(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

I'm using the maxi cosi rear facing car seat. I also use a head support from summer brand. She seems uncomfortable on the car seat, like the head touching the body, but she didn't cry. So we think its alright. She likes to look at the bright lights or cars passing by.

Stefie, can send me the contact for Sophie again? Thanks.

My gal also drinks very little now. 6 feeds of 100-120ml. Sometimes will leave behind 60ml or so. It is a great challenge to feed her. She keeps turning her head from side to side and play with her tongue. Not sure if you mommiies have this problem.

andrea, finally i found another bb that loves water hahaha i was thinking that ethan is soo strange hahaha he favours water over milk at times.. hahaha...

milk intake

my boy average 140ml, 7- 8 feeds a day. day time per feed only last him about 2 hours. night time 730pm/8pm, last feed can last him about 6 hours, then 2am feed, last about 3-4hours .. daily consumption is about 1000ml ..

good morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie, haha u really lilke Sophie hor :p

seems to be more YOUR toy than Alexis! haha!

u even checked Sophie's age LOL!

melissa, i have the playmat..i find it very useful now..

shes basically on the mat the whole time she's awake and she flips and slp there, even feed lying on it hehe


seems like alot of babies here drinking still alot compared to mine..

now my baby's drinking seems to go opposite, she drinks abit in mornings, can go without feed for 6hrs, night she wakes up more for feeds T_T

Amelia - your boy can really drink a lot!

Cindy - my baby used to do that too, so we force him to change by giving him milk regularly every 3-4 hours during day time, even if he is asleep. It's ok if he can't finish the whole bottle, but it's more to train him to have a habit of asking for milk in the day. In the end, Night feed became on demand, and now he can sleep from 11pm - 7am every day.

amelia - wah your boy's intake is alot!!

cindy - which size you bought? I'm thinking of getting one but scared too big for the living room. How do you clean it?

Does your girl cry for milk? Mine doesn't leh..I just feed her when I feel its time like 3-4hrs.

lyn55 - mine doesn't ask for for milk unless she's damn hungry. We just auto feed her when its time. hmmm

Juliana, I don't feed Alexis water, cos I thought no suppose to right. The FM already 80% water. I only fed her when she was down with cough.

Pauline, Lyn, Alexis also suck her thumb thumb till very shiok like that. She will push her milk bottle away also and want to suck her thumb thumb. Now she upgrade to her fingers also. Wau lau. So nice meh, I will taste her hand today. Ha!! ha!!!

Cindy, no lah, just goggle and saw the pic that Sophie is 50 years old. Ha!!! ha!! I siao right. Sorry once my siaoness start, cannot stop liao. Ha!! ha!!!

Clarice, small eater lah. She is still in USA timing. If she is hungry she will ask for milk one, no worries okay.

Dbaby, jia you okay[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

PSH, maybe I just ignore her request bah. Mi bad mommy. As long as she is not crying, she wakes up and play and cooing at night, I will ignore her. Only que is crying=hungry or diaper wet at night.

Andrea, no problem lah. Andrew will starts drinking again. No worries.okay[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Melissa, mine is 150ml water + 5 scoopes of powder, so will be 160-165ml bah after everything mix up.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Littlemay, wait till I rec Sophie first then I will post here, I will test test and check the quality first. Anything I suffer first, if good, then I will review okay[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pauline, I worried for a while when you asked me the seller is Lee Ing. Ha!!! ha!!! Since no one review about her, so I am taking risk. When you ordered?


Ya i think it's good to auto feed when it's time to feed. In IFC, the teachers will do that too. This helps to maintain some sort of a schedule. Plus, lesser crying - like my boy who scream the moment he feels hungry. No in betweens of whimpering, or small cries.

Hello moms & dads!

Is it ok that I join in your chit chat? Seems like a bit late since all of you joined before giving birth.

Anyway, I gave birth to a baby girl (isabelle) on 21 Dec at mt a. My gynae is also dr Adrian woodworth. Oh, I stay in sengkang too. And, pd is also dr Allyson tan from kids clinic. Same as a few of you I think. And I have a dog too!

Yesterday attended the infant massage course at mt a parentkraft. It's good! Can see the baby enjoy it. Maybe some of you can consider going.

