(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

muddypaws, thanks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my girl is kicking a lot too. you feasting on mooncakes already? that's fast.

stefie, macaroni is good. i can imagine feeding my princess a lot of that in future.


muddypaws, congrats on your successful transfer! hope everything will be soon soon when u go back to work. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wow, you've been eating mooncake already? i'm thinking of it, waiting to buy my favourite yam mooncake. hehehe...

debbie, i'm like u, try not to take too much water before bed and i always go pee before i zzz so that i can tahan til morning.

muddypaws, i used to move alot in my slp, but according to hubby, lesser movements from me now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

maybe thats wats causing my cramps...

debbie, my pills mainly taken jus b4 i slp plus i always have the habit of drinking water b4 bed haha

so my mornings are torturous :p

DewDew: A little apprehensive about how things would be when I get back, but at least the transfer is done.

I love my traditional Da ZhongGuo mooncakes, so I started on them already. Together with that, I bought my 'little piglets' [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Not the healthiest food around, but guess it's once a year!

Debbie/Dewdew: I admire you gals for being able to hold it in till the morning. Elizabeth makes me run for the loo at regular intervals at night. The timings are the same each night (wonder how she can be so clockwork)! That is even though all i drink is a cup of milk 2hours before i sleep and I pee before i sleep.

Cheryl, Ethan, joyfulbliss: congrats on having a lovely princess [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cindy: i think is somewhere there .. that stretch of area very dry. Mayb the expansion make the skin flaky.

I apply johnson bb lotion. I've not try stretchmark cream yet. Overall, I do feel my body very "dry" *_*

Eoneon: I think I put on the weight lost through T1. So I started at 56 and 21wk now ..I'm at 56kg.

My tum tum quite small. I measured 94cm ard the belly.

Any mums take measurement of your belly [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dewdew: Congrats [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Your lovely Gwen is progressing very well.

muddypaws: I oso panick but the other way. I didn't put on weight, scare bb not big enough during full term. I'm feeling insecure, worry too much as if going to pop soon. Hehe ..

Great to hear about your transfer, hope it'll be a smooth transition when you return to work.

dewdew: i m only doing the yoga myself nt joining any class though .. but sometime a bit lazy ...

eoneon.melissa/cindy: i havent had cramps so far, maybe because i wake up a lot for pee rush n toss n turn

lilsunshine, i'm 22wk now! think my tummy quite small too! About 90cm around belly. When i take public transport nobody gives up their seat for me hahaha!! but i don't blame them, they may think i just have some tummy fat. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

does anyone have dry facial skin? especially around the corners of the mouth and the area between nose and face skin. I have slight flaky skin around the facial skin near the nostrils.

wah alot of u hving proncess leh!

yin1 sheng4 yang2 shuai1 :p

think only a handful hving boys....

milo, u free retrieve or update the table hor?

muddypaws, glad u gt a transfer n enjoying indulging mooncakes!

So sad I cant eat now cos scared ganna GD [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I just had a long discussion with my bosses that I need to take 4 to 6 months of no pay leave, thk God they are understanding n willing to help me chk out with the HR

One load off my mind!:p

wat cramps r u gals referring?

I dun pee too long will get cramps on lower ab

btw, do u all get sung sung feeling ard the expanding tummy?

mangogal, what do you mean by sung sung feeling? issit like very tight feeling around the tummy? Sometimes i can't stretch because i feel my tummy skin very very tight! And my belly button is itchy sometimes. Have to keep it dry.

sunshine, my dry skin also at tummy area, but more towards the sides...becoz of the band on shorts/pants, i try to slp with dress now haha

amelia, maybe becoz of the many pillows surrounding me, i dun have much space for toss n turn :p

resulting in the cramps LOL

debbie, dun count on s'poreans to give up their seats for u...not a graceful enough society yet :p

i have skin peeling from tip of nose since awhile ago now, so my nose tip always seems to be 'bleeding' coz of me peeling haha

my mouth corners are also dry, these few days worst coz also have bleeding...zzz

Muddypaws I also wanna buy and eat mooncake this weekend le. Hee!

Congrats on all mummies knowing their bb gender! Yeah we can hav princess playgrp. Haa.. Btwn when r we having gathering? Hee..

