(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

eon: You gotta count me out on the drinks session on 28th too cos hubs' flight is at mid-nite!

When Liz doesn't want to sleep, I always let her suckle, and she's off to lala land in 5mins. I know I'm pampering her cos she's supposed to learn to sleep on her own, but she's always so happy when I 'expose' my boobs to her. Maybe you can try letting her suckle?


Stefie, now I ren lor, for sake of Leah. Whenever I tot of his remarks, I will go look for her, she brighten me up instantly! But I know I might burst anytime if kenna trigger again. I don't even feel like going on holiday with him anymore.

I nvr do transition for Leah's milk, nor her solid leh. I just switch. =P

liling> lots of babies also get their ears pierced, so am sure it'll be fine. probably will be more startled by the loud noise from the gun than anything else.

dewdew> eh i dunno if my kids will like the earmuffs. my boy is the kind can sleep through drilling, vacuuming and loud noises from the carpark outside but will startle if the chair squeaks or if i rustle a page. haha! but i thought since buying one, might as well get 2..:p

sharon: same same.. my hb also like that.. i said take baby out, he dun want lo. then i insisted we take him down to the coffeeshop and we have lunch on sat. when baby cried, he said: see la.. ask u dun bring him along what. i handle the baby myself lo. i carried him on my lap and have my lunch. he rather play his maple at home than entertain baby lo. there's one time, i asked him to look after baby for awhile so that i can make his milk, he said ok. but when baby cried, he leave him crying and surf his net, read his email. and asking baby to keep quiet instead of calm him down. i think we mummies are the one sacrifing whereas the man enjoy their life and still calm that they are very busy. so i really thinks it is good that we are staying apart now. only meet during weekends. =)

sam: i got that brown rice from eu yan seng. waiting for baby to turn 6mths then try. heard from colleague that it is good.

muddypaws: liz is spinning? how? you got video it down? post in FB...

oshgosh: welcome back! glad you enjoy your trip.

dewdew: korean bbq sounds good. when? i see i can go or not..

drinking session: too bad i dun drink else will join you all.

Hi All Mummies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Its horrible Mon blues! Really don't feel like dragging myself to work at all. Poor Kayleia was looking at me at the door while I leave for work.

Wow, been catching up with the post for past hour!


talking about husbands, I think really we women are just borned with the natural intincts to do everything for our kids, while men, I dunno what they can do(haha, but not all, there are some who are really hands on). I think we all go through a phrase especially when a new baby comes along.


My hubs is like that too! Can just lie on the stupid bed reading teamtalk/yahoo news/stomp while I wrestle/feed her. Or when she poos/bathe, he'll just lie there, and tell me that my girl's waiting for me.

There was once, I went out with my mum and came home, saw my mil feeding her outside, while he, the dad is surfing the net! So angry!

But of cos he still help(minimal) sometimes. So I give him credit for that.

eon - mine also energiser baby but only on weekends, I think she knows both of us are around so wanna bully us by not sleeping! She keeps rolling and rolling around the bed but refused to sleep!

neko - just saw on FB that its your birthday. Hope everything's well for you now and stay happy! Happy birthday!

muddypaws - aww Liz is soo cute! Maybe she's just distracted, babies have short attention span, mine likes to watch advertisement. Is baby eintein good? I bought your baby can read dvd for her, but she seems uninterested!

Jiukiu seesion

I can't drink but I don't mind for a chat! Hopefully I can make it.

re: jiugui session

hehe, maybe those who wants to join but dun drink can drink tea instead. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pauline, bbq session date not set yet. see how many ppl keen then we can discuss a suitable date. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bbribena, dun take his comments to heart. i feel we need open communications with our hb, without bb around. just go out, paktor for an hour or so, talk it out. otherwise this bearing of grudge will fester in our minds and hearts.. won't be good for the relationship.

@Dew I get what you mean. No matter what, a healthy family for our baby is the best environment for her to grow up in, and the foundation of a healthy family is the love between her parents and love from her parents. That's I strongly believe in.

pauline: Liz lies on her tummy, and she moves her hands one across another, and she spins! She's so into spinning now that she would ignore her fav toy in her path. WOuld try to get a video of her spinning and post it.

melissa: liz wasn't interested last time too, but now, she's sitting quietly in her rocker watching!

Hi mummies,

been MIA for a long time. Was busy at work and didn't have the time to read the forums.

Seems like I am not the only one that think having a baby is putting a strain on marriage. Like most of you, hubby also rarely does anything except to play with baby for a few minutes. Worse, when baby cries and me or my mum is not doing anything, he flares up. He threatens to get a maid to look after baby instead. I am not comfortable with the idea and would much prefer my mum to help out. But I don't think he should expect my mum to do everything. Or even if we get a maid, we should still be the parents looking after our child.

Lately my girl always cries when she is not being carried. PD say its normal and they want attention. I wonder how long this phase will last...

Am trying to feed her some cereals but she spits most out. How? She doesn't drink much and is below her ideal weight, thought if she could eat some cereals will help, but most of it end up on the bib, floor, chair.

