(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Good Morning Mummies!!!

cindy - Dr selina didn't give me fish oil also! She said she only believes in natural, but I kiasu I went to buy the GNC DHA one, planning to take it from 7mths onwards. I think Dr Kek is abit similar to her???

cheryl - mine girl at week 21 only weighs 355g, my doc didn't mentioned anything leh, she only said its a good thing she's not so big cos I'm small size. How come your doc says she's small?

dewdew - wow! Gwen is 900g already!

muddypaws - you're around the same height and weight as me! I also put on about 9-10kg. But my friend who has just given birth lost 13kg in a mth! Got a shock when I saw her! She looks the same. Was hoping we can lose all those weight after BF.

eoneon - me too gained abt 9-10kg throughout! I'm planning to not exceed the 15kg b4 I pop.

Oh dear! Did you apply stretchmark cream/oil everyday?

I'm having very black pigmentation on my armpits, they are black and looking gross!


dewdew: What I thought were freckles on my neck, turned out to be the little fatty external growth. The kind that old people have? Yeah, I have that now.... Yucks! Not sure if it's pregnancy-induced, and if it would go away after i deliver.

dewdew: yes, the skin on our neck super fragile loh. i put moisturiser but doesnt seem to help. the lines are getting obvious and more...

dewdew, haha the moment i step into toilet for baths (thats when i put the creams) i take out glasses! haha

imagine, without glasses and i can still see those stretch marks on my thighs, waa fainting!

eoneon, i didnt have a chance to look ard in SIN in jul when i was back due to the fall lor! end up i cant stay till sat to meetup with u mummies also...really spoil my trip T_T

crystal: try taking duphalac. its very effective. after my 2 accounts of bleeding from stool, i was prescribed this by my gynae. next day, business soon soon liao.

i hate constipation.. so xin ku hor?

melissa: i apply every night nia. cause morning is always mad rush for work. i dont think i can stick to the 15kg benchmark.. haha.. too little liao.. maybe by now i would have put on 12kg or more le. i have bad pigmentation too. damn gross loh.

melissa, haha! seems like docs from same hospital have the same practice..hmm i never buy any extras leh...coz Dr Kek says 'its ok u can get it from food'..so i try to be natural also hehe

i take only what she gives leh...think my baby gonna be malnutrition haha

eoneon, i have lines on neck even b4 pregnancy haha!

so it doesnt bother me now even though it might have gotten worst :p

eoneon and muddypaws, i do eat lesser now or rather more or less normal? 3 meals no snacks. i wasnt sick or anything recently also dunno how the wt loss came about ahaha...

eoneon, yes... quite miserable over the constipation its like sometimes get the feel but then nothing happens... sighh...

muddypaws, i have 2 fatty external growth too are they normal? mine is near to my armpit areas so its quite funny hahaha cos they are eqaully spaced out one on each side ahhaha

Melissa: My gynae gives me DHA, which is fish oil + folic acid. Apart from that plus calcium and iron pills, she says I don't need anything else. Can get from food.

eoneon - try to apply in the morn also, chopchop apply den rush off.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I use the oil on my tummy and butt twice a day den cream on my tummy at night. I didn't apply on my thighs yet, think must start soon.

Will the sickening pigmentation from armpit go away? I have this feeling it's not going to be easy.

I'll try to stick to my 15kg benchmark, when I look at my past photos, I'm really very fat now!

Cindy - ya they are each other's backups rite? Maybe they are good frens????


For my both birth , I gain 14kg and loose them within 2 weeks after birth.. I did not breastfeed .. My boobs was A it grew a little when I was pregnant.. After that A- so sad...

eoneon, can i buy duphalac outside? i told my gynae many times liao he jsut tell me eat fruits and veg soo irritated.

dewdew, your bb is big le... soo nice will be chubby chubby ... cute!

muddypaws - my gynae only give me calcium and multivits, says fish oil can get from fish. But I don't really eat those fishes tat contain omega 3 or DHA, just normal fishes so I was wondering if its enough.

E-square - wow!!! 2 weeks! How come can lose so much?