My tummy only 32" leh much smaller than u all le. Yest I also ask gynae he says baby put on weight can le. Cos I feel mine quite small. Hee... But there's always ppl let me sit in mrt :p

Debbie: I get the flaky skin on the corner of my mouth, and at the nose on and off. Quite ugly... i went to peel them once and ended up with discoloration! I use Bio-Essence SPa Energy water based moisturiser now and it's ok. The flaky skin is due to the hormonal changes as pregnancy tends to make the skin dry.

Mangogal: Good to know your bosses are supportive. Well, glad to know someone is taking over my duties, but I have not been officially informed of my new duties yet. Hopefully it's those duties as discussed during my transfer.

Same here... I feel Elizabeth's whole weight on my lower abs if i don't pee too long. I literally have to waddle to the loo in pain!

muddypaw, so happy to hear tat u have succeeded in your transfer. at least no more phobia abt returning to work in sept.

cherry, our co killed u too? haha i was on MC yesterday and after coming to work today, i feel dead again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

debbie, i oso dun look preggie unless I'm wearing tops tat emphasize the tummy. Em yes, ppl are quite hesitant to give up their seat in the bus/MRT.

I had dry facial skin too, so every evening will diligently apply nite cream. It works well on the face.

Ya Milo. It's more of colleague throwing rubbish for me to clear for him. See already also pek-chek. Argh! And is a male colleague. Insensitive one. I hav my own thing to clear also wat. Somemore I not enough sleep go work already giddy and steam still come add fire to me. Buay tahan. U shld take hospitalisation leave to rest more too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

debbie, sunshine, tat day on the mrt, a old lady came on board and everyone machiam cannot see her lor, must wait for me to give up my seat to an old lady! sigh... singaporean hor *shake head)

cherry, unmarried huh? my whole office are singles and i think hard for them to understand wat a difficult phase i am going through now. tat day work in the office till 11+pm, almost killed me alive! if i take somemore leave to rest at hm, i think i dun need to come back liao :p when u starting ur ML?

Cindy: You're not on Milo's list? Are you having a gal or boy? My hubby is asking if I want to send Elizabeth to IJ Ponggol (your old primary school), and if I need to do volunteer work now. He super KS...

Woah glad to know that I'm not the only one with flaky dry facial skin. Shall put more moisturizer [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I guess dry skin is better than oily skin.

Lilsunshine: hehe ya ppl scared to give up seats for us at the moment. I guess we need wait till tummy bigger [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

muddypaw, haha PV start abt 2-3 years before our kid start P1 so still early! so sad that the school we wanted to send kaeden doesnt accept PV at all! hope when our time come, can shun shun get a place!

as for now, can start recceing for preschool. i put kaeden on waitlist for nanyang kindergarten when he was 2... waited for 1+ year le also no hope ah!

Debbie, ya my tummy is feeling very tight but expanding too, then sung sung feeling lor, like stomachache kind n my boy wriggling movements, whole tummy very xinku [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Milo ya this table[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My info:


TMC, Dr Eunice Chua


wah how come u work so late till 11plus??

take it easy...n dun overwork ,take care leh...

cherrry, so lucky of u to be offered a seat on the MRT haha...

dun worry abt tummy size, coz u small size, maybe 32inch considered big le :p

muddypaws, i tot u were from that school too?

think ex mummies have privileges regarding enrolling daughters into that sch, but i'm not sure abt the system now also...but its really KS to start doing volunteery work now, considering u have 7 yrs to do [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hmm mine gender not confirmed, doc says might be girl hehe...

mango, wat is ur edd?

think abt it makes it angry.. it not my portfolio but boss say need to help... from 6-8pm, they went out for dinner and i gong gong sit in the office WAIT... 8pm come back, take 30mins to eat dinner, work 30 mins and went somewhere to chat 30mins... so unproductive! a total waste of my time lor!

Milo: Sending Kaeden to Nanyang Primary? A fortune teller once said that my first kid would be a boy, so hubby went to join ACSOBA. Now kiddo is a girl, so I must decide if she would be a convent girl like me or to go MGS.

Wow, Nanyang Kindergarten has a super long waiting list, but the Chinese program is good. My niece is from there. I'm thinking of plonking Elizabeth in Nativity Church Kindergarten (my old kindergarten). Gosh, I sound KS for talking about all these right now!!!

cindy, i think old gal dun need to do PV right? i am thinking of sending ashlyn to my old school too but scare might be too stressful for her.

muddypaw, we planned to send kaeden to de la salle which is affliated to st joseph institution so purposely moved within 1km of the place! who know nearby also need to ballot wor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

tot of nanyang pri and pei hwa but simple mandarin kaeden also got prob, cannot imagine chinese school!

so i think if no 2 wanna send to NY kindy, i need to put her on waitlist the moment i register her birth!

not ks la... singaporean are KS.. my friend happily tot no hurry, when its finally time to register, she realised no kindy for her girl!

