(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

stefie - oh dear.. rest well wor, catch up on ur sleep while Alexis in IFC.. its a LUXURY! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]thks for the info on the dimensions.will go home to chk..

yuffizz - are u the one?? hee.. cos i saw the pics loaded in the other mummies' FB and think you look reali familiar! wps pri 6N1?

Re: Huggies

i got the samples from them to try but its reali small cutting n high cut.. it kinda irritate my gal's skin n left it red.. sticking to pampers active ...

Roz - tangs sale very good??? share share wats ur loot lei, i might consider going later if its reali sooo irresistable..haha

bbribena - is tiger year low birth rate? i thot it was aplenty! anyway once my elder gal gets in the sch,i wont have headache for my second one... just gota work hard to clock the 40hrs of PV now

dbaby - i oso haven reali fed a complete meal of cereals to #2.. she is not easy to feed, almost spit out and i gota play catching wf the cereal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] since she doesnt fancy the cereal, i will try out the eu yan seng brown rice tis wkend ( supposed to be nicer in taste ) and also cook some porrige for her.. feel abit guilty twds my #2 also cos for her jiejie, i was super geared in feeding n trying tis n tat.. for her, im stil taking my time.. the second child syndrome.. hee...



my boy also haf tt. nw i forsake the steriod cream and dilligently applying the cetaphil intensive moisturising cream prescribed by dermatologist everyday, always after bath or when needed, the rash not so bad le. so maybe can dun apply steriod unless it gets bad, else the moisturiser works well too..


my younger sis jus gt preg, dragon BB i think.. but then if b4 CNY, its still considered rabbit.. u so fast ah, very siong with 2 very close in age.. me, i aldy buay tahan le. lucky gt my grandma help out a bit..

jul/dec mum

i jus went compass earlier.. wow, nvr go out then no rain, go out then rain. i drop off my gal at PG then went with my boy n grandma to compass. had lunch then went to see see but realised ex le, still cheaper if i buy frm my supplier... 1 denim jumper aldy $40, i only get for cheaper than tt, jus tt no brand, am only sellin at $25.90 lo.. i think i stick to my supplier ba...

wow, rain big time and me, grandma & #1 had to go shower once home.. luckily i covered up #2 in pram... hehehe =)


Yar lor stupid rain hor. I suppose to join Amuro for coffee at parkway, but raining so heavily just now...

Hai... guess i will be stuck at home today liao. So borning... My hubby work at home today but he ask me not to switch on tv, not to make noises as he need to make phone call to customers. Sian i am now stuck in the bedroom with my girl... I rather he go office today...

Mummies who went to the isetan or tangs sales,

What r the good buy there? Is the sales good? How many per cent discount? I cant think of anything i need to buy...

wow, so many mommies trying for #2 already? Sigh... I'm super tempted to have #2 too, but hubs is not keen. He says to concentrate all on Liz as he feels that it would be more financially straining with #2. Plus, we both need to travel for work, it won't be fair to have 2 kids and to leave them at home with the maid. So I guess I would stick to one....

Taking Liz for jab tmrw!!!!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


No hurry lah... Actually i feel that bigger gap between the kids might not be a bad thing too. When no. 1 is more mature, it will be easier to handle 2 kids. And for us mummies we can also enjoy our baby's growing phase now. Once it is over, we will miss it lor...

celcel, I rem reading from somewhere that it's lowest birth rate for year tigger.

dbaby, I rem read from the forum that someone uses Medela nipple cream for baby rashes and it works. I going to try the california cream first.

muddypaws, one child is very lonely for the child, I feel. Time can change a person's view. =)

whisp, just get it over and done with lor. Will definitely be very tiring for the first few years. but after that, can rest liao. =) btw, try to avoid dang gui (angelica), believes to promote fibroids. Esp nowadays, there are skincare pdts that contain dang gui (angelica), better check ingredients.

bbribena: Yes, i'm the one who uses the medela nipple cream on liz' face. It helps to 'water-proof' the skin from drool, so her face remains rash free.

dec mum: Time is not on my side. I'm 34 this year, and hubs is 39. So if I want #2, I must act fast. But he doesn't want.....

bbribena: Yeah, I think liz is lonely... I'm an only child, and even though hubs has 3 bros, the age gap is at least 9 years, so he grew up 'alone' too. That's why I want liz to have a sibling to play with...

muddypaws, two children is definitely more straining on money.. but as i always tell my friends, when Leah is able to take part-time job and capable of earning her own pocket money, she must learn to earn and save for her school fees. XD Bad mommy hor. XD But mommy save her own money for retirement and medical fee, so Leah no worry and can carry on with her life and family.

