(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Roz - ya lor, will tell her tonite! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mangogal - o_O!!! Thanks! I think happybaby sounds so much better now! Is it available in cold storage as well? Can I start her with the Happybaby brown rice cereal or should start with Bellamy rice cereal or alternate them?

I read online some said must start with brown rice, some say start with rice cereal. I'm confused.



But his first week at IFC was alright leh. He is also like that at home when we feed him, so really got no idea why. We thought he could be sick, but he's still happy and smilng, and playing. This morning's feed took me an hour to feed him. Keep wanting to play and not drink..argh..


Guess it's not quite worth to go then hehe.. Think i'll just pop by Tangs later. They have a "up to 80%" sale for their kids dept.


I used Mustela newborn foam shampoo for Xavier when he had a bit of cradle cap. The shampoo label specifically states that it helps with the flakes caused by cradle cap, and it did clear off just after 2 washes.

Re: swimming in public pool

Can I check with mummies who have brought their babies to public or condo pool.. can your abby adapt to the temperature? My kiddo likes hot water bath, so the outside pool would be too cold right?

littlemay, can try applying pure olive oil on the affected area for a couple of hours before showering.

The doctor at Polyclinic recommended this to me when I brought my baby for her immunisation.

jc bb, true true that is why my maid is still with me.

Apart from all these nonsense from her we never caught her lazing around when no one is home, and that I felt is most important.

Stefie thanks

Psh: thanks for advice. Will try the sideways method for sleep

Btw my bb also 13 weeks haven learn how to flip yet. When do u all intro the parkland mat to do tummy exercises and when to intro cereals??? Seems like a lot of bb are into semi solids alr[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

amelia> the giraffe i buy from len ling too.. ops.. i forgot to ask if the giraffe is authentic fr france... hee... will check the box when it arrive.... yest post out... , hope tomor will get it

Stefie: Lee Ing was busy yst. So didn get sophie.. She said nxt Monday the deliver to me. So maybe u and Rachel will rec 1st? Let us know the quality.. Heehee..

Any mummies' baby is total EBM? I saw so many mummies let baby latch, I felt like a bad mummy... Didn even let my boy latch for 1 mth.

PD: anyone visited dr ek ong MT.A?

mummies buying the pool,

Please ensure your baby uses the correct side of the float and that is where the chin rest is.

I guess only those who self collect the pool set will be told of this, otherwise there is no instruction booklet on the usage.

mangogal > oic..well I didn't have any reason to look at baby food 1 year ago haha, that's probably why I never heard of it. Heehee..shall give it a go.

lynn55> when they're inside the water it won't be that cold. it's when you take them out, then you will see them shivering...so a nice big warm dry towel is a must! I remember the few times we took my girl swimming when she was young, after a short paddle in the pool, come out, drink milk then sleep all the way.

jb_bb> my boy is also 13 weeks now...can't flip yet but I already have the mat out for tummy time and to let him play with his playgym. I will probably wait till 5+ months before giving any cereal although when he joins us for mealtime he looks quite intently at the food and the spoons going into our mouths haha. I've tried giving him a lick of ice cream before (oops, bad example, don't follow) and he seems to enjoy it.

amelia> Sweet..I go check out the seller again, PM you in a bit, OK?

jcbb - mine 4.5mths still refuses to flip. When I put her on tummy time, she will flip back to front herself. She hates tummy time I dunno why, I suspect she'll just skip this flipping stage.

JC baby, intro semi solid better start at 5.5 mths or after 6 mths, depends on ur comfort. However some PD give the green light at 4 mths, so better chk with your PD[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Melissa, for start intro Bellamy rice cereal better, brown rice or oat cereal frm Happy Baby, I started 6 mths onwards cos to play safe,hehe:p After 6 mths, u can try brown rice, oatmeal, multigrain liao, but once open the container, gt to finish within 1 or 2 mths, each container cost less than $10..so better start one flavour 1st so u decide lor[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] After ur gal finish, then try another flavour, so far I hv nt mix both, brownrice and oat together, haa maybe to play safe :p

I am nt sure Cold Storage hv Happy Baby leh..but NTUC mega gairprice sure hv..u can try AMK, Hougang branch. Fourseasons market too at GW City and City Square. Vitakids at United square, Tanglin square and paragon. Each time I buy, will buy 3 to 4 containers to stock up and keep cos they OOS very fast!


yest i juz bring my gal to public pool to play...e water is warm warm nt hot


u r welcm...i think i read sm whr tat if bb slp more on e side they will flip even if u didnt giv them tummy time...even since my gal can flip i put her on e mattress on e floor, i dun hv play mat so can onli use mattress but @ my ILs plc they will put her on e playmat...

mangogal - o_O okok, den I'll let her try Bellamy rice cereal first when she hits 5.5mths. Hehe! so fun! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Melissa, jcbb,

Mine's too lazy to learn how to flip. When he wants to go on tummy to see something behind, he just turn to his side, arch his back and strain his neck to see what's behind him. And he can stay in this awkward position happily without attempting to move further....

