(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

mommies: just to share something I've learnt... Liz had quite a bit of yellow discharge from her right eye recently. Bought this Salacyn sterile eye drops from Guardian for $2.50 n after 2 doses, the discharge stopped.

So if ur kiddos have similar problems, can consider using those eye drops.


mummies, any of yr babies still need to be fed every 1.5 to 2 hours?

Dunno y i can't seem to drag my bb's feeding timing longer.. Give more he cannot finished or even if he finished, his next feed is still 1.5 to 2 hr later.. haiz..

Yest was at square 2 and saw a giant bb!!! He is only 5mths and weight 9kg!! He can only lie straight on e stroller (no space to turn left and right). His mum told me Doc tell her tat her bb needs to go on diet.

Hi Mummies!

have been very bz with BB! haven been catching up in SMH..

I need help!

my BB have beenw wanting to be carry to sleep esp night time.. after knowing tat he is deeply asleep, i will gently, slowly put him back to his cot, but the moment he is being put down, his eyes will sure open.. secs later will sure cry for carry! My MIL is pressurizing me to me Yao Lan, which im super against it!

I wanted to try CIO but MIL sure dun allow...

Stepie: I rmb u ever posted a link to download the soothing lulaby songs tat u played for alexis during sleeping time.. can i have the link.. i hope the lulaby will help my BB to sleep better..


rainbow, i also got my menses about 2weeks ago. at first i thought it was lochia but nope, it was menses. dun worry, you'll only experience a slight drop in milk production but it'll go back to normal once menses stops.

a 5mth old baby at 9kg?!?! that is super big lor! did u ask the mummy what she fed baby with?

kayden's MTB, i was going to suggest a yao lan too but since you're against it, then maybe u can try a rocker? my girl also needs to be carried to sleep and if i put her down, she's sure to wake up. it's made my life super easier since i've used the yao lan.

My colleagues have these giant baby too and during Jilien's first month, they kept commenting on how small he is. His birth weight is 2.42kg as he's delivered early.

Appears that most of these babies are fm fed. Strange as research have shown that bm fed babies should be bigger in first 3 months of their lives. I'm now considering giving julien some fm although bm is sufficient. Heard friso and enfagtos are gd!

Osh kosh,

We are bringing 2kids.. No3 will stay home 1 night with mil then my Cl will come and look after him.. Finger cross coz I dun trust my mil..

esquare, really?? my nephew is 8mths old & he's 9kg, which i think is already chubby (but in a cute way).

jialing, if your bm is ample to feed your baby, u dun need to purposely feed him fm. my nephew was also delivered early and was 2.8kg. he is on bm all the way and he's always been a chubby baby sincce he hit 2mths old. dun worry, bm is good enuf, as long as u eat healthily.

Debbie, I am quite lucky as my maid has worked in Singapore for 9 months before so her english is not too bad. So far not much problems.

Cherrry, by then he will be abt 3 months plus. These 2 nites I also notice he start to sleep a bit longer before crying for milk. Hope he keeps it up . But he still needs mummy to comfort and pat him to sleep first before I can put him to cot and sometimes he doesn't want to sleep in cot and I have to let him sleep on our bed.

Dbaby, you super mum leh, take care of 2 kids and still can cook for others. Good that the toddler enjoy your food. you must be a good cook!

Jialing, my bb was 2.28kg at birth. Now week 10 she is 4.8kg. I noticed she put on a lot more weight from second month onwards. Now her cheeks damn chubby I have to call her ah pui. Her thighs also from skinny become bah bah until cannot wear certain diapers (e.g. Drypers) which seems to fit only skinny leg bbs. On full BM so far and don't intend to introduce FM unless supply not enough. How many weeks is your bb now and how heavy is she?

dewdew, I'm not sure if it works in slimming down coz i wear for 3 weeks already still feel fat. My fren recommended it to me, she said it did help. When i wear it beneath my clothes I look a bit more compact. But still got the front and back bulge. Now I look back at my old photos I find myself very skinny then, at that time I still think I was fat!

re: frequency of feed

It is weird, my bb's morning frequency seems to have increased, from 3.5hrs to 3hrly. But night time it decreased from 3.5hrs to 4hrs. Maybe morning drink more to compensate for nighttime. Also can't increase the amount she drinks coz currently 100ml she always drink until left at a few ml (sometimes up to 10ml).