My boobs also A, now grew a little I'm very happy with it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Really will reduce after preg ar?

This morn while lying on my bed, I was imagining after birth, the weight I will lose and will take the chance to shop online for new clothes during my ML. Hehe! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

melissa, y u stress yrself by looking at past pics haha

whenever i gain weight, normally at my face! so will be obvious for me zzz

as for the docs backup, i got no idea leh, dr kek never mentioned anything abt backup to me...

is it becoz dr selina will be overseas in dec thats y she talked abt backup?

Melissa: Some type of fish have higher mercury content, so you have to be more selective. I'm not an expert with fish, plus I've adverse to fishy fish smells now, so I avoid fish unless it's super fresh and safe.

If your fish is mercury-safe, and you have a regular intake, then it should be ok.

cindy - no lah, I got nothing to do yest so I was looking at my old pics, I looked so fresh and slim!!!!!!!

My weight gain now shows on my face, arms, legs. My legs like become very big.

I think I read from some forum tat Dr Selina is the backup for Dr Kek, dun think Selina's going on holidays in Dec, if not no one help me deliver my bbgirl.

muddypaws - my gynae says eat salmon and tuna for fish oil. But my MIL doesn't cook those she cooks normal fish so I was thinking of taking GNC's DHA on my 7 mth as they say tat's when bb's brain develop rapidly.

cindy: for me, i have line on my neck, but only one-two, halfway across my neck and very faint before preggy. now these lines stretched across my neck, dark and another line appearing.. argh!

crystal: for a short period, my diet went back to 3 square meals and no snacks. but recently the hunger bings returns.. on and off de loh.. i think maybe because your body is working harder for your growing tummy hence burns more but despite that you are not eating more so you are losing loh.

melissa: think can only incorporate morning cream regime like what you suggested le loh.

esquare: you managed to lose so much within 2 weeks even without breastfeeding? what did you do?

crystal: yes, i think you can get from pharmacy.. check it out.

Melissa: Better check with gynae or GNC where the fish oil is from before you buy them. You can also get folic acid to supplement.

melissa, my gynae prescribes me fish oil which is available from gnc. the brand is called solaray u can check it out.

eoneon, oooo... that is possible hor... okie okie.. keep it this wayhhahaha gain lesser equals less scolding haha. thanks bot the info on duphalac i'll go get it today.

melissa, haha i jus 'repacked' my cupboard last weekend, folded those clothes that i have to pend till after the delivery..dun wan to look at those liao...so depressing haha

u forgot the weight gain in tummy!! most impt! haha

hmm dr kek also never tell me anything abt holidays..hope no last min changes!

eoneon, haha dun stress over necklines (maybe become a norm to me liao LOL)

now i jus waiting to see when the stretchmarks will grow upwards to my tummy haha!

crystal, i think it's due to the durians i've been eating now and then. maybe caused baby to bulk up. i'm sure the weight is just an estimation so she might be lighter. i dun mind a heavier baby 'cos that means the weight gain is not all to me! LOL!

eon, i scared of stretchmarks, so i put every day and night without fail. become habit liao, must train one!

melissa, dun look at past photos lah. if u do, sure feel sad. now my daily make up is just powder, blush and eyeliner + specs. dun even bother to put my contact lens and eye make up. LOL! we must jia you after birth to look like hot mamas!

esquare, all this talk about boob shrinking is scary! i dowan my boobs to shrink leh... i think they are nice size now - they haven't even grow yet! just chest width got wider, cup size remains the same. sians. lol!

eoneon - yupyup try it maybe it can help with the marks. I got extreme hunger every morn when I wake up!

muddypaws - I checked with GNC if its ok for pregnancy, she said ok. Maybe I go double check with gynae.

cystal - okie I go check out solaray. Thanks! I'm using the GNC DHA one now. Not sure wat's it called, I took it for 1 week den I stopped.

cindy - oh my packed all those clothes back to my mum's place. Going to get them back after delivery.

I think she never mention holidays means she's won't be going ba.

Are you mummies getting major leg cramps? I get them almost everyday now, feet and leg. horrible!

