and diapers very fast.

So mommies jia you okay[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies...

Have been few days since I last posted.. down with the virus and all made everyone in the family busy.. then right breast was so painful that I thought I've got infection, went to TMC LC and was told that breast was congested, not engorged though, that caused my fever. I was taught how to massage my breasts effectively and to continue with my antibiotics.. and so effective that zaizai now nurse for min 20 mins before stopping.. he used to latch for 10mins and refused to take anymore.. LC says coz I offered him a hard breast.. hahaha..

re: jab

Luckily, the 1st jab is over, and zaizai didn't suffer from fever.. coz there were virus at home, so, was worried zaizai will be more prone to fever etc.. PD says, 1 out of 20 will have fever.. and I didn't manage to use CDA cause I didn't know must bring ATM card, SOA, trustee's IC and birth cert.. I only brought ATM card and my IC.. :-( so, need to remember the next time..

re: losing weight

Not sure if it's because I fell sick or because I lose more weight through bf-ing, went in to gynae yest coz she was worried why I am still staining after 7 weeks.. and found that I am just 1.5kg shy of pre-pregnancy weight.. the stubborn 3 kg shedded half! hahaha.. so happy..

rainbow, it really is very tiring!

crystal, i went back to sleep myself, and only when she cried then i fed her. it was around every 2hours, like her internal alarm clock was set. my gosh... really very tiring.

littlepigpig, i rbr my bb grunted alot when she was in her 1st to 5th week, now not so much. she grunted 'cos there was air in her tummy, so she was uncomfy. as for crying when pooing, that also happened to her when she had constipation. very hard to push the poopoo out, even though poopoo was soft.

i think if your bb has cow milk allergy then he'll tend to have diarrheoa, not constipation? but if you're worried then do consult a PD. my bb has constipation, so my PD suggested i switch the fm to Nan HA, which could improve the bowel movements.

bubbly, i totally envy you!!! only left 1.5kg left to lose??? my excess weight is still stubbornly clinging on to me, no matter how little i eat i dun lose anything. i decided, heck, i will attempt to lose the weight after CNY. wahhahahha... wanna enjoy my CNY goodies first. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

could you share with us how u massage your boobs to clear the congestion? last night i woke up to hard right boob, and had to pump. but despite pumping, the hardness is still lingering there. i dunno how to clear it. and i thought i would get somewhat more milk last night from the pump, but ended up with only 50ml, which was really weird. so i'm thinking mine is "blocked" somehow and want to clear it.

Rainbow, maybe you can give pacifier or carry him, play with him to distract him and drag the feeding a bit? Mine sometimes at nite will also wake up 2 hr interval, recently better, hope he keeps it up.

Yuffizz, I can't swaddle him, he likes to stretch a lot, even during his 1st month CL try to swaddle him, he get angry, haha.

klitz, not just for CNY, even for Christmas, my birthday, wedding anniversary also got no mood cos was during my confinement. Was just telling my fren I din even realise CNY is next week cos when not working, you dun really take note of PH.

Stefie, my boy also super like to stretch , that's why he burst my water bag so early. ...

btw why do you latch on plus feed?

Sharon, my bm very little not enough for her. I latch on to bond with her and let Alexis to have some benefits of bm, so she enjoy best of both.

dewdw, y constipation when poo is soft? Last time i also using nan ha n my boy poo many times 6-7 times. He cry everytime he poo so i tot the milk not suitable. I using mamil now poo freq is lesser now but he still cry everytime he poo. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] dunoe wats wrong

Massaging yr breast: Use the middle 3 fingers to massage the top, bottom, left and right sides of breasts. Then use index n middle finger to pinch yr nipple. Very painful but it will make the milk flow better.

Cherry, you sure is the particular ear smell issit? Want check with PD or go GP? Scared is ear infection? Could it be that water went into that ear accidently during bath time?

Re: lochia

I dunno why after some brown discharge on and off for the 4th to 5th post giving birth period, I suddenly got red spotting again at the 6th week. It's not a lot of blood also so I don't think is period? Or could it be period? Cannot do pap smear at 6th week gynae appointment if still have lochia right??

Thanks Yufizz. My email add is [email protected]. I applied the heat rash cream that PD issued the last time for his neck on his cheeks, it seems better now. But it dries up the rash, so the skin is peeling now.

I thought my son had cradle cap one day too - the previous night we applied his Pigeon bath as shampoo on his hair instead of Johnson & Johnson, and the next day I discovered flaky stuff on his hair, like dandruff. Found a tiny bit of dried skin on his scalp. In the end i managed to scrap it off, and changed back to J&J. So far ok.

BTW, anyone knows whether vivo has nursing room? Thinking of going there for dinner but gotta think of suitable places to go.

littlepigpig, dunno why poo is soft but still can get constipation leh. i also thot that was weird.

i tried the massage u mentioned but the blocked parts are not going away. they're like stuck there. haizzz...

Lyn55, we were advised not to use shampoo for baby till 1 year old bah (IIRC) during anternatal classes. Just put few tiny drops into the bath water. Baby skin now very sensitive, so less is more for them. Just my 2 cents worth.

Ha!! ha!! My princess was very cranky just now, she is so tired and don't want to sleep. She rejected my pacifier again, so I tried using the soothing music, guess what? Within 5 mins, sleep liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I guess the music must be very boring bah. Ha!! ha!!


Rainbow, how many ml did you feed your baby? Are you feeding EBM or FM? Alexis is 7th week now, she is taking 120ml FM + 20ml BM (My estimation cos I latch on), can tahan 7-8 hrs at night. Poor mine. Maybe he is not having enough milk that causes him to wake up often. Sayang Sayang.

