(2010/12) December 2010 MTB


Actually I think 6 mth bash.. Should just be a gathering coz too short a time for anything.. After this then prepare for 1y birthday bash more meaningful..If not too stress on u leh.. Ok

I think the main thing is to gather and let bb meet..



Give him a day or two to tune back.. =)

E Sq

I am like u.. Also zombified. He also suka suka wake up n drink. If i heng, only 1 time arnd 3-5am, if nt can be 1am, 4am, 7am.. Damm.. Then no need slp liao.. Cos by the time he slp bk, my gal wakes up le... =(

ok esquare n dew, think we keep the 6mth bash simple just for babies to meet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dbaby yalo hopefully he will tune back

aiya Klitz think i wont join u liao,i just woke up with a stuffy nose scared i gng to catch a cold so i better rest at hm :p u enjoy the sales ah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mummies, hws everyone?? finally gt e energy to log in...had been sick for e past 4 days so tired, nw finally bk to work den can log in.

mummies, tis Fri i'm gg to buy GWP Puffs...anyone interested beside Roz, let me kw asap,k.=)

PSH> oh hey don't worry too much about the piffs, ok? if u not feeling well, dont want you to drag urself to work just for that :D

Petpet diapers> found this contact off craigslist yest, jumbo pack size M/L/XL for $14.90, free delivery islandwide if you buy 3 packs or more. Fairprice retailing for $18.90 but thought I saw the promo yesterday was 2 for $34. Kiddy romper [email protected]

Good morning!!!

Recently very tired. Can join the zombiefied mummy's club too. Ai yo, miss having a good long and uninterrupted sleep. When will that day come.......

Talking about zombies, moms with iPhone, itouch

or iPad can go download the game plants vs zombies. Lol. It's fun.

Urm, by the way, can anyone teach me how to choose avocado ah? I never buy before but thinking of getting for my girl to try next month.

Good morning mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am on mc today. Now just did some shopping at ntuc for alexis. Found another cheap wipes @$4.95/3 packs. It is made by calson wipe co. It seems like the same as the BHG one I said yesterday. I will go home and upload the pics.

Thanks roz, I stock up pet pet L size diaper.

Good Morning Mummies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dew - I'm not sure if I can make it for this Fri's jiugui. I try my best ok! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But if able to, most prob I'll go home first so probably also around 8plus.

6months bash

ooohh so excited about this!!!!!

E_square, I also thinking to get as my earlier one like a bit spoilt as last time the temp maid anyone use and wash...somemore I got additional 10% tmr...u wanna get? Hehe tempting u...

Taka has Raycop? If so, will go there take a look and get it...

Hi mummies,

I am creating some flashcards in English and Chinese, on powerpoint using Glenn Doman and some of my own words. I just started, currently there are "wild animals" and "birds" for you to download.

I am sharing with fellow mummies for FREE. Help me share with your friends if you think these are useful [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Visit the FB page below to view instructions on downloading the slides:


Hi Mummies,

I know this is off topic, but anyone trying for Dragon baby? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Roz: I use the milk trays to freeze the purees too. The trays store food in 1oz sticks, so we know exactly how much liz is eating. We use that for my BM too.

Hiya! Does your baby has alot of rashes on the neck? Leah has alot... it's getting worse. =( We hv been applying Pigeon rash cream, seems to help only alittle. Any remedy?

Stefie, take care ah.

bribena - Mine has rashes on her hands and feets cos sweaty. There's some cream to apply given by pd but no use, cos it will come back everyday due to sweat.

Maybe exposing her neck area help?

stefie, o dear.. u take care oki gal. hope u get well soon. drink more water ya.

bribena, i tink its due to heat. ethan lately also had the same prob. u can ask gp/pd for this cream "Elomet + AQ". this cream works quite well.

Re : Raycop

sorry i missed earlier posts, but hw much is this and how good ar? i also tink i wana get a better cleaner cos i got attacked wf some bites lately.. heng my gers din get it.. damn the bugs!

stefie - thanks for the e-mail.. will start 'poisoning' my hb.. in fact i aldy got a winter jacket for my elder ger last year when i saw the barbie jacket on sale.. sooo hard to resist, pink wf a furry hood! hahaha... take care ya,drink more liang teh n water!btw, 'real' mc? hee...

bbribena-u might want to wipe bb's neck more often wf warm water then apply some california cream? powder also helps to relieve the redness...

samantha - if u want a ripe one, choose the black ones.. if not the green ones will do.. it shld feel firm and yet a lil bouncy when pressed slightly. i leave it in the open to ripen for bout 2-3days before feeding...