Regarding baby red cheeks, Isabelle gets it at times. Not sure if it's rashes. It's a bit red and rough to touch. So I'd change her cot sheets at least 2 times a week. Then I'll use cotton wool with cool water to clean her cheeks and hands at every diaper change. She sucks her fingers and tend to smear it all over. Also, I'll apply breastmilk. It will recover in a day or two.

lyn55, previously she can slp thru night, now she cant zzz

morning shes too awake to feed, she see the boob/bottle she cry..haiz!

melissa, mine can go without milk and wun cry.. when i feed her when timeup, she cry when she see her feed coming zzz

i think mine is size 1.9m, easy to clean, just use a damp cloth to clean only..or maybe i lazy la :p

easy maintenance coz its rubber also...mine kanaalot of vomits liao :p

stefie, haha u really like Sophie :p

will be a part of yr family soon hehe

really Clarice USA time leh..haiz..

night feed her, morning entertain i gg to faint haha

that day try to feed her more, she end up vomit zzz

dun dare to try liao haiz..

Hi Sam, welcome[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Which part of SK are you in?

My gynae also Dr Woody, PD different, I have 2 dogs and I have baby girl too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cindy, since you are SAHM, then do demand feed. But at night very tiring for you. Maybe once she start on solid then things will be easier for you. Poor mommy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

You know yesterday I keep telling hubby about sophie. Ha!!! ha!!! She will be new memeber to my family of 1 daddy, 1 mommy, 1 baby, 2 dogs. Wow my family getting bigger.

Hi Stefie, I'm at fernvale. Which pd your girl is going to? I thought all woody's patient got the same pd. Lol. Ey, what is the breed of your dogs? Mine illegal resident cos is big lo.

Btw, that Sophie toy is made in France or china?

Siao liao. Now shopping for pool. Ha!!! ha!!! Hubby gaves a go ahead[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

samantha, welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i from HG, not SK hehe

sophie by right made in France i guess hehe..

stefie, u have 3 babies, 2 4-legged and 1 2-legged haha!!

demand feed until i fainting..will be super muscular soon haha!

i want to start her solids, but duno when to start..haiz

next week seeing PD for her jab then i will check [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

haha u dun have to name the giraffe liao :p

next time looking for her just ask 'where is Sophie' hahah! too bad she's the granny in yr family, the oldest haha!!

y dun just get the float then can bring Alexis to public pool?

i duno how wide is the pool, but seems like not much space to move ard with the float ard the neck..

maybe ask the mummies here who owns them [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sam, I am at Anchorvale Link, Alexis PD is Dr Vanessa Tan from Kidslink. I am from TMC, so my PD was Dr Lilian Lim from The Kids Clinic, the queue quite horrible for none appt, so switch to Dr Tan @ Kidslink which for walk-in takes abt 2 -3 hrs as compared to 4-6 hrs at The Kid's Clinic.

Actually Dr Woody's Patients in TMC will be assigned to Dr Lilian Lim, at Mt A would be Dr Allyson Tan.

I have 1 Shih Tzu, 1 crossed ST-Maltese[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Now I have no time for them, can only feed, bath them, didn't play with them much, heng I have 2, so they play with each other. When Alexis grows up, they will have young owner playing with them, cute sight[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sophie should be made in france bah that's why so ex, I have not rec my sophie yet so can't comment. Will update here once rec. Sophie I am waiting for you leh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummies, any of you got conjunctivitis (red eye) before?

Hiaz..I started with right eye and spread to left eye with flu symptoms, nose like running tap and my vision is so blur now, scared eyesite affected[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] So worried for my eyes if nt recover soon, if nt gt to see eye specialist. Hiaz, seen doc twice liao,hiaz...physical so dwn n feel irritated/half dead but still gt to take care of my kids,hiaz!

Dbaby glad ur gal like sch n u hv recovered[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sophie giraffe:

I saw mums and babes retail selling but nt sure abt the pricing but can chk it out[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Juliana and Sharon, hope both ur babies are well , update us.

Juliana, baby body temp will be low and drop btw 35.5 to 36 when they are in sleeping mode, so it is normal. When they awake and active during day, it is btw 36.5 to 37, so it is normal[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Muddypaws, what brand of rice cereal did you buy for Liz? If u want a fuller feed for her, can add to EBM and warm up, if nt FM also can. Rice cereal can add wif water, EBM or FM[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi moms,

littlemay, i latch on directly but i bottlefeed my lil one at night,cos gynae advise to let her try to drink from bottle. At comin 4mths,she drinks like max 100ml but rarely, the most 80ml from bottle and i think thats also like that for breast.

My older one too,never exceed 100ml from baby till toddler.

e-car seat

my no1 HATED the carseat, she ll go berserk whenever on car seat, so theres a point of time she is seating on me (dangerous) till about 17mths when she has to be on the carseat to train her when she goes daycare at 19mth, and only then she accepted it.

