(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Talking about cereal, Anyone tried the eu yan seng brown rice with si Shen fen for babies before? Requires cooking. I think got the instant version from supermarket but not sure what brand it is.



I am still contemplating if I should bring my boy.. Coz very tiring due to his weigh.. Going out is no problem at all with him..

It's the weigh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] 10.7kg.. Faints faintz...


Ya.. We started off with nothing till now he owns a factory and doing well.. It's all by God's Grace.. And he knows if he were to 偷吃, God will take all his blessing away.. So now he is counting is blessing.. I appreciate that he know I give up everything for this family and shower me and the kids with love and gifts ..

But he is not a romantic guy so must tell him direct what u want[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

So even if he dun help.. I can't complain coz he provide me a maid..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Mommies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

E-square, the itinerary is in office I will email you tomorrow[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Amelia, I have to check with hubby the NZ itinerary still around? We only covered South island only.

Klitz, Korea is okay lah, easy to move around cos in Town area mah. What is really good is the SKincare stuff, I bought Laneige price very cheap plus lots of free samples. Regretted not getting more[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

USA shopping would be better[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

At least he is still responsible daddy. It is not whether richman or richman son's. Even poor man will also have flings if he is can't resist temptation. Just that their lifestyle is very different from us average income family. Things will gets better. Enjoy your motherhood now[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dec Mum, good for you. It is not that difficult right[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

PSH, Sophie is abit overprice. And Alexis don't like it at all.

Littlemay, I also asked Cindy to buy the book for me. Really good value for money. I am trying to let Alexis bit it. Cos I haven't buy any teething toy for Alexis yet.

YEs being FTWM without helper or others help is not easy, just have to do what we can. Heng thing is my job is not very demending, my boss is okay if I leave on the dot. Just that my income is not high, but enough for me to spend and manage to save some money also[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommies feeding their babies with Nan pro:-

I just try the nan pro 2, I find it very gasy, even I didn't shake much, already alot of bubbles formed. I still let her drink, see if she gets colic or lau sai or not. I will feed this stage 2 at last feed and balance 4 feeds will be nan pro 1 for 1 week, then 2nd week, 1st and last feed nan pro 2, then slowly change to all nan pro 2.

Sharon, just take things easy. Really need to close your eyes and ears in order to make marriage works. Taking care of baby is more important than anything now. Take care.

Sam, Alexis teacher said better don't start those 4 shen fu one, cos very bitter, baby will not like it.


thks...will noted dw e email add 1st...stl considering...hw much is e teething cloth book huh??


i agreed tat is overprice n i aso scare after i buy my gal dun like hw...hw cm Alexis dun like i thot i saw in yr FB photos she like to bite it.

stefie, is the nan pro 2 u bought from phil? cos tats the review tat my hb read abt it. so we still buy nan 1 yest to continue the fm for her. nan 2 from netherlands is coming out le. actually already out but we were told tat they need to clear the phil stocks first before they can replace on shelves.

sharon, come in and rant as and when okay. some daddies dont hav the natural instinct to care for babies sometimes. its not in them. sigh~

Wish to sell the following items:

S26 Stage 2, 900g: Price S$33 each. Quantity: 2 Expiry: 21/01/2013

S26 Stage 4, 400g: Price S$15 each, Quantity: 2 Expiry: 05/09/2012

Friso Gold, 900g: Price S$36, Quantity 1. Expiry: 06/07/2012

while stock last, self-collection at sengkang / buangkok area

sharon, ya i agree to an extent our hubbies are about the same. i think most man are the same. they expect woman to do mostly the hsehold chores, looking after the kids. when they have time, they'll rather do their own leisure stuff. cos they need to "relax". if we dun let them "relax" they think we're like not accomodating to them. whereas they never think of letting us "relax"...

rainbow, ya i agree... no matter how much they feel they treat me like their own daughter.. there is always a difference.. if now its their daughter in my situation, they'll already have hit the roof and scolded the SIL. well.. but i understand lor, blood is always thicker than water. even if reason is at my side.