Melissa, we let her wear low collar tops... still same. I hope it's not allergies reaction to her solid. So far it's only the neck, so I guess it's prob her saliva.

Crystal, can I get the cream from pharmacist? Any idea if it contains steroids?

Cel cel, yay... that's what I told my MIL this morning. She said she already wipe during her bath time in the morning and evening. But I told her to do it more often, esp after each feed.

i went to Isetan sales before work ... bought muchin spoon ($5+ for 6 spoons) n pigeon training mug ($15 for a set) .. i think quite worth it .. but the most worth it are household items but i didnt buy .. tempted to buy avent magic cup handle n teats, but stop myself as end of theweek is philip carnival sale

later, if hv time during lunch, maybe will go to tangs sale .. wow hooo ~~~ too many sales around

Does isetan has pram onsale too? Looking for one to replace the hand-me-down pram I got from sis. Hers already 10yo! Alittle shaky lately as Leah getting heavy and she actively kicking the horizontal bar that's infront of her.

crystal, bbribena,

elomet is a steroid cream. can only get from drs.

it's quite strong according to my pd, so pls use sparingly.


Bad influence.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I also have taka card.. But hb has no time.. Maybe Friday we go and see

Melissa. You are trying for dragon baby is it? Hee I think I'll give that year a miss due to work commitments. I intend to try for baby after dragon year.

Re: huggies

anyone heard of the promotion at cold storage for huggies diapers? I think 2 packs for $21.95 or something. I went the other day and all sold out!


Why dun u get califonia bb .. The aloe Vera one .. It's good .. My boy has rashes on body and neck alot.. After 2 times it disappear ..

Klitz> Regarding Philips carnival sale, no prob, I can wait.. Help me check out the price of the steam/flip/blend thingy k? Thanks!

esquare> The ex-gf very rude leh... You're not fat lor.. Lucky your hb defend you! Anw it's not called fat.. It's called got 福气.. And I think she's just sour grape!

Amelia> Pigeon training mug is it the mag mag one? I alr bought from Kiddy Palace during their sale.. Seems like Isetan a bit cheaper..

Melissa> Are you trying for Dragon baby? I wanna have #2.. But still can't decide when... Bah.. Don't mind having a dragon baby actually.. haha.. Nemmind, shall let nature take its course..

Rena, I'm actually looking at it now on FB baby stores. =)) I personally allergies to aloe vera, so am thinking to let Leah to try or not.

Debbie - haha maybe next year but definitely not this year! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

E-aquare - oh the aloe vera one very good? I'm currently using Canedula one after her bath.

Debbie> yah I think giant also hving the same promo for huggies ultra but at cold storage if you buy $100 worth you get a Little Tikes BBQ grill toy for free.

Just came out from Tangs sale. Only came for a kettle but ended up with other things, -_-.

Rena: reminded me of an incident where we saw my hubby ex colleague that I don't like. He asked my hubby why I never lose weight after giving birth loh! And hubby never defend me. Really dont like her. And she knows it yet kept trying to keep in contact with him. When she has bf, she cut off contact. Now bf left Liao, suddenly want to friend friend. Buay tahan. Hubby know I don't like her yet want to still be friends with her. Well can't say anything.

Melissa: am thinking of having a dragon baby too.. But haven't decide if I want it earlier part of the year or later.

Melissa, Aiko,

We are planning to have dragon baby too... cannot delay to long as my fibroid regrowth rate is quite fast. If not I hv to go for operation again to remove them before I can try for baby. If we have baby dragon, we will have "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon" liao. XD


The aloe, has healing function..


Can ask Shu xin for the contact ? It's about the same price plus shipping ..

Yo mummies & daddies ^_^

taken your lunch? I'm not in office today so can't really join in the conversation. Now @ Mac eating & catching up on posts.

Dewdew: if on Friday, I also will go to my parents' first before joining so roughing around 8+pm too. I can go home @ any time cause hubby is oustationed & Cheyenne is with parents.