My no2 is better,maybe due to cirumstances, she is ok with stroller,carseat,carrier.

No2 drooling lik crazy now, which is never before experience by me even as 2nd time mum,as no 1 never drools,never had teething problem,never need to suck pacifier nor fist nor hands nor feet!

This is a new thing to me.

Hi sam,welcome to the thread.

i went for parentcraft too when no1 was 3mths plus,yes very useful, and madam wong is really good . I m still massaging my older one with the same technique and she still love the "my arm are long and strong" technique, so now using it on my no2,and she lovees it man.

psh- i did asked my pd his term of sleepin thru, and what he meant was as long as they wake up and drink and continue to zzz till morn its sleeping through. we r the one that dosnt get to sleep thru.

My no2, sleeps at 9,wakes mostly at 4 to drink but sleeps back till 8am. In terms of this, she is consider sleepin thru.

As long as ur sleeps 5hrs max, she is sleepin thru.

Cindy, I have 3 4 legged (must include sophie lah), 1 2 legged. Ha!! ha!!! SO I have 4 babies liao.

No the oldest is not sophie, it is Ginger cos she is (9 x 7=63 human age). Ha!!! ha!!!

I find the pool better cos can do it as and when we have nothing for her to play. Even the public pool is only 5 mins from my house, still worried about the chlorine in the pool.

Maybe will try the public pool when ALexis is older bah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ya dun try public pool nw cos of chlorine, after 6 mths better[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

can buy baby pool n swim at hm as wat some u did...my boy didnt hv pool like his sister cos we sold away liao, wasted!

Welcome Samantha[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Stefie n Dbaby, i am thinking of changing my kids PD to kids clinic too, so which PD is good and how many PDs do they hv ah?

can use baby bonus rite?

Sophie is made frm France n it is painted wif non toxic n pine wood, very safe ingredients, that is why so ex cos good quality toy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cindy - haha, she's a night owl. She will be a party gal next time!

re: car seat

My Xavier hates the car seat too. Tink it's because it's too squeezy and the seat belt restricts him from moving about. But no choice, car seat have to be very snug to prevent him from being shaken. But once the car moves to a certain speed he is okie already. Nowadays i think he used to it already coz every morning and evening we bring him to and from IFC.

Samantha - welcome to this thread! How much did u pay for the lesson at parentcraft?

my boy is a big eater, that's y his weigh n height is 75% in the chart.

stefie: which pool that you use for Alexis? and where did u buy the sophie

LG/Paklon PlayMat

i m itchy finger n wan to buy the playmat with panels which cost me $198 .. but these few months i m over spent already le..sigh ..somemore daddy just bought a new bed to put on the floor for him .. should i buy??

Lynn: how long that you bb used to sit on the car seat? i have tried with my boy after full month till now, still cry n struggle wan to come out form the seat.

Mango, there are 2 PDs, Dr Lilian Lim and Dr Allyson Tan. Personally I feel that Dr Allyson Tan is more detailed. Do note of the waiting time for walk in hoh, 6-7 hrs (I think that time only 1 pd around). If baby sick how to wait for so long. So I switched to Dr Vanessa Tan at Kids link (Blk 237 Compassvale Walk), even with only 1 dr, waiting time is 2-3 hrs for walk-in.

So it is up to you.

stefie, haha i forgot Sophie is 4 legged, and that dogs age need to x 7 :p

lyn, i hope she doesnt become a party gal :p sure havoc haha!!


I am getting from here, will get the 80cm dia/80cm H cos we will not go in and play with her. $75 is quite ex, but for my Alexis joy, it is worth every cents[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Since hubby said not ex (cos me paying mah)


Sophie - I just ordered yesterday, wait till I rec, confirmed real stuff then I will post the email here. Anything I suffer first[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I take the risk first[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cindy, ha!! ha!! you more siao than me leh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pauline, please update later okay. Since all the jie meis here so kan cheong to get Sophie[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thank you.

i going to transfer the $$ for my giraffe.. maybe i will get it by fri or not mon? i waiting for u too.. sophie.. haha...

playmat.. i think i too greedy... buy the biggest size @ $180 and i don have such a big area to put the mat at home unless i need to shift the furniture... anyway..fold into half to use first since bb is small now...

my mil told me this mornin bb hit his head...i feel sad but don really blame my mil.... my mil said she placed her on the big cushion @ sofa and she just turn her bk away to pick the bottle and then my bb turn his head or what and hit his head against the sofa(my mil sofa is those antique wooden type) ... luckily he turn to his right ... if he turn to left, he may fell down fr the sofa n i really cannot imagine what will happen...