Muddy- me too. I think of having no.2 cos I don't want my gal to be lonely. But having another kid is actually quite a major decision too. So am still deliberating whether to try or not. Me and hubby also travel for work. I always feel so sad now when I have to go on business trip.


I'm a new member..Not sure if i'm suppose to be in Nov or Dec 2010 mummy.. heheh.. Cuz my boy suppose to be born on 28 Dec but was prematured so he was born 30 NOv 2010... Coming 6 months this 30 May

Welcome, Leelee! My girl also suppose to be born on 1 Dec, but was induced on 15 Nov instead coz she was too fast too big! Too much fried banana during my last tri XP

god's child, yes! u hv v good memory! in 1992? u add me in FB... so cool to find pri sch mates here. haha! i hv poor memory, don't blame me if i can't recall hor. ;)

Tangs sale> Mmm eh I dunno if good or not lol I had a particular brand in mind which I knew they had to tts y I came :p don't usually shop at Tangs otherwise!

bribena - oh icic, okok baby dust to you soon ok! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Think my hse will be ready end of year. means its a year! Hopefully can start trying beginning of next year!

stefie - ya lor, the schools and all headache! But if he can leverage on Kayleia still ok. But its quite competitive all the way till Uni. so poor thing.

dbaby - ya lor 1 now already very tiring, I cannot imagine one more. My poor parents in law. Now my sil pregnant also. They will get a new grandkid every yr. haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

muddypaws - I'm the only child too! Grew up so lonely, that's one of the reason why I wanted a 2nd child too. I always envy my cousins for having siblings.

yuffizz - yes, 1992! sooo qiao! i told hb i tink i saw my pri sch mate in my thread and he was totali amazed.. hee... will add u in FB tonite,see if u can remember me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u stil in contact wf other classmates?

muddypaws - dun worry, i tink ur HB will change his mind IF Liz asks for a sibling... they are particularly soft twds their princess! for me, i had miscarriages after my #1 and so stopped trying cos i cant take the excitement and dissapointment each time... BUT when my #1 asked for a sibling,HB was the one who initiated the TTC.. its quite heart pain to see her play alone and kept asking for a sibling.. esp when she plays alone at the playground,watching other pairs of siblings play catch... super heartache!!! we reali din expect to get preg again cos wasnt reali trying and timing the dates...we attribute it to my #1's daily prayer for a lil sister [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] im sure Liz will b able to change ur HB one day!

Leelee - welcome to our thread! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi bbribena,Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so happy for u that ur girl is growing good..urs two weeks earlier.. mine is 1 month earlier and was born 1.825kg [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] and now he's coming 6 months, hes only 6kg.. so small [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Leelee, he has tripled his birth weight, not bad. =) As long as he eats, poos and sleeps well, there's nothing you need to worry about. =)) Enjoy your motherhood.

Amelia, no worries. =)

Went to Cotton On outlet (thanks to the Mommies here) during lunch time... bought 4 pair of socks, 1 dress, 2 tops and 2 leggings for Leah in just a short span of 15mins!

Bbribena, you tried applying powder on the neck? My girl used to have rashes at the neck. Think it's damp from drool or sweat. But I will wipe and put powder. No more rash. Also, previously she has rashes on her body. It doesn't irritate her but pd say is ezema and must moisturize it. Tried putting sebamed and gaia also no use. So I got a cream called baby Aquaphor. 1 application and rash gone. But this product only available in USA. Can get from amazon. Really good product cos multi purpose also. A bit like Vaseline with lanolin. Now her skin baby smooth again.

God's child, thanks for teaching me how to choose avocado. Will go take a look. Actually, I never see the fruit before. Lol.

God's child,

It's exciting to see primary school mate.. The 05 thread, I met Mamapanda ( my pri sch mate), the my sec classmate's wife...and ex bf 's good friend wife

god's child> thanks.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Puree> where do u all get the ice cube trays? btw do u steam the apples before doing the puree? my hub says steam liao will lose the vits leh..

Avocado> Must steam? or buy ripe ones then no need steam?

Rashes> Neck, legs, or folds red - try this.. Pureen contarch powder... It works for me and my gf's boys..can be bought at kiddy palace.. ard $2.95 after discount


Dun worry too much. My girl birth weight is 2.54kg but 2 weeks ago weigh her she is only 5.6kg. So your baby is still growing faster than mine. Haha. My girl also turning 6mth next week. But like what bribena say also long as baby is sleeping well n eating well, there shld be nothing to worry. I have never worry abt her lor.

re: #2

bbribena: Haha, hubs and I also talk about liz financing her own studies etc.

melissa/chuck/god's child: Still thinking about it......... actually hubs wants 2-3 kids but feel that it's financially straining. Eg. Now we can afford to bring Liz to Disney USA in style, but with two kids, it's not possible anymore. He doesn't want the kids to compromise...

leelee: Avocado, no need to steam. Just mash and serve. It's super fattening... my girl loves it!

