(2010/12) December 2010 MTB


yes, the jurlique stuff given by DBS Treasures right? The bag although cute but like you, i hv no idea what to do with it..

I also tot might as well use the bath wash finish even though its not very soapy..jus tat i dunno if its causing her to have those red patches.. but strangely its only on her arms, not on her body.


hope you both get well soon, very tiring to be sick and take of your 2 kiddos at the same time..


my bb also sometimes struggle like mad when its time to drink milk.. her head will shake left and right and both her hands will come up to push the bottle away... like yours, she also doesnt drink much.. each day about 600ml only.. and it has been the same amount since she was about 3 weeks old!


jialing: Haha, what to do? At least now, my helper n I take turns to feed. When I go back to work, my helper would be alone!

Re: flipping

Liz did her complete flip just now... And is going on non-stop!

my bb now 3mths plus n weigh 8k liao... drink 150ml of BM per feed n this week start FM one feed per day...

i think he seems to drink a lot... but anyway... he take over his dad... big size n love to eat.. haha

oshgosh, i duno how much my girl is drinking, but seems like she likes to feed to slp and will be difficult to wake her..

feeding her is becoming a chore, like battlefield [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

muddy, enjoy the flipping, coz once they start flipping they cant stop! haha


I knw where is tis. I went there to buy training pants for my gal.. They also sell stuff on BP too. The lady quite friendly. Its a small shop space and gt childreb clothings, toys & some ladies shoes. Gt nursing wear & maternity wear too. If u ask me, prices before less nt really tt 'low' as compared to some BP organised. So maybe after less will be cheaper. Its a 10mins non-sheltered walking distance..


Mine also same. Turn left right, hands come, legs kick when drinking in the days. Most of the time can finish all 130m or max leave behind abt 20-30ml.. Only during nite feeds, he will quietly finish all.. Hahaha =)


My #2 also drool like siao. Nvr had tis prb with #1 le.. I guess partly cos of tis reason so it worsen the rash on the cheeks..

#1 nvr really use teether tt i bought so nw i take some out to wash n sterilised in warm water for #2.

Today grandma ask me do a small test cos see my boy everytime look at us eat. So we took my #1 small bread n put in his hands. Guess wat?!? He bring to his mouth straight n wan to eat lo... I think i gt a 'tam chiak' BB..


Tks dear.. I am recovering le...

Nw tt u mention abt the bath gel cld be a reason for ur gal red patches, i am wondering cld the J&J nt suitable for my boy or causing irritation for his rash.. I think maybe i can try bath with J&J n see hw is it.. Tks for the 'light'!!


Btw the mummy(Yesmin) helped to get us the Medium Flow liao but nt sure send out liao ma.. U still keen? If so, i will sms u when i recvd it.. If nt i can keep it for myself..

Amelia - urs is wide neck..


My boy also drinking 130ml, arnd 7-8times.. Same like ur boy, close to 1000ml per day.. A lot hor?? He is 75percentile for his weight le...

Mango: my girl also seeing dr Allyson at kids clinic. Hmmm so far I only went base on appointment for the routine check so can't comment much on waiting time for walk in. But there was once when she's super cranky, we called dr Allyson and she arrange to see us quite soon leh. Within 3 hrs. Of cos we wait at home for the clinic to call then go down. But in the end we cancel it cos Isabelle manage to settle. And the next day she even call to check.

Rachael: your baby super big! Just when I thought my girl is rather big in size at 7.1kg. Yours even bigger. Very hard to carry hor? Especially when struggle.


abt the medium flow teat, yes i'm still keen if u hv extra.. cos i hv got 5 bottles (from the starter pack) and i doubt my gal can drink the fast flow until she's at least a yr old! let me know k, thanks!

Today my elder gal is staying over at my in laws place and i suddenly feel like i'm so free! have been surfing the net, watching tv online and feeling bored liao...(also tats why keep posting in the forum today, hehe)

wat do you mummies do when your little one sleeps half the time?


wah your 3 mth old baby catching up in weight to my 23 mth old gal!


my bb still no where near flipping.. she actually looked like she was gonna flip last week cos she kept turning to her side with her legs high in the air.. but this week, she's happy to just lie and talk to herself..

my elder gal flipped earlier.. really think every baby is special.

Dbaby: i still wan to medium flow teats(wide neck). ya lor, my boy drink quite a lot. same same, my boy is 75% of his weight(7.6kg) n height(67cm).