Amelia, we sent him to IFC since last Monday, so took him a week to get really used to car seat. But his face still sour when we put him in the seat - got this resigned look :p

Before last week, when we put him in, the car seat MUST move, whether in the car, or on the stroller. So we always very kan chiong quickly start the car and move. Red traffic light was always very stressful coz once he realise the car is not moving, he will start to cry. Now at least he can tahan 10 minutes without the car moving.

Lynn: I paid $150 for the class. 2 lesson. 1.5hrs. Taught by sister kang.

Stefie: I also not much time to entertain my dog. Feel guilty neglecting him. He's staying with my parents in another blk. Next time when baby not so demanding then compensate him.

Mango, cos only 1 pd on duty, 1 on leave bah, not sure. I was there for Alexis follow up, then only Dr tan around, The nurse told the walk-in to be back in afternoon bah so estimation is 6-7 hrs. I think Dec_mum also went there once only 1 pd, she was asked to wait for the clinic to call her when she went there in the morning.

Quite horrible.

Rachel, you also join in my siaoness. Sophie very cute hoh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sam, at least I have 2 dogs, they keep each other company. I guess it is norm for dog owner when have babies bah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

andrea, my boy needs 9 feeds a day!!! Day time 80ml, 12am onwards 120ml (twice).. all before adding powder!! Jia lak.. i'm thinking how to reduce man.

Playmat- I;m intersted! I saw e M size in expo but too big to fit in my lilving room.. I think can only fit a S size.. anyone has any idea roughly how much?

Wah Stefie, thks for ur feedback [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Heng I never change yet, my hb thot change one nearer to our hm..hmm will see how

Hee..sophie very cute, I also cant wait to buy for my boy too! He will njoyed it too just like his sister


i bought for my no 1 and she didnt like it leh.. she didn't even bring it near her mouth, think cos there was a very strong rubbery smell..

and the paint wears off very fast, so even though its non toxic, i wonder if its good for our babies to be eating it?

Anyway, i dunno if i'll let my no 2 try Sophie, cos it feels a bit powdery now, dunno if cos kept too long never use, so the rubber has some powder coming off..

I find tat its a very expensive teether and quite wasted cos my no 1 never use it for that purpose..


my no 2 has no problems w the carseat.. maybe cos we put her in from the day we left the hospital.. in fact she can sleep very well in it, so sometimes when we go out to eat, we'll just carry the whole carseat out and put it on the chair next to us and she'll continue to sleep thruout.

For my no 1, she was ok in the carseat only when the car moved, the minute it stopped, she'll start crying.. but after a few mths, she was trained to sit in it and didnt cry anymore.


dun worry, i'm sure your baby will be fine after the antibiotics.. jus tat its v heartpain to forcefeed them medicine now.

my no 1 had UTI 3 times before she turned 1! And the doc did mention abt having ultrasound and doing some invasive test on her.. but he didn't say we had to do it straightaway and asked us to think abt it... but since the last infection she had, she has been ok so far so we will not bring her for the test.


i too have the LG mat.. one in my house (hand me down from my nephew so its already 6 years old but in very good condition still) and another at my in laws hse.. i think its a good investment cos it can last so long and its a good place for the kiddos to play on, even if fall down also not painful.


my gal seems to have some red patches on her arms and legs every now and then.. notice it becoming worse after her bath in the mornings.. so not sure whether its the bath gel or wat.. i'm using Jurlique brand (free bottle given by Gleneagles), its supposedly organic leh..

dunno if should bring to see PD or just wait for it to disappear on its on.. but the spots will come on and off..


nice meeting you earlier.. so cute to see our babies just 1 day apart together.. maybe next time they can be play mates [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie.. haha i think we will buy whatever the best for our bbs...

my bb drink FM 100ml per feed.. increasin to 120ml today cos he get hungry fast...

mango/melissa: Just gave liz her rice cereal. I bought Bellamy Organic Rice cereal. The instructions say "5g of cereal to 60ml of water/milk". I put 2.5g of cereal to 30ml of milk and it's so watery. Ended up for 7.5g of cereal to 30ml of EBM! Plonked liz in the bumbo and started her on cereal. She was super hungry and was crying for milk, but after a while, she realised she was not getting milk, and finished the whole bowl of cereal, and I had to top it with 60ML of FM. On the whole, she seemed to enjoy the whole semi-solid experience. She was able to swallow well too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anyway, Liz drinks 110ML, every 2hourly.