Leelee: ice trays... i got mine from Mt A pharmacy. It's BPA-free, so I know it's safe to use for babies. I guess you can use normal ice-trays too.


hi! my elder girl was born @37wks, 1.86kg

now she's a healthy normal sized 3 yr old.

so dun worry abt yr boy. he'll catch up soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

steaming loses some vitamins, but it's better than boiling. bb can't eat raw apple cos it's too hard so no choice hv to steam. avocado no need to steam. banana also no need to steam.

Samantha, can I use liquid talc instead of powder?

Leelee, I got petite baby cubes from SMH at ard $13 per tray which has 8 cubes. It has markings on the cubes so you know how much you feeding your baby. Here where I got mine from: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/5392559.html?1304321283

As for avocado, you get the ripe ones, usually dark in color, still hard to touch. If you get the green ones, it's still raw, can't feed to our babies. Dark color and soft to touch is usually too ripe. No need to steam.

Banana and avocado, no need to steam. The rest must steam. Coz infant can't take raw fruits until IIRC 1 year old.

Muddypaws, bring them closer to the nearby disney lor... the Japan one. =) Disney is just one in a while luxury, siblings are lifetime for Liz. =) At least in future if anything happens to parents, the child won't be so lonely, at least she can discuss which old folk's home to put us in with siblings, can share cost... XD

thanks to all ur advices mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

muddypaws> how much is the tray from Mt A pharmacy?

bbribena> Thanks for the link [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] lemme compare prices... I'm quite a cheapo.. hahha

Amelia, is the munckin spoons special buy at $5+? went parkway isetan and dun have the weaning stuff I wanna get...

E_square, haha...do u still use it now and then? I stop using but am thinkin of passing the older food jar to my mil (since she doesn't take well care of the food jar) & I use new one at my own house...hahaha...so bad of me

Monday gathering at my place..

Take 410G from interchange.. Just 1 bus stop and I wait for u at the bus stop..

Just need to go pass the schools and my block is in side..

But do let me know who wants me to wait at bus stop

leelee: It's about S$40 for a set of 2 trays (each tray comes with compartment for 8 milk sticks of 1oz each). Comes with cover too. Have been using this to store my EBM too.

bbribena: You sound exactly like my hubs. He says we should build our retirement fund so that we would not be a burden to liz. We should start hunting for our nursing home (cos in US/Aust, there's nursing community) so we can plonk ourselves there! True that we can go Disney Japan, but bottomline is he doesn't want to compromise on what he can give liz. And he's a traditionalist when it comes to Disney... Disney must be the one in USA, no where else.

Bbribena, I never try to use the liquid powder before so can't comment. But I use pigeon medicated powder mix with prickly heat powder. Use small sponge to apply so that it doesn't dust all over the place or all over baby. Ever since I use powder, baby no more rashes on the neck.

Ribena, the babycubes that you bought is GOOD BUY!!!

My hb threw all away w/o asking me, arghh!! Haa finally gt BP liao, I am gng to buy, cos it is cheap and good BPA free [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

leelee welcome[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

steaming is the best and basic cooking method for all baby puree food [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

leelee welcome[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

steaming is the best and basic cooking method for all baby puree food [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

for fruits: baby can only eat avocado, banana, apple and papaya for start, only apple need to steam

for vege: all must steam

all new mummies, can refer to this bb food link, is my food bible reference[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



JTS an email i recvd for incentive on survey:

Hi, my company is doing a market research and we're looking for suitable respondents (mommies and daddies) to participate in our 2-hr focus group discussion next week. Incentive is $80-$100 cash depending on which group are you in.

Topic is on kids TV channels. Location is my office at Tanjong Pagar.

Your kids must be of age 3-6 or 7-12 and watch at least 7hrs of TV a week inclusive of documentary / education programmes. Primary spoken language at home is Mandarin.

Parent must be familiar with their children TV viewing habits like the children programes etc. For those with kids 3-6 yo must be sit with kid to watch their programes at home.

Group 1

Date : 30th May (Monday) 3.45pm

Citeria: At least one kid age 3-6yrs old and non-subscriber of Stahub cable or mioTV.