Sharon, wow lucky you to get a helper from

myanmmar that understands some English! Good for you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

rainbow, does he stop crying for a while when he's hungry if you all carry him or use pacifier to make him wait for milk? My boy kind of calms down or goes back to sleep if he's not super hungry but thinks he is hungry. So we delay his feeding interval by using pacifier or carrying him to sleep or quieten down then he actually drink more at a longer interval. You can slowly try with increasing by 30mins first and slowly let baby get used to it. I think your baby is just used to feeding every 2 hours. Is your baby feeding 2 hourly at night too? My baby initially at first 2 weeks drinks every 2 hours. Then we keep training him to be 3 hours. Now most of the time 3 hour feed but in the night sometimes can be 4-6 hours. It's a gradual process. Jiayou

Kayden mtb, I'm also against Yao lan!! But your MIL use Yao lan won't yao the thing right? Just put baby in issit? Cos if you use Yao lan but don't rock it, it's not that bad. It's the shaking that I'm against strongly.

Hello mommies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I've been busy recently cos my whole family, incl baby came down wz flu. It started wz my #1 n then the virus spread to everyone. Poor baby so young n alrdy sick... Especially heartpain when I hear him having difficulty in breathing due to blocked nose. Brought both kids to pd the other day n spent $180 at the clinic!!

Chest freezer

I'm still undecided if I shd invest in a chest freezer to store my ebm even though my freezer is alrdy full now... Thinking of getting a second hand one to save $$. Dunno if its a gd idea...

Diaper Promo

Just to share that Guardian pharmacy is having promo for drypers. Bring an empty non-drypers packaging n u're entitled to buy one get one free. Its really a gd deal so mommies may want to chk it out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks dewdew and TenQ!

Julien's turning 1 month on 28 Jan and I'm not sure how much he weighs now, but I guess he around 3 kg. Feel that he has grown significantly. Will try to persever with bm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yurieve, you intend to bf for long mah? If u are, can think about investing in a second hand chest fridge? Mine is second hand. Bought from my SIL's friend who used the fridge to store milk.


I went to the guardian in compasspoint and whitesand today, all no stock already. If you happen to see any branch with s or m size, inform k? I want to stock up leh.

Kayden's MTB,

Did Kayden has a shock recently? My girl is also like that last week, keep want hug hug. Now better already, at least for these few days.. I suspect she has a shock that's y felt insecure sleeping alone in cot. These few days i put her beside me in my bed if she don't want go back sleep at night after feed as I too sleepy to hug her to sleep, she after a while, will just fall back to sleep herself. I also against yaolan. I am trying my best to avoid yaolan and even pacifier.

Today just brought my girl for her 1st 6-in-1 jab. Luckily she didnt cry, she just fuss a bit when the doctor push in the needle. Now hope she wont have any fever, will moniter closely these 2 days. By the way, I only paid $119 including the fever medicine.

yurieve, there was a mum who posted recently in our thread that she's selling her chest fridge. maybe u can contact her?

tenq, my bb also same. frequency in feeding is shorter in the day, longer in the night. day feeding is about 2.5hrs - 3hrs. night feeding could be 3hrs - over 4hrs. i think they're beginning to grasp that night is for sleeping? haha... hopefully!

jialing, since julien is only turning 1mth later this week, there's still plenty of time for him to fatten up. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] dun worry, bm is good enough - in fact many ppl say is the best for baby. so persevere since your ss is good!

re CDA,

By the way, anyone know if the money in CDA acct is not used up until the kid is 6 years old, then what will happen to it? The money in CDA cannot take out one right?

Hey Mummies,

Have not come in for quite some time, just come in to say hi.

Hope everyone is coping and sleeping well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dec mum, we forever cannot touch the money in CDA. It will be transferred to your child's CPF when he/she hits a certain age which I cannot recall at the moment.

I remember reading somewhere you can also use it to pay for local uni school fees.

mommies: I can't believe that I'm saying this but I've insomnia! I've been tossing n turning in bed for a while n just can't sleep [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Muddypaws, maybe too used to Getting up at night. Me too whenever i wake up to feed i take some time to sleep again. Think we (not baby) are the ones who are slowly unable to differentiate night and day now!

Hi all, my gal who is 1mth+, yesterday she vomited milk out during feeding 3times(2 time formula & 1 time during latch) the 3rd time during latch, the vomit contain sticky yellow thing is it the Phlegm? Cos When zzz she keep having those Phlegm sound. Pls advise wat can i do. So worry abt her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Liling, I nv noticed yellow sticky thing when my gal vomits... just whitish stuff... I guess u should bring her to the doc...

Debbie, i think my mum spoilt him.. I suppose he is used to e 1.5-2hourly feeding timing le. He will scream if he's not given e milk. Already told my mum earlier but she kept saying tat he hungry must give milk and turn a deaf ear. I told her "aiyah watever i wanna do, i'll wait till u go do confinement for x than i practice on e bb". Than my son so used to leftover 20 ml and my mum keep saying it's e pcs of milk lump. I just kept quiet dun wan quarrel with her.