27/28 may - drinking session at eon's place

1. eoneon

2. dewdew (27 & 28)

3. pauline (like what dew suggested, can have other beverage too. how?)

4. melissa

korean bbq session

1. dewdew

2. eoneon

3. pauline (tentative)

muddypaws: sad to say, Cheyenne is not the least interested in my boobs! that is one of the reasons why i stopped breastfeeding =(

melissa: haha.. ya, maybe our girls just wana bully us loh.

muddypaws - ok I shall try again tonite when I'm home to make her watch her video.

eon - ya lor naughty girls! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

27/28 may - drinking session at eon's place

1. eoneon

2. dewdew (27 & 28)

3. pauline (like what dew suggested, can have other beverage too. how?)

4. melissa (tentative)

BBq session when? I'm interested.

On saturday, I went out with my mum and left bb with hubby. Was barely out for an hour and think he can't tahan already... Changed her clothes, diapers, carried her but she was still wailing. Made milk for her and she refused to drink.. He don't even know how to assemble her milk bottle (am using Dr Brown). He called me 3 times within the hour, and asked why I unplugged the bottle warmer? (Have stopped using it since I stopped expressing milk.. he's trying to make FM using room temp water and heat it up using warmer??)

Luckily we are only out to do marketing, think bb will get scolded by hubby. He scolds her when she cries excessively.

aiko - I think must try abit everyday till she's ok. mine didn't like her cereal at first too. Keeps crying with every mouthfull. Now she opens her mouth when cereal comes. But she's not receptive to new food. haiz.

dewdew - Let me check with my wife on your proposed without babies, just go out, talk ,eat and be merry outing.

Sometimes I feel she should take a break and get to know more friends.

yugal, your wife is welcome to join us! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

aiko, wahahahah! i'm sorry but the idea of your hb making fm using normal room temp water, then heating up in bottle warmer is hilarious! wahahhahah... BUT i hv to say that is what some men will do. it's so DUH but yet it happens! oh well, it's good for a laugh anyway. lol...

i will also scold my gal if she's being difficult. i think she's of age to know the different tone of voices... like what are the situations when we will entertain her cries, and when we wouldn't. like y'day evening at dinner time, she's just fussing and fussing and i got stern with her and eventually she settled down to sleep, albeit with tear stains on her face. so poor thing but yet i know i must teach her the hard way sometimes. i think being firm and stern is ok, but in a reasonable way of course. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

korean bbq session

1. dewdew

2. eoneon

3. pauline (tentative)

4. yugal's wife (tentative)

5. aiko

Talking about TV, Alexis was smiling when she saw Lee Hsien Long on CNA. Not once but twice. Ha!! ha!! She is PAP supporter. Hubby said LHL has friendly face. Alamek. Ha!! ha!!!

aiko: my hubs is 'blur' too... left liz with him last time. Told him to put 3.5spoons of FM to 110ml of water. He put 3.5 heaped spoons of FM, so the FM was super thick! I asked him about it and he grinned and said "You didn't say heaped or level spoons!"

what time is the jiu gui session? and where is eon's house?

what brand of baby cutlery mummies n daddies using? any recommendation?

liling: so did your gal cry?

amelia: the jiu gui session is from evening onwards. my place is at sembawang. for those not driving, still very convenient as my block is opposite the mrt.

avent? can get from the philips carnival.

I'm using avent bowl (comes with the avent blender set) and a silicon weaning spoon (slipped my mind which brand....Japanese brand starting with C)

All robocop fans,

I called Derrick, the sales person in charge of robocop. He says that they are having a booth at Motherhood expo from 2-5th June. At booth F11. Will be having good discount then but he refused to disclose how much discount.

Muddypaws, the cereal you let Leah tried on Sat, she loves it! I bought her a pack (it's Organix four grains, right?), she leans forward with her mouth open every time I feed her! So enthusiastic!

Bbribena: Cool! Glad that Leah likes it! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] That's Liz' fav...

well, liz has started to be picky about food. We made her porridge yesterday and she loves it. Today, she didn't want it anymore. She's rejecting 4grains too. Maybe cos she had a taste of prune and watermelon yesterday and her palate got distracted... hopefully she still wants her avocado and sweet potato.

Hi mommies,

I have a brand new mama love sarong sling carrier w/o packaging for sales.

Selling for $25 (RSP: $60+ at kiddy palace)

can contact me at [email protected]


tangs sale> eh the tangs members sale is only at orchard isit? Was going to go Vivo this weds...

cutlery> right now am just using a pigeon spoon and the avent via cups to prepare and store.

eon, hahaha... just now stefie told me your place is at sembawang and i went "wah!" lol... i didn't realise you're so far from me, then she teased me for being a real jiu gui, never ask location immediately said onz! lol...

but since it's been so long since i've met u gals, i am still on! but like that saturday will be better, 'cos friday night i'll need to make my way to my ILs. many barang barang to bring and by the time i reach your place dunno what time already. lol...

stefie, once again thanks for giving me the tin of Nan Pro 2. really appreciate it!

muddypaws, i can buy the bellamy rice cereal from u but how do i get from u?

amelia, i'm using pigeon cutlery for my gal.

dewdew, you are the most welcome[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Guess you can ask your mom to start Nan pro 2 on Gwen liao. I will try to call Nestle again for my free sample.