Milo/Cindy: The schools (Nanyang Primary and ACS)that my hubby is from all have long waiting lists for alumni, so he thinks that all schools out there are the same too. Tells me to start PV early to guarantee a spot. Faint!!!

Cindy: Yeah, I'm from IJ Ponggol too. If yours is girl too, our girls can be classmates! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ya Milo not married de. Super sian. Ya even we work so hard also no use right. Ppl wont see it. 11+ really v Siong leh not worth it don't do it if can :p I'm planning to take ML nearer to date. Good thing is our PB is covered during ML, am I right? Heee! Stay home enjoy and collect $

Ya Cindy cos I see others tummy like much bigger than mine le. But it depends on individual growth lo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

milo, wa yr boss super damnit leh zzzz

too much liao...u should curse them choke on their food!

wa u're also a convent girl? hmm wat i think is that ex mummies from the sch dun have to do PV leh, but now i duno how bad the competition is T_T

pls dun based on my words alone wor haha

milo, ask u ah... during kaeden's time right, do u allow yr dog to loiter in e hse?? my mum keep asking me to give my old dog away!!!

milo, yr move so 'wei da' for kaeden lor T_T

then now for ashlyn how? move again? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

muddypaws, waaa now i know that i have to really register early haha!

i'll really FAINT big time if i have to start PV also T_T maybe not so early coz still have 7 yrs to go leh..

i'm also thinking of sending baby to IJ Ponggol if she's a girl hehe...

thats y i'm still trying to get a house around that area [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cherry, sorry to say hor, i think quite true that men/woman reached a certain age and not married, abit not balance? they work till wee hours for the past 3 weeks and weekend also come back... i look so free to them yet i managed to finish my own job with no help :p i thinking of taking ML in nov, 3rd mth come back and tender, use the 4th mth to serve notice...

yes, our 13 mth and PB are covered during tat period... hiak hiak hiak

cindy, exactly! feel like slapping him! nope, me not from mission sch. was from RGPS. i tot old gal dun need to do PV as we are under phase 2a2, considered safe!

rainbow, yup, i allow milo to loiter in the hse and am ok with him going near kaeden. i know of some mummies with dogs tat will clean the hse dunno how many time a day but i simply heck care lor... still mop once a week nia.

my mil also nag and nag abt me giving away my dogs but we chose to ignore her. we went for a holiday in 08 and board my 2nd doggy with her... she claimed to lost it but heard from my sil tat she send it off to spca [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] my hub till now couldnt quite forgive her for tat.

cindy, haha if kaeden can successfully get into DLS then ashlyn will have no problem following her bro. jus tat becos of the age gap so thinking shld i send her to my old sch instead. dun waste my mum effort mah, she Q in the rain for hours to get me in during my time :p

some school still need u to send in CV on how u can contribute to their sch. subject to interview before they accept u... at first still tot at most donation lor.. didnt know min sum for Anglo Chinese PS is 50K!

Haa Milo yes I agreed w ur tat sentence lar. Sry to say too but tat male colleague of mine is 'not normal' if u can catch wat I mean :p yaaa.. Think also happy stay home collect 13mth and PB. Shiok! After collected ur PB can tender le! Just nice! I'll come back drag alittle more first before I go :p

Milo: ACPS min donation is $50K??? Wow, no wonder hubby kept talking about having to volunteer as an alumnus to coach rugby there to guarantee kiddo a space if he's a boy. I thought I can volunteer to be 'Lollipop lady' but think there are too many lollipop ladies out there now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Cindy: If you are old girl, you don't need to stay neat the school.

milo, i hate such bosses lor...

i always have the habit of leaving on the dot, but if i have things to do (not mine) i will tend to drag and leave whenever oppoetunity strikes (coz to me if its important, u wun 'kao' me to do ma, do yrself) LOL

i know bosses will think its sway to employ me LOL

hmm maybe if yr ex sch like muddypaws' hubby have to be on waiting list then not as safe le...keke...

yr kaeden and ashlyn age gap 4yrs right?