Me too.. I also gt the starter pack thus i die die also wan to find n see if anyone can help buy.. Hahah =) But i'm still using the smaller btl & i doubt i will use the bigger btl anytime soon.. Btw ur btl turning yelllowish ma?? Mine a bit le..

Ohh, i make use of the free time to do hse work, cook or surf on iphone/netbook.. If i on my netbook, i will update my kids blog diaries.. Time nvr enuf for me...


Sure sure.. Will update u once i recvd.. Am waiting..

hi mummies

i hd bring my gal for a dip in e pool juz nw...overall she like it n didnt make any noise...after e dip i quickly take e suit off n bath her n change into her clothes.

Dbaby: which part of sk you're in? I'm already having a hard time handling 1 baby. I find my girl a bit clingy leh. Like afternoons, she can't sleep alone. Don't know why. Sigh... Don't know how to teach her also. She's ok at night. Willing to sleep in her cot.


I'm near buangkok mrt.. I also nap for a whil with my BB til he deep slp for a while before i go do my stuff..

Jialing, Oshgosh, Roz - I haven't used the barrier cream! Was thinking of using it this week since my aromababy cream is running out. wah then i better monitor when i apply on him.

I used the bag as his daily infant care bag now. Previously i use it to store my nipple wipes and cream.

Dbaby - worth to go have a look?

My baby is officially on milk strike. Infant care teacher told me he regused to drink milk today. only drank like 70 - 120ml per feed (usual 150ml) and took very long to feed him. sigh...

Dbaby, I can't sneak out to do things cos she wants to be held to sleep. Maybe I not good enough when putting her down. Seem to wake her up. Just keeping fingers crossed she'll outgrow this.

lyn: is kiddo distracted at IFC? Or a sudden change in environment causing kiddo to go on strike?

Re: cereal

Done with 2nd round of cereal for liz... She absolutely loves it! Stares at me with her mouth open when i'm scooping the next spoonful for her... And gosh, she's a hungry little girl. despite feeding her d recommended serving size to her, she still wants milk! Guess I must up d serving size tmrw. anyway, she refuses to drink the organic apple juice I got her...

Re: swimsuits

Can try this swimshop in tanglin mall or united square...

Re: shower gel

J&J stuff is not as mild as it's said to be... Try pigeon which is more mild. I now use Anakku on liz! Cheap brand but works on her!

Hi mummies!

Oshgosh, my baby also seems happy to be on his back

instead of tummy. Only sometimes he looks like he's trying to flip. Most of the time happily talking to toys or himself lying on his back. his neck is quite solid though. I guess such stuff don't need rush bah.. They have their own milestones. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mummies, any babies here allergic to cow milk? Recently about two weeks ago I saw a bit of blood in my boy's poo. He doesn't have constipation too as he poo a few times a day and is watery poo due to him on TBF. Called PD, was asked to stop drinking fresh milk or anything that has a lot of milk cos PD suspect is cow milk allergy as some cow milk went to

my boy thru BM. After a week I tried some cheese and ice cream and my boy's poo got blood again so PD say quite confirm is cow milk allergy. Sigh. Now I dunno how to introduce FM to my boy when my BM ss finishes. Guess this makes me more determined to carry on breastfeeding him for now. I have to avoid cheese, milk and food that contains significant cow milk too.

PSH, seems like I'm not the only one. It's really very tiring. Your girl outgrow it already? Lucky got itouch to play game and surf web. Wish can dump her to someone to look after for 1 day to get some time for myself. But cannot leh, I direct latch to feed and haven't try intro bottle yet. Super sianz sometimes


The Kvoll Shoes nt bad if u looking for some wedges..

Nt really a very big selection of clothings or toys though & can find or buy on BP..


My boy also like tt on some days.. I will carry him til deep sleep like abt 15-20mins n slowly adjust n put him down... Slowly slowly without him noticing...

debbie: I think there's a range of FM that do not contain cow's milk. Maybe u can try?

Re: sophie d giraffe

Any idea which shop carries this? I've convinced Hubby to buy this for liz!


its realli vy tiring n fed up, hd to keep carring her n walk ard e hse...yes...my gal hd outgrow it ardy...hw old is yr bb??

i do wat DBaby did, carry until she is deep slp n put her dw...but mine nd to b carry more den 30 mins...