samantha, my baby tried the shi shen fen. she doesnt like it. so i grind brown rice to make porridge for her. think u gotta chk with ur pd if she can take porridge first ba. cos tt day at the gathering we were just discussing tt feeding cereal to start off is more advisable. i feed mine alternate white and brown rice porridge for lunch. cereals and fruits for dinner. my thinking was tt heavier lunch is ok cos she's active, but a light dinner is easier for her to digest.

stefie, i agree!!! US is best for shopping... esp at the outlet factories....

Attempted to feed my baby with HealthyTimes Brown Rice Cereal for Baby today.

Her face will squinch and let out a loud nnnnnnnnnngggg with each mouth given.

But at the end of it her mouth will have the munching motion. Seems so torturous for her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


yugal, if she eats... tt's counted successful.. the first time i fed my bb the shi shen powder cereal from medicinal shops, my bb bleh out everything... and turn away her head as the spoon goes near her... Wahaha... tt's total rejection...

Yugal, my boy wasnt that keen in the first week we started feeding him but now we cant feed him fast enough! Haa...enjoy the feeding sessions.

I have finished my first can of HappyBaby and going to try BabyNat next. Will see which brand he prefers.

Roz, me too. My husband is a nice guy and helps out. I'm the bad tempered and impatient one :p

My boy will be 5 months this coming week and still unable to lift his head well. My hb just tried to do tummy time with him and he started wailing. Haiz, the lazy boy.

Mummies, enjoy the gathering tmr!

re: marriage

As someone whose first marriage broke up because of ex-Hubby's infidelity n my hot-temper n stubbornness, I tell myself that marriage is about give-n-take, and to keep my expectations to d minimal. When my expectations are basic, everything my hubs do is a bonus. Well, apart from my now-hubs quick-temper, he dotes on liz n plays a lot with her... so I just close one eye if he wants to play PSP sometimes :p

Re: solids

We have solved a mystery of liz not wanting fruits. Turns out that she likes them fresh, not steamed/pureed. I gave her a plum to gnaw on today n she was so happy! My maid made porridge for her today (grounded white rice with fresh chicken stock, pureed carrots, grounded whitebait), n liz ate so much of it!

Psh: I got sophie from mum's at work at Tanglin Mall for $39.90.

Mommies, do ur babies spin? Liz is spinning non-stop on her tummy on d playmat. She spins so fast, she does about 1.5rounds per minute! Quite funny to see her go round n round.

PSH, that is only 1 time off and heng I managed to take some pic. Alexis is really one of the kind, she never put anything to her mouth except her thumb thumb. I guess it is just her bah.

Cherrry I am feeding the made in Philippines sample. Good to hear about the made in Netherlands stage 2 is here. Alexis is taking it okay. Today just poop, so I guess still alright bah.

Hi mummies,

i'm back from Sydney! Although I missed my girls badly, it was a good trip for us to spend quality time together as a couple.. cos really, w 2 kids, we had no couple time in Spore at all..

I told myself tat on this trip, must focus on hub and not keep talking/thinking of kiddos cos after all its a trip meant for us, and i must say it was a very relaxing trip where we jus walked alot, chat about everything and basically remembered why we got married to each other in the first place..

of cos i missed my gals like mad, so every shopping opportunity meant that i was on the look out for things to buy... unfortunately my hub who is a man of reason stopped me from buying more, sigh..

I'm starting work in 1.5 weeks time, totally not looking forward to it.. esp now when my no 1 is giving me so much problems about going to childcare every morning... seeing her cry so badly really makes me wonder if i've made the right decision in going back to work... my heart very pain to see her so sad.... and also the thought of my no 2 becoming closer to my helper when i start work is also making me reconsider my decision.

unfortunately its too late, cos my boss is waiting eagerly for me to go back to dump lot of work on me, sigh.