Cradle cap:

what is this cradle cap thingy? Hw does it look like? My boy got like a bit of yellowish green patch on this head. But like hard hard that time. I didn do anything to it. Jus add baby oil in the tub when bathing him. That's cradle cap? I didn use shampoo too. Jus normal kodomo baby bath (moisturizing).


Update me if gt good buy.. I was quite keen to go but cant le.. Maybe tml can see if i can pop by before my boy appt... Hahahah =)

Swimming Tub

I wish i can buy cos i also almost bought for #1 tt time. But cos toilet so small n i dun wan do in kitchen cos also space restriction.. Hahahha =) Nw waiting for my boy to be at least 6M then i bring them both to public pool.. Bought a new bikini for my gal since last yr Fox Sales n haven wear.. Hahahah..


Dun think so much k..? At least ur BB slp thru the nite.. Mine still wake up 2 times to drink.. Tiring sia..

Have been a busy week since my gal start playgrp.. Send her to school at 11am, go run errands, fetch her at 1pm, go hm cook lunch, bath n settle her for nap.. Wow, more busy than before... Nw gotta run soon..

Sophie- So I will update once I rec today, see whether authentic or not.

Lyn, it takes about 2 week - 2 months for baby to get use to IFC. At least your baby not sick like Alexis. As long as he is still playing and happy, his appetite will improve, no worries[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] This morning Alexis was smiling at her teachers, now I feel much better she is in good hands[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Your boi so cute, very smart of him. Ha!! ha!!!

Melissa, every babies development different. Like your baby was much faster at neck. I was kan cheong also. So i didn't really put Alexis on tummy time, she also managed to flip at 16th weeks. Alexis used to hate tummy time, now she don't like to be on her back. When it is time, your gal will flip[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Just sit back and enjoy.

Jc__BB, Alexis flipped only this week, before that she can't even lift her head up when on tummy and we didn't really put her much on tummy also. But she learned at week 15 or 16, to flip and on tummy. So just take it easy, when it is time, babies will do their magic. No kan cheong okay[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pauline, I go by feel. I will adjust the shower heater accordingly. Temperature similar to the water used for showering.

lyn55 - haha so cute!..mine won't even do that, she's only interested in her fists now or anything she can grab to her mouth. Now she likes to grab and pull her pacifier in and out of her mouth till she's irritated.

Usually when she turns one side I'll encourage her to flip, but she doesn't show any interest in it.

stefie - ya the funny thing is her neck is stable, when I put her on tummy time, her hands and neck support seems fine, she just doesn't like tummy time and has no interest to flip. I dunno why leh. Funny girl. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh man, no mood to work at all! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wow seeing so many babies starting on semi solids so interesting hehe!

i have to stock up soon! hehe

melissa, my girl also started the opposite flipping earlier and she hates to be on her tummy..when they start flipping it becomes a chore esp when changing diapers hehe..

mine will grab my thumb and put into her mouth, but she doesnt really like to grab Sophie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

stefie, enjoy the swimming session with Alexis [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Melissa, no mood to work then don't work lor[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] chat with us here. Now this stage we should enjoy, cos they are busying self entertain and self soothe[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Alexis also love her left thumb, then yesterday she put her right thumb in her mouth also, very greedy girl. Yr gal so cute play with her pacifier. Ha!!! Ha!!! Babies now are smart man, have to keep a watchful eyes on them, ha!! Ha!!!

lyn: I brought liz swimming at the normal pool when she was 2mths plus. I first dipped her feet into the waddling pool, then slowly up to her knees, her tummy and when she's ok, I put her into the olympic pool. I bring her to the pool late morning when the water is warmer.

Melissa: there are a lot of brands of baby cereal out there but very few are for below 6mths. It's suggested that for less than 6mths, we should start baby off on single grain cereal to avoid allergies.

Re: Parklon mat

I put liz on it the whole day so that she can wriggle around.

Re: cereal

Better check with d PD first before starting. My PD gave d go-ahead and encouraged me to introduce different flavours and textures to her...

cindy, for the price u pay for sophie, make sure clarice play with her everyday ahah now cannot grab never mind haha keep pushing to her hahaha until she go to college also bring along hahaha

crystal, stefie tempting u with what now? the pool ah? :p

can get the float, then bring ethan to public pool like wat i do hehe..very siong to fill the tub, coz clarice swims 2-3times a week haha

i let her bite sophie i get busier :p coz i have to hold for her! she seems to like biting but dun wan to hold haiz....

cindy - ya very interesting make me feel like zooming off to look at baby cereals now! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ya my girl only like to flip back to her front to save herself from tummy time which she hates.