Melissa: Large fish like tuna and salmon may contain traces of mercury although they contain good fish oil. Mercury is very poisonous so don't eat those fish too often. My gynae told me not all types of fish oil is suitable for pregnant women. Different brands have different chemical properties which can be good or bad for baby. Do check with your gynae if he can reccommend any good fish oil that is suitable for baby and mother.

my gynae very kiasu haha. He gave me fish oil supplements since i was 3 months and i'm taking it every day since then. Now 5 months plus already. I heard the best time to consume fish oil for pregnant women is during 5 months.

dewdew - Oh yesyes! I'm running towards tat goal! At least you still put on eyeliner, I only apply powder, concealer and blusher.

Deddie - she told me to consume only limited amounts of salmon and tuna per week. I've asked her before, she doesn't recommend me to take fish oil, she told me to get it naturally..

Wat kind of fish oil supplements are you taking?

Hi hi everyone! Was so frustrated at work tats y didn't log in past 2days. Nw hav medical leave to rest at home. Hee..

Yes muddypaws I also start to feel like I'm dragging myself to walk cos walk awhile legs will ache v tiring.

Regarding weight, so far I gained 2.5kg le. I'm underweight too. Yest went for gynae check up and I just reach 25th wks baby is at 833g which I feel is big! I'm drinking anumn milk but limit to only half cup a day cos scare of baby too big. I drink the milk bcos I don't take prenatal vits as I can't swallow so gynae ask me no need take, jus take folic. I do take my own multivit and calcium but maybe not enough so I drink milk.

Cindy, I got a patch of wound on my leg don't know if it's eczema cos doc nvr really say. My company doc jus gav me a cream and say ok for preggie. To play safe I brought along to see gynae yest to cfm and he says can use. So maybe u wanna get from doctor?

Stefie really miss ur post here. Hee I'm using iPhone to surf the forum now even at home cos I don wanna on pc.

I haven been sleeping well and resulted tat I'm so tired at work and feel so angry over all the work thrown to me. For baby sake I better not make myself angry for work and get better rest at home for now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] we r the ones preggie and we r the ones to take good care of ouselves for now Hee!

cindy: you sound like you are anticipating to see your stretchmarks like that. haha..

dewdew: baby cant be too heavy too leh if you wana have normal delivery. so moderate on your durian. hehe... im waiting till hubby recovers then can eat durian.

i only am trained to put on at night.. now must train myself to put on in the morning after shower also liao.

for me, im still sticking to powder, mascara and blusher. but have been thinking of putting powder nia. getting lazier.. hehe...

my boobs also havent grow yet. just like you, only the chest area widen.

melissa: i realised that when i start puking gastric juice in the morning nowadays, it also means i will snack in between my meals. siaoz liao.. lol

i have slight leg cramps twice. how come you have that almost everyday? you walk or stand a lot?

melissa, i have cramps in feet and hands...think its due to our slping position though i'm not sure if the hand cramp was due to maybe hubby lying on it! haha

cherrry, my 'wounds' are made up of blood vessels, but abit blue-black type zzz

maybe becoz its on my chest area, thats y i still dragging abt seeing a doc for that T_T

eoneon, really leh! ever since i only saw the ones on my thighs so late, hopeless liao..i'll only get the creams in 1-2 weeks' time, by then duno wat will become of me haha! esp every single day counts LOL

Melissa: It's good to obtain fish oil naturally but the problem is that large fish like salmon and tuna have mercury inside their meat. My gynae recommended me this particular brand of fish oil tablets. It's called DHAxtra. It's in the form of soft gel pills. Very huge sized pills, almost like swallowing M&M with peanut filling.

Initially I had phobia of swallowing them since i eat them after breakfast. I will always have the urge to puke it out together with my breakfast. Hence, the strategy for me is to eat the pill before breakfast so that i'm not full yet so there's less chance that i'll puke it out. It's quite expensive. And you can't break the capsule otherwise the fish oil smell is very strong!

