(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

hi good morning all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mango, regarding baby position, i can feel lots of movements, scan not yet gone to though [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dewdew, i've also been getting cramps, this morning was especially bad but lucky that lasted only abt a min or 2...

baby movements: coz i slp every night with one hand on tummy, last night i felt one big movement, like baby head pressing against tummy wall when baby was doing somersaults... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

though the head i believe, only about palm size..


crystal, me me! it got better at the beginning part of 2nd tri, but now it's getting to be more often again. i think 'cos baby is growing bigger and now pressing again on our bladder.

cystal - I pee often also, especially in the day. I will pee before I sleep but I'll still have to wake up at nite to pee.

Sometimes she kicks quite low, maybe she sitting on my bladder.

melissa, for me, the moves jus causes ripples, instead of knocks (normally done by kicks/punches)..

moves best felt when lying on back or sitting straight when tummy is stretched hehe...abit scary also, coz seems like baby no space to move? thats y pulling on my tummy skin T_T

Melissa, yeah you can grab it on facebook (December 2010 MTBs)

My Childbirth Education Course is starting tomorrow, received sms over the weekend the first two lessons, supposedly in Sep, were brought forward this and next week. Will there be notes given or we have to take down our own notes?

cindy - ohhhh..mine always light tappings/knock, but ripples I'm not really sure, I only can describe mine as funny feelings. haha.

yugal - oh thanks! I'll go d/l tonite!

good morning mummies and daddies ^_^

its monday! beginning of a crazy week at work. hope everyone will have a smooth sailing week ahead.

dewdew: i think so long the cramp is not for long should be alright bah. but i better check with my gynae too during my consultation this weekend.

mangogal: i thought the turning to 'fix' position only will occur during the last few weeks of the pregnancy?

yugal: no wor.. not using homecare services wor. maybe i can go take a look at their services too. thanks.

melissa: ya.. i also thought the cramp is due to stretching leh. so confusing loh.

cindy: thats a nice feeling hor. this morning i saw my tummy 'jumped' when little princess was moved. not sure she was punching or kicking. the tummy response was big. haha..

crystal: i pee very often. and always feeling urgent. though a lot of times, its false alarm cause enter toilet only to find a bit of urine nia.

yugal: i think better to bring your own notebook and pen in case there are no notes given bah.

I think there are no notes given, and from what I heard, she will go through quite a bit of stuff. So in the end can only remember 20% of what was covered.

melissa, only last week i started getting kicks at the back rather than front tummy zzz weird feeling for me haha

eoneon, wa since u started feeling yr princess move, now she really seem to be moving alot for u to feel her le hehe

since she's having big movements now, maybe all the while shes moving alot, jus that u nv feel ba hehe

cindy: oh, this morning movement was big because i was sitting hunchback hugging my monkey plush refusing to get out of bed. so i think princess must be mad at this lazy mummy. she moved around a bit and im still stuck in that position, eyes closed. so i reckoned she thought the best way was to kick me real hard to make me move. and indeed i jumped out of bed immediately to shower. princess must be real please with herself. haha.. my imagination running wild with her movements.

eoneon, haha so cute!

nice to have such imaginations ma hehe it wun last long, treasure it while u can ba...come to think of it, in abt 3mths or so more, babies will be out le...

my ex colleague say she cried at the labour room coz her baby was taken out of her...haha so cute hor :p

Eoneon, will you be hiring CL? From what I read the homecare services seems like a good guide for my mum and wife and we take it from there. I called to find out more but they have yet to get back to me after I left my phone number. :S

Aiko, wow then I better bring a voice recorder or video cam.. haha.

cindy - she kick u at the back? means u can feel her kicks on ur back?

Maybe ur ex collegue very touched when she see her BB.

eoneon - haha so cute ur imaginations. But I'm sure going to miss her little movements and kicks after she's out.

melissa, maybe i also wild imaginations ba haha

coz i feel lesser kicks now, but more movements and tappings on my lower back area...but duno if its caused by baby or the intestines moving haha!

that colleague of mine funny la...she say she was more sad of baby taken out of her haha!

Good afternoon mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommies remember your pills and drink more water[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just had lunch, later will konzzzzz, cos yesterday slept at 2.30am cos hubby reached home at 1.30am. I tried to sleep earlier while waiting for hubby, Alexis super active, I can't sleep awhile. I guess she must be excited daddy's coming home.

I find that Alexis tends to have more free strokes/relax move when I am sitting down.

When I lay left or right side in the bed, she will kick cos space limits. This side cannot, that side cannot, until I very tired, cannot tahan then I will just doze off.