Rainbow vacuum,

saw some postings on this..

i bought the Rainbow vacuum when i had my no 1 cos my MIL insisted tat we needed a good one cos of the baby... she has been using it for 15 yrs..

we had no helper then, so it was my hub who used it every week. So once a week we will vacuum normally and once a fortnight he'll use that thing to suck out the dustmites from our mattresses, cot and sofa..

now that we have a helper, she will vacuum every other day and use that thing to vacuum our mattresses once a week. I must say that since we have started using it, my sofa/bed and floor does feel a lot cleaner.. but it is quite a heavy machine, so if i were to use it, i prob will stick to a normal smaller one.

Marriage after kids,

i think everyone's marriage will be tested once we have kids. Even the strongest/happiest couple will encounter frustrations once baby comes along.. its how we manage it and overcome all the frustrations/tiredness/accusations/finger pointing that inadvertently will occur..

For us, we too quarreled a lot when no 1 was born.. Both of us were struggling with a new baby with no help, I was coping with the pain from bf, slight depression cos i felt overwhelmed and constantly tired and of cos i totally fell in love with my little girl and forgot completely about my hubs' needs.. Naturally our tempers became short and we were constantly snapping at each other.. so much so tat i wondered whether i married the right guy.. Thinking back, i realise that we were just learning to cope with the new family dynamics of 3 instead of just us 2 where previously we were each other's top priority but once baby was born, it was all about her and both of us felt neglected by the other..

But we overcame that and soon got used to the new dynamics and things became all normal again...

So for mummies here experiencing difficulties in their marriage, hang in there.. sometimes we just need a bit of time to get used to having a baby in the family.

@muddypaws Leah spins too! Very quickly! Just this morning, hub witnessed how fast she spins and crawled a few steps and tried to grab her baby cream! I guess babies learn to spin first, prob one leg moves quicker than the other, hence spins on one spot…XD

Re marriage

Just had a fight with hub today… not exactly a fight. coz if either of us flared up, I will auto shut down all communication, I will input whatever he says, I will shut down. Not good eh. I get the feeling he always feel I'm not doing enough and whatever he did for me is out of goodwill and I should appreciated every bit. Today he said every morning after I gave Leah her first feed, I go to sleep, ignoring and leaving her in her cot. Ever since Leah was born, I made it clear that Leah should be trained to self-sooth to sleep unless she cries or fusses. But to him, as long as Leah flips over on her tummy, she should get our attention. Out of respect, if that's how he wants to do it, by all means carry her, pat her. So to him, he's doing a lot more while I go back to sleep until certain time for me to pump. Bare in mind, this only happens on weekends! On every single weekday, I do first feed, look after her while I pump and prepared myself to work by 8.15am, while he's already outta house by 7.15am, I never grumble. I feel so unfair of him to say those stuff. He said he mop the floor while I (quote his words) leisurely wash the bottles and pump equipments… mop floor once a week, washing bottles and stuff… every single day. Wash clothes, I wash my own clothes including drying while his mum washes for him and dry them out coz she and her son refuse to let me mix my undies together with his laundries. Feeding Leah.. as long as I'm in the house, I will do most of it. Since Leah started solid few weeks ago, he only did 0.5 solid feed. Really.. what else did I miss?! Perhap that explains why I didn't even get a thank-you card on Mother's day. I feel like shit.

hubby: guess most hubbies behave the same way!!! my one also.. never feed his son since birth , never change his diapers... when he at hme... he will play with FB, forum, and always on his laptop.... the times he play w bb is when i ask him to look after bb cos i need to take lunch or shower.... and then today i kind of "piss"..

i force him to feed bb w water...i just tell him off that bein a dad and u never feed ur bb.... and don know why he feed him.. but bb reject his feed... hee... also when i "threaten" to take a pic of him playing his laptop and bb was next to him ...... he quickly turn to bb and play w him... cos he know i will put on his FB and make him look bad!!