Debbie, how much did u pay for ur second hand freezer? I've been looking at the WTB n WTS threads n asking price is abt $200 for those ulu brand freezer n w/o warranty...

Dec mum, I got my mom to help me get from tpy. Dunno which branch in tpy she went though...

Crystal, urs is a fridge?? I'm looking for a chest freezer leh... Thks for ur offer anyway [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wah, I super envy mummies who have enough BM to freeze and store. I only have enough to give Xavier 20% of his needs per day, so the rest have to supplement with FM.

Xavier recently has got some pretty bad looking rash on his cheeks. My MIL says it's milk rash coz he is puking more now, even in his sleep so we may not have cleaned his cheeks properly. She say just use the diaper rash cream on his cheeks. Can we do that? like abit strong rite? I scared later got scar!

Yurieve, original price of the freezer is about 300+. If I'm not wrong, (because this is bought by my MIL) she paid about 100-150 I think, cos the seller wasn't interested in selling to earn or anything cos she's my SIL's friend. I think about a week ago someone posted here about selling a second hand chest freezer.

Lynn55, you put Destin diaper rash cream on baby face issit?I think cannot leh. Cos I heard that destin is meant for buttocks and not on anywhere else. Do you have calendula cream? That one can put on anywhere on baby.

Rainbow, aiya. Nvm la. It's your mum after all. I'm sure after a while, your baby will slowly go into 3hour interval or more. It may just take a while.

Debbie, ya my MIL say use diaper rask cream, which i only have desitin. I do have an oil based barrier cream aromababy which can be used anywhere on the body, but it's just barrier cream so it doesnt treat rashes, only prevent and moisturise. Where can we get this calendula cream?

Anyone interested in these

1) Preloved cute Elephant suit $15 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/5060490.jpg]

2) Fisher Price rocker, Condition 8/10, $20


3) Stroller Toy, hardly used much, $18 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/5060492.jpg]

4) Baby Bjorn Carrier Active Black $90[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/5060493.jpg]

5) Fisher price Miracles and Milestones playgym at $20

( Conditoin 8.5/10)


Dec mum : money in CDA will b transferred into child's edusave account if 6yrs old still not used up. edusave account money is used to pay for activities organised by school which require payment. also cannot take out. edusave account will follow child all thru his schooling years (max until JC)

lyn55: if u have medela purelan nipples cream, u can use some of it on ur Baby's face. Alternatively, use aloe vera gel (u can get this from guardian or watsons).

Dew: U are solely using yao lan and bb nolonger sleeping on playpen or babycot?

debbie: If i'm gonna switch to yao lan.. most prob will hav to rock bb based on my bb behaviour.. haiz

dec mum: i dun think he got a shock leh.. anyway where did u hav the 6in1 jab taken? and whicg PD in CCK is good?

Hi moms,

i am still alive, just very busy. My day doesnt seems to end.

I cant even rem when was e last time i log into the forum. I am just busy uploading pictures on fb and thats my main activities and thats maybe like 10mins, as my 2nd one are a handful, more sticky fussy and i have to do housework,cook,laundry bla bla bla.

Talking about travelling, we are def going with the 2kids to japan this yr for about 8days and i really cant wait. Need a break.

Kayden mum,

hang in there, my 1st one was like urs, they just have their phase and mine like urs started at about 2mths old but she overcome it a few weeks later.i have to carry her in my sling before she falls a sleep. And yes when i put her down she fussed, have to wrap her up at night or let her fuss.

My 2nd one also like to fuss,but being an experienced mum, i just let her fuss for 5,10mins and she ll fall asleep again on her own.

Gotta go now, 2nd one just fell asleep, and 1st one coming back fromdaycare.


I recall some of u use ergo carriers? Need to get the infant insert for head support if wanna use it now rite? Does ur bb like to be in it?

Kayden's MTB, sometimes if he fall asleep in your arms and you transfer him into yao lan, he will continue to sleep and you don't need rock the yao lan. If you need rock, do not rock it up and down but more like sway it side to side gently.. that's not that bad.. I don't like yaolan too but sometimes my MIL use for my baby. I close two eyes. My boy loves to be carried too.. it's a phase..

lynn55, califonia calendula cream can get from certain shops in singapore, but best if get from bulk purchase here. Anyway you try use medela purelan nipple cream first like what the other mummies mentioned in the meantime cos it takes a few days for the cream to reach your house if you order through bulk purchase. Here's the link for calendula cream in case you still want to buy:


kayden's MTB, my girl sleeps in her cot, playpen and also yaolan. her cot is for when she sleeps on her front, her playpen is for weekend when we return to ILs. the yaolan is used most though, and it really saves me a lot of time from carrying her and coaxing her to sleep. and it works especially well if she's fussing. ultimately it's a personal choice, i don't want her to cry too much and too long, nor do i want to have to always carry her.