A pack of the softgel fish oil tablets cost about $59 (30 tablets). My gynae said this is a very very good brand of fish oil as the properties of the fish oil are very good for mummy and baby. About 3-5% of it goes to the baby each day according to my gynae. I heard buying at pharmacy is cheaper than buying from doctors. If you need a picture of it, tell me, i'll PM you. :)

Just had pasta + 2 chicken wings (Malay stall sis, cook special today) + Honey dew + Papaya. Yummy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Later will konzzzz cos still very tired even I had good night sleep for the past few days. Eon Eon I also feel like never have enough zzz like that.

Muddypaws, as long as Elizabeth healthy, other things worry later lah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I am happy with the stretch marks, pimples (lots of), cellulite, lots of pigmentation. Cos as long as Alexis is growing well.

Dr Woody said everything is in the pink pill, so no need extra calcium or iron tablets. Even I told him i didn't drink much milk he said it is okay. Now I try to drink more soya milk without sugar from either Mr Bean or Jolly beans.

Mango, lucky you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrates Ethan, welcome to Princess club[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I find fruits like dragon fruits, Papaya, Plums, Prunes, are good cos they have lots of fibres. Can take vitagen,Yogurt also helps alot for constipation.

Eon Eon, just take the stretchmarks as pregnancy process and enjoy it. It is good that the body is progress well for our babies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] It will go away after pop, no worries[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Melissa, sardine, silver fish, white baits would be good, cos they also have calcium (must eat with the bones). Tuna and salmon in moderation, maybe 2 servings per week. We are not taking the whole fish, just small portion. And for canned tuna, the level of mercury would be lower cos we would not eat the whole can in one go right. So my case I eat canned tuna fish from Subway, the most 2 times per week.

Cherrry, relax about work, it is just for milk powder $$$. Just take it easy, Anger, upset is not good for baby okay. Be happy. Log-in more often to talk to jie meis here. Take leave or MC when necessary. Need to be happy and positive for our babies okay.

I also missed my "free" time chatting here. Now I can only do it during lunch time and try to reply some post during lunch hour. Office hours not fun liao.

I am still waiting for good promotions to get the iphone. I think still have to wait for some times for the siaoness in iphone4 to die down.

Your baby is growing well. I wonder how heavy is Alexis now, I have to wait till next Tue.

Eon Eon, my chest also expanded, but not my boobs. Now our lungs are getting bigger for babies sake. So breathe deeper.

Cindy, I also have cramps on hands and legs, cos of our sleeping position. Do change position is possible.

Jie meis, we should just enjoy our pregnancies, don't worry to much about other stuff. Being pregnant is already a huge blessing liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Have a nice day[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wow Debbie, your fish oil very ex. I am paying $32.10 for 30 pills. I guess yours DHA+EPA must be higher bah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Stefie, yes i know!!! my husband complaining already because everytime i visit my gynae, i have to pay $60-$80 and it's largely due to the fish oil supplements. haha no choice for the baby's brain development. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Debbie, ya lor for baby sake just bear with it[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Although I am only paying $32.10 for my monthly fish oil, I am still paying about $110 for my 2x per month cordyceps mix herbs from my sinseh. And next month would be worst cos I am thinking of taking birdnest liao.

As long as it is for baby's sake, no matter how ex we would still pay one[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Your hubby shouldn't complain cos he is not the one who pay. My hubby never say anything cos I pay for all my fish oil, herbs and even the antenatal classes. I will want him to pay for my hospital bills and baby stuff[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi, for those of you who haven't got a stroller yet, I have too many stroller giveaways so this is brand new for those of you considering this model

Combi miracle turn pram/stroller for sale (brandnew), $438 up $498 (selling at taka baby fair and also online)

interested email [email protected]

for a picture go to http://www.kiddysky.com/CommodityShow.aspx?id=681

for the review, go to http://daddy.nivlek.per.sg/2010/05/baby-strollers.html > its the last one being reviewed but in orange color.

colour : orange

cindy: try to get it earlier if you can loh. cause the stretchmarks spread like virus. wahaha..

stefie: good to see you here.. hehe. yah, just gona lament a bit else will feel unbalance. wahaha... since stretchmarks already appeared, there is nothing i can do le. except put in more effort to reduce the impact.

breathing hard now.. haha, breathless so easily.

bubbly: my god! that is something i wouldnt attempt to do myself. after reading it, it brings undescribable feeling to me. dont understand how can childbirth not be painful. gosh!