so mummies are the greatest!!

ohya, talk abt rainbow, my hb vaccum it yest. and this is hw much the machine collected:


and from the rug:




Philips Electronics Singapore Pte Ltd

620A Lorong 1 Toa Payoh

Singapore 319762

28-29 May


I aiming the blender.. hope it sell much cheaper than outside!

pump milk time... @ 12am.. hee.. actually stay up late to pump milk before going to sleep... its another week!! and a busy week ahead! with lots of things to buy.. hee

I'm gg philips Sale too.. Thinking of getting the pump spare parts, rice cooker n air fryer. Hope it's cheap.

Ya. This weeks gg to be shopping week for me too. Gg isetan n tangs sale. Hehe..


a urgent qn. my cousin comin back frm china by air china. she is exceeding the '20kg' baggage weight limit soon. heard tt if fly tigerway, can top up in $$ for extra baggage limit and its way cheaper than shipping back from china.. anyone knw anyting? pls sms me 98330332..

$22 for 1st kg and $8/sub kg.. damm ex and it takes a week. she worried pay shipping and it gets lost....

Hi bbribena, my hubby used to think that washing and sterilising is an easy job too, so what i do is to let him try doing that. After a few times, he will know it's not that easy.

Nowadays when I ask him to help at times when I know he's not so keen, I will offer him choices. For e.g. to feed baby or wash and sterilise bottles. He will usually choose to feed the baby ;)


I am thinking of getting the airfryer too, besides more weaning cups and teethers, etc. Excited! Planning to go really early otherwise it will be too hot for the baby.

jialing, my hub did wash the bottles once in a while. He still think it's an easy task. The bottles he washed, still feels oily, teats still look cloudly. But to him, i shld be thankful even they are not thoroughly cleaned. If he sees me cleaning the bottles after he cleansed them, he flares up, saying i picky n not appreciative. Btw, that's his mum's standard of cleansing too, hence i hv to wash everything every night after the last feed at 11.30pm. And abt sterilizing, none of them are keen to use the sterilizer, neither to boil them. We pour hot water onto the teats n bottles before each use. I boil them as and when i see the need or i hv time.

good morning mummies and daddies ^_^

wow! my energizer baby is really taking a toll on my sanity! haha.. she is not sleeping like a baby. saturday despite being for a couple of hours, she was not tired. only took a 10-15 minutes nap at nex. was at klitz's place and i thought she was tired when she started to fuss a bit so we quickly left but ended up she never sleep. reached home and was yakking and "playing" non stop. then sunday also on energizer mode. woke up at 8am and only slept at 2pm after being made to sleep by forced! woke up at 2.30pm and i rocked her back to sleep and luckily she slept for another 1 hour. but thereafter she never sleep until 8+pm. fainted big time!

finally went for a date with hubby last night. we went to watch pirates of the carribean. i was so tired i nearly dozed off. wahaha..

littlemay: i rented the jumperoo. was thinking of getting for her if she likes it. luckily i only rented else it will be a waste of money. she is scare of the jumperoo. my timid mousey..haha

esquare: your boy is really absorbing his nutrients. noting wasted. good!

yvaine: ha is for hypoallergenic. for babies with sensitive tummy. gong gong me went with the nurse's suggestion of feeding my gal ha even though she never really exhibit any tummy sensitivity. and ha is bitter than other formula. so im going to change to pro liao.

sharon: *sayang*... my hubby is the same. he is not hands on and when it comes to going out, he will let me plan. i think we on the other hand are unhappy cause we felt so unbalanced emotionally whereby both are parents but how come we are the one taking care of babies all the time. i will be like that too. i will be so unhappy at times cause hubby is doing nothing related to baby and is surfing web, playing games and watching tv all the times. but somehow have to close one eye cause i also realised that for a period we were always quarreling over/snapping at each other over baby issues. so i supposed we just have to bite the bullet and hang on for the sake of our little ones.