Dbaby, god's child - Thanks. Now have to try and shift the appt to Sat instead cos can't finish my work! fri got deadline, mon got deadline, arghhh......

Btw saw some red spots/marks on baby's penis earlier. wonder what it is...any mummy can advice?

Muddy, aww Liz is so cute and a good start for her on the rice cereal! Reminds me started my gal with the cereal.hehe.

U actually shld pour the quatity of cereal 1st into the feeding bowl, then add EBM/FM or water slowly to hv a thick texture.

I love Ballamy brand! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Melissa, Bellamy brand is widely available at cold storage bb section, vitakids, four seasons market and NTUC mega.

Hi mommies

Do you all notice some flaky flaky skin on your babies scalp? I don't use shampoo for my gal, just use lactayd in water to wash her head. Wonder if shampooing will help with her cradle cap and which brand of shampoo I should use.

Hi sam welcome: my Gynae is woody too !! but my PD assigned was dr koey from novena kids clinic. I delivered at tmc on Christmas eve. U are sahm? Good for u then u can continue latching . If not have to train bb to bottle feed soon. Breast fed bb more 'sticky' to mother I think cos always need to suckle and use us as human pacifiers. My boi has to be bottle trained at parentcraft as he v used to latching. Bo Bian cos I going back to work soon. He able to take bottle I can

express my milk out for someone to feed. Can have a

breather and a bit of life. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sam/ Psh: My boi also has to be carried and rocked before he falls into deep slumber. even so, putting him in cot to sleep is a challenge.'I have tried the Yao LAN which he hates. I also have no life as I have been carrying him to hong

him to sleep all these while. Very tiring and I am returning to work soon.

Yugal: if wanna talk about them, can write a story book Liao haha. Love them or hate them they will be a part of our lifes cos we rely on them too much. My mum always say Heng or sway" see which maid u get... Haha but all mostly got prob! But the. Again nobody is perfect, neither are we. So sometimes we close one eye lor. But if $$ lost that is quite serious. Cos before the maid comes in. My mum will lay 'ground' rules for her like no stealing or send back immed... So they know cannot Play play.

So far we have problems like cleanliness, or laziness ... But tO be fair there are some really good maids ard[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Stefie can pm me link to get Sophie? I can't help buying stuff for my boi!!! I self poison myself

Juliana: hope your boi get well soon. Dun worry so much.To think of it We have been worrying since the day we got


Debbie: I got using sebamed for baby. Find it quite good as my boi skin rather dry.'his face also has rash... I jus have to wipe all the time using cotton wool and good old plain water. I try no to use the steroid on face too much as it will thin the skin and cause discolouration.

2mimi/rachel: thanks! Shall bring Hubby to buy sophie! Hopefully liz likes it!

Mangogal: Yup, that's what I did... Have to double serving size today cos she's still so hungry!

After a month's break from direct latch, I let liz latch on yday night. Surprisingly, she hasn't forgotten how to suckle! She was so happy I let her suckle, n she suckled till she dozed off at my breast... Ah, the joys of motherhood!

Good morning everyone...urgh..felt like my boy kept waking up every hour to nurse. Even though we are co-sleeping, he would cry, latch, then unlatch, struggle to latch again, then kick kick kick kick. This went on through the whole night. Tired man.


my gal aso 13 weeks...


try put booster in btw e hands n legs n slp side way...den pat yr bb to slp...nw i do tis to pat her to slp n she slp better n longer...mayb our babies smting to hug den feel secure

hi mummies

notice quite a few of mummies interested in e tub...so i hd email to e person yugal giv see can they giv us further discount.

nw depend on hw many we order frm them n they will giv us e dis based on e total quantity.

mummies who r interested ps let me kw. hope to get a better price.


If that is the case , why dun u give H.A milk? Or soy milk instead of bm?

My kids are allergic too so I switch from cow's to soy to goats..


Ya, i sahm. So still direct latch and havent intro bottle. A bit lazy when i think gotta sterilize bottles and pump parts. But think will use soon when giving semi solids.

My baby is tummy sleeper. I actually chk with her pd cos this is th only way she'll sleep. So pd say ok. Just ensure firm mattress, nothing in the cot like pillows that can cos suffocation. Really envy those moms with more "independent" babies. Sometimes wonder if what those IFC do if babies are those type that cannot sleep alone. Initially I also got cranky with the lack of sleep. At least now she sleeps at night till morning alone. Just waiting for her to outgrow her afternoon carry-nap style.