Anyone having ache at thigh/lower portion? I am having now, now walking like old lady. I guess must be my sleeping position. Konzzzz now[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cindy: ya lah, must imagine now... i cant imagine what will be welcoming us after we pop... all the wailing, poop and etc.. haha

haha, who knows i might be like your ex colleague. lol

yugal: my mum said she will be doing the confinement for me. hope theres no last minute change bah. i feel more comfy with my own mum..

melissa: ya lah.. gona be imaginative since those movements came at that exact moments. haha.. me too gona miss princess' movements after pop..

stefie: haha, Alexis was definitely excited! im having back and legs aches the whole of the weekend. a bit of standing or walking, the aches start.

stefie, maybe Alexis can feel yr excitement that yr hubby's reaching home la hehe

eoneon, ya i also dread the wailing and loss of slp...and also have to split baby chores haha..housework will be secondary liao :p

dun wan to think abt the hectic schedule that will be waiting for me now T_T

Afternoon Mummies Dearest.

Baby Position: At my last scan (last week -24 weeks) Gynae said that baby can be any position now. He's like in a swimming pool and has the space to keep moving. NOt time to be in a fixed position yet. So Mangogal dun be too worried ok. The kicks we get will be all over the place one.

Melissa: The feeling of turns is likes wobble wobble like that. Tummy feels a little jello like. =)

cindy: me also dread thinking about the future once we pop.. haha.. now just wana enjoy my pregnancy.. keke

amelia: koh yueh shiun is yugal..

ic ic .. thanks eon n milo

recently, i cant really sleep well at night .. nt deeply sleep .. tiring le .. i can sleep anytime, but anytime also nt deep in sleep, so, rest also nt enuf kind .. sian

gosh bb very hyper today moving and moving

i can see the movement on the surface of my tum tum soo funny hahaha

milo, $$ transferred. thanks

amelia: me too. keep having dreams, aches and urinary urge, all these are very distracting to my sleep. i think the worse is yet to come. wahaha... we must jia you!

eoneon: true, the worst yet to come ... dun knw by then, hw am i going to work .. nw, also cant really concentrate already .. lagi jia lat next time . haha

Mangogal: Didn't buy mattress cos we got a bedding set from the cot purchase.

Melissa: I get the pain in my V area. I can feel princss shoving her foot down there.... also because of the baby's growth which now puts weight on the groin area. Nothing to worry.

Cindy: Princess sounds like your bb. When I sit cross-legged, hunched forward, princess would kick to show her displeasure about being 'compacted'.

Mommies: Does anyone have the problem about wanting to pee when coughing? I find that recently when I cough, i feel a urge to pee in my pants too. Very scary... it's like losing control of my bladder!!!!

I just got my booking confirmed at Mt A for my delivery, and would be going for hospital tour this friday.

Hi MTB..

my edd is 21 dec'10...so excited now!!

so nervous abt the labour yet cant wait to pop..=)

when's the best time to get the baby's stuff ready? is it too early to get it now?

Amelia, yeah thats me.

My wife also experiencing the urgency to pee at any moment. She is afraid of this especially when we are out, there is a tendancy the toilet queue will be like snake + she needed some time to remove the bella band. :s

yugal, usually i will qiong to toilet first before going out, then reach destination, also qiong to toilet first .. let outside queue long long la .. pregnant women cant wait too long ..


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eoneon, haha left abt 1/3 more of the pregnancy for us to enjoy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hope not much back aches etc at the later stages hehe

muddypaws, ya i too experienced the same thing, seems like my sitting cross legged tends to wake baby hehe..

i sometimes experience the urge to pee when coughing..i also use pantyliners in case of mishaps haha..

shirley: congrats and welcome ^_^.. as for the baby stuff.. most of us here are halfway through the preparation already. some are waiting for oct to get the preparation. hence, it really depends on your convenience.

ribena: where have you been? busy at work?

cindy: time really flies leh. 1/3 left nia. it seems like just yesterday when i realised i am preggie. now already more than half the journey liao. haha... fast fast..

Yah man time flies. Soon we will have a lovely bub in our arms.

I too get the urgency to pee at times. Its like you just pee then eh how come need to pee again. Then feel so URGENT but come out so little.... hahaah

There was this one day at ikea.. this old lady cut my queue to the toilet. I was damn dui lor.. So who should win old abled lady or pregnant lady?

lovebyte: i think the urgency to urinate is so jiat larg nowadays as i can be urgent after stepping out of the toilet. its mad man!

haha, in this circumstances, there is no right or wrong le. cause old lady also cant hold her urine de. so just hope we wont encounter this too often. lol....

Eon: The best part is i was the only 1 in the queue and she walk past me slowly to inspect the cubicles then happily pop into on that open.