yugal: you have to try a couple of times more. she is still getting the hang of it. dont lost heart.

liling: really must pierce ears at this age? cause just scare she pull her ears accidentally which is very dangerous. my mum is against baby ear piercing until they are old enough to understand and not hurt themselves unknowingly.

ribena: yes, my hubby also always claim he is doing a lot when he vacuum and mop the floor but he never realised that i doing every other thing except these two. on occasions when he is outstationed, i take care of these 2 chores too. but i guess for man, helping out doing a bit is considered big deal liao since they always link household chores to women! just have to close one or at times both eyes liao.

rachel: i am using dentinox teeting gel.

Good morning mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Please drink more water and eat more fruits.

Ribena, nice to see you here again[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Saw the pics, you look great[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I learned to close 2 eyes and ears when hubby taking care of Alexis, cos to men helping to take care of babies is already very good liao, so don't have any expections.

I am lucky that my mom and MIL not invloved in taking care, if not more headaches.

Dewdew, I brought the Nan pro 2 sample to office liao. I will PM you my office address and contact no. You can pick up from me any time from 8am - 5.30pm.

Eon Eon, your Cheyenne development will be faster than some babies here even you popped later than us, cos she is in your tummy longer thus brain growth is better. Bear with it for the time being, she can be a handful cos she is too smart[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] That was what hubby said also when I showed him Cheyenne's FB pic.

stefie, thanks babe! Still hv tons of weight to lose. =)

Eon & stefie, i know! Tat's i nvr complain who is doing more, who shld do wat.. But he make it sounds like i doing nothing.... Really it's making me mad. I hvn't been talking to him nor replying his sms since ytd. If tat's what he think, so be it.

oshgosh> welcome back from Sydney!!! SO LOMANTIC!!! heehee...

bbribena> hope you'll feel better soon...agree with what the others say, for some men, washing one plate is already VVVVVVVVV good. v low standards...haha.

ear piercing> it'll be OK lah...altho I refused to pierce my girl's ears because (1) I don't want to take care of the piercing (2) also scared that will tear. It happened to me as a tot, tore my ear when my earring got caught -_- it was many many years later before I asked to be pierced again.

eon> eh can pass me ur jumperoo rental contact? My boy likes to stand...like when we sit on the mat, he likes to see all the colourful pictures on it. But he would grumble and whine if I put him down on his tummy, hv to hold him up, then he will bend over to look down. ZZZ. yesterday we played with wooden blocks..I would stack them up, then he would very happily knock them down, then grunt at me to build again. hurrhurr.

yugal> that sounds like a pretty good first attempt [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

earmuffs> any mummies keen to share purchase of Peltor Kid Ear Muffs from Amazon? Only 2 colours, blue and pink and suitable for 6 mths - 10 years. We can split the shipping and it would cost less than S$30 each. Was thinking if I brought baby to watch movie this would be quite useful, now thinking I should get one for my girl who also hates loud noises. It got a lot of good reviews online.

Peltor Kid Ear Muffs

Ribena, women look most beautiful after being mommy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

We also let Alexis self soothe after 1st and last feed. Only thing is after 1st feed I will put her on our bed so I can prepare myself for work on weekdays and she can smell her daddy who is still happily sleeping (I take it as bonding). For weekends she will nap with us. Self soothing is very important, so she will be independent. And will be easier to take care also. She used to woke up to play at night, heng now she can sleep thro from 9pm-8am on weekends, 9pm-6am on weekdays. We do practice no cry = no milk or attention during her sleeping time.

osh gosh: welcome back! great to spend some couplehood before you start work. its gona be tough for you for the first few weeks, i reckoned. jia you!

stefie: isit? i dont think she is learning very fast just think she is being super naughty. wahaha... which photo did your hubby see leading to him making that comment? haha...