Hello Mummies,

Work has kept me away again. Just like to share that I found out that I have a little princess in me the other day. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Can start shopping and decorating her room already. My hubby is so happy about having a girl.

Wah so many of you started on so many supplements. Makes me feel like a bad mummy. Have not been taking a lot. Just take obimin and milk only. Hmmm... need to buy some stuff for her to eat already, or will feel guilty.

Now having my mix fruits today: Black Plum x 2 + blue berries + cherry tomatoes, yummy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ha!!! I also miss here. It is good to lament here. Help to de-stress also[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Joyfulbliss, you can eat more fruits like plums, kiwis, berries, cherry tomatoes cos they are rich in anti-oxidants. Eat more eggs, soya bean milk, milk, whole gains stuff, more veggies, tofu, eat more fish, meat like duck, mutton, beef etc etc. Everything in moderation and have balance diet. No worries lah. Obimin is enough, my pink pills is also obimin. Some gynae does not encourage eating fish oil pill, so eat good fish like salmon, tuna (in Moderation), Sardine, white baits, cod fish etc ect.

Don't worry too much okay[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie, maybe last few nights i too tired so nv managed to 'adjust' my slping position haha

bubbly, thx for sharing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

though birthing should come naturally, but maybe not for faint hearted like me haha

eoneon, haha so jialat to relate stretchmarks to virus T_T

will try to get it by this weekend le...as much as i'm trying not to 'bother', i cant help but worry for myself LOL

Wah stefie, you really healthy leh. I can drool just reading about the things you eat. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Joyfulbliss, I siao siao one. Sometimes I also eat bak kua, you tiao, fried chickens, ice cream etc etec. Just eat what you want, but in moderation[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Now I love Soup macrononi and Hainanese Chicken rice.

Cindy, I also slept very deeply, even Alexis kick, I also cannot feel it[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

eoneon - I dunno leh, I get them in the morn when I wake up, all halfway when I'm sleeping when I'm trying to turn or going to pee in the middle of night. Its horrible! There's once I grab onto my hubs hand in the middle of the nite.

I sit alot though.

cindy - oh mine is hand numb due to sleeping position haha.

Debbie - thanks! can send me a pic of it??

stefie - I eat tuna bagel twice a week last time too. now not really cos quite sick of it. So now I'm just taking normal fish.

stefie, i also now seldom wake up at night for toilet, but morning is the type where i have to run for toilet liao haha...crazy one...

melissa, duno abt my hand leh, maybe myself or hubby lie on my hand while slping ba LOL

debbie, i used to wake up at night to pee, now i can 'control' till morning haha...

not sure if its good or bad though coz i have to make a mad rush for the toilet...think i might have to resort to setting alarm for nightly toilet visits :p

Mommies: Just heard from my staff that another colleague would be officially taking over my position effective Sep 1. That means that my transfer is effective(?). My hospitalisation leave ends on Aug 31, and I'm planning to go back to work on Sep 1.

Joyfulbliss: Just eat everything in moderation [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I eat regular food, and Elizabeth has been giving me huge kicks, which are results of the sugr rush from my mooncake feasting :p I have my occasion ice lemon tea, and cakes too. Btw, congrats on knowing bb is a Princess!

Mommies: Those having princesses, we can arrange for playdates for our gals next time!

Eoneon/Melissa/Cindy: I haven't had cramps in the 2nd trimester yet. Maybe cos I move a lot in my sleep...


cindy, sometimes i do wake up to pee if i feel urgent in the middle of the night. Most of the time i also 'control' till morning :) I think it's not so good if we mums control our pee too long. It's ok don't worry about nightly toilet visits, just do so when you happen to wake up during the night.

I try not to drink too much water after 9pm. Just occassional sips if i'm thirsty. Scared of water retention also. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