Sebamed baby:

I've been using this product since birth also. I find it good. Quit mild. I got the shampoo, bubble bath which I use as soap, diaper rash, baby care cream and body lotion. Maybe moms with babies having some skin problem can try. That swanston at chinatown sells them cheaper than kiddypalace.

rachel chong: which seller is that? i wan to buy if the sophie the giraffee is $28.

PSH: i just transfer the money for the tub yesterday.. sigh.. i just missed it ..

muddypaws/mangogals - Ok I'll go take a look. I was surfing online and some mums mentioned Healthy Times cereal also. It has brown rice, oatmeal and barley. It looks quite good. Thinking of trying both brands.

My mil told me not to get organic and wants my girl to take normal baby cereal(normal brands) as to build their immune system. But I don't think so, those normal cereal brands have high content in sugar from what I read. Will tell her tonight.

Muddy - so nice that Liz is enjoying her cereal, I got to wait 1 more month to feed her, my pd recommended to wait till she's 5/1/2. Awww so cute! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good morning mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Managed to get the spa pool yesterday, will let Alexis have a drip this sat[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

She managed to flip without our help and happily on tummy time and head lifted for some time[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Now she very much prefer to be on tummy or side than on back[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So have to put heavier beanie pillow on her tummy when she sleeps at night. Helps to keep her on her back, but still 360 degrees turning when I check on her this morning. Ha!!! ha!!!

jc_bb, I bought Sophie from Lee Ing cos no one seems to get from her yet except Pauline (cos she gets from her directly), I am still waiting for my (opss Alexis) sophie. And will rec once I rec.

Mommies in case you can't wait I bought Sophie from this person Lee Ing,[email protected]

Rachel, your ordered Sophie from Lee Ing also?

PSH, Alamek, I just bought the tub yesterday. They live in Rivervale street, very near to my house, so I kan cheong bought liao. Mine is the 80 x 80 one[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just a note, the product is Made in China. Cos i thought was from Taiwan.

Pauline, you rec your Sophie already, is it made in France or China?

melissa> you should tell your MIL that organic foods are grown using less/no chemicals or pesticides...like how it was done back in the kampung days. Nutritional content also usually better, so organic is a healthier choice, thus better for their immune systems.

sophie> If anyone still keen on buying sophie I found an eBay seller in the UK, with shipping is GBP12.80 =$S$26...not much cheaper but cheaper than BP and in stores :D

Melissa, eh though Healthy Times is organic but I dun like their products leh :p I personally prefer Ballamy n Happy Baby brand

HAPPYBABY brand cereal, read the link:


It contain DHA and Probiotics even! Suitable for babies 6 mths above, the ONLY organic cereal having this 2 just like normal formula milk brand. Wah imagine, FM had DHA and probiotics and even organic cereal too, double strengthen their immunity [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

At 1st I gave my gal ballamy rice cereal for 2 mths but later I discover and switched to Happy Baby brand when she is ard 8 mths old.

I will prepare the amt everyday n tell the teacher in IFC to feed her my own Happy Baby cereal not their own IFC cereal which is nestle.

Well Melissa, expalin and share with ur MIL organic brand is better and also can build up immune system. Cos bb on formula milk liao, so rice cereal better start organic, purest form

Non organic brand like nestle, the cereal taste very sweet leh n thicker which I dun like

Mummies who didnt hv enough BM for babies, give organic rice cereal for a good start[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Roz: r u going to buy sophie from the seller u mention?

stefie: mine also 80 x 80 tub. Cost me $80 with the neck float n free doreamon waiver n delivery. how much is yours?

PSH, no problem, I too kan cheong liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Organic cereal

Is Happy Baby a recent brand? Coz I only recently heard of it. I know they have those little biscuits too, like Gerbers....wouldn't mind trying. Where do you buy from?

Amelia> Yah I'm thinking of buying...but still sitting on the fence haha. Want to combine order, save a few cents on shipping :D?


Roz, Happy Baby brand has been on the market quite awhile liao, prob 1 yr plus? Ya they hv Happy puffs and my gal loves it, cos it is a healthy snack than the biscuit. Gerbers puff I find it abit sweet.

U can get it frm Vitakids, four seasons market, I saw it at Hougang mega NTUC too beside kopitiam foodcourt, nt the one inside mall.

