(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Melissa, its a long term thing. There is a guideline on the duration for each series e.g. Starter Video watch once or twice a day for one month, Volume 1 watch once or twice a day for the next two months...etc.

Since so many mummies interested, good thing must share right?

I will upload the Starter Video and post the link in our Dec Mummies FB page.

Similar to the last time when I shared the The Mozart Effect - Music For Moms and Moms.


yugal: what's the Dec Mummies FB page full name? i can't find..

rainbow: did the fever med indicate above 37.5 can eat? cos that time my PD gave me one is above 38 then give. if reaches 37.5, i suggest you sponge him with water first to try to reduce his temp.

i realised my boi dun poo for two days liao. today is the third day... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] is it normal? he never like that before leh... he on EBM and supplement one or two feeds of karihome(just changed from enfalac. i just do a direct switch cos he not taking full time formula)he seem active and normal but just not pooing how ah???

what is normal number of poos a day?

yugal: paisei have the exact name for facebook link? i wanna join too thanks a lot

rainbow: fever is 37.5 deg and measure armpit one36.9 is just warm warm only maybe weather hot.... i am sweating right now while typing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dewdew, mine feeds on demand, she takes between 60-150ml if on ebm, normal times abt 100-120ml only..but i nv keep track how many times she feed la hehe..

sometimes if mine drinks too much she tends to vomit also..haiz..

pauline, i have the weight to worry liao, the height dun wan to think haha!

think mine not growing much bigger or taller haiz!!

jc: my boy also didn't poo for 2-3days.. jus nw manage to get him poo.. he cried.. must be stomache. but he always no poo for days.. like 5-6days.. i called my PD to check before. she said it's ok.. maybe he absorbed all the nutrients. as what some mummies suggested earlier, try drinking vitagen. maybe it helps. i tried.. i think more or less did have some effect.

anyone's PD is Dr EK Ong from Mt.A? Is he good? Expensive?

yeah rainbow, maybe it's due to the hot weather? if you are worried, wipe him down with a wet towel. that should bring his temperature down a bit. monitor to see if he becomes cranky, dowan his milk, etc. anything out of the norm could mean he doesn't feel well. i dun think shd give medicine unless he really having fever.

jc_bb, my gal sometimes can dun poo for long time, the longest being 5 days. if he is acting normal, then dun worry. in my experience as long as no prolonged inconsolable crying during the non-poo days, it should be ok. massage tummy, do cycling in the air, drink some water, do the ng-ng sound, sometimes will help bb poo. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jc_bb, it happened to my gal for the 1st time last week, never poo consecutively for 3 days+.

We asked the doctor when she went for her immunisation and he said not to give any medicine if below 6 months. Can try giving a bit of water or slightly diluted FM.

FB page is December 2010 MTBs.


37.5 is still not considered high for babies, you might want to wait till 38 to give.. in fact babies this age have quite high temperature sometimes but not considered fever.. i read that its normal for their temperature to range b/w 36.7 to 37.3 even..


your gal also like tat? i realise i can't let no 2 play w any of no 1's toys or things! she gets v upset even though she no longer plays w those stuff. i keep telling her she needs to share but she doesnt want to, everytime she sees mei mei looking at her things, she will take away... even her Sophie, she hasn't touched it in almost a year, but the minute she sees me giving it to mei mei, she'll go and take away.. sigh..


its over at my place, i can PM you my address..

Pauline: i m in office now. The only one i can remember n which is upcoming is

Baby Expo

Dates: 22 to 24 Apr 2011

Time: (Fri & Sat) 11a.m. to 9p.m.,

(Sun) 11a.m. to 8p.m.

Venue: Singapore Expo Hall 6A

Others let me go home n settle down then post it up


Thanks.. I also hope recover fast... $$$


Actually my PD very pro let the body fight the fever so long BB acting as per norm n not higher than 38. So see ur feel la. If u feel u wanna feed the fever med, jus feed. Norm i scare spread cos 2 at hm, i will give at 37.5

Btw i give the same fever med tt PD give after the jab..