We are all Jiu Gui lah. Ha!! ha!!!

dewdew: haha... oops! yah, my place is far by northeast standard. cause most of you gals are staying in the northeast area.. hehe, but by expressway its actually quite fast!

ok, then lets change to saturday...

28 may - drinking session at eon's place in sembawang

1. eoneon

2. dewdew

3. pauline (like what dew suggested, can have other beverage too. how?)

4. melissa (tentative)

drinking session

i hv to let it go this time round .. sembawang is way too far for me .. sob sob

anyone want similac 2? i hv a 400gm tin ..

Crystal, I just called Nestle. Nan pro 2 will take some times to change the Mfg country. The lady like reading from script, we are listening to our customers concern that's why we change the Mfg country.... bah bah bah you know the sales person talk. The CS mentioned that our baby can still stick to nan pro 1 even after 6 months, it is just marketing purpose. Then once Ethan 10 month on, can feed Nan pro 3 which is Made in Swiss. So for that 3 months can just stick to Nan pro 1. I guess it makes sense, Enfalac is from 0-12 months leh. Our baby can poop the most important leh, I also try not to change to other brand since she is taking it so well. NESTLE hope you are really listening to your customers hoh, not just salesman talk leh.

You Nestle lover want to stick back to Nan pro? Ha!! ha!! I tried to call for my sample, still no one answer. So buay tahan wrote an email to them. See how long they take to reply me. Haiz.... Like what dewdew said, Nestle biz too good, can don't bother much hoh.

Ladies just in case you want to try your luck, you can call 6836-7116 for nan sample hoh.

stefie, but then will it just be sales talk le? cos the nutrients for 0-6 months and 6-10 months are the same? i mean if its the same i reallie dun mind just stick to nan 1 hahaa..

from what i know, in M'sia, Nan Pro packaging is from 0 - 12 months .. same to Similac as well .. i think the ingridient should be the same .. just that in singapore, government promoting total breastfeeding for the first 6 months .. so, the manufacturer have to differenciate the formula milk .. that's what i thought la

Crystal, I go home and compare Nan pro 1 & 2 and let you know. IIRC Nan pro 1 has higher DHA, ARA and nan pro 2 has higher Iron bah. I will post my analysis here and sms you okay. Really leh, if once I see Nan pro 2 mfg in Netherlands I will let you know hoh.

Really so difficult Nestle. Want to earn more money from us, so change to Phil for production, please lor they will loss their market share in this fat pie of FM leh. So far their FM is the only one that can helps baby poops the most. Alamek

not sure if anyone is looking for a job, i hv a recruiter looking for the following:

1) contract buyer/planner

2) 2 perm cust service in logistics

3) 1 contract admin

if interested, pls pm me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Roz, O i see.. i didnt check out the pricing yet but its more of the country of manufacture turns me off already ahhaha...

amelia, didnt noe that msia and sing sells diff types. hmmm...

stefie, yes yes thanks... cos i dun have nan 1 anymore already... ya man so far i tink it reallie works for ethan too.. so i do wan to continue.. sighh..

Re: Difference between Stage 1 and stage 2 FM

Ok, this is what my PD said about Enfa stage 1 and 2. Stage 1 is more fatty, whereas Stage 2 is more protein-based. So if you find that kiddo is not chubby enough, you should continue with Stage 1. Not sure if this comparison also applies to other brands though...

Crystal, Okay, I will also take pics so easier to compare also. I find that Nan pro seems to be less fattening than other FM (The milk bottle not so oily) and more water soluable also, except for the Nan pro 2 which is Made in Pinoy. For the sake of fellow Nan pro lovers, I will update here. Sorry me abit ki siao today, sick lor. Ha!! ha!! Panadol make me high lah.....

Btw Lena just smsed me:-

Dec babies will get the sample by next week as they send by batches. Nan pro 2 which is made in switzerland is already in the market. Maybe have to keep a look out. Maybe some places are still clearing the old stocks bah. If anyone sees it, please help to post here, thank you very much.

Thank you Lena[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw I rec'd my reply from Nestle.

Thank you for your email and for being a Nestle Baby Club member.

Please be informed that we will only send the samples to you when your baby reaches 6 months of age.

So have to wait another 2 weeks for me lor.....

muddypaws, thanks for the info on the diff btw 1 & 2. i guess it may apply generally.

stefie, i'm surprised at this reply cos that time when i requested i got my sample very quickly, ethan just turn 5 months then. maybe they had a lot of requests so they cant cope.

stefie, i just received a call from Nestle. they will send the sample to me tonight. so i guess they will send to you soon too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

and if i did see the one at the SK medical hall correctly, then it shd be Nan Pro 2, made in Switzerland, but priced at $36. i'll go home and make the comparison btw Pro 1 and Pro 2 tonight too.

My mum just called to say my girl is having flu and also fever of 38C, do I need to bring her to the hospital or give her paractemol and see if fever subsides?