should not have a problem especially if older kid still in the sch haha

or u can allow ashlyn to follow her brother, 2nd choice use RGPS..at least u get to fulfil yr dream for kaeden and at the same time dun waste yr mum's effort hehe

wa 50k for 6yrs in pri sch is alot leh!!

worth meh? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

my gosh, you all talking about kindergarten and primary schools already?!?! talk about stress!!!

rainbow, if u are worried abt the confinement period, u can send your dog to boarding house then after that collect back. at least not as bad as sending it away. when u can manage, can even go down to visit him so he won't feel abandoned.

seems there are a few IJ girls here, i'm also one! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cherry, we must say *bye bye* to each other when the time come *wink*

muddypaw & cindy, tat was wat i heard from some mummies in kaeden's class.. at first i tot 10K enough.. haha i think not even enough to occupy a chair there :p

i feel not worth at all lor. tat is y rather buy a unit within 1km of the sch but who know.. this step also bo bao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] leave it to fate bah. another option will be to volunteer my hubby for RC work!

muddypaws, i'm jus so used to the environment there, dun feel like staying too far, unless i dun have a choice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

dewdew, topics progress very fast de :p

now fast forward few yrs LOL

milo, now i know schools also do bribery! lol..

buy yr own chair and table, cheaper than 10k even :p

think if needed to do volunteer work, i'll also volunteer hubby! LOL!!

Dewdew/Milo/Cindy: I personally think that 50K is not worth it too. Hubby however feels that the ACS network is very valuable... I'm a true-blue IJ girl, so I can't comment much.

Dewdew: Sorry to stress you gals about the schools thing... Guess Milo mentioned the true reality of things too. School admissions are indeed getting competitive too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] To be honest, I want Elizabeth to have happy carefree childhood (to run and have free-play etc), so I want to put her in a school where she would be less stressed.

Milo: You better double-check the rules on ML. I read on MOM website last time that one cannot use the ML to serve notice.

Milo/Dew, I was thinking of not boarding her but will send her to e nearest pet shop to shower everyweek. But e prob is I scare no one is there to clear her pee/poo. My DH will never lay his hands lor and I can't be bending up and down ma. If I send her for boarding, she'll look like shit when she return!! Her fur sure turn brown!!

Hi Mummies, kana food posioning last nite, went toilet 3X plus 1X this morning, doc gave me 2 days MC but decided to go back work tmr, a lot of work to clear and secondly already took many MC since I preggy ald. Talking about bosses, my boss mentioned that my other colleague has a lot of work to do cos see his mails at 7 plus, so now I also conscious when I leave on the dot, but working late is sometimes a sign of inefficiency, doesn't necc mean he is doing more work than me mah.. (Sorry for whinning a bit here...)

Anyway milo, pl update the table for me, mine is a boy. Thanks.

Muddypaws, congrats on your transfer, at least u dun have to see that nasty boss of yours already ;)

rainbow, but boarding house will shower the dogs, why will her fur turn brown? u can even request for them to do grooming before she comes back to you. You can't be bending down to clean after her during confinement, unless your hubby or other family members can help you! if u want, i can pass u my contact which i have also provided to milo.


hey mommies, dun worry if your tummy seems small when compared to others.. tummy small doesn't mean baby small, in fact, you should be happy cos means less chance of getting stretch marks and not as uncomfortable as those w bigger tummies too.

for my first preg, my tummy was always v small.. i could hide my preg till abt 5 mths, and even then, everyone commented how small i was.

Up till the last 3 weeks, i was still compact before my tummy became quite big.. My bb wasn't small at all though, she came out at 3.57kg and i had to do a c-sect cos she was too big!

this time, maybe cos tummy stretched liao, i became big very fast.. now i see my tummy looks like when i was 6 or 7 mths preg previously..

talking abt schools so early? i haven't even thought of where to put my no 1 for childcare or kindy yet.. sigh, lazy mummy.

supposed to start looking but half the time feeling too tired and lazy. As for primary school, i really have no idea where to put her.

I dun want to stress her out, so i havent been sending her for any classes which are popular for tods her age now.. I just want her to enjoy her childhood as much as possible b4 the stress of Spore's education system catches up on her.


My edd changed to 21st Dec, but i guess not v impt to update, jus to let u know..

for me i most prob will do c-sect unless bb is small, if c-sect, then will be 2 weeks earlier [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Do u guys feel tat sometimes bb kicks really low? I always get the feeling bb is kicking at my lower pelvic region.. quite a strange feeling, almost like expecting her hands or legs to stick out if u know wat i mean!