Maybe on safe side, jus face mask n if u r HB sick, use tt.. I does tt!!


I am nt considered very small.. I am still 54!!! Argghh.. I think i more worried abt my weight than BB!!


Same same.. I had a hard time convincing her to let the bro sit on the walker. Wat i do is u keep repeating tt she is grown up aldy n must share with lil bro. Only then she is good gal n mummy n daddy sayang. Until she agrees n say herself tt lil bro can use.. Do tt with her in ur arms patiently n repeat. After 10-15M, i think she will give up n agree. And she will brimg her toys to lil bro too.. (esp when i say if u dun share, mummy also wont share my ice cream or titbits with u) It works!!

pauline: u mean i try to drink vitagen is it? hee hee so that it will go to my bm?

so far i heard of terrence tan from mt A.. good but have to q long long

yugal: thanks have added. awaiting confirmation.

dew2/yugal/ pauline: worried sick cos he normal poo at least twice a day now no pang sai haiz. try to feed him gripe water later see can wash down the poo or not [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jc_bb, oh yah, gripe water might help also. forgot about that. due to my gal's tendency of not pooing, i have tried almost every method i've heard of. but the most effective is definitely diluted prune juice, imo. again, if he's behaving normally, then he shd be ok. is he farting?

dbaby n oshgosh, aiyo i worried all her passdown stuff for didi, she dun allow him to use or play, how ah? hopefully is just a phrase!! now every nite she will sit on the bumbo chair after bk frm CC, hiaz..but didi alrdy sleeping liao

BTW now we must ask her for permission if anything that concern or connect with her, otherwise she will whine! They are like a little adults now, so need respect but alos need alot of reasoning!

dbaby, ur gal is doing so well in playgrp, guess u must be at ease[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

E square,

I prefer to meet up on mon too.


Just curious, u mentioned yr hb is overseas a lot. But when he's back he can send yr girl to school meaning he dun need to work? Is he in the airline industry?

Pauline: Here you go the update of Baby Fair .

1. Takashimaya Baby Fair 2011

Dates: 9 to 28 March 2011

Venue: Takashimaya Singapore

2. Mothercare Baby Fair

Dates: 3 to 13 March 2011

Venue: Harbour Front Centre Level 3

3. Baby Care Festival 2011

Dates: 18 to 20 March 2011

Time: 11a.m. to 8p.m.

Venue: Singapore Expo Hall 6B

4. Baby Expo

Dates: 22 to 24 Apr 2011

Time: (Fri & Sat) 11a.m. to 9p.m.,

(Sun)11a.m. to 8p.m.

Venue: Singapore Expo Hall 6A

5. Motherhood Fair

Date : 2-5 June (TBC)

6. Baby Expo

Date : 1-3 July 2011

Time : 11am – 9pm (Sunday: ends at 8pm)

Venue: Singapore Expo Hall 6B

7. Baby Expo

Date : 21-23 October 2011

Time : 11am – 9pm (Sunday: ends at 8pm)

Venue: Singapore Expo Hall 5B

dewdew: yes farting sometimes thunder sound farts... and he regurgitate much also sometime one hour after feed. think his digestive weak...

Osh gosh,

My older one will be back to school tom morning. Younger one is ok for now.

I can still go tom noon.

No one else is going to osh gosh place?


my 2nd one also doest poop often , now its 2days once or the last time was 3days. I nver had that wth no1,but apparently its ok after consulting my mom's friend, some dont even poop up to 5days!

jc_bb, according to the doc at the polyclinic, as long as bb farts it means his intestines are working fine so dun worry. maybe just feed a bit of water. perhaps the fm is causing the slight delay of pooing.

Mommies and daddies, I am so excited. Hubby, Alexis and me are going to Seoul during the Vesak Day week. Yapee!!!! Since Alexis IFC is close on 16-May, so might as well make use of it, so will fly off on 14 May. So looking forward.

jc: yes, u drink the vitagen so ur bm will have then give ur baby.

yugal: thanks.. awaiting for confirmation.

oshgosh: ok, u pm me.. got any more pple going?

amelia: thanks! saved the dates.