hi evie,

think esquare is using ergo. i'm thinking of getting it when baby is 4 months old where i dun have to buy the infant insert. do u know of any retail shop that sells it? am thinking of bringing my baby to try out before buying.

hi kayden's mtb,

sometimes when my baby fusses a lot, i let her lie down on my front (her head against my chest) and pat her to sleep. if not, can also lie down on the bed with her but let her sleep sideways on ur arm. my gal will usually fuss for a short while but then realise that i'm there with her and will close her eyes and sleep. if not, she will stop fussing but play by herself. once she sleeps, i'll transfer her to her playpen.

u might want to use the yaolan. for me, i din use cos my mil will shake it very hard. that's why i prefer rocker. but if u r the one taking care, shd be alright.

Kayden's MTB, it is this link:-



Btw this file is rar, needs to download another software to convert to MP3.

Oh the clinic is Northeast medicial centre. I am taking their package for 6-in-1 which is $403 after 15% discount. (Includes 6-in-1 x 3, MMR, 5-in-1 jab) I love the idea the queue is not as horrible as the Kid's clinic in Rivervale mall and cheaper also. I have seen mommies bring their young ones to this clinic for the jab.

CCK, I am not sure which one will be good. But this North east clinic has 1 branch in Jurong West. Is it far for you?

651 Jurong West Street 61, #01-06 S640651 (beside pionner MRT station) Tel 67907668. Hope that helps.

Dec Mum, did you take up the package? This clinic can use CDA a/c.


Yap I am using ergo.. It's good for travel .. We went to japan with it when no2 was 6mths.. I carried no2 and no1 using it..

It's better to use when they are 3-4 mths.. Bascialy when their neck are steady.. Dun get the inserts .. I have too but very hot for bb ..


No i didn't take their package cos didn't want to restrict myself to this clinic for jab, I might want to try the clinic beside the wantan mee coffeeshop for the next jab. Hence, I only pay for 1 jab. Yar, I pay using CDA acct.


Kayden’s MTB, same problem as me but not using yao lan due to personal preference. Still trying to put her to sleep on her own.

Stefie, thanks for your encouragement. I really envy that you can just change diapers and feed without bb fussing. She is in best of mood in the morning and after feed. She can be left alone in cot for prob at most 20 mins and will cry after.

Debbie, I also tried rocking her as I placed her down! Maybe still not skillful enough, it didn’t work at times. She definitely prefers rocker in the noon although she is able to sleep through the night in her cot.

Crystal, my gal also coming close to 2 mths. Will really try it out soon, must convince my hubby too! He also bu ren xin see her cry and wld carry her. So when he is home after work, he carries her instead of me. I also think she is getting too heavy for me.

TenQ, my gal is also on total BF. She is now 5kg in her 8th week. But it does seems like babies on FM really grow much faster and bigger, my hubby is contemplating to give FM as supplement before 6 months. Any moms with research on this?

Lynn55, my gal also had rashes on both her cheeks. Some say milk rash, some say heat rash. I applied califonia calendula cream and it did get better. Of cos, i also cleaned her after every feed and keep changing the muslin towel which she uses as little pillow. I oso lined the BF pillow with clean muslin towels. after the recovering from rash, she somehow developed ear infection. Ear lobe coated with yellow-orange stuff. PD says she has mild seborrhea and can’t tell if those rashes earlier on was milk,heat or other rashes.

my gal has a little bit of dried skin flakes on her scalp, should i be concerned over this?

mommies: Those with the inflatable swimming pool at home, do you fill it up with warm water or regular tap water?

I'm contemplating bringing liz to the swimming pool outside, but not sure how she would take to the cold water.

muddypaws, i am also thinking of bringing my gal to swim. Not too sure if it is recommended at her age as i am worried about germs she may get in the public pool. anyone already started? how's the experience? I am considering the 'washing machine' tubs in Hwa Xia specially for babies to swim or rather soaking in water with float on their heads.

muddypaws, i just got my swimming pool and will be putting Gwen in tmrw. will be filling it up with warm water, not regular tap water. even i dun shower with regular tap water 'cos i feel it's too cold, so won't subject her to it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] think they might be a bit too young for public pool? 'cos water is not clean at those places.



Yes! My first few years shop at paragon n kk hospital sell ergo stuff! Can try there.

E square

Thx for the feedback on the inserts. Ok I wun b getting e inserts then. I dun wan it to b too hot. Thanks!


Sounds like ur bb has cradle cap? Need put baby oil on scalp but if too bad better see PD.