Looking for mommies or daddies between the age 25-34

Incentive $100 cash

Group 2

Date : 30th May (Monday) 6.45pm

Citeria: At least one kid age 7-12yrs old and non-subscriber of Stahub cable or mioTV

Looking for mommies or daddies between the age 35-50

Incentive $80 cash

Group 3

Date : 31st May (Tuesday) 3.45pm

Citeria: At least one kid age 3-6yrs old and subscriber of MIO TV

Looking for mommies or daddies between the age 25-34

Incentive $100 cash

Group 4

Date : 31st May (Tuesday) 6.45pm

Citeria: At least one kid age 7-12yrs old and subscriber of MIO TV

Looking for mommies or daddies between the age 35-50

Incentive $80 cash

Group 5

Date : 1st June (Wed) 3.45pm

Citeria: At least one kid age 3-12yrs old and subscriber of Starhub cable

Looking for mommies or daddies between the age 25-50

Incentive $100 cash

Kindly forward to your friends who might be interested. Appreciate it very much!

Email [email protected] with your name and contact no. ~~ thanks!



I usually follow Annabel karmel,

She write alot of babies recipes..

During my no1 time, she was famous and many of us bought her books.. I think I have a few of her recipes in soft copies.. Those who are keen can pm me..

And those who are coming over can take a look..

The book gives u a total meal planner for ur bb for a week..

And I also have Chinese infant cookbook.. That also very good.. I bought it thru intro by one of my no1 mummies from the threat and also a chines doc but duno now still have or not..

Hi E Square,

I should be able to go for the gathering but depending on whether my gal naps in the morning.. nowadays she refuses to sleep when we're out, super kaypoh... no need lunch for me, thanks!

can PM me your address, i should be able to meet u directly at ur place, i used to stay at bishan b4 i got married [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Talking about Cotton On,

i tot since its from Aust, it should be cheaper in Sydney.. Went to their factory outlet and realise tat their leggings cost 2 for AUD20, whereas here in the shop, its 2 for SGD20!!!

But I still bought cos i missed the kids so HAD to buy things for them *shakes head*

hi all, wasn't able to check in during the day 'cos was extremely bz in the office.

re: isetan sale

like amelia said, the best buys are the household items. i managed to get my pots, pans, wok and mop from isetan. also got a weighing scale, some baking equipment, and a set of baby einstein books. all in all, i think it was worth it! i was in and out of isetan within half an hour 'cos i knew what i wanted to buy. but went back in again to check on the other stuff.

esquare, u wanted to know about maclaren, right? i wasn't able to find that. only saw combi.

bbribena, i think u're better off finding a stroller at baby hypermart or maybe at the motherhood fair coming in june. the prices and variety there shd be better.

re: tangs sale

i think it's only worth it if you're a member and chiong down today 'cos rebate is 12%. some items are really much cheaper and with the rebate it's worth it to buy.

wow, i see some of u trying for #2 already... jia you! most likely i'll skip the dragon year 'cos it's a popular year for chinese and i dun want my kid to hv to compete even before he/she's born! lol... but then again, i'll leave it up to fate. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

muddypaws, oh yes! u hv to bring liz for her jab tmrw! i forgot to reply yr sms, will do so now. :p so sorry!

Leelee> Welcome welcome… Your boy is exactly one month older than mine! Mine was due end Jan, came out 30 Dec.. Totally skip one year of school!

Esquare> Don't need wait for me… I got tendency to be late one.. Coz my boy always sleep until very late.. Anw I'm keen on the baby recipe book.. Can email me?

Re: #2

When just gave birth to bb, it was so tiring that for a while, I thought 1 was all I could take.. But now bb coming to 5 months, doesn't seem so bad.. So wanna have #2 liao.. hahaha… Fast fast get it over and done with, close shop! Regarding finances, it'll work itself out lah.. Just got to adjust lifestyle when necessary.. We already gave up traveling after having bb.. Not sure what else can give up if got #2.. Hmm… Shall think about it when it happens.. :p

For mummies who lives in sk,

Compasspoint atrium is having fox kids bazaar sales again. Those who miss the wing tai or tampines one might want to take a look cos the items are the same. Price from $6.


Yuffizz> Wah liao, the news abt daddy leaving girl in the car.. Reminds me of when I was young, there was once my dad left me AND MY MUM in the car!! He got out, locked and just walked away!! Then he went to have his dinner, wondering the whole time why the 2 of us didn't follow us, then came back to the car after eating to see us stuck in the car... That was during ancient day with no handphone lor, cannot call for help... And I was young but can still remember very clearly, show how traumatizing it was.. MEN... Bah.