Grumpus, I can't remember how how the teether cost exactly but it is in low tens.. Below $15. ;) robinsons alwiz hv 20% off in toys dept. oh.. It's made in USA, not china or vietnam. Haha

Mummies who've seen my gal in action using the teething toy knows she loves it. Haha! If interested can check website for info: http://www.lifefactory.com/baby/teethers.html

You won't have to worry about them hitting their face with it cos it is just so soft. ;)

Btw, do they still use teething toys after they hv their tooth?

Lee / aiko / bribena - Ya planning to try for one next year once we shift into our new place hehe. I don't want their age gap too far and want to close shop liao! Hope to get dragon boy haha.

Ya lor "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon"!!!!

Kena "ya" by the 2 more powerful animals! haha[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

aiko - I hope to get end yr bb so that it wont be sooooo hot during confinement.

bribena - when are you planning? my c-sect so I think best to wait for a year, so scary if they are gonna cut my wound.

So you have to remove your fibroid after giving bith to #2?


i know bout e huggies, but i dont like their high "cut" strips. CS kallang and novena square 2 still selling.


talking about tiger baby, my younger sis,my mil n wei is tiger. My sis in law and my older one is pig.

My husb is a dragon but we know go primary school sure darn competitive,so if accident also must be snake (if EVER) cos my mom is a snake.

me and my older one were born in e so called "golden" horoscope, the gold mouse and gold pig.

Melissa, I had the fibroid removed before trying for Leah. I was supposed to wait for 8mths before trying. 6 months after my surgery, I went to my gynae for checkup, to our shock, fibroid were found, so she quickly told to try. The fibroid were nowhere to be seen when I was preggy with Leah. But in april, 5 mths after giving birth to Leah, my gynea saw 2 tiny fibroid again. Any size that's smaller than 5cm, don't need to remove, unless hve too many small ones. Hence we planning to quickly try for another one when Leah turns one. I think for c-sect, it's best to wait for at least a year to try. I can try for baby 6 months after my fibroid removal surgery is becoz the fibroid were all on the outside of the uterus, meaning gynae did not cut open the uterus, the inner layer of uterus still intact. It's best to check with your gynae. =)

Amuro, I heard last year tiger was golden tiger.. is it? Well we have baby tiger liao (low birth rate), if the next one is really a dragon, he/she can ride on to the bro/sis tiger to go into the same primary school lor. LOL!

Hi mommies I am back home liao, just had my medicine, going to sleep after I post this.

Melissa, will be trying for no. 2 but maybe year of the snake, cos I am snake, would be nice if my baby is snake also, cos it seems like everytime will have good lobang and $$ is enough to spend, and everything quite soon soon. Dragon year baby will have to worry for hospital space when delivering, school, etc etc. But if you want, then why not[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Baby dust to you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ribena, thank you. Alexis also have rashes around neck and face area. I think due to her drool bah. I use California BB Calendula cream on her, so far so good. I am almost done with my 120g tub. You need me to give you some to try on Leah before spending $31 for that 120g one? I can drop in your mail box today while on my way to fetch Alexis. Maybe you just PM me your address and your HP (I change my phone, so I may lost yours liao) I will put in small zip lock bag.

Crystal. thanks. Later will nap after taking all the zzzing medicine

God's child, real MC, I am having fever leh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw, the pic of the wet wipes.

The BHG (Squibbles)- 3 pkts x 80 pcs @$5.50-



NTUC (Babes)- 3 pkts x 80 pcs @$4.95



So both are actually from Carlson wet wipes company. Can see both pics in carlson web. I will buy from NTUC liao, since same things and cheaper and easier for me to buy also.


Dimension of the 1 pkt: L 16cm x B11.7cm x H 5.5 cm. God's child hope this helps you. See whether can squeeze in pigeon box or not[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hope that helps.

stefie, do take care. rest more and drink more water. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bbribena, my gynae also advised me to try for a dragon baby soon due to my fibroid, which caused me so much pain during my pregnancy that i need to be admitted... sigh.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


stefie, 31 for 12oz! How cm i saw somewhere selling 30 over bucks for only 4oz! I think i m going to get it tonight, papa heartache seeing leah w those rashes. =) thanks for offering, babe! I pm u my mobile later when i get bk to ofc, easier for future contact. =))