cindy - haha, she knows that milk is coming? mine now learnt how to use her hands to slap the milk bottle when she dun wan drink. Very naughty! There's once after her jab I feed her till my blood pressure very high!

lyn - but its so weird she doesn't ask for milk at all. She can just sleep or play but will not be hungry.

stefie - wah..you really love Sophie! I tried calling up the the SK kid's clinic before, cause heard the pds very good. The waiting time was mad so I brought her to another pd.

rainbow - if he's always getting hungry so fast maybe you can also start him on semi solids?

muddypaws - so cute!!!!!!! can't imagine feeding my girl with solids. Where did you get he Bellamy Organic Rice cereal?

melissa: Got bellamy from Vitahealth at paragon. I think they have other outlets in tanglin mall, united square too. Note: it's cheaper than Paragon super market. I bought organic apple/pear juice for her too.

Melissa, my boy does that from time to time. Like this morning, i heard him whimpering so I woke up and find him trying to flip (but he can't yet). So i picked him up and tried to feed him since it's about time anyway. He stopped after drinking 50ml and refused to drink anymore. Only wanted to suck his hand and smile and baby talk to me. This is after like 8 hrs of no milk leh, and he still like not hungry lor.

oshgosh - i have the jurlique brand from gleneagles too, but i haven't used it. It seems they use quite a lot of chemicals (from the label), so i intended to keep it till Xavier is 6mths old then use. I so scared he have sensitive skin like me.

Re: Sale

I happen to see this warehouse sale on baby stuff on the net, fyi:


Melissa, Muddy,

Thanks, I have hidden the amulets and will only bring them out for bathing him. In case my mil wants to feed him secretly. I am a bad dil :p


Dont be too hard on yourself, as much as we try our best to take care of our babies, there will be issues or they will fall sick. Stay strong to take care of them and they will grow up stronger soon!


My boy is the same! He will start making noise whenever we stop at a red light or waiting to turn out from filter lane. Super impatient..haa


Liz still drinks every 2 hourly? Wow, must be tiring for you and your parents! I am so glad Julien has changed to 3 hourly...the extra 1 hour provides some time out for sanity.


I have the jurlique barrier cream from glen e too, but it seems to sting if my boy's anus area is red after pooing. Hence, stop using that and continuing to use CB Calendula...

stefie, haha my hub also quite ok with buying things for Clarice, he say baby only young once hehe..

my sophie making me busy, i have to hold for her to bite :p

otherwise she will bite out clothes/ her own clothes or our hands even -.-

melissa, ya when she knows milk is coming she doesnt use her hand to push (coz have to swaddle her to feed :p)..she will just keep turning her head away zzz

i also feed until blood pressure very high..

only my hub got more patience can coax her coz i wun carry her n let her cry hehe

Haha looks like Jurlique gave it out to everyone! Did you all get the bag also...I have no idea if it's meant to be a diaper bag coz it's so weird, in the end gave it to my girl to keep her toys. Also tried the barrier cream when he was newborn but it didn't seem to do a good job so I switched to Vaseline (so much better) and the barrier cream is now my hand cream.

Also been using the wash..coz I itchy hand go and open. lavender is not my favourite scent. It's alright..it doesn't really go bubbly but my boy has no adverse reaction to it, so just trying to finish it up. Probably 1-2 more baths.

Even those the baby wash has a long list of ingredients, it's mostly plant extracts and emulsifers to make it soapy. At least it's parabens free!

melissa, even if he's hungry, his day intake only 80ml. So should I add on cereal? He's 4 mths yest and my mil ask us to put a piece of meat/chick on his mouth meaning he can go only solid.



Welcum.. I also a SK SAHM. With 2 kids, 26M & 4M.


I'm seeing Allyson Tan, waiting time is bad as mentioned by Stefie. Norm HB will go register n we go down when they call.. But nw i only bring for jab n normal consultation to KKH Children A&E.


I bring my #1 to Kidslink before & ventilation nt very good, as wat we feel.. End up my gal went with fever, came bk with cough & flu.. Plus dun really like the PD there. So though waiting time short, we still alternate between Kids Clinic & KKH.

Play mat

Ya, mine is LG Parklon. Nt sure the size but jus nice for the whole 4 panel play yard to sit on. Very soon, gonna bring out the whole thing.. A good investment!!

