(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

amelia: i m on insulin jab leh...i hv high sugar lvl n was already on oral med before preg but since now preg, cannot take oral med, soo my doc hv to ask mi do jab daily...my mum got diabetic, so do my ah yi...both of them passed away ler...

the prob with high sugar during preg is becos wat we eat...lil beanie will eat oso...more or high sugar in mommies, will cause lil beanie to grow very big in size and if beanie too big, u can't natural labor and beanie will be in danger oso becos it grow too big dan what they suppose to be...

with my daily jab...+ i control my sugar intake (actually not purely sugar intake...u eat too much, ur blood sugar will go high oso...like u eat too much rice, will oso cos sugar lvl to go high) so that beanie will not over grown....do take note lol...everything in moderate...dun eat very full oso....becos we tend to sit down after meal...no movements, body does not break down the sugar fast, thus, it will stay in out body n become high sugar blood....

crystal, LOL! I kept the biscuits liao.

feimei, I'm worry about my sugar level too.... but really craving for cola and 100 plus lately, makes me feel better.

feimei: ya lo .. i m trying my best to control my diet even my dad asked me nt to take too much food .. but hor sometime is soooo hard to control as if nothing to munch , my tummy hv lots of air n wanted to throw out le ...

my dad side of aunt n uncle, if nt wrong, almost all of them hv diabetes n 50% hv asthma ... scary ~~~~~

bbribena: i hv been out of soft drink for many years...hahahaa...but i understand lah...mommies hv craving...just take moderate lol...but not daily worrr...try dun squeeze all the food in one meal n ltr part u munch again...that will be really too Full...eat just full will do n make sure u move ard for awhile lol...dun just sit or lie down...let ur body work out n burn off the sugar in ur blood....i noe, diff ppl got diff metabolism...but do wat u can...

crystal: of cos munch something is a Can-do thing to help u subside ur MS but not on those sweet stuff like choc, sweets...munch on healthy biscuit...i bot the jacob hi-cal biscuit...quite nice...u can try...

as for fruits...i dun take durian, mango, banana(once a while), honeydew...all these few r high sugar contents worrr...can eat but make sure u can control ur in-take lol... =P i usually eat dragon fruit (very good, help in digestion oso), apple....

actually gest diabetic during pregnancy can be recover but if u dun take care, u can never recover lol....my frenx got gest diabetic during her two times pregnancy but after giving birth + she got be careful on her food, she recovered!!! soo dun stress up, ok!!!

sparkle bee: u must stop ur milo dinosaur ler...control...maybe once a wk to ease ur craving.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/proud.gif]

Hi Amelia,

asthma can be prevented or reduced the chance by eating apple everyday. There was some studies on it. Can google and read up.

Good Afternoon Mummies & Daddies,

Just back from our 3rd visit to Gynae. Little beanie grew to 1.89cm @ 8w2d. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Here are some of the questions we asked:

Q: Is it necessary to drink milk for expecting mothers instead of normal fresh milk?

A: Not necessary, as long as long as your daily calcium intake is sufficient.

Q: Can drink soya bean instead of fresh milk?

A: Not those from hawker. As long as it provides sufficient calium as per daily requirement.

Q: Safe to use acne cream ...etc?

A: Yes

Q: Having milky sticky discharge.

A: Excess protein discharge caused by pregnancy which is normal.

sparkle bee: no...i dun take durian...u can eat...but can u stop after one or two seeds??? cannot, right??? difficult to stop....feel like continue...continue till u feel shiok, right??? better dun lah...be good gal n control for the time been...

amelia: munch those healthy food...i bot those roasted almonds...(abit tasteless, but @ least something to munch on), nuts type...almonds good in calcium...tat day...when hubby not in...i pop open a bag of chips...i told myself eat abit...dan tied up....but i can't stop...eat till half bag...dan i bo bian...really hv to stop...dan @ nite...i take my sugar reading...wah biangZZzz~~went up...i ate too much liao...dan next day, i still not scare...no one @ home...i told lil beanie, told him/her, let's finished up the half bag of chips...dan i really finished up....i take my reading again...it went up again...ha...fr there, i feel soo guilty...i dun wan lil beanie to hv any trouble becos he/she got a 'tam jia' mummy...soo fr now...i hv not touch on any chips lol... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

just now had to shout at some kids banging at my office door. so mad at them. as i raised my voice can feel sharp pain and pull on my right side of tummy. this period of time really cannot be angry.

yugal, there are different type of acne cream.. some uses BHA as active ingredient, some uses AHA as active ingredient. my gynae asked me to stop any cream that contains vitamin A, read this: http://www.babycenter.com/0_safe-skin-care-during-pregnancy_1490031.bc

Vitamin A is sometimes labeled as the following:

Differin (adapelene)

Retin-A, Renova (tretinoin)

Retinoic acid


Retinyl linoleate

Retinyl palmitate

Tazorac and avage (Tazarotene)

Typically, vitamin A is also found in anti-aging products.