Hi there

Just came back from Robinson. They are selling the your baby can read at 79 only for member!! Was looking at it and another mum told me it's very good, and she was getting a set as gift for her friend. Needless to say I bought. Have not open it.

Yugal: starter video also fir baby to watch or parent ?

Can't believe it I spent so much this week. Foot reflexology package, facial package, massage package , neck float and tub, Sophie, YBCR video !!! Wanted to buyParklon mat too but really can't justify since bb going to IFC later ha ha

halooo mummiess!!


my girl flips nonstop from the day she flips. she will then sleep on her tummy which i didnt even 'train' her to do so. making me sleepless day and night as i will watch over during her nap, and hav to check on her during night. as she will also rotate 180 degree, i've to keep adjusting her back. at night, hav to keep flipping her to sleep on her back.

milk intake:

my girl actually drinks abt 6feeds of average around 100ml. i think its quite little too. as she will sleep from 8pm to 7am, only bf her at 4am. scare she's not taking enough.


i bought healthy times too. probably will try the one mangogal mentioned. hav not started on my girl yet though.


my girl poos abt once in 3days. recently i notice there's redness at her butt. any mummies knw wat it is due to and wat shld i do?


esquare, i can join too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] anyday is fine for next week except wednesday.

oshgosh, i can make it tmr too. haa! i'm too free! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

amuro/ dew2/ pauline: ok i will down yakult and vitagen or eat watever works. i was down with a bit of stomach upset two days ago and still expressed milk for him to drink dunno if that is the cause. i didnt eat any med though... feel like a cow nowadays eat not for myself but for my milk haha

2mimi: baby can read @79? wat is the normal price? how to use it? books or dvd or cd or flip cards??? how old bb then can use?

stefie: envy u!!! i dun even dare to bring my 'loud hailer' out alone. i will be so stressed... tat time bring to mothercare, he cry so loud everyone turn and look at us lor. my MIL even comment he cry like someone pinch him lor haha

giraffe> i got it today! but i tot it came in a box but didnt... so wonder if still the same as shown in home website... later load and let u all see...

Stefie! So shiok! Look forward arh u will go Kuku with allthe beauty products hahahah. Hope u can shop with alexis in tow. Dun waste the chance。.


i bought my thru BP in 2009 and it came in a nice box.. does it say made in France on the packaging?

Gathering tomorrow:

- oshgosh_baby

- amuro

- 2mimi (?)

- pauline (?)

- cherry

did i miss out anyone? What time should we meet? Should we do a lunch thing or meet after lunch.. if lunch, maybe we can order food back, pizza/kfc, etc.. let me know!

2mimi> i saw it cost USD $200 for the whole set for your baby can read... so the deal u get at robinson better?

ah yo.. now i so curious n its going to be spend money again.. hee..


I think there are 2 packagings for sophie...blister and gift packaging..blister type like rac's would be cheaper.

Your Baby Can Read>

It includes dvds, flashcards, board books..my FIL sent a set from the US and everytime my husband calls him up, he's always asking if we got use or not, how's the progress...obvious answer is NO haha! but my girl likes the board books though..

2mimi: the YBCR that you bought from robinsons, what does it include? i feel like buying.. but i dun have robinsons card. so maybe ask my friend to get it.. but need to know more about what's in the package. care to share?


He work frm home so a bit of flexibility.. But also means he can be working at any hour =(


Ya... She is enjoying..

Mummies FYI, I have put the Starter Video link in our FB page.

It is in avi format, so it is flexible for you to convert to VCD/DVD or iphone/ipad format.

I was watching it on TV initially, but eventually I watched it through ipad because my baby can become restless or distracted easily when sitting on my lap.


The IFC only have 5 babies (incl. my boy) so far, and it's brand new (newly opened in Feb) so the chances of getting sick is minimal. Next mth when they get 2 more babies in, will be different already. keeping my finers crossed.


I so scared he break his back ah. He ever fell asleep in that position, dunno how he does that.

