(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

stefie, LOL! In another few months time, we will be like walking buffaloes! By then, we need even more of those self hypnotize!

Amelia, let me know ya! Thank yoU!


Hi Feimei,

I dare not used BB cream, cos worried that the ingredients don't know safe or not. Nowsaday just compact powder, blusher, mascara, eyebrow.

Skincare worst, cleanse - toner- Sunscreen (AM)

Night: Double cleanse - toner -night cream. I will use Dalacin-T on my outbreak areas, this gel is given by my gynae. No time to do mask at all. I still have tons of paper mask at home. Maybe can start doing again during 2nd trimester[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

milo, my colleagues also commented i look very tired and pale. this despite me putting on makeup everyday. i cannot imagine if i turn up one day without makeup, i think they sure faint! i have to bring blusher to the office liao, touch up ang ang every few hours. lol!

i also will want to cut my hair. hehehe... will cut when near delivery too. but leave to the length tat can be tied or else v hot and somemore cannot wash. i also want to dye to cover grey hair leh. think got those natural herbs one, isit ok?

milo- me me... cos i got colleagues (guys) who dont knw im p. but i think they might hav guess it and keep asking me if im ok and say i look pale. and i haven put on mkaeup for the longest time le.

hahha dewdew,

me same as u hahaha... cannot jian ren

but blusher dont work leh for me..

i tink our BAI comes from within... the onli time i dun wan this kind of "fairness" hahaha

Ha!! ha!! Ribena, I think I will be Mama Hippo liao.

Hi crystal, can be hot mama!!! Just keep saying I am beautiful.

That day i siao, was changing. I asked hubby how I looked (when i am nude). He said I look weird. I just tell him, who cares what you think, I am beautiful mommy with huge bump and big boobs mah!! Ha!!! I said he must use positive words on me. I bo liao one.

We have not BD even since we know that I am pregnant. Cos of spotting.

Sometimes I find my hubby poor thing[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dun worry stefie...he will understand [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] bb and mommy's health is more impt.

ethan, i've been bloated since wk 5. belly button no change. usu pop out in last trimester.

thanks everyone!

long weekend is here! me going liao! yipee!

hope everyone have a great hol!

bbribena: that time onli my frenx mah...soo she went my teacher hse lol...charge so-so lah...becos my frenx mah...but if got more preggy to join, of cos she can find a common place for lesson n charge @ cheaper price...

stefie: my bb cream shld be ok de worr...i use the korea brand: Beauty....so far soo good lol...i use Bio essence toner and now getting lazy to do mask...on n off...i use those mask no need wash one...hahahahahaa....oso fr Beauty...

Hi Ethan,

Sure will have bloated feelings one. More to come leh. Just take it easy and enjoy the pregnancy process[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks, I also no urge, too tired liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Me too. My outbreak is along my jaw line.. My sis says when she preggy she has no breakout tat's y she gave birth to 2 gals than she say mine sure boy cos got breakout and nose swelling!!! I feel like strangling her..

The moment I suspect I'm pregnant, I actually ran thru the ingredient list on all my skincare pdts, making sure there's no vitamin A and no paraben. Run thru the ingredients into this database: www.cosdna.com

Very KS. LOL! I've very sensitive skin, so all my routine is very basic. And I also switch to mineral foundation, my skin can't take liquid/cream foundation very well.

I always tell my hub that I need to draw my face on before leaving the hse. =D

Thanks thanks. I havent told anyone about my pregnacy yet cos i wanna see what the gynae say on monday then tell my hub. I hope everything is alright..

Yooo jus woke up from a short short nap.

Okok no color n rebond of hair. Gosh. My hair is really like poodle fur Liao. Sob. I jus wanna look like a glam mama wor

yeah my gf did yoga and she say it helps with delivery. Smoother.

I siao siao sometimes. Bear with me leh.

Just that being pregnant make me have high spirits all the time[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I think I will just use, BB cream gives some radiance to my face. Really wonderful product. BB cream + Ang ku Kueh= Meimei mama[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bbribena...we always want to be pretty mommy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i'm just like u..i also need draw my face first..haha

Ethan u mean u hv not tell ur Hubby yet!? Haha how do u manage to keeep tat happiness to u... Haha if no 3 mths pan tan I wld really wanna tell my frens. It's goood news

yup...sparkle..oni 2 close frens knew about it cos i need to ask for some advice. I am not to sure hub will be happy anot cos he's still like childish childish. I'm happy when i tested positive with the kit. It's just like miracle to me cos has been trying for quite number of years...and recent years went for a few holidays..maybe tat's y no stress and got preg.

Stefie: What course are you taking? My brains are so rusty from not studying for so long its so hard for me to study and write papers!

mozmoz: Sometimes its hormonal, relax ya? And try to do things that will help cheer yourself up. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Crystal: I also kept telling myself I want to be hot mama. But then after the birth of my daughter, I got so tired and worn out that I became yellow woman for a while. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Only recently managed to get back my exercise routine and then lost all my preggie weight. Hehehe. Thankfully I lost all of the preggie weight if not go extra lobang for 2nd pregnancy.

Sigh my daughter fell down in the toilet just now and hit her head. She wailed for a while and then reverted back to her toys playing happily. Hoping nothing serious happens.

becos he was pretty excited about our europe trip..so i dun wanna spoil his mood first...so wait until monday and see what the gynae say...cos i have very light brown discharge..might be spotting..but it's a little bit...so i actually brought foorward my appointment to monday now. Tat's y also scared lor...i wanna bb to be alright..i can dun go europe cos europe will always be there...can go anytime after birth.