So cute, your girl flips when you're trying to change her diapers?

stefie - ya lor, luckily got you girls to chat with. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ya I agree, nowadays the babies are damn smart. If don't keep a close watch on them dunno wat they will do. I can't imagine when she learns how to walk! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

muddypaws - yup so many brands. Think I'll get her the Bellamy cereal first.

melissa, i already googling on the cereals! :p

and make proposal to hubby that i will stock up 6mths supply! lucky i got the go ahead hehe..

my girl like to try to flip when changing diapers..have to hold on the her very tightly..otherwise will be super messy :p

she even learnt to flip when in swaddle trying to break free -.- quite dangerous coz her hands barely out and no support..

crystal, haha holding her sophie is ok..

after awhile i can feel saliva trickling down sophie onto my hand! yuck!! haha

coz she be sitting on my lap while i hold for her and i have 1 hand free for typing :p

Semi solids:

Just to share, 2 days ago when I was at mt a for infant massage, sister kang advise to start them on rice cereal only at 6 months or at least 5.5 months. Reason is that sometimes though baby show readiness but their stomach not ready. And also this is to reduce the baby being prone to food allergy when older. And rice cereal is least likely to cause allergy. Then start with 1 food type at a time.

By the way, parentkraft mt a collecting names for course on how to intro semi solid to baby healthily and how to prepare. They'll invite nutritionist to talk and have demo and food tasting for he baby. Any of you interested? I already put my name down. They need to have enough participant then will start.


My girl also strong neck but not flipping yet. Once start gotta be more careful with them. So I think enjoy now that they still can't yet.

Finger sucking:

I heard from my grandma, probably some old wives tale la, that each finger baby suck got meaning. If baby like to suck thumb means dote on daddy, and if suck pointer, dote on mommy. Lol.

Night feeds:

Just wondering, though my baby can of sorts sleep through the night but at certain hours she sucks her fingers really loudly. Any of you experience it? I pick up feed and then she'll stop. So is she hungry or self soothing? Sometimes don't know to feed or not to.

Cindy, Crystal, Good morning[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cindy sure, I "see" her swim in small pool, ha!!! ha!!! then upgrade her to big pool when she 1 years old, since only 5 mins from my house.

Crystal, ha!! ha!!! You no need to buy the pool lah since Ethan will have big pool to swim in few months time right, plus it should be cleaner than public pool. He will have the pool all by himself and you can enjoy with him[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Even better for bonding as compared to my small pool. More "poison" will come as our babies get bigger, my shopping list goes on and on and on, non-stop one.

Ha!!! ha!!! Yes yes Cindy is the official Sophie Holder. ha!!! ha!!! Good nick. Maybe I will be one soon, if Alexis lazy to hold "our" sophie.

Cindy remember to take pic when you hold sophie while Clarice bit Sophie hoh, next time show her. Ha!!! ha!!

Wow Clarice is like "caterpillar". No worries they know what they are doing[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sam, my Alexis also suck her thumb thumb at night till very loud. I didn't stop her, cos she is self-soothing. I only feed her or diaper change when she cries for longer time. For short cries, I will just ignore. Must let her know that is sleeping time, no one will attend to her at that hr. If not will not learn day and night. Maybe I am just lazy mommy, finding excuses to have more beauty sleep.:p

Melissa, yes leh. SMH adds joy to our office hours[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yesterday let my gal try Sophie, she was sucking its ears.. and then lots of saliva starting dripping down its neck, so gross haha.. but like wat cindy says, i hv to hold for her cos it keeps slipping away, in the end she got frustrated and wanted the trusty pacifier instead.

think maybe they abit too young to know what to do with sophie yet.. i also got a little worried cos Sophie isn't sterilised, unlike the pacifier, so not too keen to let her chew on it too much.

Gathering tomorrow in the East,

any mummies keen? i know abit last minute but since i'm free (no 1 is away at grandparents), tot wanna invite mummies over my place for a chitchat/lunch/tea session.

So far, its just me and Amuro, anyone else keen? Thinking of around 1pm onwards..

Any mummies using the Your Baby Can Read DVD set? Seems pretty effective.

It is said the window for baby to learn effectively Is from 3rd month to 4 years old.

cindy - hehe!!!!!!! you're very funny! Can tell you love online shopping! Me too, cannot stop! that was my only form of joy during my 16 weeks maternity leave. Now my current craze is buying toys for her, now feel like buying books from the bp hehe. My mil complaining and told me to stop. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sam - mine does that in the middle of the night too! Sucking her fingers, and banging her legs. She likes to lift both of her legs damn high up den just let them drop. Very loud sound.