Same here, sometimes the interval between going to toilet is very short, just went only and shortly afterwards feels like going again.

Anyway today Mon got a lousy day at work,felt very unhappy, wonder is it cos its the 7th month...

Muddypaws, I just called Mt A this morning, wanted to go for maternity ward tour this Sat but suprised to hear its fully booked, so booked for next Sat. Do let me know how's your experience...

mum mies, hehe thks for the assurance that bb head will turn dwn..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ya my boy likes to make waves in my tummy, whole tummy can shake, ask my gal to put her palm on my tummy she dun dare...only point and said di di...hehe...

aiyo pee while cough, happen to me too ...ya must change pant liner often :p

Mummies, heard of kegel exercise?? Do this exercise to strengthen the pelvic muscle so wont pee out uncontrollably..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good morning mommies, I'm up at some unearthy hour again... had a lousy night's sleep dreaming that I was sitting for an Economics exam, explaining monetary and fiscal policies, demand/supply curve! Also dreamt that I was hounded by some loony pervert while I was opening the door to my house! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Gonna spend the morning settling some paperwork for my new maid. The maid agency is atrocious and to speed things up, I have to do it myself in the end [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Thank God I'm on leave now so that I have the time to run all these errands.

hi mommies! good morning... it has been quite a long while since i logged in here, how's everyone doing? yesterday it was my turn to be on mc... urti... and now back in office, with a fairly busy day looking in my face.

muddypaws your'e getting a new maid?? is it your first? we're planning to get one too, but we've never gotten one, and kind of procrastinating on it. but really need to get it done so maid can hopefully be in by end sept. any tips to share??

morning mummies and daddies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just had my $4 mac brekkie again! i think i put on quite a bit of weight this mth, at least 2kg from my last gynae appointment, oh-oh!!

re. pee during cough

i have this problem too, sigh. but i dislike using panty liner cos i realised that panty liner tend to me feel uncomfy even when its a bit wet. cant be possibly bringing extra panties out right? =P hahaha


too stressed up until you got exam dreams? so cute! i got a few night mares recently too, i guess should be the pregnancy hormones bah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] take it easy ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wow i also want... the $4 brekkie is really a good deal! and yes i've also put on a bit... compared to last pregnancy, i think..

bad dreams - sigh... i dunno why. this seems to be a season of bumping into ex-BFs... all of whom i don't really want to see again. 1 decided out of the blue to sms me (of course i ignored his sms) and bumped into 1 in the past month. yesterday it happened with the worst one, while i was outside the clinic waiting to get mc... seems like he stays in the same area as me. very unpleasant. after that, i had a bad dream in the afternoon, of him finding out where i live and coming by to create trouble for me and my family. yucky...

good morning mummies!

sharon & muddypaws, wow u gals are fast! i still haven't book at mount A yet - do we need to book so early?

yvaine, hope u get better soon! speaking about ex-bf, i've been dreaming of mine! i wonder why, i hardly think of him in the first place... maybe in my subconscious? hmm...

andrea, macdonald's again! lol... my hubby suggested macs today but i was the one to say no. surprise surprise! lol...

will be going to see gynae tonight, better think of questions to ask him.

Good morning mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommies remember your pills and drink more water okay[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Guess what my lower expanded so fast, already has pink stretch mark, oh no. Now I try to use Bodyshop Mango Body butter, hope it will works better. But am still loving my lovely belly.

Now NTUC having promotion for blueberry $1.99 per packet and bought some Golden Kiwi yesterday. Last week bought some black plum, wow very nice and rich in fibre and anti-oxidant. My fruit mixture today: 2 black plum + blue berries + Cherry tomatoes.

Hi ribena, MIA for so long[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Busy with work, better take care[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Shirley, welcome to the club[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wow Andrea, Mac Brekkie again, lucky you. I am still trying to resist the temptation. Maybe this sat will eat after my hubby yoga class. Yummy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My belly is getting bigger, now I have upgrade some of my clothings to Old Navy L size which I bought wrongly last time.

dewdew, tonight seeing Dr Woody? Better go there early cos the queue is horrible man. I will only see him next week. Counting down now[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Maybe you can ask him about the cramps you had last few days?

I cried in my dreams few days ago and dreamt I had another dog, wow so manay funny dreams. These few days slept better cos hubby back liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yvaine: It's going to be our first maid (though hubby always had maids in his household). We got the maids in my FIL's place to recommend as we wanted one who knows how to do confinement, look after babies (pref one who had kids before), clean and cook. Quite demanding right? :p We hope to get the maid in by beginning of Sept to train her.