Hi Chilli,

I am taking Pte secretary Diploma, cos I am secretary, no this paper even with my other Diploma also useless. Just 1 more paper to go[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So have to jia you for my Milk powder $$

Poor mine, hope your daughter okay. But kids are like that one. Can cry and happily playing. I think she should be alright[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Ethan,

No worries, you won't spoil his mood, just tell him, since you guys have been trying for so many years. Trip can always postpone, next time would be 3 memebers instead of 2 mah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Stefie me secy too. But need tat cert ah? My boss jus took me in w/o any secy experience but I got degree lah. Haha jus wanna a job tat is more relaxed but I was WRONG! like

mother hen manning his schedule n meetings. So busy

Hi Sparkle Bee,

Yap leh. I only have adv Diploma in Bis admin, also not enough. PSD is min in some company. My co still okay, just that next time change job, PSD would be super useful. So for milk powder $$ sake lor[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie: where u take the cert?? i hv been wanting to take...i wan to change of my environment....very tiring in IT...sianZzzz...

Hi Feimei,

there are few school, the one I went is at uptrend.


Have few training centre, but the school service so-so only.

Anyway the course is abit too easy for those who went to higher education at Polys or university. But this paper is more like stepping stones for some. Anyway only need to clear 4 subjects[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hope that helps[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks for the tips amuro, sparklebee, Lovebyte. ya my storeroom can get a little stuffy unless we leave the door open. maybe will put her stuff there and get foldable mattress for her to sleep in the room. will see how it goes.

Amelia, i also had weird dreams past few weeks. think it's to do with the pregnancy hormones bah.. but can understand... sometimes the dreams quite disturbing one!

feimei- thanks for the peeing tip, will try that out. only thing is i drinks lots of water so i keep running to the loo. trying to cut down water intake at bedtime. have been waking up to go toilet 3-4 times at night

sparklebee, dew dew, Rainbow, i'm same age as you girls! stefie, you're 33 and already expecting no.3, means you're way advanced than most of us lor.... ;)

cherrrry - your gynae said you can eat RAW salmon??? don't mean to dampen your mood but you sure you wanna take the risk ah? especially in first trimester? i have to admit, in my first pregnancy, i took a few slices before I found out i was pregnant, and things were ok. but i did worry a little when i found out. thinking back, personally i find it's not worth taking the risk lah... cause you'll never really know how fresh and how they handle the fish in the kitchen wor. (guess i'm the really careful sort) just my two cents worth. but if you still think it's ok to go ahead since your gynae gave permission, enjoy! ;)

oh no Chilli... ya hope your gal is fine. she sounds like it. ;) they usually are quite hardy creatures, kids.. just as long no vomiting and signs of disturbance.

bbribena: i in web field for the 7yrs...very boring...wan to sleep...so..decided to switch to support area...now doing floor support...very hectic n stressful... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hihi yvaine! Ya dr woody v confident and says no problem w the raw over there. But Im sure I won't eat in SG. Agreed w u tat hav to make sure it's real fresh over there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and hope I got the mood and appetite to eat. So looking fwd to my 2nd tri then. All mummies Jiayou!

yvaine: Ya she is fine. After her nap can scream, play and run. Haha. I guess I was just feeling guilty cos she had fallen off the sofa once and fell on the back of her skull earlier this week, and now slipped and fall in the bathroom, hitting the same spot. Sigh.

Haiz... Again at this hour cannot sleep. Oh yes, I read some MTB ate dragonfruit for constipation. Isn't it too 'liang'? Do u take it daily?

I tried to sleep with aircon last night but felt miserable. Sometimes I feel like I'm burning under the blanket, at other times I'm trembling. Any one has this experience?

Hi TenQ,

Wow, you're up early! I wanted to sleep late since it's a PH but the room was so bright, no choice cannot sleep liao. :p

I have the same problem as u, so I'm always adjusting, sometimes pushing the blanket away and sometimes covering myself up to the neck. Lol... a bit mafan lah, but what to do? Guess our body temperature still fluctuating.

Hey TenQ,

I've always been sleeping with aircon. Sometimes i do feel a little cold but i guess because of my quilt usually I'm quite snugged in after a while. While watching TV in the living room I do feel a little warm.

FeiMei: I'm also in the IT field but more towards education. =)

Rainbow: I did eat dragonfruits but nt daily, 2 or 3 times a wk is gd enuff n do eat the white flesh one, not the red one

tenQ: with jus fan on, out of sudden, I can trembling, hv to pull my blanket n cover till neck, Dan after awhile, I feel like suana....hahaha...

Lovebyte: we in same industry...I hv been in education for very short period, helping my frenx as a part timer...I feel not bad but time pass very slow leh.... =p u teaching in sch???

Lovebyte, you doing education IT? Eg. educational cd program?

I slept at 10 plus, woke up ard 3am. Too humid to sleep last nite. I don't sleep in aircon daily cos I hv sinus, aircon is just making it worse.

feimei, why can't we eat the red one? I heard the red ones are frm local and MY farms. I love the red ones as it tastes sweeter. =P


Hi girl..

Just found out that I was pregnant with my third child..

I have decided not to use my previous gyane due to some incidents.. Does anyone has a good one to recommend ? Not too ex coz 3rd birth already.. If I am not wrong should be Edd 20 dec...