ribena: yes, my hubby also will make insensitive remarks like i cant handle Cheyenne thus im constantly snapping at him. the other day he said that again and i was so pissed i asked him to 摸摸你的良心 before he pass that kind of remarks. im snapping because im angry that he is not doing his part and of course because im tired from the lack of sleep so tend to be quick tempered but cant he be more sensitive and tolerating towards me? i know its my fault for my quick tempered.

roz: i rented from http://rent-a-toy.com/shop/index.php?cPath=79&osCsid=aa574cdd71acc9e3c234f3ded1851650

its the cheapest i found online. wahaha.. so cute leh. maybe i should buy the wooden blocks and let her knock over too.. keke

jiu gui kakis: lets organise a jiu gui session. my place is open for you gals on 27 may if you gals are interested as hubby will be outstationed.

Eon Eon, the sitting and split pics. She is super notti cos she is super clever also leh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] His sis just delivered her baby at week 37, he felt that it is too early, the baby seems to be sleeping all the time as compared to Alexis. And he would want Alexis to stay in my belly till she is ready to pop if not for Dr Woody suggestion to pop at week 40. I guess the next few pregnancies also bah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie: haha... you never show him her cheeky-vain pose. i think he will pengz! my boss said she looked so grown up in that picture. more like >1 year old kid.

Stefie, totally agree! No cry no pat no milk. Someone is breaking the rules in the house. He choose to pat her to sleep even thou she's just making noises. Told him to put her down into her cot, he refused to listen. End up he pat her for an hour, woke up in the middle of the night to pat her again coz she was awake and flipping over in the cot. Ytd also like that. I had to jump out of the bed faster than him and put the pacifier back into Leah's mouth so she goes back to sleep on her own, else Im sure he will wake up and pat her to sleep. End up, he lacks of sleep and grouchy, then takes it on me.

Eon, MAN!! At least you speak up! I auto turn off if my hub says things like that. I know myself too well, if I would to say something, it's definitely not nice and mean.

Subject: June Gathering

Date: 18-June

Time: After 1pm

Venue: TBA


1) Dew

2) Eon

3) yvaine

4) muddypaws

5) Juliana

6) cherry

7) PSH

8) Debbie

9) liling

10) Dbaby (priscilla)

11) amuro

12) CC

13) dec mum (tbc)

14) Melissa

15) Lena

16) Lovebyte

17) Neko

18) Pauline

19) yuffizz

20) klitz

21) bbribena (Christina Loh on FB)

Mommies, I'm kinda moody today... just realised that my little princess is growing up soooooo fast. She would normally want me to carry her or hold her hands in the morning, but today she pushed my hands away, and didn't even bother to kiss me when I left for work. Why? Cos she's busy watching Baby Einstein! Sigh....

hi gals!

wow, quite a fair bit of discussion over the weekend.

sharon, bbribena, guys are like that. my hb can sit beside me while i'm carrying my gal and she's fussing and crying, and he'd read his magazine like nothing is happening. mind u, i was with my frens and they all whipped out the restaurant's menu and started fanning us 'cos it was a bit hot in the restaurant. i got so irritated with him 'cos he just sat there reading. argh!

that said, i think we shd always reflect back to our "paktor" days. i mean, i'm sure we got married for a reason (or some reasons) and we all thot then that our man was THE one. that shouldn't change when the little one comes along. us mummies have no choice but to step up to the role of being the main caregiver while the fathers take a backseat most of the times. and just because we like things to be done a certain way (i.e. OUR way) doesn't mean what they're doing is wrong. sometimes my hb reacts too slow and irritates me, but that's cos i'm the more "kancheong spider" kind while he's laid back. in that sense we complement each other (can u imagine 2 kancheong spiders in a family?!?! lol...)