If I get up to feed her, she will drink and sleep. In the beginning I'll feed her. Now, I don't unless she cries. I wanna train her to sleep through the night.

There was once I was nice, I woke up to feed her. But she refused to sleep after that omg! She wanted to talk and her eyes was very big at 4am. Luckily my pil took over cos they heard her talking damn loud. Lol.

stefie, haha u go in n swim with her, can support her ma :p

haha! to save my hand i hold for clarice, but my hand not spared of saliva still :p

ya lor have to take pic of her laziness n show her, want to bite but lazy to hold!

ya really like caterpilla haha! but scared she no hands to support coz still half swaddled haiz

crystal, really leh, as the babies get bigger our list gets longer LOL!

i already looking for high chair for her liao haha!!

melissa, my online shopping is unstoppable! hahaha

convenient ma :p

i also siao on toys now haha! my hubby is the one complaining :p he say the toys duno is buy for ME or baby LOL!

the more i google the more things i have in my 'to buy' list..its killing me!

Yugal, I hv this Baby Can Read set, start for my gal when she was 4 mths old[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rainbow, generally yes but please seek approval frm ur PD before u start semi solid for ur boy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie - me too! I'm lazy mummy, I won't attend to her unless she cries. I sleep the inner corner of the bed so when she makes noise I just poke hubs! haha!

Ya my only form of enjoyment during working hours and you mummies are the only group of people who understands each other cos we're all going through the same thing. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yugal - I haven tried it but Im interested! Are you using that?

cindy - ya I'm unstoppable too! Both my hubs and mil complaining. hehe. My hubs ask me why I keep buying thigns for BB but not for him. hahahaha.

I also wanna buy high chair! And the LG mat!

Oshgosh, I want to join the gathering but my eye infection still there[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Cindy, the pool too small leh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. I miss Clarice leh, the more you say the more I want to kiss her, so cute. Ha!! ha!!!

Melissa, yes yes, cannot be too nice to babies at night. If not their eyes giam giam, there goes our sleep[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] They will self-soothe them goes back to sleep.

Cindy, hold your horses first hoh, if you are getting bumbo chair. Don't waste money to get Bumbo chair, my friend commented those who bought bumbo chair are the Disney elephant with flying ears. Ha!!! ha!!! I almost fall into the trap of giving him the answer. Heng never, if not will kena suan from him again.

melissa, haha my hub say exactly the same thing!

my reply was 'cos u can get things u want yrself and my baby cant'! haha he lose liao :p

high chair i duno which to buy haiz!

duno should buy those really high type (ie can reach table) or those with tray can just feed on the floor type...headache!

stefie, yugal can go into the pool, so u can also la [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

think go in with Alexis better, then she wun be scared? thats my guess la hehe..can also put less water coz of our mass :p

aiyo my clarice giving me headache recently..now i just wish for weekend to come so i got more time to relax..my arms are so sore from all the carrying [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i wanted the bumbo also (coz supposed to have tray to feed baby), but hubby wanted a high one...thats y now still thinking which to get..

even saw some portable seats with tray, duno worth to get those anot, coz can just prop up on a chair..


I used bb can read .. Work for no1 but not no2. No2 likes little reader.. I also used GD cards but no2 dun like..

Gathering at Bishan!!

Who can make it? NOw my floor ok already[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


just buy second hand lah...after all you won't use it for long.

High chair

IMHO the white IKEA high chair is the best..absolute value for money and easy to clean. Not bulky. Can use with tray or without. Long lasting also. But also depends on how and where your family eats..if they always eat at the dining table and there is room for a high chair, then good to get one. But some people, like my parents, used to have their meals at the low table while sitting on the floor, so a high chair is totally useless there.

re: bumbo chair

i bought one frm Kiddy Palace, its on offer n i let my gal try 1st n she like it...nw everyday when we hving dinner we will put her beside us to let her kw we r beside her...

dun tink we will buy high chair since we bought tis chair ardy.

Melissa, yeah just started for my baby. Wana c how popular is tis among mummies here.. Hehe.

Stefie, my baby panicked when I put her in for the first time. So I tink it is good if we are in it to support her from underneath before slowly letting go.

Also like what cindy mentioned, can save a lot of water. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i totally agree on the ikea high chair. it's cheap and good. my elder girl's been sitting in it from 6 mths until now 3yr old and counting.

if just buy the chair, $25. add the tray only another $4


Roz, hw much is ikea selling d bb high chair? Many models to choose frm?

While mummies here mentioned can't stop shopping, i can't stop downloading interactive storybooks on ipad for my baby... Hehe.

A bit too early nw, just in case the apps disappear in the future. Hehe