My doc also asked me to stop whitening products, I didn't ask in details why I should stop thou. I just stop using it.

nateM: same pull for me when i got very angry that day with my boss...on my right side too...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Relax...take a deep breadth in n out....u will feel better...but my pain persist till i leave office...hahahaha...i shld hv step out of office early tat day...take mc...hahahahahaha

feimei: ya ya .. i understand what u mean by muching chips .. i hv nights that craving for chips .. but try not to store any chips at home .. then i will hv no choice, then hv to look for other more healthy nuts .. now in the office, i hv a bag of mixed nuts n a bottle of super dilluted ribena in front of me all the time ... lil beanie seems like feel hungry all the time ..

what's your reading now?? how much that u need to jab??

Hi Amelia,

prevent or reduced by certain %. I read it somewhere from internet.

Hi NateM,

Relax, don't get work up. Drink more water now, to reduce the tension[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Take care

just now a cute little girl came in my office accidentally .. she just by passed everyone in my office n say "bao bao" to me .. sooooo cute .. so, i carried her, she is sooo darling [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Amelia, awwww.... that's so sweet!! Can make my heart meltss... My niece loves to stick with me when she was little... mimic my action of slapping on the toner...

no doubt she is sooooo cute ~~ her mum was so paiseh .. but she is sooooo cute le, so i just carried her n say bye bye to her when her mother carried her back .. she even turn back n wave ..

amelia: i do a jab for whole day supply (in the morning) n one jab before every meal (breakfast, lunch n dinner)...so far reading ok lol...sometimes high becos i itchy mouth...normal reading shld not more than 7...(forgot the unit/measurements liao)....dun starve urself and eat alot alot during meals...ur blood sugar cannot take the blast n will just stay high...soo do take note...

sparkle bee: my frenx warned me not to do all these @ these during 1st tri leh...i oso hv to survive with my ugly toes nails for the time been...hv been wearing covered shoe...hahahaha...u can wear a cap/hat??? or just tied up lol [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/proud.gif]

crystal, I just cut mine weeks ago. Just make sure the salon you going is big or well ventilated, so you don't inhale too much of the hair dye or other chemicals.

sparkle bee, coloring and rebonding, no no! The chemical will get absorb into our body thru our skin.

feimei, I still do nails... I read somewhere that as long as when you doing your nails, the surrounding is well ventilated, it should be alright.

bbribena, why did u cut arh? i tried to keep for as long as i can liao but now its soo messy.. i soo miserable and keep MS it gets in the way,..

crystal: cut hair shld be ok de bahhh...i oso intend to cut my hair...trim abit...if not...look like siao cha bo....hahahaha...

bbribena: i c...i c...ok, noted!

crystal, mine is getting messy and out of shape, badly need a trim. I have shoulder length hair for a year liao. So no heart ache. =))

girls, any one of u looking pale? most of my friends commented i look so pale, no blood in my face. aiyo... now hor i really look so ugly and bloated leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] haha

milo, pale? nope. I wear blushes. =P I do look very worn out in the morning when I walk a short distance from bus stop to office. But you are feeling fine, right? I just hope we can do alittle yoga or walking in our 2nd tri... I feel so clumsy nowadays...

crystal : i used to hv a waist lenght hair .. i just cut it straightaway til earloop lenght .. dun be sad , new hair style n make u look more 精神 .. some more it will grow back again le ..

usually first appointment takes how long for the whole process? just curious...first appt on monday..kind of scare.

crystal, I agree with Amelia, makes you look fresher, feel fresher! Plus with this kinda weather, I think short hair is better.

Amelia, I haven't been doing yoga for a long time! Years! I can't wait to start again! Your instructor teach lesson for preggie too? I m looking for one, so I can start during my 2nd tri.

Hi Milo,

I also looks pale plus tons of outbreaks plus double chin now. Now more like yellow-face mommy. Have to use blusher for ang ku kueh effect on cheeks. Who cares, pregnant women are most beautiful.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] It is so wonderful to be pregnant[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bbribena:she is teaching me alll the while .. i stop coz 1st trimester , she just asked me to come back for class during 2nd trimester .. so, i take it as she can teach pre-natal yoga class .. i can ask her again though

milo, yes i looked very pale and washed out.. my cols even asked if i'm going to faint hahaha..

will get better. blusher didnt help haha

Ethan, it depends on your doc. It can range from 20 mins to 45 mins, depending on how much you want to find out from your doc, and how much stuff your doc wants to brief you. Mine is quite fast coz I've been seeing this gynae for a while, she understands my concern.

Hi Ethan,

No need to scare. Should look forward to see your beanie mah. Normally, just u/s, check your Last mense dates, Medicial history. And Gynae would advise you want not to do etc ect.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

okie i hope i can make it to the salon this weekend to cut my hair. soo fed up liao..

maybe i can ask the stylist pls cut quickly within 30 mins so i wont puke in ur salon hahahah


bbribena: i oso stop yoga for quite sometimes...my instructor is from india...she is very good...she taught my frenx yoga when she pregy...but she stay in tamp leh...if u wan, i can give u her contact....

stefie: i have been having outbreak since i m preg...lower part of cheek and mouth area...arrrghhh~~~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] heng ahh...my bb cream n loose powder can cover some...still not soo bad...