SO my point is, sometimes just have to close both eyes like what Rainbow said. i'm totally guilty of being the bad-tempered, unreasonable one in the family and while my hb doesn't help out as much as i like, he does help sometimes and i must learn to be happy with that. our man has his plus points and that should count more than his minuses... so everytime we feel emotionally unbalanced, we shd just come in here and rant and let it be over. of cos, easier said than done, but it's always worth a try. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

eon, 27th may jiu gui session? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]))) count me in! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mummies, who are keen in a korean BBQ session? without babies, just go out, talk, eat and be merry. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oshgosh, welcome back! sounds like a fantastic holiday with hubby, and good couple time spent!

stefie, i got your pm! will sms u soon.

cherrry, i saw Nan Pro 2 has a "made in Switzerland" one. i was at SK y'day and checked out the medical hall stefie told me. made in phil costs about $30, while made in switz costs about $36.

roz, while the ear muffs sound like a good idea, does your girl allow u to put anything over her ears? might get irritated and pull it off?

eon, i read that our bbs might get overactive when they are tired, 'cos it's past their bedtime. it's like how we'd be wide awake at certain hours of the night once it's past our bedtime. so now is the time to establish bedtime routine. i'm going to start with my gal now, 'cos i'm guilty of bringing her out til late at night, past her bedtime. :p bad mummy me...

eon: May 27th is the drinking session? I can't go cos hubs is flying off on May 28th night! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My mil say now pierce good cos baby donnoe anything. I oso worry she will pull n scratch her ears cos nowadays she likes to pull her ear, I told my mil abt this oso but she still thinks it's ok to do it lo. She say last time she oso bring her daughter who isn't sil to pierce during 4mths.

liling, i guess it's personal preferences... i wouldn't pierce my gal's ears now 'cos she's always pulling/rubbing them when she's tired. but if u can watch over her then maybe it's ok.

dewdew, really.... I think the one you saw is Nan pro HA stage 2 bah. Maybe just let Gwen try the Made in phil sample first, then see how. Alexis is taking it quite well, she poops the next day. Just that the bubble in the bottle and difficult to dissolve make me have 2nd thoughts. I will call nestle later and check with them. They need to change source fast, if not they are lossing another customer leh.

@Muddypaws introducing the TV media to your princess! LOL! Better than my Leah lor... watching TW drama!!

@Dew HAHAHA! That's so true! Comes in here and rant, and let it be over! hmm.. very hard to be over for me... still very pissy over his remarks.

ribena: cause i was too hurt by that remark! MEN!!! sometimes i really wonder what goes on in MCP's minds of theirs. sorry, not all but majority are like that.

muddypaws: yes, i also think time past real fast. now Cheyenne already 5 months. really wana take no pay leave to stay home with her but i know i will be miserable cause im too financially independent. just gona spend all our waking hours making up for the time lost while we are at work loh.

dewdew & muddypaws: 27 & 28 may are fine for me. so we see which day is more popular? dewdew, you are ok with 28th?

dewdew: count me in on the korean bbq.

yes, i do keep to a bedtime routine for my gal. 6pm onwards will be bath, change to pj, milk and then sleep. but nowadays she is sleeping later cause she refuses to sleep. so i also dont know whats the cause of it.

27/28 may - drinking session at eon's place

1. eoneon

2. dewdew

korean bbq session

1. dewdew

2. eoneon

stefie, oic... maybe u are right. i was carrying gwen at that time so maybe i missed out on the HA on the tin. :p i'll try it and see how. my mum is thinking of mixing 1 scoop Pro 2 with 3 scoops Pro 1, then gradually make the change to Pro 2.

dewdew, mine change will be slower.

1st week: 4 feeds Nan pro 1, then last feed Nan pro 2

2nd week: 1st and last feed Nan pro 2, balance feeds Nan pro 1

3rd week: 5 feeds nan pro 2.

Very slow process, ha!! ha!! cos we need to make sure that her IFC finishes their Nan pro 1 also. Have to get another can of Nan pro 1 for this slow transition.

Ribena, just close 2 ears also lah. Have to bear with it for Leah's sake lah. Nothing is more important than our babies now, hubby's priority is now lowered, ha!!ha!!