At least your gal knows how to put things into her mouth. It will be easier when you give her teething toys next time. My boy dunno how to put things into his mouth using his hands leh. He only suck his fist and bite his thumb, but if he is holding on to other toys or towel, he won't open his mouth to put in, he just licks them *yucks*.


Went to 3 dept stores just now! Robinsons got additional cardmember discount, but baby item discountss very normal. All only for regular priced items. 20% for Pigeon, Avent, Aromababy, NUK. Didn't see any discount for Mustela.

Taka baby fair prices for some of the brands like Pigeon, Mustela, Avent, Playtex etc. are still valid today (not sure if will extend to tomorrow and weekend), and they have additional 10% rebate from today to Sun, if you spend min. $150 in Taka. Quite worth if you add up the baby fair discounts and this 10% rebate.

Tangs sale also very normal leh, for baby daily essentials. Some of the toys are going at 20% - 50% discount though, but i think more for older kids. Lots of pretty dresses you can buy for your older gal!

re: bumbo

I received one for my boy's full mth, but don't have the table. Anyone knows whether they sell the table separately?

Roz, PSH, muddypaws,

need to wear thermal swimwear for the baby? or just normal swimwear or swim diapers will do?

Stefie, you very brave! I wanted to go Club Med with baby (those with infant care), but dun dare - scared my boy give them too much trouble. Waiting till he start on some solids first, and able to sit up properly.

jc__bb, we brought Alexis to KUL in later April, okay leh. Just that we have to find diaper changing room. This Seoul trip we will find hotel near the all the shopping dist. Anything can just bring her back to hotel. Your baby not use of going out? Maybe bring him out more often? And let him get use to strange place. We have being bring Alexis out since she was 2 weeks old.

Crystal, yes yes, all the BB creams, face shop, Skin food, here I come[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Mid May should be nice weather. So looking forward.

Rachel, my sophie not here yet. Yours faster leh. Alexis teacher said she maybe teething cos can see white stuff at her gum. Ha!!! ha!!! I can't wait to let her have sophie[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lyn, not brave lah, my hubby loves to travel, anyway bring baby on plane is cheap, like 10% -20% of the ticket price. If don't bring now, will not be cheap liao. Cos Alexis is very tall for her age, maybe can enjoy this benefit of using bassinet till she is certain height (the height of Bassinet is 75cm) and subject to availability. If not up to 2 years old, baby sits on passenager's lap.

Don;t think so much lah, takes 1 step at a time. If baby sick just that it as building up their immunity system. I see Alexis grown so much during her 1 month in IFC, I feel that I made the right decision. And see how she is able to interact with her teachers (in her baby) way really melts my heart.

Stefie, I really peifu you. I till now still don't dare to bring baby go shopping. Like a bit troublesome. And also perhaps I never let her get used to going out. I did bring her to supermarket. But the stroller must keep moving else she'll get restless.

re: Bumbo

I got my Bumbo with table from Kidzloft for $39.90. If u want to buy, no harm going to Kidzloft regularly to see if they have Bumbo on clearance.

Lyn: Kidzloft may sell the table separately.

Re: swimsuits

Nope, no thermal suit. Liz has a long sleeve 2pc from USA, n she wears Huggies swimming diaper.

Re: Sophie

Hubby's sponsoring sophie so I just got sophie from tanglin mall! Liz seems to like it, nibbling on her ears. Hubby is shocked to hear that sophie is 50yrs old! My helper is shocked to know that sophie is so expensive!

Re: high chair

We got a high chair that can be converted into a table and chair for liz to sit and do her coloring next time.



Your Baby Ccan Read DVD set:

5 volume DVD set with lift the flap cards set of $2 UP 114.90, now $79.

Guess what I was so happy and showed my hubby who just came back and he told me we already have a set..arrrgh..no wonder I thought they look familiar. Did not have the flap cards though

If there is anyone interested, I can let go to you since this is member discount but its quite bulky so cant post.

Otherwise I will return to Robinson..sigh sigh..cant believe I am so blur.

